Progress thread Haursen's Comeback

  • Sleep Duration: 7:49🥳💐🎉
  • Morning erection: YES!
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching and cranks (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels + sleeve + coherent breathing
    • 10 minutes total (8 hg)
    • 2 minutes on, 10 seconds off
    • Last minute (8.5 hg)
    • Kegels app on sets 1,3,5
  • Sealing in girth work
    • 1 Siliring at base
    • Collar around the penis & balls
      • 53 minutes
At this training started off as penis wasn't hard going in the tube in spite my efforts.

I stuck with it and it wasn't until I did my last set at 8.5 Hg in combination with kegels (I use a kegels app) and that my penis ballooned to where it was filling up the sides of the tube.🤯

I was stunned at how beefy my penis looked and I even struggled to get the penis out of the tube...of course, I had to sleeve on and still that was a wonderful sight to behold! 😍

Lastly I used a collar to wrap the penis and the balls and I had a Siliring at the base... I didn't use the smallest ring I used the the biggest one and this was the first time that I did not feel any pain or major discomfort. Possibly the collar help move some of the skin out of the way to prevent discomfort which is just a theory.
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Here's my theory for your growth as well. Looks like there is a great patterns you discovered along the way. I can say your cellular breakdown and repair is going like a dream. The amount of gap creation from your workout may push you to gain 1.5in of circumference for the year. Your pressure you've achieved for the baseline is entering into the moderate and into the high zone. This is where true growth begins. Just like how LM3 intense routines and ADS at 2.5 lbs for 10+ hrs. You are pushing fatigue into the crazy high zone. Proud of your consistency, and erection quality from good rests. See the patterns, establishing baseline, log your routine, and we can see things clearly for your growth progression. Keep at it!
  • Sleep Duration: 7:45 🥳
  • Morning erection: No 🤔
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot Shower (5-minutes)
  • Bundled stretching (1:03 minute each) - 10 minutes time limit - Not in order - Coherent breathing while stretching
  • BTC tub stretch
    • Down, left, right
    • A-stretch (bundled) w/ kegels & reverse kegels
    • Dynamic
      • upper left, left, up
      • upper right, right, up
      • Regular cranks for the remaining 1 minute
  • Ace Wrap all day
Wonderful stretching session today and I was doing expressive stretching emphasizing the pool as hard as I could.

After the session I made sure to put DMSO + aloe vera cream on the ligaments to promote faster healing.

I did the ace Wrap and added medical tape to tape the rap in order to increase length. I can still urinate so looks like I do not have the wrap too tight to prevent that.

I am curious why I did not have a morning erection even if I had 7 hours of sleep and it's quite curious.

In other news I found out that the rear right tire of my car may need to be looked at tomorrow, Lord willing.

I may or may not do PE in the morning because I'll need to go to the tire shop early we will see.
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Interesting on the erection. By the way, I'm placing your info in data graph because I'm very curious. Now, there are missing information. In the previous days before you rest and obtained the erection, what was the level of water volume, additional foods/supplements taken, sleep patterns (straight to beta-dreaming vs waking up sessions due to disturbance), and awareness level when you woke up?

The reason why is the water volume also influence morning erections. Dreams, depending on the contents, induce the release of serotonin and supplements that stimulate the receptors resulting in the erection set into high gears. Your morning awareness indicates how well you rested or disturbances that increase cortisol level that reduces the erection level. Brother, you're a golden mine of info.
Interesting on the erection. By the way, I'm placing your info in data graph because I'm very curious. Now, there are missing information. In the previous days before you rest and obtained the erection, what was the level of water volume, additional foods/supplements taken, sleep patterns (straight to beta-dreaming vs waking up sessions due to disturbance), and awareness level when you woke up?

The reason why is the water volume also influence morning erections. Dreams, depending on the contents, induce the release of serotonin and supplements that stimulate the receptors resulting in the erection set into high gears. Your morning awareness indicates how well you rested or disturbances that increase cortisol level that reduces the erection level. Brother, you're a golden mine of info.

Thank you for the reply. When I am finished with trucking for the day, I immediately start drinking my water.

I drink filtered water and I add the following elements which are borax (1/4 teaspoon), lemon slice, and Himalayan salt.

Before I go to bed I take magnesium citrate with water and I take the following supplements which are nattokinase, hawthorn, and horny goat weed.

I did take one teaspoon of DMSO in liquid form with one cup of citrus juice before bed to help with my PE recovery.

I slept rather good...I did get up to use the bathroom and then I went back to sleep after a few minutes.

My mind was clear and I did not have any negative stress bothering me at all.

I do not recall any dreams at all and I think my deep sleep went well too.
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Thank you for the reply. When I am finished with trucking for the day, I immediately start drinking my water.

I drink filtered water and I add the following elements which are borax (1/4 teaspoon), lemon slice, and Himalayan salt.

Before I go to bed I take magnesium citrate with water and I take the following supplements which are nattokinase, hawthorn, and horny goat weed.

I did take one teaspoon of DMSO in liquid form with one cup of citrus juice before bed to help with my PE recovery.

I slept rather good...I did get up to use the bathroom and then I went back to sleep after a few minutes.

My mind was clear and I did not have any negative stress bothering me at all.

I do not recall any dreams at all and I think my deep sleep went well too.
I am so different I dream all night long. Some good, some bad.
I am so different I dream all night long. Some good, some bad.
But you reach your beta wave which is good. Most can't achieve that beta wave and became restless. Dream is a good sign that you reach your rapid eye movements phases. This is where your mind truly rested. But to have bad dreams, well, the only way I can suggest you do is to perform mindscape control practices, where you control your dreams even in the worst of nightmares. I managed to do this when I was 12.
But you reach your beta wave which is good. Most can't achieve that beta wave and became restless. Dream is a good sign that you reach your rapid eye movements phases. This is where your mind truly rested. But to have bad dreams, well, the only way I can suggest you do is to perform mindscape control practices, where you control your dreams even in the worst of nightmares. I managed to do this when I was 12.
I dream all night long, also I have a lot of lucid dreaming (it's like watching a move/playing a video game that you can control somewhat) in the morning especially if I have no work that day.

Sometimes I'm happy when I wake up, because if the dream was true, it would be a very stressful/hard situation.
I dream all night long, also I have a lot of lucid dreaming (it's like watching a move/playing a video game that you can control somewhat) in the morning especially if I have no work that day.

Sometimes I'm happy when I wake up, because if the dream was true, it would be a very stressful/hard situation.
Be careful what you wish for. Lucid dream tends to be prophetic dreams. This is why I have dream logs. So far, 60% of the dreams I have were and still are prophetic. My wife didn't believe me about my daughter in my dream, but 90% of what I dreamt about my daughter was back then have been fulfilled to the very detail.
Be careful what you wish for. Lucid dream tends to be prophetic dreams. This is why I have dream logs. So far, 60% of the dreams I have were and still are prophetic. My wife didn't believe me about my daughter in my dream, but 90% of what I dreamt about my daughter was back then have been fulfilled to the very detail.
I have no contol of this...this happens almost every night for me. It feels like my mind is on 200% when I sleep.
But they say that our brain is more active during sleep, then when we are awake.

prophetic dreams
Yes I can feel this. Many things happens or almost happens, and some things I want to happen. I believe dreams can be our unconscious mind trying to speak to our conscious mind. Or some nightmares with situations I can prevent, or they can guide me when I'm awake.

Be careful what you wish for
I understand what you are saying.

Dreams are a very strange thing.
I have no contol of this...this happens almost every night for me. It feels like my mind is on 200% when I sleep.
But they say that our brain is more active during sleep, then when we are awake.

Yes I can feel this. Many things happens or almost happens, and some things I want to happen. I believe dreams can be our unconscious mind trying to speak to our conscious mind. Or some nightmares with situations I can prevent, or they can guide me when I'm awake.

I understand what you are saying.

Dreams are a very strange thing.
I'm in the same place
  • Sleep Duration: 6:29
  • Morning erection: Nopers
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching and cranks (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels + sleeve + coherent breathing
    • 10 minutes total (8 hg)
    • 2 minutes on, 10 seconds off
    • Last minute (8.5 hg)
    • Kegels app on sets 1,3,5
  • Sealing in girth work
    • 1 Siliring at base
    • Collar around the penis & balls
    • 30 minutes
Remember how I said I was going to have the tire looked at today... God had other plans.

When I got off work at approximately 4:30 in the morning, I was driving from the truck lot my personal vehicle and the rear tire popped.

I pulled into the gas station and call emergency tire services and the whole process took about 3 hours. 😴

I didn't get home until at least 7:00 in the morning and I went to bed at 7:20 in the morning and then awakened at 2:05 p.m. today.

Obstacles make me stronger. 💪🏽

Since I am going into the upper echelon of high air pressure, I stuck with 8 hg until the last set.

On Fridays, I normally go up 0.5 and then use that as my new baseline...Not this time...I just want to be careful and slowly ease into the high air pressure ranges.

Plus since I didn't get a lot of sleep, I want to take this in consideration regarding growth factors.

Due to time restraints, I was only able to do 30 minutes of girth sealing work and I put dmso cream on the unit for recovery.

Slow and steady wins the race. 🐢
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Acts 2:17

Now, DLD, dream about how to bring in the cash crops brother.
‭Acts 2:17 KJV‬
[17] And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see visions, And your old men shall dream dreams:

Praise to you my brother. Acts of the apostles reminds me so much of the brotherhood
  • Sleep Duration: 8:54
  • Morning erection: Solid yes (even had a strong erection going to the restroom which rarely happens! 💪🏽)
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching and cranks (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels + sleeve + coherent breathing
    • 10 minutes total (8.5 hg)
    • 2:01 minutes on, 10 seconds off
    • Last minute (9 hg)
  • Kegels app on sets 1,3,5
  • Sealing in girth work
  • 1 Siliring at base
    • 60 minutes then various times in the day.
Wow... What a session today!

Everything flowed smoothly and I'm now proficient and putting on the sleeve.

In addition I'm taking up the habit of wearing the Siliring as much as possible and taking it off approximately 1 hour.

In other news since my wife and daughter went to bed early yesterday I went ahead and took measurements.

As of April 14th 2024 my BPFL is 18.0 cm and my FG is 11.4 cm.

I lost .5 cm for the BPFL and I have a few theories on why:

One theory is that I could have measured wrong when I took my last measurement my having my pelvis pushed forward.

Or the other option is that I may have measured wrong.

Or the other option is that I did actually lose that point five and I'm not sure why if that's due to when I measure the temperature in the room or the season or variety of factors.

Truth be told, I was a bit disappointed yet when I remember that I have grown from I think if I remember correctly 15 cm or 14 cm to now 18 cm that is a huge pun intended increase.

According to an article I read I am in the top 2%, so this is definitely something to celebrate because I do remember when I was 16.5 cm before so growth has happened it just has been incremental.
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Look at you! Deep sleep (low cortisol and high dopamine levela) do get your erection level up. Maybe melatonin to assist with more dopamine production during sleep? Something to think about.
Look at you! Deep sleep (low cortisol and high dopamine levela) do get your erection level up. Maybe melatonin to assist with more dopamine production during sleep? Something to think about.
Melatonin increases dopamine?
Addendum: Here's the quote from the article I mentioned on 4-15-24 post.

"...the average erect penis is just 5.16 inches, according to a 2015 scientific review that looked at the flaccid and erect penises of over 15,500 men. In the review, 68% of men measured between 4.5 and 5.8 inches while erect. At 7-inches, you’re in the top ~2% of men."


I also failed to mention that before I went to bed on Sunday night I did not take any horny goat weed and I just took hawthorn and magnesium citrate.

Possibly the combination of 8 hours of sleep plus the absence of horny goat weed since it has phytoestrogen may have caused the mega morning erection.
I also failed to mention that before I went to bed on Sunday night I did not take any horny goat weed and I just took hawthorn and magnesium citrate.

Possibly the combination of 8 hours of sleep plus the absence of horny goat weed since it has phytoestrogen may have caused the mega morning erection.
Yep. Phytoestrogen is testosterone killer. Unless you can compensate when good old natural testosterone level, you'll get the erection flat liner.

As for Hawthorne and magnesium citrate, good combo for cell repairs and relaxation for good rest phases. Can't go to keep on heavy workout day without magnesium citrate or I get Charlie horses.
Yep. Phytoestrogen is testosterone killer. Unless you can compensate when good old natural testosterone level, you'll get the erection flat liner.

As for Hawthorne and magnesium citrate, good combo for cell repairs and relaxation for good rest phases. Can't go to keep on heavy workout day without magnesium citrate or I get Charlie horses.
Chemical Genius's
  • Sleep Duration: 7:32 🥳
  • Morning erection: Yes and wow even if I went to the bathroom the erection stayed!
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot Shower (5-minutes)
  • Bundled stretching (1:02 minute each) - 10:01 minutes time limit - Not in order - Coherent breathing while expressive stretching
    • BTC tub stretch
      • Down, left, right
    • A-stretch (bundled) w/ kegels & reverse kegels
    • Side to Sides
    • Bundled & Regular cranks for the remaining 2 minute
  • Silicap all day
Superior training today!

I was very, very shocked that my morning erection lasted as long as it did and again I did not take any horny goat weed before I slept.

I think I have found a catalyst on why I haven't been having consistent morning erections and having only 6 hours of sleep compounding over time.

Instead of using the Ace Wrap I am using the Silicap instead. It's not perfect yet it still allows all-day stretching.
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Looks like you've found your kryptonite in the supplement. Instead of horny goat weed extract, try 3g to 4g of HMB with 30ug (or 2500 to 3000 units) of Vit D3. You'll probably get a nice surprise each morning.
  • Sleep Duration: 7:12
  • Morning erection: Unbelievable Yes!
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels + sleeve + coherent breathing
    • 10 minutes total (8.5 hg)
    • 2:01 minutes on, 30 seconds off (included penis shaking, massage, or SSJ)
    • Last minute (9 hg)
  • Kegels app on sets 1,3,5
  • Sealing in girth work
    • 1 Siliring at base
    • 30 minutes then various times in the day.
Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow... Remarkable training today!

I am particularly taken aback by this morning's erection to where my penis was so hard that even after I urinated it was still hard and that has (to my knowledge) NEVER happened before! 🙌🏽

Also, I have noticed (and this probably may have been there before and just have noticed it) that my penis is starting to get veiny!

I have ordered the Length Master 3 and SizeGenetics this morning so things are about to get real! 🤣

Furthermore I've listened to a podcast from the Weston A. Price foundation that has me rethinking about the importance of protein. I'll post it soon because this may be one of the hidden keys to additional growth!
Also, I have noticed (and this probably may have been there before and just have noticed it) that my penis is starting to get veiny!
The veiny part is an indicator your blood flow is nominal. Do you see buffed up guys without veins and only smooth skin? Nope. Same with the penis. You think large penises look smooth and silky? Nope. Thicker looking veins go away after a break period of low to no PE routines.

Furthermore I've listened to a podcast from the Weston A. Price foundation that has me rethinking about the importance of protein. I'll post it soon because this may be one of the hidden keys to additional growth!

Yep. Proteins are building blocks of life. Too little and you'll suffer. Too much and it's a waste, and still suffer. We already broke the enigma of protein loading for standard person and a gym rat long ago. Good to see you discover the correlation between essential protein needs and PE. Got to have good bricks to build a solid home..eeerrr penis.
  • Sleep Duration: 6:50
  • Morning erection: Yes!
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot Shower (5-minutes)
  • Bundled stretching (1:02 minutes each) - 10:01 minutes time limit - Not in order - Coherent breathing while expressive stretching
    • BTC tub stretch
      • Down, left, right
    • Basic stretching
    • Down, left, right
    • Side to Sides
    • Regular cranks for the remaining 2 minute
  • Ace wrap all day when possible
Another successful session and I am so happy that I am consistently having morning erections!

I decided to forgo the Silicap as a ADS and use the Ace wrap instead. The glans is still warm even if I put on slightly tight.
Late Entry: 4-19-24
  • Sleep Duration: 8:35
  • Morning erection: Yes!
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels + sleeve + coherent breathing
    • 10 minutes total (9 hg)
    • 2:01 minutes on, 30 seconds off (included penis shaking, massage, or SSJ)
    • Last minute (9.5 hg)
  • Kegels app on sets 1,3,5
  • Sealing in girth work
    • 1 Siliring at base
    • 1 hour then various times in the day.
I went forward and did my usual Friday routine where I went up in air pressure and everything worked swimmingly. I will cap at 10 Hg.


Rest Day
  • Morning erection: Yes
I see your baseline for vac pressure enters into the moderate to moderate-high zone. Your expansion rate will explode going from this point on. Do limit the pressure zone to 10 inHg at max limit for the next month or two to monitor once you reach it. This is where cell recombination for larger cell formation occurs. Let's monitor the progression like a hawk from here on out.
I see your baseline for vac pressure enters into the moderate to moderate-high zone. Your expansion rate will explode going from this point on. Do limit the pressure zone to 10 inHg at max limit for the next month or two to monitor once you reach it. This is where cell recombination for larger cell formation occurs. Let's monitor the progression like a hawk from here on out.
Very good point
Interesting. Since you take supplements daily, and had erections prior. I noticed that your tissues and cells are stressed every incremental pressure rise between 0.5 to 1inHg. It should equalize as your system is subjected to the same high pressure over and over again.

Try something for us to gain more insights. As you increase your pressure and your body is adapting to new pressure, to encourage that morning erection, try warm temp massages using your palms and warm mix of coconut oil and liquid Vit E. For every 0.25 tspn of coconut oil, use 3 drops of Vit E. Warm oil should only be warm under the hottest water you can get. Not nuking in the microwave. Massage session is as long as you want, from 15 to 60 minutes Massage should be all palms, no fingers, the travelling the entire length of the penis from the crotch to the glans and back. Leave the oil mix on all night and sleep.
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Interesting. Since you take supplements daily, and had erections prior. I noticed that your tissues and cells are stressed every incremental pressure rise between 0.5 to 1inHg. It should equalize as your system is subjected to the same high pressure over and over again.

Try something for us to gain more insights. As you increase your pressure and your body is adapting to new pressure, to encourage that morning erection, try warm temp massages using your palms and warm mix of coconut oil and liquid Vit E. For every 0.25 tspn of coconut oil, use 3 drops of Vit E. Warm oil should only be warm under the hottest water you can get. Not nuking in the microwave. Massage session is as long as you want, from 15 to 60 minutes Massage should be all palms, no fingers, the travelling the entire length of the penis from the crotch to the glans and back. Leave the oil mix on all night and sleep.
Great warm up!
Interesting. Since you take supplements daily, and had erections prior. I noticed that your tissues and cells are stressed every incremental pressure rise between 0.5 to 1inHg. It should equalize as your system is subjected to the same high pressure over and over again.

Try something for us to gain more insights. As you increase your pressure and your body is adapting to new pressure, to encourage that morning erection, try warm temp massages using your palms and warm mix of coconut oil and liquid Vit E. For every 0.25 tspn of coconut oil, use 3 drops of Vit E. Warm oil should only be warm under the hottest water you can get. Not nuking in the microwave. Massage session is as long as you want, from 15 to 60 minutes Massage should be all palms, no fingers, the travelling the entire length of the penis from the crotch to the glans and back. Leave the oil mix on all night and sleep.

I do something similar to your suggestion at night...After my nightly shower, I will spread on organic castor oil + organic black seed oil then massage a dollop of DMSO Aloe Vera cream.
I do something similar to your suggestion at night...After my nightly shower, I will spread on organic castor oil + organic black seed oil then massage a dollop of DMSO Aloe Vera cream.
Just make sure the oil is warmed up by hot water. You activate the compounds for faster delivery at warmer temps than cool/cold. Overall, you got this covered.

Instead of castor oil alone, switch to other oils to see the interactions for a few weeks. You may get a better combination with aloe and coconut over castor via DMSO.
Just make sure the oil is warmed up by hot water. You activate the compounds for faster delivery at warmer temps than cool/cold. Overall, you got this covered.

Instead of castor oil alone, switch to other oils to see the interactions for a few weeks. You may get a better combination with aloe and coconut over castor via DMSO.
We are about to introduce a new cream that contains every positive ingredient
  • Sleep Duration: 8:59 (fire)
  • Morning erection: Yes!
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot shower with bundled stretching (5 minutes)
  • Interval Pumping w/ kegels + sleeve + coherent breathing
    • 10 minutes total (9 hg)
    • 2:01 minutes on, 30 seconds off
    • Last minute (9.5 hg)
  • Kegels app on sets 1,3,5
  • Sealing in girth work
    • 1 Siliring at base
    • 1 hour then various times in the day.
Wonderful training today!

Massive expansion!

I have increased my protein intake (I bought Simple Truth protein powder to mix with Simple Truth coconut milk). For my first meal, I had 54g (18 grams of protein per scoop). Lord willing, I will take 40 grams at night before bed.

I made a supplement order yesterday so I have the following supplements arriving:

  • Vital Earth Minerals Mineral Blend Fulvic-Humic Liquid 32 fl.oz
  • Now HMB (500mg) 120 vcaps
  • Orgain Grass Fed Whey Protein Powder Creamy Chocolate Fudge 1.82 lbs
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Just make sure the oil is warmed up by hot water. You activate the compounds for faster delivery at warmer temps than cool/cold. Overall, you got this covered.

Instead of castor oil alone, switch to other oils to see the interactions for a few weeks. You may get a better combination with aloe and coconut over castor via DMSO.

I have a Himalayan salt massage stone that I can use again (I dropped out of the habit of doing this). The massage recommendation you made reminds me of BD's tunica scaping concept:

I have a Himalayan salt massage stone that I can use again (I dropped out of the habit of doing this). The massage recommendation you made reminds me of BD's tunica scaping concept:

Ah yes, similar to facial scraping to encourage collagen formation. Just be careful not to cause abrasion and cuts that will delay your routines.
Late Entry

  • Sleep Duration: 7:00 🥳
  • Morning erection: Yes!
  • Contrast shower
  • Warm-up: Hot Shower (5-minutes) - bunding the penis, cranks, pulls
  • Stretching (1:05 minute each) - 10:02 minutes time limit - Not in order - Coherent breathing
    • Ball & lig stretch
    • DLD plyometric stretch
    • Under the Leg stretch
    • DLD counter stretch (middle, left, right)
  • Ace wrap with medical tape all-day
I decided to "shock" my penis by doing different stretches from the Easy List MOS DVD. I like the variety and keeps the training fresh.
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I hope you don't mind, but my colleagues are monitoring your posts for their research as well. They want your prior consent to use as anonymous data to create a charting schema on biochemical evaluation. If you do not like it, please, voice your concerns. Otherwise, they'll use me as a mouth piece to assist with your endeavors.
I hope you don't mind, but my colleagues are monitoring your posts for their research as well. They want your prior consent to use as anonymous data to create a charting schema on biochemical evaluation. If you do not like it, please, voice your concerns. Otherwise, they'll use me as a mouth piece to assist with your endeavors.

As long as the data is anonymous, I am fine with this. :)
Lengthmaster Order Update:

I received an email yesterday that LM3 will be released on 5-15-24 @DLD ! Yay! :headphones

I am concerned that I will be out of town from the 16th and return on the 19th.

Hopefully, no one will steal the package.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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