Sou novo no forum.. Preciso saber tudo sobre l-aginine.(efeitos colaterais e outros,) Please hekp-me.... quantas mg devo ingerir ?? L-aginine ajuda no crescimento do penis ? 1?2? 3? 4? 5? 6? 7? ?? ?:( is best sumplements ?
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wohoo19m said:
Really ? I heard somewhere that 500mg was plenty. Care to share why 3000mg would be a good number?

500 generally won't produce noticable results as 80% or so is destroyed upon entry into the stomach.

Bodybuilding uses(and the same would apply to Penis Enlargement) have always been 2-5 grams
All studies performed upon the effect of l-arginine on vessel-tone, ED and cellular repair were conducted using a dosage range of 3-5 grams.
I am new in the forum. Necessary to know everything on l-aginine. (collateral effect and others,) Please hekp me…. how many mg I must ingest? L-aginine helps in the growth of the penis? 1? 2? 3? 4? 5? 6? 7? ? is best sumplements??
Last edited by Quakepak : Yesterday at 06:41 AM. Reason: ajust
I made a research in my country and discovered the following one…. ALPRAZOLAM = and a present benzodiazepina in l-arginine forgives for the English
worries me in taking 1g per day more than<:(
good luck
EFFECT COLATERIAIS The collateral effect, if to occur, generally are observed at the beginning of the therapy and disappear, usually, with the continuation of the treatment or reduction of the dosage. The verified more common collateral effect with ALPRAZOLAM was the sleepiness. Less frequent the colaterias effect had been, daze, blurred vision, clutters of coordination, some gastrintestinais symptoms and neurovegetativas manifestations. The paradoxical example of other benzodiazepinas, reactions as stimulation, agitation, difficulties of concentration, confusion, hallucinations or other adverse effect of behavior can be presented in rare occasions and to perhaps. It can still occur prurido, incontinence or urinária retention, menstrual alterations of libido and irregularities. Superdosage: Decurrent manifestations of superdosage of ALPRAZOLAM include extensions of its farmacológica activity, that is, ataxia and sleepiness. It is indicated induction of the vomit and/or gastric laudering. As in all the cases of superdosage, the sanguine breath, pressures and of the pulse they must be monitorizadas and supported for general measures, when necessary. It can be managed intravenosos fluids remaining ventilation adjusted for the respiratory ways. Experiments effected in animals had indicated that collapse can occur to after cardiopulmonar great intravenosas doses of ALPRAZOLAM (about 195 mg/Kg; more than 2000 times the daily maximum dose for human beings). The animals could have been reanimated with ventilation positive mechanics and endovenosa infusion of levarterenol. Other studies effected in animals had suggested that diurese forced or hemodiálise if had shown probably of little value in the treatment of the superdosage. The example of the superdosage with any another drug, must be had in mind that multiple agents can have been ingested.
The Arginine seems to have some effect in the reduction of the memory and capacity of concentration, difficulty of learning, fatigue, in the physical asthenia (muscular) and mental, intellectual and sexual, in the insufficiences of the liver, of it supplies-renais them and the gônadas ones. INFORMATION TECHNIQUES L-Arginine. she is precursory in gênese of Nitric Oxide. The Nitric Oxide is a molecule, that presents multiple functions in the organism. Amongst these, we have the stimulation of the imunológica reply mediated by linfócitos and macrophages; the reduction of the plaquetária hiperagregabilidade and the maintenance of tônus vascular in the regulation of the arterial pressure, that involves a dynamic balance between Nitric Oxide and the endotelinas. The Nitric Oxide, produced in the endoteliais cells from L-Arginine, determines a vasodilatação. L-Arginine increases the release of the hormone of the growth, that if finds diminished in aged individuals. Evidences exist, also, demonstrating the beneficial action of L-Arginine in the cicatrização processes. The aspartate of L-Arginine acts as defatigante and in the diverse types of asthenia. It acts, also, as coadjuvante in the treatment of the infectious processes in general, also in the caused ones for it estresse it. The aspartate of L-Arginine strengthens, still, the muscular capacity.

.Burnett demonstrated that the relaxation of the smooth musculatura of the vases of the cavernous body and the consequent peniana erection involve increase in the production of Oxidate Nitric, from the Arginine, in called neurons not not colinérgicos adrenergics (NANC), in endoteliais cells e, probably, in smooth muscular staple fibres, of this agency. Melman and Christ, had also demonstrated Nitric Oxide as being a neurotransmitter NANC the masculine genital level, as occur with the inervação of the cells of the cavernous body, where its release determines peniana erection. The work of Melis and Cols. she demonstrates that the inhibitor administration of the one IN (L-NAME and L-NMMA) prevents this reply. On the other hand, the deficiency in Nitric Oxide can be associated with the impotence that, frequently, occurs in the diabetic patients. In the induced diabetic illness experimentally in animals, when compared with diabetes human being, the Nitric Oxide deficiency can be correlated with the sexual impotence, observed in diabetic patients. These comments, can be the scientific base that the popular comment explains of, reputed, aphrodisiac properties of the nitrito of amila. Rats become deficient in Nitric Oxide present extreme difficulty of copular of efficient form. The number of “attempts” increases, at the same time where the penetration diminishes, significantly.

Arginina - in. PsiqWeb, Internet, disponível em PsiqWeb - Portal de Psiquiatria , revisto em 2005.
newguy01 said:
500 generally won't produce noticable results as 80% or so is destroyed upon entry into the stomach.

Bodybuilding uses(and the same would apply to Penis Enlargement) have always been 2-5 grams
Stomach acid does not destroy amino acids. That simply is not true.