Hello, this is Kris


Active member
After @Haursen 's recommendation, I would like to introduce myself.
I am Kris and I have zero experience when it comes to PE. The only PE I have done in the past is Clamping with Python for 6 months, each other day, which did not bring me any result at all.
I have read a few posts in the forum and I have started doing the 5x5x3 program. I have also started doing length routine with Length Master and my program is like this:
Morning:: Length Master + SiliSleeve (6 hours max)
Evening to night:: Girth Routine + 1 hour cock ring

Doing girth routine is more difficult than going to gym and doing weights. That's because I suffer from low libido and ED. My ED problem is somehow complicated. It might be a result of psychotropic drugs, a result of the bad image I have for my self, and of course the bad Image I have for my penis which ... I do not like it. I think low self-esteem plays a major role here too.

Until recently, I had Premature Ejaculation too. After 10 years of searching, I almost found a way to fix this thing.

I am 5.5' x 5.5' (5.5' length, 5.x5' thickness). My goal is 7.8' length, 6.8' thickness, but now that I am thinking of it, I do not know if it is doable - for me. I am not 25 years old, and I am not like I used to be.... right now, having an erection and Libido is way more difficult than 2 hours of gym. After the second time of the 5x5x3 program (after 2x ssj's and 2 x pumps) I can't have an erection anymore.

This is the reason I am trying to get the max out of the routines, and that's the reason I ask so many things in details - because I need to find a way to confirm that at least what I am doing, will bring results.

Recently, I decided to add 5 minutes of bundle stretches and 10 minutes of MOS RED before my Girth Routine in an attempt to loosen the things down there. Although I do not know what I am talking about, I am just following the recommendations.

There are a few things that I need to know which are things that I am available to do.
1. Will more hours in cock ring bring faster results or better results?
2. Shall I put a silisleeve 2 hours after girth routine? Will it bring better results?
3. How can I maximize my results?
4. Is there a way to alleviate ED?

Re-welcome again brother. This is the best intro to sink our teeth into to provide insights for your routines. Yes, PE is no joke. It is hard because you're working on a body part that the body tends to ignore after your primal year. The only thing our body needs is the scrotum and urethra.

Just to let you know, depending on the drugs, psychotropic drugs can and will interfere with your tissue growth. If you feel confident in posting what they are, it can help us to formulate a plan around the drugs to negate the adverse interactions. If you're not confident in posting the drugs, we can play guessing games to the best that we can.

To answer your questions with existing issues you mentioned:

1. Will more hours in cock ring bring faster results or better results?

Yes it can. I say it can because it does. You have limiting factors such as the drug interactions and interferences. We will find a way around them. However, do be honest with us so we can come up with solutions for any possible scenario under your case.

2. Shall I put a silisleeve 2 hours after girth routine? Will it bring better results?

No. If you're using a cock ring, stop using the SiliSleeve. You're doubling the effects using just the cock ring. Volume of blood must be at 70 to 80% of the erection volume. Make sure to always, always, always cycle new blood into the penis.

3. How can I maximize my results?

No one will gain like the last person as each person body will adapt, adopt, and regrowth differently. However, by creating a log for us to know your progression, we can visualize your growth patterns. Patterns give us in-depth growth potential and we'll work with you from there.

4. Is there a way to alleviate ED?

This subject has been poked at for over 4 decades. Every one has cancers, and cancers vary. People having ED, and ED varies. Psychosomatic symptoms to physical limitations and ailments generate untold combinations of issues. However, we will find a way.

First thing first, the meds you're on, are they needed for your psycho-related need after the relational traumas or was it before? This provides where we stand to kneel with you, or pull you up and out from the kneeling positions and start walking with confidence again. We all gone through this path in some form or others. We understand your needs.
2day I managed to do an intense workout with LM3 for the first time (15 mins) and afterwards 5x5x3.
To my attention, I found that while doing 5x5x3 my penis was longer (which I really do not care because I want girth).
The reason I did it, is because in the SRT routine of @DLD - he said that bundled stretches are very helpful for girth.
After I put my cockring - after 30 mins my expansion is lost, but my penis is still longer. Maybe intense LM3 bundled stretches before girth routine are not advisable? I can swear I see my penis longer but thinner. Where did my expansion go for Gods’ sake?
The reason I did it, is because in the SRT routine of @DLD - he said that bundled stretches are very helpful for girth.
After I put my cockring - after 30 mins my expansion is lost, but my penis is still longer. Maybe intense LM3 bundled stretches before girth routine are not advisable? I can swear I see my penis longer but thinner. Where did my expansion go for Gods’ sake?
When you pull too hard, the longitudinal (length) tissues stressed and allow you see length more than girth. Twisting in a bundle allow you break tissues laterally (girth) for prep work on girth expansion as we discussed earlier in the monster girth post.

Length Master allows you the leverage to contort (twist) to break the collagen bonds for the girth. Don't go crazy with the pulls and tugs if you're only looking for girth. Reduce your LM routine to cranks only if you're only aiming for girth, and go for 5 minutes instead of 15 minutes.

As for pumping, you can either stick to your Spartan Mode routine or you can experiment with brother @DSD80 method that I also use in my modified 3x3x10 routine:

Post in thread 'DSD Progress log' https://mattersofsize.com/threads/dsd-progress-log.1831675/post-1968774

Remember, you must find your optimal routine that best fits you. Since you are aiming only for girth, we'll make note of that and only give you directions on pure girth routines. It's up to you to observe and discover the best routine that matches your needs. This will be challenging as you do have some tall walls to overcome in this PE journey.
I want length but not by sacrificing girth !! 2day I saw exactly this and how am I suppose to observe what works best when the results come after months ??
My expansion is getting lost after 30 mins. I can't understand why !! I have improved my sessions, my erection, everything. I do not understand!!!
Let's break down your questions with answers.

I want length but not by sacrificing girth !!
If you push hard for girth, you have to ease up on the length work. If you are desperate for girth, back off the length work as much as you can. Using the LM for girth is achievable, but, you cannot be pulling and tugging like you want pure length on it. You can only use the LM to break the tissues and collagen bonds laterally.

2day I saw exactly this and how am I suppose to observe what works best when the results come after months ??
To observe the gain during the 5x5x3 routine type, just like the info in prior posts, look for expansion of the penis that lasts for more than 2 hours. Your routine should not make your penis feel soft. The epidermal skin layer should not have fluid or water retention, making your penis looking like a balloon. Your penis should feel nice and rigid with the expansion, even with just 0.1in additional girth circumference. The longer you work on your girth with smart pumping like we described above, similar to brother @DSD80, you may find your golden expansion routine greater than 0.5in of solid expansion at the end of the routine.

My expansion is getting lost after 30 mins. I can't understand why !! I have improved my sessions, my erection, everything. I do not understand!!!
Lost after 30 minutes taking the cock ring off means your internal tissues are not getting the expansion you are looking for. The tissues have expanded, but does not retain the engorged state for long. This is normal if you did not push the internal pressure high enough. I'll explain.

You can push your pumping pressure up to10inHg, but you're not forcing your penis to go full erection at 100% at 10inHg. When that happens, your internal pressure remains around 3inHg, or even less. Remember, growth starts at 5inHg for the internal pressure. If you are fully erected at 100% at 5inHg, and keep fully erected as you approach 10inHg, your penis will continue to expand internally. When you release the pressure from 10inHg back to 5inHg, you must keep the erection up to take advantage of the newly expanded state. You cannot let your penis goes limp. You have to keep pushing blood in and cycle it as much as you can at full erection.

If you get any good internal expansion, it will last. I mean, it will really last. It can vary between a couple of hours to over half a day. Using the cock ring all day will keep the new expansion going all day. Wrap it, strap it, and keep the expansion going all day and you'll get the continual expansion as long as you want.
I don't understand. LM helps with girth or not ? Or shall I do only bundled stretches WITHOUT pulling out ?
Also I enter the cylinder 85% erected which means at 10hg I am 100%.
Shall i play to 5hg then 7hg then 10hg instead of doing 10hg all the time ? I have zero fluid retention cause I use dry pump mityvac. Also I have am expansion which is a small one. The think is how can I get 1 inch expansion is it possible ?
I don't understand. LM helps with girth or not ?
Yes it does. When you pull, that works on length. When you twist, that works on girth. If you ONLY want girth, gentle pull with more focus on twist. This is the cranks.

Or shall I do only bundled stretches WITHOUT pulling out ?
YES! Bundled stretches without the hard intense pull. Just lightly pull.

Also I enter the cylinder 85% erected which means at 10hg I am 100%.
If you feel like 100% erection at 10inHg, perfect.

Shall i play to 5hg then 7hg then 10hg instead of doing 10hg all the time ?
YES. Experiment with dynamic pressures. 10inHg for 3 to 5 minutes straight will make your penis have quick fatigues. This will force the penis to turtle back into your body and wants to preserve itself.

I have zero fluid retention cause I use dry pump mityvac. Also I have am expansion which is a small one. The think is how can I get 1 inch expansion is it possible ?
It may be possible. I got close to 1.25in expansions a few times and retain it for a few hours without fluid retention. Give it a try. But, do not hurt yourself by going to extreme measures. Be safe.
Read the article "the penis is a balloon not a rope" this makes sense of aĺ of this.
Thanks, I read it and I understand what @DLD said. I trust him because he is the father of PE and the creator of the techniques that made our brothers happy. What he learned during 19 years of PE, he gave them for free to us, so we can make gains in just 6 months.

Brothers, please help me. I must understand what's the best way to have bigger expansion when doing girth routine. Saying this, I want to share with you something that took my attention.

2 weeks ago, I stopped PE for 1 week to rest my self. When I started again my PE work after a week, I did my girth routine and I put my little kris inside the cylinder with 10hg of pressure and .... It was like nothing to me. No Joke. I barely was feeling something. I thought that my mityvac is broken?
Then @oldandlively suggested to me to not go higher since the pressure is there and ofc I listened to him.
Today, after doing Girth work for 3 days in a row, 10hg seem to me to have a strong pressure.
I can swear that I am feeling okay, and my penis too. But 10hg now seem to me challenging (compared to the day when I rested for a week).
So, I am asking if maybe...just maybe the trick is fatigue? Maybe If I do girth work non-stop, the 8Hg will be challenging for me?
Maybe If someone rests too much, that's not good? Guys, I swear to God, when I got rest for 1 week, 10hg was like nothing to me.

@DLD is there something complimentary that can add expansion to penis? My fatigue thought is correct?
If you believe 8inHg feels nothing, and 10inHg is your new pressure limit, go ahead and challenge that new pressure into the 10inHg and higher. This is your decision now. Creep up into 11inHg if you want. But be warned, you are entering into dangerous territory. We simply want to protect you. However, if your body starts to adapt at higher pressure, proceed with extreme caution.
If you believe 8inHg feels nothing, and 10inHg is your new pressure limit, go ahead and challenge that new pressure into the 10inHg and higher. This is your decision now. Creep up into 11inHg if you want. But be warned, you are entering into dangerous territory. We simply want to protect you. However, if your body starts to adapt at higher pressure, proceed with extreme caution.
Perfect advice 👌
Do you all really do that? Then @DLD should add these supplements to the SRT so he maximizes the SRT effect and add best supplements to the store.
For me the cum cocktail/ increasing semen is just a mental bonus to have. Knowing you taste great, and knowing you have more cum is just a big dick energy boost that gets me through my routine and sex. I'm not sure about it as far as gain but definitely helps pump you up to get you in the zone.
For me the cum cocktail/ increasing semen is just a mental bonus to have. Knowing you taste great, and knowing you have more cum is just a big dick energy boost that gets me through my routine and sex. I'm not sure about it as far as gain but definitely helps pump you up to get you in the zone.
What's that can you tell?
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@squirt_inducer_man when doing lengthmaster do you put the lengthmaster as possible to the extreme base so you can pull from there or you just put the head of the penis at the specific slot there? (Just the head outside of the LM)
Depends on where in the progression you are. I was forced to only attach at the base after some time because attaching behind the glans didn't do anything for me any longer. When I was stretching I constantly was aiming on stretching my inner penis and ligaments, and to keep to soreness in my inner penis really high. Feels like you still are a newbie. This feeling never went away for me.

No worries. If you are doing 5 minutes holds (each stretch are 5 minutes long) you will stretch your entire penis because your penis will elongate during those 5 minutes. After 3 minutes you will pretty much have maximum elongation and then you hold that elongation for the rest of the 2 minutes you have left of that set. This is why I highly recommend to hold each stretch for 5 minutes. You will see fastest gains this way.


Here are all my videos with: LengthMaster 3.

1. Bundle first to one direction, then you hold that bundled stretch for 5 minutes.
2. Then you get up from your knees un-bundle. Rest for 3-4 seconds.
3. Bundle to the other direction then stretch hard for 5 minutes (hold the stretch for 5 minutes).
4. Now your set is done.
5. Detach from the chamber and remove all the wrapping.
6. Rest in front of a heating fan and massage your penis for 5 minutes.
7. Do 1-3 again.
8. Your session is done.
9. Detach from chamber then remove your wrapping from your penis.
10. Sit close in front of MOS RED for 10 to 15 minutes and let the wavelengths unturteling your penis and make it heal faster.
11. Put your penis inside a penis enlogation wrap, a sleeve or a All Day Stretcher. Keep your penis in this state for 8+ hours to benefit from high intensity stretching.

Personally I could never have done 5D-BTC-BS hard stretches, if I did girth work at the same time.
(has to do with temporary expansion and skin soreness).

Short video of how to clamp down into the chamber.
Clamping down to the chamber in the LENGTHMASTER 3, top view.

Hope this helps.
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Depends on where in the progression you are. I was forced to only attach at the base after some time because attaching behind the glans didn't do anything for me any longer. When I was stretching I constantly was aiming on stretching my inner penis and ligaments, and to keep to soreness in my inner penis really high. Feels like you still are a newbie. This feeling never went away for me.

No worries. If you are doing 5 minutes holds (each stretch are 5 minutes long) you will stretch your entire penis because your penis will elongate during those 5 minutes. After 3 minutes you will pretty much have maximum elongation and then you hold that elongation for the rest of the 2 minutes you have left of that set. This is why I highly recommend to hold each stretch for 5 minutes. You will see fastest gains this way.


Here are all my videos with: LengthMaster 3.

1. Bundle first to one direction, then you hold that bundled stretch for 5 minutes.
2. Then you get up from your knees un-bundle. Rest for 3-4 seconds.
3. Bundle to the other direction then stretch hard for 5 minutes (hold the stretch for 5 minutes).
4. Now your set is done.
5. Detach from the chamber and remove all the wrapping.
6. Rest in front of a heating fan and massage your penis for 5 minutes.
7. Do 1-3 again.
8. Your session is done.
9. Detach from chamber then remove your wrapping from your penis.
10. Sit close in front of MOS RED for 10 to 15 minutes and let the wavelengths unturteling your penis and make it heal faster.
11. Put your penis inside a penis enlogation wrap, a sleeve or a All Day Stretcher. Keep your penis in this state for 8+ hours to benefit from high intensity stretching.

Personally I could never have done 5D-BTC-BS hard stretches, if I did girth work at the same time.
(has to do with temporary expansion and skin soreness).

Short video of how to clamp down into the chamber.
Clamping down to the chamber in the LENGTHMASTER 3, top view.

Hope this helps.
I have to somehow combine this Length routine with my Girth routine. The reason I am doing this is because @DLD and you @squirt_inducer_man Stated that bundled stretches help with gains for girth.

I am thinking of doing this and tell me your opinion please :

10 mins mosred
5 mins bundled stretches behind chick's to one side
5 mins bundled stretches behind chick's to other side
10 mins mosred

How does that sound? Am I somehow close to the target ?
I have to somehow combine this Length routine with my Girth routine. The reason I am doing this is because @DLD and you @squirt_inducer_man Stated that bundled stretches help with gains for girth.

I am thinking of doing this and tell me your opinion please :

10 mins mosred
5 mins bundled stretches behind chick's to one side
5 mins bundled stretches behind chick's to other side
10 mins mosred

How does that sound? Am I somehow close to the target ?
Sounds good!
Just implement SRT healing and you are good to go.
@squirt_inducer_man do we must kegel when 5x5x3 inside mityvac for girth gains? is it important?
I only do this sometimes when the vaccum pressure is low, to boost the erection. Also you can use kegel between sets in order to get more blood inside the penis.

But it's important to have a solid erection when going into the penis cylinder. The act of pumping with water, will draw more blood into your penis.
I need to ask someone experienced at lengthike @squirt_inducer_man
What's the pain- feeling you must get when using LM3? When I am using it behind the chick's I feel pain at the start of the base expanding at the body (not penis). Is this how should anyone feel ?
I need to ask someone experienced at lengthike @squirt_inducer_man
What's the pain- feeling you must get when using LM3? When I am using it behind the chick's I feel pain at the start of the base expanding at the body (not penis). Is this how should anyone feel ?
Should not be painful but definitely soreness. What type of pain are you experiencing?
I need to ask someone experienced at lengthike @squirt_inducer_man
What's the pain- feeling you must get when using LM3? When I am using it behind the chick's I feel pain at the start of the base expanding at the body (not penis). Is this how should anyone feel ?
I only had pleasure when using it.
Maybe what you are calling pain, I'm calling discomfort/pleasure?

What you are feeling is the feeling of stretching the inner penis and ligaments (mainly: Fundiform and Suspensory).

Look at these pictures:



View album 81
This is not pain it's only discomfort. But you can't just brute force it and disregard the feeling. You need to learn to live with it. Be careful so you are not injury yourself. I can't be responsible for what you are doing.
With this said. I was probably stretching 4 times as hard as you are stretching now after a couple of months, and after progressively increasing the intensity.

One key to create maximum elongation during and after session is to have your inner penis, ligaments and outer penis really warm during the entire session. This is why it's so important to have each set at a maximum of 13 minutes (use 3 minutes to warmup on your first set). Heat and keeping all your tissue warm (heated up) will lessen the discomfort and enable you to produce faster gains with higher stretching force and more bundles (progressively more rotations of your penis).

You need to stretch your entire penis including your inner penis and ligaments in order to see any substantial length increase. Relaxing completely into this dull feeling in your inner penis and ligaments are what you are aiming for in order to stretch your entire penis at the same time.

When you have gotten yourself to maximum intensity, and are attaching at the base, here is where you will see the fastest gains possible.
I believe the pain you are describing and everyone else are describing are what I are referring to pleasure.

When attachment at the base and doing 5D-BTC-BS (🔗 Behind The Cheeks-Bundled Stretches (5D-BTC-BS), view from the backside.) you are still going to stretch your entire penis, because approximately after 3 minutes of a 5 minutes hold/stretch it will look like the chamber have slipped, but what have happen is that your penis/tissue have elongated and this dynamic elongation during your sets are another reason that you need to detach from the chamber in order to keep the stretching force at a high level in your inner penis and ligaments. I also recommend to tighten the wing nuts (when it is needed) as you are elongating the tissue during a set.

Imagine that you are pulling a rope that are buried in the ground. In order to keep a good grip of the rope, and in order to keep the stretching force at the highest possible level (the intensity at the highest level) you need to keep your grip of the rope close to the ground. When you are pulling the rope out of the ground you need to readjust your grip close to the ground in order to be able to keep the intensity high and keep pulling up the rope from the ground.

The same concept I used when stretching with LengthMaster 3.
After 10 minutes of stretching as hard as I could (in a dynamic way to keep the intensity high) I was forced to detach completely from the chamber and, then rest in front of a heating source for 10 minutes. Keeping your sets at 10 minutes is also good to reduce the discloration in your glans. You don't want your tissue to get numb. If your tissue gets numb, this means that the restriction of the blood flow have been going on for to long.

I used this modified heating fan to rest between my 10 minutes sets.
I put the car interior heater on a laptop cooler, and used a glasses case on the bottom with zip ties in order to get an optimal angle of the warm air.
A car interior heater is a good heater becouse they are usally small and they also push the air hard towards your tissue.


And then used this heating fan to blow at me during my sets.

(The picture above is a link to this picture, I have posted it before in another post/thread).
I use this BBCODE (BBCode - Wikipedia) to make it happen:

The reason I'm showing you guys how to re-post a picures without adding more copies to the server are for the reason that all picures are copied (in most of the forums) to this album (https://mattersofsize.com/media/categories/picture-upload.10/), having multiple copies in this album will be very annoying. This is also a reason that we do not want you to post a picture of another member or man. Your username will be attached to the upload. There will be a link to the original source of the picture, if you post it directly in a thread, but it will be very confusing to know the owner of the penis.

These are some important concepts that I don't believe everyone have considering.
Using a warm towel before session was not enough to super heat my tissue for maximum elongation.
You need to keep your tissue including your inner penis very warm in order to produce maximum elongation and fast gains, but more important, keeping your tissue super heated in this way will also reduce the discomfort or as you say "PAIN", that you are describing.

The key for fast gains is to stretch with high intensity and to feel this dull feeling ("PAIN") during and after session. When I was gaining I always had this dull feeling in my inner penis.

I can also mention that I always used MOS RED in order to reduce discoloration in the glans and to grow faster.
But I always used these heating fans. In the beginning I was using an old hair dryer but it died.

Kind regards @kriskros I hope this information helps you.
Try to superheat your tissue and think about the concept of high intensity stretching instead of prolonged stretching.
When the session is done it is important that you put on a sleeve, a pel.wrap (Penis Elongation Wrap) or a ADS (All Day Stretcher) to keep the temporary elongation of your tissue as long as possible throughout the day. I recommend 8+ hours, or 24/7 but not when you are sleeping.
If there is some day you are not stretching, my recommendation is to always keep your tissue as elongated and expanded as you can.

I provided more information then what you where looking for, but my hope is that I in a way answered your questions.
Just ask if someting is not clear to you.

Conclusion: Your super heated tissue will reduce the pain that you are feeling in your inner penis.
But there will always be discomfort but you need to learn how to live with it.
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The pain I feel is at: Fundiform and Suspensory. This is the pain I feel. Not in my glans. Not in my shaft. Not at my base. Exactly here: Fundiform and Suspensory.
What I do is this:
10 min MOSRED
10 min LM3 BTC-BS (5 mins each side), For me, it's intense, and I feel pain at Fundiform and Suspensory
10 min MOSRED

3 times per week
4 months, no results at all ;))
There should only be discomfort. But how you interpret discomfort and pain are different for all people. You should not feel pain when stretching.
The pain I feel is at: Fundiform and Suspensory. This is the pain I feel. Not in my glans. Not in my shaft. Not at my base. Exactly here: Fundiform and Suspensory.
What I do is this:
If there is no noticeable elongation after 4 months, it's time to think about the placement of the plates.

Where you you strap on the plates? At the base of the glans? At the base of the penis? Mid of the shaft?

Every point of strapping on the plates works different aspects of the penis. Strap at the base of the glans, you work on elongating the shaft by stretching out there tunica. Strapping at the middle of the shaft, you work on pulling the base tissues and the fundiform and suspensory. Strap at the base, you will work purely on pulling out the fundiform and suspensory.

For me, I do 10 to 20 minutes at the base of the glans. I alternate to the base of the penis for 10 minutes to pull on the hidden penis segment.

The routine must be bundled no matter what. That twisting is necessary to break the lateral tissues for both length and girth. As brother SIM said, he went at very aggressive pace. He probably entered into the 15 to 20lbs of pure traction force for 20 minutes. He also wrapped the penis all day do promote elongation healing. It's like wearing an all day stretched. This is why he heals and elongated so fast.
Based on what I did and the results i have, I imagine that girth routine must be at least 5 times a week and length routine non stop with elongation wrap daily.
Based on what I said I lost 4 months just like this. At least this is what I believe but don't forget I am newbie on this. I am just imaging this could be the issue.
3 times a week I think is just to support the gains, not gain new gains.
If you believe 3 times a week doesn't add gains, you can go to 4 and 5 days. But 3 days without gains, that is bizarre. You may have to push the traction force even more aggressively. As we all said, you have to reach that dull, achy, and uncomfortable feeling throughout the entire penis. That is your feeling of gains.
Penis Enlargement are not per say comfortable, it's mostly uncomfortable. You are forcing an organ that doesn't want to grow more, into starting to growing again.

You need to be relentless and increasing the intensity in progressive way to the upper limit. In my experience then the growth will come in sections. Stretching for some time...your penis will be shooting up...stretching for some time...another growth section....stretch stretch stretch..discomfort discomfort suffering ... even more length increase.

Key = increase the intensity in a progressive manner. When you have high intensity you need strategic implemented rest days.
Penis Enlargement are not per say comfortable, it's mostly uncomfortable. You are forcing an organ that doesn't want to grow more, into starting to growing again.

You need to be relentless and increasing the intensity in progressive way to the upper limit. In my experience then the growth will come in sections. Stretching for some time...your penis will be shooting up...stretching for some time...another growth section....stretch stretch stretch..discomfort discomfort suffering ... even more length increase.

Key = increase the intensity in a progressive manner. When you have high intensity you need strategic implemented rest days.
I think, 3 times per week doing PE is like doing zero times per week. This is my conclusion.
As your penis becomes more resilient to changes, sometimes you just have to push the routines harder and long in one session. For some, which could be your case, going from 3 days to 4 days straight, pushing harder, just to prime the changes. At times, I have to push for 4 straight days to feel that burn at very hard level, and ease back down to 3 days to my previous routines and still feel the fatigues. You have to perform trials and errors. You might even need to push for 5 days straight at very hard level to feel the fatigue, and then reduce back to 3 or 4 days.

But do take care and monitor yourself. Your body is adapting to pains at higher and higher level. You may push to hard without knowing, and *snap*, something may break in the process.
I think, 3 times per week doing PE is like doing zero times per week. This is my conclusion.
I like 3 days on 1 day rest and repeat.
Remember rest and recovery is what allows you to gain, and the active PE are stimulating/inducing the growth. Without SRT the gains will come very slow.
I like 3 days on 1 day rest and repeat.
Remember rest and recovery is what allows you to gain, and the active PE are stimulating/inducing the growth. Without SRT the gains will come very slow.
3 on 1off is the perfect routine. This will cause faster healing and gaining. We all need time off to the degree that works best for everyone
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
  • J (Guest) Jayson44:
    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Which forum? How do I get there?
  • Quote
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    McDong is our newest member. Welcome!
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
      oldandlively @ oldandlively: More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and...