Has this ever happened to you?

Hey guys. I really hate to post this but dont know where to turn right now and am getting really frustrated (and scared). So i'm new and trying different routines and do my usual 10 min stretch before I start. About 5 minutes into my workout a drop or 2 of blood come out of my penis?? This has happened like 3 times now in the past month. I think i'm pulling and stretching too hard and tearing a blood vessel? Any thoughts guys. This is scary and embarrassing. I just want to know nothing serious is wrong with my unit? Besides, what do I tell a Doctor anyways? I'm tugging on my dick too hard and it's bleeding lol
If its coming out of your uretha it definetely not normal and shouldn't be happening with or without pe. I would definetely get it checked out by a doctor could be a kidney problem or something minor like just some skin scratched or roughed up......
I have heard other users on this site complaining about blood coming out of their penis. They just said to ease down on the workout and to take a short break.

Could be be what Titsmagee said though. Not sure.
Yeah you gotta esae up a bit. Same thing happened to me as well, so I just warm up a little bit more and slowly increase the intensity with each strecth that I do. Just stop for a few days or week to make sure you're completely healed and start back at a slower pace.