Hello guys,
I haven't been on this site in at least a year aside from occasionally browsing. I wish I wasn't posting in this category but I have nowhere else to go. I suppose I could sign in at a depression forum, but I don't think it would yield the same kind of results.
Basically, for the last few hours, I have felt pretty hopeless about most things in my life: money (and not having enough), my job, my family, my love life (that no longer exists), and I don't know what to do.
I want out of my job. I want to work for myself, but it's very difficult. A friend of mine and I have a small video production company but gigs are few and far between and pay very little. I want to start a home-based business of some kind but there are far too many scams and scammers out there; I don't know who and what programs to trust. Plus, I know nothing about online marketing and have very little money to invest.
My job is physically and emotionally draining. It basically pays about double what I was making while subsisting on Unemployment Insurance, and for that I'm grateful, but that's really all it affords (and it's certainly not enough). It's not really worth all the stress, physical discomfort and lack of time to pursue anything meaningful. It's not in an industry I want to be a part of either and it grates on my nerves. Plus, this is the company's busy season (Halloween), and I am working long days.
Since beginning this job in July I have lost a lot of sleep, weight, personal time and self-worth, although, to be honest, I don't think I valued myself all that much to begin with.
On to other things...
Recently my father tried to kill himself by huffing compressed air. Apparently, according to my mom, he's at the end of his rope. He's delusional. He's convinced that something bad is going to happen to me, my mom or sisters. He told me a couple of months ago that if something did he wouldn't be able to handle it, so I guess he's sabotaging his life to cut that off at the pass.
If he dies, divorces my mom or, at the very least, stops going to work, it means my whole family is screwed financially, nevermind the emotional devastation. I have no real way of helping them with money, which is troublesome.
I can't even mention my non-existent sex life without becoming enraged at myself, so I won't, because I don't need that on top of everything else I feel as I'm typing.
Being on this site makes me mad, too. It reminds me or maybe makes aware just how unmotivated and unambitious I have become in the last decade. I used to have hope about a lot of things, but as I've grown older much of that has dissipated.
Plus, from a practical standpoint, reading about your 9, 10, and 12" dicks does little to instill self-confidence. I mean, I think I'm large (and when taking into consideration average penis size from stats and surveys I am), but Jesus...can't I just win at something?
I don't know what to do. All of these things are piggy-backing on me tonight and I really wish I could just crawl into bed and not wake up. But I'll have to, because I have work in the morning.
I don't have anyone there with me to encourage me, tell me I'm doing a good job, that things will work out, not to feel bad, etc., so it makes living particularly bleak and joyless. Everybody is somewhere else, unavailable or could give a shit about what's going on with me.
Don't get me wrong, usually I'm in a decent mood. I've been off antidepressants now for about half a year (which is totally awesome) and am taking vitamins that generally do a great job. It's just one of those times.
I just need a break. I need a break from work to get my head straight. I need a break from bills and rent to just breathe for a bit and I want a better life. I'm not a kid anymore; I don't have time to just kick around doing nothing. I just don't have drive anymore. A good day for me nowadays is not having to do anything.
(sigh) So I came here because I have no one to talk to. I can read all the self-help books I want to, but it doesn't replace having a strong group of friends and people who will support me (and one another) whole-heartedly; people who will push me kindly and gently and just be there when I need them (and I do). And I may not find those people here, but I just have to get this shit off my chest.
I haven't been on this site in at least a year aside from occasionally browsing. I wish I wasn't posting in this category but I have nowhere else to go. I suppose I could sign in at a depression forum, but I don't think it would yield the same kind of results.
Basically, for the last few hours, I have felt pretty hopeless about most things in my life: money (and not having enough), my job, my family, my love life (that no longer exists), and I don't know what to do.
I want out of my job. I want to work for myself, but it's very difficult. A friend of mine and I have a small video production company but gigs are few and far between and pay very little. I want to start a home-based business of some kind but there are far too many scams and scammers out there; I don't know who and what programs to trust. Plus, I know nothing about online marketing and have very little money to invest.
My job is physically and emotionally draining. It basically pays about double what I was making while subsisting on Unemployment Insurance, and for that I'm grateful, but that's really all it affords (and it's certainly not enough). It's not really worth all the stress, physical discomfort and lack of time to pursue anything meaningful. It's not in an industry I want to be a part of either and it grates on my nerves. Plus, this is the company's busy season (Halloween), and I am working long days.
Since beginning this job in July I have lost a lot of sleep, weight, personal time and self-worth, although, to be honest, I don't think I valued myself all that much to begin with.
On to other things...
Recently my father tried to kill himself by huffing compressed air. Apparently, according to my mom, he's at the end of his rope. He's delusional. He's convinced that something bad is going to happen to me, my mom or sisters. He told me a couple of months ago that if something did he wouldn't be able to handle it, so I guess he's sabotaging his life to cut that off at the pass.
If he dies, divorces my mom or, at the very least, stops going to work, it means my whole family is screwed financially, nevermind the emotional devastation. I have no real way of helping them with money, which is troublesome.
I can't even mention my non-existent sex life without becoming enraged at myself, so I won't, because I don't need that on top of everything else I feel as I'm typing.
Being on this site makes me mad, too. It reminds me or maybe makes aware just how unmotivated and unambitious I have become in the last decade. I used to have hope about a lot of things, but as I've grown older much of that has dissipated.
Plus, from a practical standpoint, reading about your 9, 10, and 12" dicks does little to instill self-confidence. I mean, I think I'm large (and when taking into consideration average penis size from stats and surveys I am), but Jesus...can't I just win at something?
I don't know what to do. All of these things are piggy-backing on me tonight and I really wish I could just crawl into bed and not wake up. But I'll have to, because I have work in the morning.
I don't have anyone there with me to encourage me, tell me I'm doing a good job, that things will work out, not to feel bad, etc., so it makes living particularly bleak and joyless. Everybody is somewhere else, unavailable or could give a shit about what's going on with me.
Don't get me wrong, usually I'm in a decent mood. I've been off antidepressants now for about half a year (which is totally awesome) and am taking vitamins that generally do a great job. It's just one of those times.
I just need a break. I need a break from work to get my head straight. I need a break from bills and rent to just breathe for a bit and I want a better life. I'm not a kid anymore; I don't have time to just kick around doing nothing. I just don't have drive anymore. A good day for me nowadays is not having to do anything.
(sigh) So I came here because I have no one to talk to. I can read all the self-help books I want to, but it doesn't replace having a strong group of friends and people who will support me (and one another) whole-heartedly; people who will push me kindly and gently and just be there when I need them (and I do). And I may not find those people here, but I just have to get this shit off my chest.