I can see the results after workout but...

I began my routine at December 2010. started with EL 14 cm and EG 13 cm. i am already 2 months into my routine and got very minimal results (better flaccid state tough) but i am still learning the so its all good. the thing is that now, after i finish my workout my EL is 16.7 cm and EG is 15 which is nice, but right in the morning after its getting back to where it was (which fu*** sucks).
its probably the same as body building when you're muscles are gettin bigger right after a workout for few hours
/// i guess my question is how to cement these evasive results?
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I notice the exact thing same as you, and DLD says the same thing over and over... consistancy is key, and not rush through it. I know it sucks seeing the results go away but keep it up and it will cement. What inspires me is DLD started out 6 something (correct me if i'm wrong) and is now much much bigger.
only time will cement gains...it can take months to see gains and months to cement them...just keep going and you will notice your bp and non bp increase in time...good luck
Penis Enlargement is not as easy as gaining size and stopping as there is temporary gains that need to be trained repetitively to make permanent. For me it really was not a big deal as I was always wanting more so every gain I made I went beyond it and this cemented all gains. I have gone months without Penis Enlargement and the gains still stay.