Finally saw the Urologist...

And it was a dismissive, 5 minute affair. He physically examined me, checked for prostatitis, gave me a cialis sample, told me about some cock rings, and said I could call back if the Cialis didn't do anything. I was afraid of this kind of visit. It was exactly the kind of visit Tbirdy talked about and demanded that I avoid.

I asked about cavernosonography and the Dr. said he would be unable to do that in the office. He also admitted he's not a specialist in that area, and he mentioned a doctor at tbe Cleveland Clinic (one of the top rated hospitals in the nation) that specializes in penile reconstruction who he could refer me to, I guess (not that I need penile reconstruction necessarily, but he may be able to determine if I have damage to my penis, and if so, what kind).

The cialis did seem to impact the speed at which i could acquire my 75-80% erections that I'm capable of. I got harder much faster. Overall hardness increased marginally, maybe 10% at most.

I'm still working on a post that more specifically details the problems I have. I will post this as soon as I'm ready.

Anyone else have dismissive Urologist visits? He was a very nice man, just not very concerned.
look orbital, exactly as I told you...

maybe u finally believe the other things that I say,
you don#t need reconstruction surgery, u need to stop pe for 3 month and take 50mg viagra before sleep each day. Then in the highly unlikely case that this will not improove your condition ALOT, you need to visit a SPenis EnlargementCIALIST, in that top rated clinic, and ask for a full duplex sonographie NOT a cavernosographie. What you SHOULD have asked the urologist about is a detailed hormone check, testosterone, dht, dhea, proglandin...just to exclude , that you ED is due to a lack of hormones - thats the only thing those local wonnabe's are good for anyways , when it comes to ED.

how old are u ? And why do you open up so many threads. Just leave all in one and try to follow some advice, I've been there through all that shit, so I can forecast what is going to happen, understand ?
Just the fact alone, that u ask a simple-ass urologist for a cavernosographie , clearly shows that you are UNINFORMED. Gain knowledge, spend some time reading, and try something that MOST likely will help you alot, wich is the viagra therapy, I posted the translation of a study in the other thread, that clearly showed amazing positive effects of daily viagra intake before sleep over a long period of time. It can cure your condition , so that you will never need viagra later, nor experience any kind of ED.

If all you seek is attention and not help , pls tell me so via pm, I will not take part in any of your threads nor comment on any of your posts ever. OK ?
Dude, you're an asshole. Stop being such a dick. I appreciate your input, but I don't agree with everything you say. Unless I'm told by moderators to stop posting, I will if I feel like it. Your manners are terrible.
Tbirdy, back off! You offer all kinds of advice with an unkind spirit. If you keep it up, no one will want anything to do with you. We don't appreciate this kind of attack on members here at [words=]MOS[/words]. GS
orbital said:
And it was a dismissive, 5 minute affair. He physically examined me, checked for prostatitis, gave me a cialis sample, told me about some cock rings, and said I could call back if the Cialis didn't do anything. I was afraid of this kind of visit. It was exactly the kind of visit Tbirdy talked about and demanded that I avoid.

I asked about cavernosonography and the Dr. said he would be unable to do that in the office. He also admitted he's not a specialist in that area, and he mentioned a doctor at tbe Cleveland Clinic (one of the top rated hospitals in the nation) that specializes in penile reconstruction who he could refer me to, I guess (not that I need penile reconstruction necessarily, but he may be able to determine if I have damage to my penis, and if so, what kind).

The cialis did seem to impact the speed at which i could acquire my 75-80% erections that I'm capable of. I got harder much faster. Overall hardness increased marginally, maybe 10% at most.

I'm still working on a post that more specifically details the problems I have. I will post this as soon as I'm ready.

Anyone else have dismissive Urologist visits? He was a very nice man, just not very concerned.

Orbital, I have had similiar situations with the urologists. Many don't know what to do, and admit they are limited. Their are few who do deal with Penile problems. I don't know your needs but I find that many men just need to get the blood circulation going. There are many ways to do it. Do it thebest way that you can and like. I don't like the drugs, but if you got a 10% increase in a short time, that is Good. The more blood you can get through your penis the more it will respond. When I started Penis Enlargement, I was not able or didn't have good erections. After a few months, wow, the erections began and now all the time and at any excuse. So, keep your spirits up. GS
"Dude, you're an asshole"

One thing I know for sure is I never ATTACKED you in the way u did attack me. In fact I never attacked you at all.
In the other thread you described your condition and asked for advice-

YOU WERE GIVEN ADVICE. Quality advice, even guidence and insight on what to do and what not to do. Without the slightest attacking, infact i took time to answer you because I've been through that stuff and nobody helped me, so I figured you feel very bad and confused about the situation.

You did NOT follow any of that advice and decided that you know better yourself. You went to the urologist and came back with "It was exactly the kind of visit Tbirdy talked about and demanded that I avoid."

Do I need to add anything more ??? Now you call me an ASSHOLE ?

German Stallion:

"Tbirdy, back off! You offer all kinds of advice with an unkind spirit.""

Atleast, try to be so fair and stick to this case....god :(
Again, the first advice I gave him was very optimistic without any sort of unkind spirit at all. In this last post I indeed felt kinda pissed off. Now. To me: that guy is either underage or has NO problem to begin with. Attention whore hits it on the head.

"If you keep it up, no one will want anything to do with you. We don't appreciate this kind of attack on members here at [words=]MOS[/words]. GS"

In fact, thats exactly how I will continue to keep it up. I will remain true to myself and others and I will say the truth. Believe it or not, but I prefer to have conversations with open minded people. And like always with truth, if you say the truth you will make real friends and enemys. in my book thats more honest than having false friends and buddys here.

Besides. It's interesting how you hide, behind the "WE HERE AT [words=]MOS[/words]" is that ? How can you speak for the thousands of members here, infact I got emailed by some friends from [words=]mos[/words], who told me NOT to waste my time with this dude. All in all , did you actually read my post ? Can't you understand why I sounded a little pissed ? Or don#t you want to ?

All I said was (in different simple words) :

Orbital I'm confused with your actions.
You are doing the wrong things.
You ask for advice, then don't follow it, so why ask in the first place.
In fact I, offered my help again and told him what to ask for, where, and what to get checked.
Last but not least : I was curious to know whether or not he wants my opinion/experience/input on his matter or not ? If not, I offered him to privetly tell me so.

Can you be more diplomatic or polite ?

Well, now it doesn#t matter to me any longer, I will stick with those people who don't waste my time and most important: don't waste THEIR time....

I'm outta here...

Additionally, I did follow some of your advice. I got the Viagra, started taking it at night. I stopped Penis Enlargement. I tried to get the Urologist to give me tests, either the full duplex or cavernosonography, but he said he was unable to do either in the office. Your perceptions about what I've done and who I've been on these threads is way out of whack. I think you may be insane.
Leave it go Orbital, it is not worth the effort. Tbirdy, you are the one doing the name calling. When I say what I did about [words=]MOS[/words], that is what I mean. [words=]MOS[/words] members are encourged to be kind and not name call or throw accusations. Sorry if you don't agree. GS
Well, ok then lets leave the personal stuff out of the posts and just stick to facts and helping each other.
I seriously don't care about flames, and trouble and wars, I always tried to avoid that.
Agreed ?

@ orbital :

I recently found a very interesting article...that pretty much sums up all of the possible reasons for ED and therapys. It even tells you how to deal with the urologists and doctors and what to look for in the tests:

Here you go !

Especially the part on "Venous" leak is very informative. Man I didn't know t can be SO many reasons.
Yes Tbirdy Knows his stuff,Listen and we may learn something.I have learned a lot from Tbirdy,thanx tbirdy for sticking to your guns,your posts are always informative,and it is obvious you have done your homework.