The Arginine seems to have some effect in the reduction of the memory and capacity of concentration, difficulty of learning, fatigue, in the physical asthenia (muscular) and mental, intellectual and sexual, in the insufficiences of the liver, of it supplies-renais them and the gônadas ones. INFORMATION TECHNIQUES L-Arginine. she is precursory in gênese of Nitric Oxide. The Nitric Oxide is a molecule, that presents multiple functions in the organism. Amongst these, we have the stimulation of the imunológica reply mediated by linfócitos and macrophages; the reduction of the plaquetária hiperagregabilidade and the maintenance of tônus vascular in the regulation of the arterial pressure, that involves a dynamic balance between Nitric Oxide and the endotelinas. The Nitric Oxide, produced in the endoteliais cells from L-Arginine, determines a vasodilatação. L-Arginine increases the release of the hormone of the growth, that if finds diminished in aged individuals. Evidences exist, also, demonstrating the beneficial action of L-Arginine in the cicatrização processes. The aspartate of L-Arginine acts as defatigante and in the diverse types of asthenia. It acts, also, as coadjuvante in the treatment of the infectious processes in general, also in the caused ones for it estresse it. The aspartate of L-Arginine strengthens, still, the muscular capacity.