Cloneboy, Clone-A-Willy ... There are some choices out there if you want to make a copy! If you're crafty, you can get alginate on Ebay, use that for molding. For casting there are also many choices, but of course it's best to find a material that won't shrink while it cures.
I have few sets around, tried twice, but for several years now I haven't made a new copy. It's a fun thing to do, taking into consideration that you success doing it ... Not the easiest task to do alone!
The alginate I got from Ebay came with a retardant, so the working time is longer than without.
Clone-A-Willy had at least several type of solutions, some different skin tones, chocolate one, soap and if I recall correctly, a candle one. I've seen these kind of sets on sale in several online stores. If you can get a set with extra molding powder; great! The first mold is difficult, I thought I would get it done well as I had read the instructions thoroughly, but nope!
But no, answer to the question, I haven't, in a dildo form. I think not too many can say that they have!