Progress thread Haursen's Comeback

  • Sleep Duration: 9:28
  • Warm-up: Hot shower (5 minutes)
  • Bundled stretching (not in order)
    • 32 seconds each
      • BTC tub stretch
      • Basic directions (straight, upper left, up, upper right)
  • Bundled cranks
    • 26 reps (2 sets I think)
  • Interval Pumping
    • 9 minutes (6 hg)
  • Pulse Pumping
    • 1 minute (6.5 hg)
  • Cold shower with Stacked Silirings
  • Stacked Silirings
    • 3 rings at base & 1 under glans
      • 21 minutes
Incredible training time today and I am still on the fence on whether to purchase the Length Master or not. Would be interesting to see if my wife notices or not if I started to get more length.

My EQ was 4.0 out of 5.

I'm amazed how easy it is to get erect now and that wasn't like that before.

This week I am back on Testo Jack 100.
Excellent news my brother, I'm so happy.Everything's going perfect for you
  • Sleep Duration: 6:59
  • Warm-up: Hot Shower (5-minutes)
  • Bundled stretching (32 seconds each) - 10 minutes
    • BTC tub stretch
      • Down, left, right
  • Fulcrum
    • Down, left, right
  • Basic
    • upper left, left, upper right, right
  • Bundled and regular cranks for the remaining 2 minutes
  • Cold shower while stretching the penis
  • Mantor foreskin device worn throughout the day.
Superb training today and I am getting away from being so focused on time and just focusing on quality of the exercises.

Today was the first time I attempted to use the Mantor and just like with any new device trial and error and make a mistakes will help me to learn how to put on the device.

I know that the device is working because my foreskin was sore from the stretching. So that is a big plus! ❤️
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  • Sleep Duration: 7:10
  • Warm-up: Hot shower (5 minutes)
  • Bundled stretching (not in order)
    • 1 minute
      • BTC tub stretch
      • A-stretch (down)
      • Hook stretch (left, right)
  • Bundled cranks
    • 1 minute
  • Interval Pumping
    • 10 minutes (6 hg)
    • Last minute (6.5 hg)
  • Contrast shower with stretching when cold water
  • Stacked Silirings
    • 3 rings at base & 1 under glans
      • 1 hour
Fantastic training today and I am learning to adopt the concept of time under tension so I held the stretches for 1 minute.

And I decided to leave off the pulse pumping and just be consistent with interval pumping for this week.

Other good news is that I have been consistently having morning erections and that in itself is a miracle. Praise God!

Lastly I have unlocked how to keep the Silirings on for 1 hour what I do is when I start feeling pain I took them off did some shaking for a bit and then put them back on and this allow me to get a complete hour.

Oh I was wrong yesterday was not the first time I wore the Mantor... I wore it the day before and even though it was much failure trying to get it on I will persist until I succeed.
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  • Sleep Duration: 6:59
  • Warm-up: Hot Shower (5-minutes)
  • Bundled stretching (1 minute each) - 9 minutes
    • BTC tub stretch
      • Down, left, right
  • Traction stretch
    • Down
  • Hook stretch
  • Basic
    • Isometric straight
    • upper left, left, upper right, right
  • Bundled and regular cranks for the remaining 1 minute
  • Contrast shower while stretching the penis
  • Mantor foreskin device worn throughout the day
Wonderful training today and I was able to put on the Mantor.

I still need to master on how to put it on.

I did put it on after training and by the time I arrived at work, my foreskin was sore which means that there was stretching and that's a good thing!
  • Sleep Duration: 7:13
  • Warm-up: Hot shower (5 minutes)
  • Bundled stretching
    • 1 minute
    • BTC tub stretch (down, left, right)
  • Bundled cranks
    • 1 minute
  • Interval Pumping
    • 10 minutes (6.5 hg)
    • Last minute (7 hg)
  • Contrast shower with smallest Siliring
  • Stacked Silirings
    • 3 rings at base & 1 under glans
    • 1 hour
Superb training time today and I noticed that this was the thickest I had been after training.

Also I used the Mantor while sleeping and I did not add any stretching to the device and just left it on there however after an hour, I woke up due to the pain of the foreskin being folded so I had to wake up and take it off.

It was a good experiment so now I learned that I'm unable to sleep with it on.

In May, I will have a four-day break due to a family event. I'm debating whether to take the pump with me in case my wife and I want to have some intimate time so we'll see I may just only bring Silirings.
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  • Sleep Duration: 8:25
  • Warm-up: Hot shower (5 minutes)
  • Bundled stretching
    • BTC tub stretch (down, left, right)
      • 1:01 minutes
    • Hook stretch
      • 1:01 minutes
  • Bundled cranks
    • 1:01 minutes
  • Interval Pumping
    • 10 minutes (6.5 hg)
    • Last minute (7 hg)
  • Contrast shower with smallest Siliring
  • Stacked Silirings
    • 3 rings at base & 1 under glans for 30 minutes
    • 4 rings under glans for 30 minutes
Superior training today and while I was pumping I was doing kegels and reverse kegels which caused superb expansion.

Also, I would do hardcore stretching during the sets or I would hold the cylinder very close to the base or I was stretch out the cylinder in order to get different types of sensations and expansion. I believe this worked well.

I also experimented with putting the Silirings under the glands because I want to make sure that there is uniformity. I'm on the fence if this worked or not so I may continue to experiment.

  • Sleep Duration: 7:21
  • Warm-up: Hot Shower (5-minutes)
  • Bundled stretching (1:01 minute each) - 10 minutes time limit - Not in order
    • BTC tub stretch
      • Down, left, right
    • Hook stretch (not bundled)
    • Dynamic
      • upper left, left, up
      • upper right, right, up
    • A-stretch
  • Bundled and regular cranks for the remaining 1 minute
  • Cold shower while stretching the penis ended with hot shower
  • Mantor foreskin device worn after training
Incredible training and I realize that I messed up...I was supposed to hold the stretches for 32 seconds but I did one minute and one second.

Oh well, you live and learn and that's how you grow.

  • Sleep Duration: 7:21
  • Warm-up: Hot Shower (5-minutes)
  • Bundled stretching (1:01 minute each) - 10 minutes time limit - Not in order
    • BTC tub stretch
      • Down, left, right
    • Hook stretch (not bundled)
    • Dynamic
      • upper left, left, up
      • upper right, right, up
    • A-stretch
  • Bundled and regular cranks for the remaining 1 minute
  • Cold shower while stretching the penis ended with hot shower
  • Mantor foreskin device worn after training
Incredible training and I realize that I messed up...I was supposed to hold the stretches for 32 seconds but I did one minute and one second.

Oh well, you live and learn and that's how you grow.
I do not understand why you messed up? :confused
32 seconds are not much. The minimal time you should hold each stretch are 1 minute (60 seconds).
Holding the stretches for up to 5 minutes will maximize your temporary elongation during and after session.
  • Sleep Duration: 7:00
  • Warm-up: Hot shower (5 minutes)
  • Bundled stretching
    • BTC tub stretch (down, left, right)
      • 32 seconds
  • Deep hook stretch
    • 32 seconds
  • Cranks
    • 32 seconds
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels & reverse kegels
    • 10 minutes (6.5 hg)
      • Last minute (7 hg)
  • Contrast shower with smallest Siliring
  • Stacked Silirings
    • 2 rings at base & 2 under glans
      • 1 hour
Smashing training and my morning erection was insane while in the bed (8.5 out of 10)!

I chose my new bid route as a trucker so I have a later work starting time... More time for the fam and PE.
I do not understand why you messed up? :confused
32 seconds are not much. The minimal time you should hold each stretch are 1 minute (60 seconds).
Holding the stretches for up to 5 minutes will maximize your temporary elongation during and after session.

I was actually stretching the correct timing. I confused myself.😕

Thanks for stopping by. 😁
  • Sleep Duration: 7:07
  • Warm-up: Hot Shower (5-minutes)
  • Bundled stretching (1:01 minute each) - 10 minutes time limit - Not in order
    • BTC tub stretch
      • Down, left, right
    • Deep Hook stretch (not bundled)
    • Straight down
    • Left side under leg
    • Right side under leg
    • Wipers
      • upper left, left, up
      • upper right, right, up
  • Regular cranks for the remaining 1 minute
  • Contrast shower
Wonderful training today and yesterday I received DMSO which is an amazing supplement that helps accelerate healing so I'm excited to see how this will help me in recovering faster.

I have a topical cream which is combined with aloe vera the DMSO is 70%.

The cream has a pleasant rose scent and I noticed that as soon as I applied it topically there was a warm sensation not really a burning situation but a warm sensation because DMSO immediately enters the bloodstream it's quite an amazing gift from God.

Also the supplement horny goat weed came in yesterday and that can heal nerve damage which I probably received a lot from doing hardcore jelqing.
I'm so happy.Things are going well for you.Continue the good work and get yourself to where you wanna be
  • Sleep Duration: 6:48 😕
  • Warm-up: Hot shower (5 minutes)
  • Bundled stretching
    • BTC tub stretch (down, left, right)
      • 32 seconds
    • Deep hook stretch
    • 32 seconds
  • Cranks
    • 32 seconds
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels & reverse kegels
    • 10 minutes (7 hg)
    • Last minute (7.5 hg)
  • Contrast shower with smallest Siliring while doing SSJ during cold shower portion
  • Stacked Silirings
    • 2 rings at base & 2 under glans
      • 1 hour
Super training today and I know that one step at a time in this journey.
  • Sleep Duration: 9:08
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with stretching and cranks (5 minutes)
  • Bundled stretching
    • BTC tub stretch (down, left, right)
      • 33 seconds
    • Deep hook stretch
    • 33 seconds
  • Cranks
    • 33 seconds
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels & reverse kegels (when doing hardcore stretching)
    • 10 minutes (7 hg)
    • Last minute (7.5 hg)
  • Contrast shower with the smallest Siliring while wearing the Soft TPR silicone removable pelvic cylinder seal
  • One of the smallest Silirings
    • 1 ring at base
      • 1 hour
Intriguing training today...

After I did the contrast shower, I noticed red on the tpr seal. It was blood. I looked at my penis and near the base, there was a small tear.

I still put on the Siliring to do my one hour then I put a bandage on the small tear. After one hour, I placed DMSO with aloe vera on the wound then placed the bandage on again.

I think I may need to use the SiliCap 2 when I pump (I wouldn't use the cap at all). I am debating whether to take the rest of the week off to heal.

I may need to because if I do length work, I may reopen the wound. I could do ACE wrapping yet again this may reopen the wound.

This is a learning experience and a temporary setback.

I value your feedback @DLD @huge-girth @oldandlively @squirt_inducer_man @colossaltitan
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Looks like you're powerhousing through your in PE. Cuts, fissures, and abrasions happen during high intensity, especially stretches and pump combo, while the skin is soft. When the tears near the base happen, you can reduce the intensity and plow through until it heals. You can break, but cellular regeneration occurs 3 days for the tears to initiate healing. You can wait, or you can keep on going. Either will lead you to healing regardless.

But, while pumping and cock ring usage it still fine, make sure to stay half inch from the torn site to allow non-kinking, which tends to further cause the tears. Apply a bit of bacitracin ointment to protect the bacteria from infesting the tear site, and go commando with loose clothing when possible to promote sufficient aeration for faster healing.

You go this.
@Haursen I noticed you're taking horney goat weed extract for nerve repairs. I use it too, but for a different type of neuropathy healinf, or rather, boosting for mental fortitude as we age. However, do combine with HMB dosage with Vit D at the same time. This is further boost neuropathy regeneration and stimulation to combine with the horny goat extract. I can provide the biochemistry interaction at the fundamental level if you like if you want to be geeky. But do know that it has phytoestrogen that counters the testosterone level in your system by 20%. It may not be much, but it can add up if you don't engage muscle training to sustain the testosterone level in your system.

Suggestions (from Bulk Supplements measurable amount for usage to think about later as it's a cost saving alternative to packaged pills):
3g of HMB (my current daily load)

4000 units of Vit D3 (we are heavily lacking in this, and it's essential to activate HMB and absorbed by the body)

800mg of horny goat weed extract (not to offset by the ratio to HMB for testosterone maintenance while still promoting neuropathy healing)

Drink water. Lots of water. Supplements need water to deliver the concentration to your vital areas and flush our the excess to prevent bad accumulative loading.

I know most athletes and PE journey brothers don't use L-citrulline malate for the performance, but I drink it to boost my nitric oxide loading for blood delivery throughout my body. The lower extremities (toes, heels, even your penis when it's not stimulated) don't get the essential supplements they need. Nitric oxide higher loading force the blood cycling to break that barrier. There are current studies in force deliveries of essentials to the lower swollen extremities for diabetic patients using high nitric oxide loading, warm compress and ultra sonic wave to reduce the swelling and neuropathy scarring with post red light therapy. Just something to think about based on the studies.
@Haursen I noticed you're taking horney goat weed extract for nerve repairs. I use it too, but for a different type of neuropathy healinf, or rather, boosting for mental fortitude as we age. However, do combine with HMB dosage with Vit D at the same time. This is further boost neuropathy regeneration and stimulation to combine with the horny goat extract. I can provide the biochemistry interaction at the fundamental level if you like if you want to be geeky. But do know that it has phytoestrogen that counters the testosterone level in your system by 20%. It may not be much, but it can add up if you don't engage muscle training to sustain the testosterone level in your system.

Suggestions (from Bulk Supplements measurable amount for usage to think about later as it's a cost saving alternative to packaged pills):
3g of HMB (my current daily load)

4000 units of Vit D3 (we are heavily lacking in this, and it's essential to activate HMB and absorbed by the body)

800mg of horny goat weed extract (not to offset by the ratio to HMB for testosterone maintenance while still promoting neuropathy healing)

Drink water. Lots of water. Supplements need water to deliver the concentration to your vital areas and flush our the excess to prevent bad accumulative loading.

I know most athletes and PE journey brothers don't use L-citrulline malate for the performance, but I drink it to boost my nitric oxide loading for blood delivery throughout my body. The lower extremities (toes, heels, even your penis when it's not stimulated) don't get the essential supplements they need. Nitric oxide higher loading force the blood cycling to break that barrier. There are current studies in force deliveries of essentials to the lower swollen extremities for diabetic patients using high nitric oxide loading, warm compress and ultra sonic wave to reduce the swelling and neuropathy scarring with post red light therapy. Just something to think about based on the studies.

Thanks @oldandlively - I would be interested in the biochemistry breakdown for certain. Hmmm...I could combine DMSO with HMB to make a topical as well since DMSO supercharges anything it is combined with.

I agree with the water assessment for certain (I'm sure you have read the book "Your Body's Many Cries for Water")...The only struggle I have is that as a truck driver if I load up on water...I will need to make more stops thus being late in my deliveries. I could get a portable urinal.

Right now I need to cut down on buying supplements since the chief CFO (my wife) stated we need to cut back on spending.
  • Sleep Duration: 9:08
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with stretching and cranks (5 minutes)
  • Bundled stretching
    • BTC tub stretch (down, left, right)
      • 33 seconds
    • Deep hook stretch
    • 33 seconds
  • Cranks
    • 33 seconds
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels & reverse kegels (when doing hardcore stretching)
    • 10 minutes (7 hg)
    • Last minute (7.5 hg)
  • Contrast shower with the smallest Siliring while wearing the Soft TPR silicone removable pelvic cylinder seal
  • One of the smallest Silirings
    • 1 ring at base
      • 1 hour
Intriguing training today...

After I did the contrast shower, I noticed red on the tpr seal. It was blood. I looked at my penis and near the base, there was a small tear.

I still put on the Siliring to do my one hour then I put a bandage on the small tear. After one hour, I placed DMSO with aloe vera on the wound then placed the bandage on again.

I think I may need to use the SiliCap 2 when I pump (I wouldn't use the cap at all). I am debating whether to take the rest of the week off to heal.

I may need to because if I do length work, I may reopen the wound. I could do ACE wrapping yet again this may reopen the wound.

This is a learning experience and a temporary setback.

I value your feedback @DLD @huge-girth @oldandlively @squirt_inducer_man @colossaltitan
Sorry to hear about your injury.And i'm glad you're taking care of it. The best thing you can use in this situation to heal as quickly as possible is

This will quickly solve your issue with the cut.You have and allow you to get back to serious training
Thanks @oldandlively - I would be interested in the biochemistry breakdown for certain. Hmmm...I could combine DMSO with HMB to make a topical as well since DMSO supercharges anything it is combined with.

I agree with the water assessment for certain (I'm sure you have read the book "Your Body's Many Cries for Water")...The only struggle I have is that as a truck driver if I load up on water...I will need to make more stops thus being late in my deliveries. I could get a portable urinal.

Right now I need to cut down on buying supplements since the chief CFO (my wife) stated we need to cut back on spending.
I can understand the endeavor and the budgets required to keep your body in shape. You are not only investing in keeping your health in check, but you are also keeping your manhood in shape. They are working in tandem in a symbiotic dance. My wife was the same, and I am the CFO in the house. She has her botox and beauty products, while I keep us all healthy with proper supplements, eating, and equipment to keep us alive a little longer. But I do understand about life's constraints in the family budgets. However, do explain to her that it's more for overall health than wastes. The old saying, "spend a pound, save a penny" comes into play.

Now, on with the biochemistry lesson. You already research about the horny goat weed extract. You probably landed on chemical extraction from the weed known as icariin, or ICA for short. This is the main component of the extract that helps with the erectogenic role, or get your penis up by assisting the healing/modification of the corpus cavernosa. However, the biochemical role for this compound is the XX folds (still to be determined) in the PDE5 inhibitory activity (degeneration of nerves and blood vessels in the penis) by activating the two hydroxyethyl ethers moieties. Now, freeze on the term "hydroxyethyl ethers". I'll bring it in along the way.

Now, for the HMB, which stands of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate. HMB is an aide for ergogenic, which has a 70% focus on recovery or repair over the performance and stamina. It acts as a defender or inhibitor to the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway, which identified as a the cause specific degradation of intracellular proteins. HUH? Tissues, muscles, and nerve degeneration issues. But why HMB? Because HMB is generated in the mitrochondrial portion of the cells after breaking down leucine, which is the amino acids designated for growth and repair consumed from eggs, fish, meats, etc. By the way, at this point, super charging your mitochondrial powerhouse in your cells before receiving HMB and ICA will enhance the effects. Ah...Red light therapy.

But what does HMB and ICA has to do with anything? During cellular stresses, tissue-nerve damages, or intramuscular responses to repair, HMB acts as a anticatabolic agent, or the activation of protein synthesis, pulled in by the cellular bodies to perform regeneration processes. During this period, when hydroxyethyl ethers are available, the β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyric acid from the HMB breakdown processes binds to the hydroxyethyl ethers so synergize the repair effects on the stressed cellular structures. This is more prevalent to the nerve repair cycles due to degeneration or damages.

As I described earlier, the lower extremities don't get the sufficient blood flow to deliver the essentials. Notice how your finger nails grow much faster than your toe nails? Notice a cut at the bottom of the feet tends to be longer healing than the cut on the upper body? Think about that for a moment. During preservation mode after the age of 30, your body no longer rely on the reproductive instinct and refocus on survival instinct. That means your penis gets the least amount of the nutrients comparable to the rest of your body. Sperm counts drop every passing year after the age of 27. Why is that? Ponder that for a moment.

So, what's the approach during the PE journey? Easy. Refocus the nutrient delivery system. How?
  1. Keep your body heathy. For men, our testosterone level must be average or high. This promotes the human growth hormone production to ensure tissues and internal muscular fibers to constantly regenerate. Libido is a side benefit as your body believes the genetic must be passed down from the high bodily functions at optimal level like when you're in your prime.
  2. Make sure the bioavailability of the essentials are abundant. You're not longer being triggered as survival mode but reengaging into reproductive mode. Good constant diet to prevent your body from triggering that survival mode.
  3. Force delivery pathway of the bioavailability of essentials. This is where the l-citrulline malate comes into play. Nitric oxide hyper drive your blood throughout the entire system. Just by drinking it, you're not getting the full benefit. A little exercise goes a long way. You don't have to run a marathon or climb a mountain. Just simple activities to rev up your heart rate to maximize that nitric oxide. It also assist with energy efficiency by delivering the essentials without the additional costs of cellular activities through the TCA cycle. If I have to go into major details, you and the brothers may be blanking out very soon.
  4. But why Vit D3 as well? Commercial HMB is from calcium HMB monohydrate. Vitamin D3, much more efficient to absorbed than D2, leaches the HMB molecular components must faster and more effective than using HMB alone, delivering both the needed calcium to the bones and the organs needed the calcium as part of the synthase processes. On top of that, l-citrulline malate further boost the delivery of the calcium to the far reaches of the body as the malate is a precursor for the calcium absorption.
As you can see, they work through a synergistic dance with one another. But is there a true balance between the three of them? No. Your body will take what it needs and toss the rest. Reduce what's not desired and keep the level of bioavailability essentials for the body to use when needed. Since horny goat weed extract has a biomass of 20% phytoestrogen compound, by reference, we reduce 20% from the total volume for daily suggested requirements. HMB daily recommendation is 4 grams to 6 grams for aging generations. 3 grams is more than enough as your good dietary consumption will offset that 1 to 3 grams of essential leucine that gets converted to HMB naturally.

I think I covered sufficiently. Let me know if you want further dive into this topic.
  • Sleep Duration: 7:07
  • Morning Erection: Yes
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot Shower (5-minutes) plus various stretches
  • Bundled stretching (1:02 minute each) - 10 minutes time limit - Not in order - Reverse kegels while stretching & isometric
    • BTC tub stretch
    • A-stretch
    • Down, left, right
    • Straight down
    • Upper left, left, up
    • Upper right, right
  • Regular cranks for the remaining 1 minute
  • Ace wrap all day
Decent training and my injury seems to be healed already.

There's an update on the injury...Instead of using bacitracin, I used colloidal silver along with DMSO combined with the aloe vera.

The colloidal silver is another miracle of God because there is no virus and no bacteria that can withstand its power unlike antibiotics where the bacteria can grow a resistance to it...there is nothing that can withstand the power of colloidal silver.

Also, I finally got around to starting to read about SRT and I wanted to commend @DLD for your willingness to self experiment and to put out this information.

I realized that the missing components in my training is the all day stretching after length work and to continue using the Siliring for my girth work.

The other missing component was adding reverse kegels to the left work although today I had an accident because I didn't release the pelvic floor instead I released fecal matter so I need to be careful make sure that I am activating the correct muscles when doing the reverse kegels. 😂

Lastly, the Ace Wrap that I placed on today has been very comfortable because I first wrap my penis using a eyeglass cloth that I had and then I used the self adhesive Ace Wrap.

I made sure that I didn't wrap too tightly and wrapped just enough to get length and honestly is so comfortable I may just sleep with this on just to continue the healing process I'll probably put on the DMSO with aloe vera let that dry a bit and then put on the eyeglass cloth again and the Ace Wrap. 😁
I know you are a VET so I might not have much to add but on my second time at PE. Coconut oil has been great for my skin to stretch and heal, RED + NIR therapy is a must (do that during those stretches), and Water pumping has gotten me the best EQ of my life. I'm not sure if you are air or water pumping.
  • Sleep Duration: 6:36 😭
  • Morning erection: 4.5 out of 5.
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching and cranks (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels
    • 10 minutes (7 hg)
    • Last minute (7.5 hg)
  • Sealing in girth work
By God's grace I am healed and for this pumping session I use the sleeve and this has made a tremendous difference.

I was even surprised that I'm getting close to 7 inches per the tube measurements numbers.

After I completed the one hour of using the ring, I placed the DMSO and aloe vera combination on my penis in order to accelerate the healing process.

In addition when I went to bed... I went to bed without any boxers on, I was still able to have morning erections.

I'm still on the fence on whether to go full commando as a trucker due to the need to urinate a lot and I don't want the urine that can dribble out to be on my pants.

In essence the training day was an excellent one! Excelsior!
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I know you are a VET so I might not have much to add but on my second time at PE. Coconut oil has been great for my skin to stretch and heal, RED + NIR therapy is a must (do that during those stretches), and Water pumping has gotten me the best EQ of my life. I'm not sure if you are air or water pumping.

Hi and thank you for stopping by to read.

When you refer to the coconut oil are you referring to using the oil after your training or during your training?

Thank you for the suggestion regarding the red therapy I may consider it in the future. ♨️

And to answer your inquiry I do air pumping only.
Coconut oil if you are jelqing, I guess for air pump too?

MOSRED looks like the best option for Red Light

I know a lot of Vets love and continue to air pump, but for SOME, water pump with MittyVac is amazing, and even some vets have said it improved EQ and don't understand why with water there was a change, I don't know the science of it, That is what is said. All I can say is water pumping for me is essential and I find it extremely difficult to air pump.
Coconut oil if you are jelqing, I guess for air pump too?

MOSRED looks like the best option for Red Light

I know a lot of Vets love and continue to air pump, but for SOME, water pump with MittyVac is amazing, and even some vets have said it improved EQ and don't understand why with water there was a change, I don't know the science of it, That is what is said. All I can say is water pumping for me is essential and I find it extremely difficult to air pump.
This is where I come in. The science is simple, actually. Air vacuum pressure will influence the areas of lease resistance with the highest level of pressure loads, causing malformed pressure stressing. Let's say your penis left side has thinner skin compared to the rest; the air vacuum pressure forces the left side to bulge and create improper expansion.

Take the same scenario for water, water cannot be compressed. The influence of the vacuum pressure is equal all around. When the left side is thinner, the displaced volume of water does not change (as long as there are no air bubbles in the system). The water recompresses the bulging of the left side and prevents it from further expanding, causing a counteraction to the remainder of the penis. The malformed on the penis is less overall in water than it is in air. This is why I tossed my Doc Johnson old pump and grabbed the Bathmate. I should have grabbed the MityVac, though. Save myself a bit of time to do pressure gauge modding.

Using the influence of water, there's a science of intramolecular interaction using warm water. Ever notice that you get a good feeling from a nice warm or hot shower compared to a cold shower? Japanese and the Scandinavians proved this in their century long publishes about hot springs, bath, and showers to maximize blood flow and cellular enthalpy. The EQ is due to the enthalpy.
  • Sleep Duration: 6:36 😭
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching and cranks (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels
    • 10 minutes (7 hg)
    • Last minute (7.5 hg)
  • Sealing in girth work
By God's grace I am healed and for this pumping session I use the sleeve and this has made a tremendous difference.

I was even surprised that I'm getting close to 7 inches per the tube measurements numbers.

After I completed the one hour of using the ring, I placed the DMSO and aloe vera combination on my penis in order to accelerate the healing process.

In addition when I went to bed... I went to bed without any boxers on, I was still able to have morning erections.

I'm still on the fence on whether to go full commando as a trucker due to the need to urinate a lot and I don't want the urine that can dribble out to be on my pants.

In essence the training day was an excellent one! Excelsior!
Praise God you are doing so well
  • Sleep Duration: 6:46 😭
  • Morning erection: 4.9 out of 5.0 😱
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot Shower (5-minutes)
  • Bundled stretching (1:02 minute each) - 10 minutes time limit - Not in order
    • BTC tub stretch
      • Down, left, right
    • A-stretch (bundled) w/ kegels & reverse kegels
    • Dynamic
      • upper left, left, up
      • upper right, right, up
    • Hook stretch
  • Regular cranks for the remaining 1 minute
  • Ace Wrap all day
Super training today and I was amazed that my morning erection was 4.9 out of 5...I felt like I was a 20 year old! 😂

I am taking a back by this because I didn't come home until at least 6:00 in the morning although I still took my stack before I went to bed which is magnesium, borax, horny goat weed, nattokinase, and hawthorn.
This is where I come in. The science is simple, actually. Air vacuum pressure will influence the areas of lease resistance with the highest level of pressure loads, causing malformed pressure stressing. Let's say your penis left side has thinner skin compared to the rest; the air vacuum pressure forces the left side to bulge and create improper expansion.

Take the same scenario for water, water cannot be compressed. The influence of the vacuum pressure is equal all around. When the left side is thinner, the displaced volume of water does not change (as long as there are no air bubbles in the system). The water recompresses the bulging of the left side and prevents it from further expanding, causing a counteraction to the remainder of the penis. The malformed on the penis is less overall in water than it is in air. This is why I tossed my Doc Johnson old pump and grabbed the Bathmate. I should have grabbed the MityVac, though. Save myself a bit of time to do pressure gauge modding.

Using the influence of water, there's a science of intramolecular interaction using warm water. Ever notice that you get a good feeling from a nice warm or hot shower compared to a cold shower? Japanese and the Scandinavians proved this in their century long publishes about hot springs, bath, and showers to maximize blood flow and cellular enthalpy. The EQ is due to the enthalpy.

Thanks for the breakdown. I rewatched Doc Hink's vid on air vs. water pumping. For now, I'll stick to air.

His explanation still lacks nearly half the scientific point of view. But he's covering the medical aspect of water vs air. Bathmate can also do air, but the lack gauge out the box is a pain. A mod gauge can be done just a bit more, but indeed it's an expensive system due to the multi method design.

We can go head to head with both. It doesn't need to be a bath or shower for either. I can prove both. As he indicated, comfort is also a key, using a pump donut will provide the same comfort. I used Doc Johnson for over a decade, so I know everything to know about cylinder vac type. I also converted it using water as well using a full liter liquid trap. One mistake and the air vac pump can suffer immediately. I have to replace 4 pistol pumps and 9 air gauges due to water damages as well. So, I have plenty of experience on the pump system. This is why I switched to Bathmate just for the experience on the other side of the PE coin.
Hink is great but you have to take it into context, in each of his versus battles he keeps going off topic and not talking about alternatives, he is gaining more wisdom as he goes, but there are SO many things to talk about, I get it.

1. You don't have to be in the bath to water pump. I guess if you are using bathmate you do but not a regular pump with water and gauge. This video is mislabeled, it should be AIR vs Bathmate. He should have and perhaps will do a AIR vs WATER in the mittyvac
2. So almost all posts I have read say that many air pumpers went to water and increased their EQ, few say that they went from water to air and it improved (not using bathmate vs air but pump with and without water). In other words, if you gain EQ from air you should get it with water as well, if you don't get good EQ from air you should try water and then see if you get better EQ, many have experienced this shock and let us know.

I say this because I do PE not just for growth but EQ, I do feel that I would be border line taking viagra if I didn't water pump.

I will say that right now I water pump with gauge and in 2 or 3 years I'll do Bathmate when cementing and probably for life, that would be my journey. Right now, I need to know the Hg I am at so I do it with a regular air pump and gauge, filling it with water.
  • Sleep Duration: 6:27 😭
  • Morning erection: Nopers
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching and cranks (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels
    • 10 minutes (7.5 hg)
    • Last minute (8 hg)
  • Sealing in girth work
This was a challenging workout because I had to pick up my daughter for an event so I was in a rush.

I did the best that I could and just had to focus on the process even if the silicone sleeve wasn't on correctly and completely due to time constraints.

I don't want to cut the sleeve because if I grow...correction... As I grow then if I cut it I will be exposing more the penis then to be covered.

I also wanted to wear the Siliring all day however again due to trucking the ring can become painful after a while.

I have to take it off and with doing routes throughout the day, this is quite the challenge to pull over slightly undressed in order to adjust a ring or put on another ring especially when the truck has a front facing and driver facing camera. No need to give the Safety Team any unwarranted exposure! 😅

I may go back to Stealthwear for men because not only does it act as ADS... If I purchase the core screw that goes with it I can possibly work on girth too.

As far as foreskin restoration, this is on pause until I can figure out the ample time to wear it due to trucking.
Looks like your morning wood is based on the amount of rest you're getting as well. I'm suspecting fluctuation of cortisol level. Hight cortisol level due to lack of sleep induces stresses, in turn, reduces erection in the morning. Try to log it to see if that's the case. The pattern may emerge.
Looks like your morning wood is based on the amount of rest you're getting as well. I'm suspecting fluctuation of cortisol level. Hight cortisol level due to lack of sleep induces stresses, in turn, reduces erection in the morning. Try to log it to see if that's the case. The pattern may emerge.

I suspect that you're right in regards to the lack of sleep because I came home from work extremely late so I did not get the adequate amount of sleep that I needed.
Sleep is so important in pe. At least 8 hours if possible
  • Sleep Duration: 8:59🥳💐🎉
  • Morning erection: YES!
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching and cranks (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels + sleeve
    • 10 minutes total (8 hg)
    • 2 minutes on, 10 seconds off
    • Last minute (8.5 hg)
  • Sealing in girth work
Superior training! I took my time to place the sleeve on & used a kegels app for 3 sets.

While in the tube, I practiced HRV breathing too.
Awesome! Looks like you have a pattern on cortisol influences for your morning erection. Mental and physical rest is what you need for the body to reset.

Love how you guys take strides on applying medical and physiological knowledge into the routine. Since you are pushing that 8.5 inHg expansion and late set, apply to the mid set instead. Once the cell walls break, it's useless to stress it more. Push it to 9 inHg for the second pumping with 60 seconds drop off back to 8 inHg, then back to 9 inHg and slow drop off again. Use the last set at 7 or 8 inHg to maintain cellular repair responses before the rest phases. That 60 to 90 minutes normal erection is what you also aim for as well. 45 minutes post pumping is the critical time where cells will try to rapidly repair damage cell walls. Red light therapy during this period will also help boost repair during rest phase as well. If there's no red light, warm compress or warming of tissues helps to mobilize blood flow during that post pumping period for as long as you can before and while you sleep. This is why I use my old IR-tourmaline heating pad at 100F with a timer for a few hours while I sleep during winter. A good blanket to warm the crotch will do just as good.
  • Sleep Duration: 6:51
  • Morning erection: Yes
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot Shower (5-minutes)
  • Bundled stretching (1:03 minute each) - 10 minutes time limit - Not in order - Parasympathetic breathing while stretching
    • BTC tub stretch
      • Down, left, right
    • A-stretch (bundled) w/ kegels & reverse kegels
    • Dynamic
      • upper left, left, up
      • upper right, right, up
  • Regular cranks for the remaining 1 minute
  • Ace Wrap all day
Incredible training today and I am learning to incorporate breeding techniques with my PE.

In addition, I am starting to stretch slowly in order to reduce the retract reflex and then I increase the intensity of the stretch at the end when I'm breathing out.

I was surprised that I had in the morning erection however this is always welcome.
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Awesome! Looks like you have a pattern on cortisol influences for your morning erection. Mental and physical rest is what you need for the body to reset.

Love how you guys take strides on applying medical and physiological knowledge into the routine. Since you are pushing that 8.5 inHg expansion and late set, apply to the mid set instead. Once the cell walls break, it's useless to stress it more. Push it to 9 inHg for the second pumping with 60 seconds drop off back to 8 inHg, then back to 9 inHg and slow drop off again. Use the last set at 7 or 8 inHg to maintain cellular repair responses before the rest phases. That 60 to 90 minutes normal erection is what you also aim for as well. 45 minutes post pumping is the critical time where cells will try to rapidly repair damage cell walls. Red light therapy during this period will also help boost repair during rest phase as well. If there's no red light, warm compress or warming of tissues helps to mobilize blood flow during that post pumping period for as long as you can before and while you sleep. This is why I use my old IR-tourmaline heating pad at 100F with a timer for a few hours while I sleep during winter. A good blanket to warm the crotch will do just as good.

As always thank you for your feedback, your suggestions, and insights.

Here is the interval pumping exercise plan that I have been following:

Since my time is limited I keep within the 10 minute range and do only 2 minutes based on the video.

Here is also a footnote video too:

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Looks like you got this. His "inflammation" is actually cellular membrane breakdown and repairing responses. 2 minutes is common breakage point internally. Fluid build up starts around the third minute at high vac pressure around 8 inHg.

At 104% expansion, that barely hit the minimal expansion limit. However, what you truly want to measure is the glans and not the mid shaft. The mid shaft influenced by fluid build that you don't see. The glans and up to 0.5 inch below the glans are less likely to be influenced by fluid build up.

However it's your method to tackle and experiment.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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