Progress thread Haursen's Comeback

I follow BD on R3dd1t and have been doing the tunica scraping before pumping and it’s great.

Also be careful with that noose extender. BD and Hinks warns against them. Vac extending with a cup would be a lot safer and better. You’d be able to go up in tension without the fear of the noose digging into your penis and messing up your nerves.
Thank you and chiming in. I may consider getting a tunica scraping tool. 🙂
I have these gua sha scrapers since my childhood days, from bones to stainless steel. Yes, the Asians are using this for the past 2+ millennia for health and beauty. Using for PE, I'm still scratching my head on this one. Yes, it does loosen tightly bound collagen. Breaking them, no. Alignment of collagen bonds and tighten the skin, yes. The Asians use it all the time for facial and body deep tissues scrapping. My wife and use them all the time. But do be aware, too rough of a scrape can damage dorsal nerve branches and blood vessels. Be very careful.
I have these gua sha scrapers since my childhood days, from bones to stainless steel. Yes, the Asians are using this for the past 2+ millennia for health and beauty. Using for PE, I'm still scratching my head on this one. Yes, it does loosen tightly bound collagen. Breaking them, no. Alignment of collagen bonds and tighten the skin, yes. The Asians use it all the time for facial and body deep tissues scrapping. My wife and use them all the time. But do be aware, too rough of a scrape can damage dorsal nerve branches and blood vessels. Be very careful.
Lemme link you to the vid

  • Sleep Duration: 6:42
  • Morning erection: Yes!
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching, SSJs, & cranking (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels + without sleeve 😲 + coherent breathing
  • 10 minutes total (10 hg)
    • 2:03 minutes on, brief off time
    • Last set - 10.5 hg
  • SSJs (1m)
  • Sealing in girth work
    • 1 Siliring at base + strap under scrotum
    • 1 hour (smallest ring and strap position tight... loosened strap when close to 1 hour)
  • Wore large Siliring most of the day
Since being on this new schedule, I am focusing on maximizing as much as possible.

I did reverse kegels instead of the traditional kegels.

I haven't had a chance to do the extender yet although when I drive home I will do my best to strap it on.

I did notice that while I was in the tube I was passing the 7-inch mark so that was fairly exciting to see.

And the journey continues I'll keep updating as much as I can thanks for reading
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  • Sleep Duration: 6:50 😭
  • Morning erection: So-so...just a chub.
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot Shower (5-minutes) - bunding the penis, cranks, pulls
  • SizeGenetics
    • High tension
      • 3-hour target
        • 1 hour 4 minutes left before I had to take it off. Lord willing, I will wear again driving home from work.
So I was exploring what I bought from SizeGenetics (SG) and I have purchased the comfort edition.

I noticed that there was a strap of material which feels similar to electrical tape that they included that the user can their penis and it provides comfort and protection of the glan as well as the shaft.

Supposedly this strip also provides girth gains too.

I tried it yesterday morning and I used it again today and it does feel comfortable now. I did slip out again which was frustrating however as a contingency plan I did have my Ace Wrap so I went ahead and wrapped instead.

The main thing is to continue to improve continue to test and continue to have patience.

Wore SG while driving home from work and finished before showering before bed. The time was probably 1 hour 40 minutes.


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(Late Entry)
  • Sleep Duration: 7:00
  • Morning erection: Yes!
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching, SSJs, & cranking (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels + without sleeve 😲 + coherent breathing
  • 10 minutes total (10 hg)
    • 2:03 minutes on, brief off time
    • Last set
      • Pulse pumping
        • 10.5 hg to 11 hg
  • SSJs (5m)
  • Sealing in girth work
    • 1 Siliring at base + strap under scrotum
    • 1 hour (smallest ring and strap position tight... loosened strap when close to 1 hour)
  • Wore large Siliring most of the day
Whoa...After pulse pumping on the last set, I had the hardest erection yet. I took advantage and did SSJ for 5 minutes. The thickness was insane!

After trucking, I was too tired to do SG and just focused on going home and getting to bed after a long work day.

  • Sleep Duration: 4:29
  • Morning Erection: Yes!
  • SizeGenetics
    • 4 hours
    • I finally found a way to wear it with little slippage!
Now, go easy on the pulse pumping. For water, remain here for a bit. Creep up or pulse higher higher in two weeks. You are entering into the upper zone. Be very careful as thrombosis can easily be developed. The critical point is the amount of blood you can squeeze into the penis at full erection while pumping. This is your magical zone for EQ. 10inHg at full erection and forcing it in some more will be more than enough until you can feel your penis is conditioned to go up. You are in the magical zone already and you should ride the growth tidal wave.
  • Love
Reactions: DLD
  • Sleep Duration: 9:59 🤯
  • Morning erection: Yes!
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching, SSJs (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels + without sleeve 😲 + breathing exercises
    • Dry Pumping
      • 10 minutes total (10.5 hg)
        • 2:05 minutes on, brief off time
        • Last minute of the last set
          • 11 hg
  • After Pumping
    • SSJs (4m)
    • C-Jelqs (1m)
  • Sealing in girth work
    • 1 Siliring at base + strap under scrotum
    • 1 hour (smallest ring and strap position one tab only)
  • Wore large Siliring most of the day
Astonishing training today!

My EQ for SSJs after pumping was similar to when I was a 20-year-old! WOW! (fire)

All glory to God alone!

No SizeGenetics (SG) yesterday even if I wanted to get an hour in at least...I focused on going to bed instead. I did SSJs when I was at home whenever possible.

This week I will be traveling so I am not bringing the pump...Only SG for the trip and I'll continue to do SSJs whenever possible.

I'm not sure if my wife and I will get frisky or not...we will see.

I never thought I could train every day because I thought my EQ would suffer. It has mind is blown. 🤯 🤯 🤯
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Your EQ is now optimized by extreme blood flow. Your dedication of PE pushed your tissues that haven't been seeing much back to their youthful days. Remember not to lax on PE from here on out to keep those tissues at optimal conditions. Your next growth phase is coming according to what you are reporting. Be mindful that your penis will develop some larger veins (not thrombosis) and the penis will look like it's on steroids due to stronger tissues growths. Keep it up!
4:24 am - 5-14-24 - Before bed

  • SizeGenetics
    • No tension
      • 24 minutes
      • Long bar with small extension setup
    • High tension
      • 31 minutes
      • Long bar with small extension setup

  • Sleep: 8:50
  • Training was the same as May 13th
    • Exception: 2:06 holding time
Hey Friends!

I am back from the 3-day hiatus where we celebrated my daughter's High School graduation.

I did not bring the pump although I did bring the SG yet I don't think I even had time to do the SG if I remember correctly.

Whenever I showered at the hotel, I did do stretching and SSJs as much as possible.

I took a few supplements with me although I am glad to be back home because I am back on my routine now of supplementation.

I had little to no morning erections.

During the hiatus and due to the high activity of graduation rehearsal, and going on tours of the school... My wife was tired and we went ahead and took a nap.

So ixnay on love making.

In other new, since I came back home my Length Master 3 came in today!!!

I look forward to this new modality of training and how this will change the game for stretching.

Lastly, I didn't get a chance to tell that I lost my Silirings and I was truly bummed out.

I left the whole situation in the Lord's hands and when I return to the truck lot the next day, I found my bag of rings on the ground and nobody had bothered to touch them or even look to see what the bag was holding.

So I have them back in my possession again!

Thank You, Lord!
  • Sleep Duration: 9:59 🤯
  • Morning erection: Yes!
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching, SSJs (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels + without sleeve 😲 + breathing exercises
    • Dry Pumping
      • 10 minutes total (10.5 hg)
        • 2:05 minutes on, brief off time
        • Last minute of the last set
          • 11 hg
  • After Pumping
    • SSJs (4m)
    • C-Jelqs (1m)
  • Sealing in girth work
    • 1 Siliring at base + strap under scrotum
    • 1 hour (smallest ring and strap position one tab only)
  • Wore large Siliring most of the day
Astonishing training today!

My EQ for SSJs after pumping was similar to when I was a 20-year-old! WOW! (fire)

All glory to God alone!

No SizeGenetics (SG) yesterday even if I wanted to get an hour in at least...I focused on going to bed instead. I did SSJs when I was at home whenever possible.

This week I will be traveling so I am not bringing the pump...Only SG for the trip and I'll continue to do SSJs whenever possible.

I'm not sure if my wife and I will get frisky or not...we will see.

I never thought I could train every day because I thought my EQ would suffer. It has mind is blown. 🤯 🤯 🤯
Based on the recent event and compared to your prior routine, I see a unique trend that you can test out. I brought it up to my colleagues and they agreed and also provided their inputs.
  • Contrast shower as usual
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching, SSJs (5 minutes), but, during bundled stretches, add in more lateral twisting. This may be difficult due to the slippery when wet, but try to do more twisting while stretching. Hold the full twist 30 seconds in each direction while pulling, however hard you're doing with the bundle stretches. The reasoning is the collagen and tissue deformation to activate faster repair responses for your case.
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels + without sleeve 😲 + breathing exercises. No more using sleeve. Whenever you're out of the tube for a break before the next pumping, do the same twisting and stretching like you've done in the shower. It shouldn't take more than 30 seconds per direction. The more and longer, the better.
    • Dry Pumping: go straight to max at 10inHg on the first set. Your initial SSJs already prime you for the expansion. However, for the last few sets, stay at 7inHg or 8inHg. Lower pressure allows tissues to remain stronger to induce harder EQ later, or the following day. For example, if you're doing 10 minutes total, 2 minutes per pumping, that's 5 sets total. 3 sets on 10inHg, and 2 sets between 7inHg and 8inHg.
  • After Pumping
    • SSJs (4m), with more twists. This will be difficult, but only provide 60% erectile blood volume.
    • C-Jelqs (1m) at full erection if possible. Notice how the remaining sets of pumping is at lower pressure?
  • Sealing in girth work
    • 1 Siliring at base + strap under scrotum
    • 1 hour (smallest ring and strap position one tab only). When you're free during sleeping, massage the prostate while wearing the ring. Whenever you can, massage the prostate. In your case, it will boost your erection quality as the anti-inflammatory responses are released during the post-workout. Massaging prostate can be done by massaging the areas between the scrotum and the anus. No need for internal massages.
  • Wore large Siliring most of the day
Try to experiment this method for a few days and see the overall effects.
Based on the recent event and compared to your prior routine, I see a unique trend that you can test out. I brought it up to my colleagues and they agreed and also provided their inputs.
  • Contrast shower as usual
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching, SSJs (5 minutes), but, during bundled stretches, add in more lateral twisting. This may be difficult due to the slippery when wet, but try to do more twisting while stretching. Hold the full twist 30 seconds in each direction while pulling, however hard you're doing with the bundle stretches. The reasoning is the collagen and tissue deformation to activate faster repair responses for your case.
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels + without sleeve 😲 + breathing exercises. No more using sleeve. Whenever you're out of the tube for a break before the next pumping, do the same twisting and stretching like you've done in the shower. It shouldn't take more than 30 seconds per direction. The more and longer, the better.
    • Dry Pumping: go straight to max at 10inHg on the first set. Your initial SSJs already prime you for the expansion. However, for the last few sets, stay at 7inHg or 8inHg. Lower pressure allows tissues to remain stronger to induce harder EQ later, or the following day. For example, if you're doing 10 minutes total, 2 minutes per pumping, that's 5 sets total. 3 sets on 10inHg, and 2 sets between 7inHg and 8inHg.
  • After Pumping
    • SSJs (4m), with more twists. This will be difficult, but only provide 60% erectile blood volume.
    • C-Jelqs (1m) at full erection if possible. Notice how the remaining sets of pumping is at lower pressure?
  • Sealing in girth work
    • 1 Siliring at base + strap under scrotum
    • 1 hour (smallest ring and strap position one tab only). When you're free during sleeping, massage the prostate while wearing the ring. Whenever you can, massage the prostate. In your case, it will boost your erection quality as the anti-inflammatory responses are released during the post-workout. Massaging prostate can be done by massaging the areas between the scrotum and the anus. No need for internal massages.
  • Wore large Siliring most of the day
Try to experiment this method for a few days and see the overall effects.
WOW 😳!

Thank you!!!
Quick comment about the LM3:

Before I went to bed this morning, I tested the LM3 and I am super impressed by the quality of this tool.

I look forward to using this to unlock more potential.

Also, I'm wondering if securing the LM3 at the base would unlock more of the inner penis?

Plus @DLD the free Silisleeves as promised, we're not included in the delivery unfortunately. 😭
Oooo..use the LM3 for just 10 minutes to do the rotational twists and pull/push for the bundled stretches. That 10 minutes will be a game changer, especially when you integrate the SSJs and pumping afterwards. You will establish an EQ unique to go beyond handworks.
Quick comment about the LM3:

Before I went to bed this morning, I tested the LM3 and I am super impressed by the quality of this tool.

I look forward to using this to unlock more potential.

Also, I'm wondering if securing the LM3 at the base would unlock more of the inner penis?

Plus @DLD the free Silisleeves as promised, we're not included in the delivery unfortunately. 😭
Did you use the 18% off? If so you can only use o e or the other
Did you use the 18% off? If so you can only use o e or the other
Remember the email that I sent you asking that if it was possible to have the free Silisleeves since I forgot to add them with the order?
  • Sleep Duration: 7:42
  • Morning Erection: Yes!
  • Contrast shower
  • Hot shower (5 minutes) with testicle massage, bundled stretching & cranks, bundled SSJs
  • Pumping with Old and Lively's suggestions as much as possible
    • 2 minutes x 5 sets
    • 3 sets at 10.5Hg
    • Last 2 sets at 8Hg

Decent workout today and I did feel rush because my work wants me to be there at 2:30 so my workout normally lasts for about 12:00 p.m. until 1:00 and then I have to rush to eat and then head out the door.

Still I was able to get most of it done I wasn't able to use the LM3 for stretching before pumping so I just did the best I could in the shower.

I also just stuck with 2 minutes instead of 2 minutes and 6 seconds or 2 minutes and 7 seconds just to make things easier.

Earlier this morning before I went to bed I really wanted to use the LM3 before bedtime yet I was just so wiped out since I put true lemon in my water which has cane sugar and stevia and even if I use half a packet I was feeling sleepy so just like I can no longer use that.
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Get in what you can when you can. It's always best to get something in no matter how small
  • Sleep Duration: 7:13
  • Morning Erection: Oddly missing 🤔
  • Contrast shower
  • Hot shower (5 minutes) with testicle massage, bundled stretching & cranks, bundled SSJs
  • Lengthmaster 3
    • 10 minutes
      • 5 minutes at base
      • 5 minutes at shaft
    • Basic stretching
      • Bundled
    • BTC (all angles)
      • Bundled
Wow wow wow wow I cannot say enough about how amazing the LengthMaster 3 is. I am so impressed with it and very thankful to have received it!
  • Morning Erection: Oddly missing 🤔
This is before or after the application of LM3?

If you use LM3 on 5/22 and having a missing the erection, is very common. It's due to the new routine implementation and new tissue stresses. Your new LM3 routine may be a tad more intensive the prior day(s). You may have accidentally stepped into the moderate routine that has the traction force of 6lbs or even 10lbs, far greater than the Size Genetic. Your erection will come back after the body adopts the new intensity of workouts. Pay very close attention to the new elongation and expansion capacity. Hope you did because there new magic in the air, or in the cylinder. This includes the new EQ rating you'll be getting. Do log the erection quality rating as well, from 0 to no erection to 10 for has hard as a wood stick. This is to compare to the prior EQ from just pumping and SG stretching hours. Your new PE journey has started.

If the erection is missing before using LM3 based on the 5/21 routine for 5/22, that's interesting. If 5/22 is resting day, that follows the trend according to the few days break during your daughter's grad visit.
  • Like
Reactions: DLD
This is before or after the application of LM3?

If you use LM3 on 5/22 and having a missing the erection, is very common. It's due to the new routine implementation and new tissue stresses. Your new LM3 routine may be a tad more intensive the prior day(s). You may have accidentally stepped into the moderate routine that has the traction force of 6lbs or even 10lbs, far greater than the Size Genetic. Your erection will come back after the body adopts the new intensity of workouts. Pay very close attention to the new elongation and expansion capacity. Hope you did because there new magic in the air, or in the cylinder. This includes the new EQ rating you'll be getting. Do log the erection quality rating as well, from 0 to no erection to 10 for has hard as a wood stick. This is to compare to the prior EQ from just pumping and SG stretching hours. Your new PE journey has started.

If the erection is missing before using LM3 based on the 5/21 routine for 5/22, that's interesting. If 5/22 is resting day, that follows the trend according to the few days break during your daughter's grad visit.
The erection was missing before the LM3 work so I did pumping on Wednesday and Thursday morning I did not have any erections.

Just like you may have theorized my body may have been adjusting to the new shock and all that I gave my penis from twisting and pulling and then pumping so my body had to adapt.
  • Sleep Duration: 7:11
  • Morning Erection: Yes
    • 4 out of 5
  • Contrast shower
  • Hot shower (5 minutes) with testicle massage, bundled stretching & cranks, bundled SSJs
  • Pumping with Old and Lively's suggestions as much as possible
    • 2 minutes x 5 sets
    • 3 sets at 11Hg
    • Last 2 sets at 8Hg
  • After training
    • 4-minutes
      • Bundled SSJs
    • 1 minute
      • C-jelq then transition to Ultimate Jelqing
    • Siliring
      • Smallest ring (1 hour)
      • Strap under package
      • Largest ring (all day)
Fantastic training today and the expansion had me in disbelief because when I was doing bundled SSJs, the thickness was unreal. 🤯

I would like to cap at the dry pressure of 12Hg and then allowing that to be the upper limit.
  • Morning Erection: Yes (4.5 out of 5)
  • I had considered EQ even when massaging my wife. 😲
    • I used the shocked emoji face because before my EQ would be meh or would go down if she stepped out of the room to wash her hands.
  • Morning Erection: No (I had a tension headache when I went to bed and I think this zapped my ability to have one 😢
  • I found out that one of the springs from the SizeGenetics is missing. I am wearing it still even with no tension. I emailed SizeGenetics to see what they would suggest.
Looks like the staggered pressure zone is working well for you. Keep at it. You can even try the 10inHg and 7inHg for a week. Why a suddden drop in pressures? We're retraining your brain and penis to depend less on the pump and more on internal pressure development to induce quality erection, while building up strong blood vessels and cavernosa tissues. You'll be surprise that your erection will continue to remain even after she washes herself up, come back, and just blow on your glans and it will do a full mast even harder. We have to retrain your tissues and brain to pump in high level of available niric oxide on command.

As for the headache, try not to pump or wear extension on the day you're getting these headaches. If you're not allergic to aspirin, give yourself a 12 hours break, and drink 75mg or 81mg of aspirin (baby aspirin) for the next 3 days. It's a precaution and a prevention. Do have a blood pressure cup to record down your vital (low pressure, high pressure, and pulse per minute). It may just be a bad weather, or it may be your body attempting to compensate for new developments for your penis. Those who have extremely fast growth or new development to various parts of the body, be a broken arm, broken leg, growth of a penis, or new muscle development, the body recompensate for the growth and repair, causing sudden rush of headaches.
Looks like the staggered pressure zone is working well for you. Keep at it. You can even try the 10inHg and 7inHg for a week. Why a suddden drop in pressures? We're retraining your brain and penis to depend less on the pump and more on internal pressure development to induce quality erection, while building up strong blood vessels and cavernosa tissues. You'll be surprise that your erection will continue to remain even after she washes herself up, come back, and just blow on your glans and it will do a full mast even harder. We have to retrain your tissues and brain to pump in high level of available niric oxide on command.

As for the headache, try not to pump or wear extension on the day you're getting these headaches. If you're not allergic to aspirin, give yourself a 12 hours break, and drink 75mg or 81mg of aspirin (baby aspirin) for the next 3 days. It's a precaution and a prevention. Do have a blood pressure cup to record down your vital (low pressure, high pressure, and pulse per minute). It may just be a bad weather, or it may be your body attempting to compensate for new developments for your penis. Those who have extremely fast growth or new development to various parts of the body, be a broken arm, broken leg, growth of a penis, or new muscle development, the body recompensate for the growth and repair, causing sudden rush of headaches.
I had the headache due to the negative stress of a life situation plus possible dehydration.
Make sure to supplement electrolytes for the next 3 days as well. It takes that long just to replenish what you lost from dehydration. Be well brother, and well wishes in ironing out the negatives of life.

First, Happy Memorial Day! I had a day off. Does this mean no training?

No way!
  • Sleep Duration: 7:04
  • Morning Erection: Yes! (4 out of 5)
  • Hot shower (5 minutes) with testicle massage, bundled stretching & cranks, bundled SSJs
  • Pumping
    • 2 minutes x 5 sets
    • 3 sets at 10Hg
    • Last 2 sets at 8Hg
      • (Whoops) I did two more sets with 10Hg
      • giphy.gif
  • After pumping
    • 4 minutes of twisted (as much as possible) SSJs
    • 1 minute of C-jelqs and Ultimate Jelq
    • Smallest Siliring for one hour along with strap around the package then switched to large ring.

Wow...even if going down to lower pressure on the last three sets was made, this training was the best yet. The density and heaviness were out of this world.

I may do three more sets at 8Hg before bed. We will see.

Lastly, I got a steal...I was able to purchase Orgain Keto Collagen Protein Power for a whopping...$6.30! 🤯 I found this gem located at the clearance section of Kroger supermarket! Praise God!

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You are slowly developing your own personal magic growth and sustainable zone. Proud of your observations and efforts.

International Burger Day 🍔 - National Brisket Day 🍖
  • Sleep Duration: 8:59
  • Morning Erection: 4.5 out of 5 and at times a 5!
  • Contrast shower
  • Hot shower (5 minutes) with testicle massage, bundled stretching & cranks,
  • Lengthmaster 3
    • 10 minutes +
      • Held stretches for 1m 8s
      • 5 minutes at the shaft
      • 5 minutes at base
    • Stretches (not in order)
      • Basic stretching
        • Bundled
      • BTC (all angles) - modified penis exterminator version and Twist & Pull's version
        • Bundled
      • Finisher after 10 minutes
        • Bundled cranks with LM3 at the base (both directions - changed direction at the 30-second mark)
  • Recovery Mode
    • DMSO cream + my castor, coconut, & black seed oil mix
    • Wrapped
Powerful training today! Again, the LM3 is a force multiplier in length training. I no longer fatigue my hands and arms holding stretch positions. @DLD is a real innovator of the highest degree. I thank God for you!


Since starting my PE odyssey (officially started January 2024(, here are milestones I have noticed at age 52 (all glory to be to God alone):
  • Frequent morning erections
  • Density of my penis
    • I tested how thick I am when I went to the bathroom this morning and I had a morning erection. I put the toilet paper roll on my penis and this is the FIRST time (I have done this before) where my penis is touching the sides of the roll. 🤯
    • My wife stated that she felt me stretching her out, which NEVER happened before, and saying (paraphrasing), "Oh big!"
  • Powerful EQ
    • I can massage my wife and not lose my erection. The EQ even stays if she goes to the bathroom to wash her hands...beforehand, I would get upset at her because I would be ready for intimacy and if she left, I would have to fluff myself up again. No more!
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Sounds like your carving your way through this with grace. Keep up the good work 👏
  • Sleep Duration: 7:15
  • Morning Erection: 4.5 out of 5 and at times a 5!
  • Contrast shower
  • Hot shower (10 minutes) with testicle massage, bundled expressive stretching & cranks, & bundled SSJs, Ultimate Jelqing (SSJ style), erect bends (SSJ style)
  • After training
Today I had to deal with various situations after I woke up from sleep that came up that prevented me from using the pump so instead of getting discouraged I just did what I can.

So I did 10 minutes of PE as best as I could.
  • Sleep Duration: 7:28
  • Morning Erection: None
  • Contrast shower
  • Hot shower (5 minutes) with testicle massage, bundled stretching & cranks,
  • Lengthmaster 3
    • 10+ minutes
    • Held stretches for 1m 8s
    • 5 minutes at the shaft
    • 5 minutes at base
  • Bundled Stretches (not in order)
    • Basic stretching
    • BTC (all angles) - penis exterminator version and Twist & Pull's version
  • Finisher after 10 minutes
    • Bundled cranks with LM3 at the base (both directions - changed direction at the 30-second mark)
  • Recovery Mode
    • DMSO liquid + distilled water applied with organic cotton ball.
    • Wrapped
Decent training today and strangely no morning erection. Hmmm.
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    How's everyone
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    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
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    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    mos is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!