case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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Peyronie's covers way too many areas, just like how PTSD for mental traumas. If we break things down, there may be specific name assigned to each of the cases. Peyronie's tends to lay dormant for a long while like you mentioned. When we don't pay attention is when it rears its ugly self up. That's why PE, no matter how small of a routine it may be, is life long, until you don't want to use the penis any more.
It could also be plaque build up where massage and erect bends will be massively effective
It could also be plaque build up where massage and erect bends will be massively effective
yeah. im thinking maybe that as well. i always had a little difficulty getting really hard unless i rushed to the edge first. which is how i ended up searching for this way to hurt myself. lol. but now its extremely worse, and abstaining just aint workin anymore. wondering after a bit longer if i shouldnt pump at low pressure occasionally to help. but im very gunshy of that now obviously.
Massage and light pumping can heal rather quickly
Remember, you only need to have 5inHg to start the tissue breakdown. No more zealous pumping and clamping.
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@notmeanymore I do have to comment that this is a golden opportunity to show appreciation to your wife and verbally commending her how much you appreciate her during this challenging time.

A nice night on the town, a movie, or a nice dinner at a restaurant would be a great way to show how much you appreciate her and how supportive she's been.

PS I am guessing that she does know about your current challenges that you're going through am I correct?
i am way ahead of you on that. i know its been hell on her too dealing with me. i have not been well. i have already, and plan to continue to treat her.
im not over it yet. but im over the hump i think. im coming back. sensitivity is not 100% right yet, but its really getting there at the moment. im scared to even say that, cause its made me eat my words in the past. but im getting stronger than i was


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We need to compile a subforum for healing methods. Brother @squirt_inducer_man or other moderator, want to create one so we can organize various injury scenarios and healing approaches for those cases? I think we have more than a dozen scenarios to start out. Rather than typing the info up over and over again, it's good to gather all the cases into one place.

Is not this section enough?
We need to check with @DLD.
But personally I feel a new forum with article based threads are a better approach. It will be more structure that way. Everything are based on to solve the first post creators problems.
New forum names critical articles
well, im gonna back off on the erection and massages every day now. it seemed good at first. but today made me think its a tad much yet. after sex couple days ago, got hard yesterday morning and massaged a bit and just worked a bit of blood through easily. seemed fine all day. woke up this morning after having had good erections quite a few times last night again. got hard again. keep erection for a couple minnutes. wife rolled over to it, so i did that for a few minutes . i noticed i just didn tfeel it in the glans like i did the other day. so i didnt continue. although it still made me want to cum way too early just the same.
so i went to work, and i definitely feel a solid numbness in the glans. other thann that though, i feel decently fine. no more pains, and size and bloodflow seem to be more normal than ive been dealing with. now , at the end of the day, it seems to be slightly better in the feeling department. hopefully, i didnt start a whole other setback again. im gonna lay off a few days, and see if the feeling gets better. it seems the glans tissue just isnt totally healed to be doing all that . definitely not gonna try pumping either. im not sure what exactly happened, but all the expansion seems to have stunned the feeling.
The numbness around the glans is the nerve trying to reestablish the location and signal sending. It's similar to nerve repair for facial and reattachment. At times, numbness occurs as the nerve in repair stages or regrowing trying to re-anchoring back to the old location, or even at the new location. The signal sent to the brain is not complete so you get the light tingling (not painful) or dull numbness.
The numbness around the glans is the nerve trying to reestablish the location and signal sending. It's similar to nerve repair for facial and reattachment. At times, numbness occurs as the nerve in repair stages or regrowing trying to re-anchoring back to the old location, or even at the new location. The signal sent to the brain is not complete so you get the light tingling (not painful) or dull numbness.
i hope it establishes soon. it felt really good 2 days ago. seems like after yesterdays massage, it may not have liked that . im scared to death im stuck with this numb feeling. its never totally been right yet since day 1. but it is now better than its ever been. but still scary
I'm happy to hear this. Sounds like your body is doing its job to heal everything.
its not as good as it sounds. but promising. its still totally not me at all. the sex drive being gone unless physically stimulated is very hard to deal with also. its like everything i ever knew or felt is gone now.
i hope it establishes soon. it felt really good 2 days ago. seems like after yesterdays massage, it may not have liked that . im scared to death im stuck with this numb feeling. its never totally been right yet since day 1. but it is now better than its ever been. but still scary
I know how it feels. Walking out the door and get hit by a car or bitten by a dog is still scary. But one step forward at a time while watching things like a hawk. For now, take a day or two of rest if you must. But do continue with light massages to keep the blood flows through the penis at minimal. This is also to displace the nerve from coming too closely to each other and cause that misfire.
yeah i think i will. ill just not try to make it swell at all more than necessary. id have sex every day and deal with the pain or numb if i knew it would help. but i dont want to reinjure whatever is injured. it looked a bit more healthy yesterday morning and veiny again. but maybe thats where i went wrong. or maybe its all about to crash down on me again like it has in the past a few days after i had sex. as good as i felt up till now, i was hoping that was a good sign. ill know in a day or 2
yeah i think i will. ill just not try to make it swell at all more than necessary. id have sex every day and deal with the pain or numb if i knew it would help. but i dont want to reinjure whatever is injured. it looked a bit more healthy yesterday morning and veiny again. but maybe thats where i went wrong. or maybe its all about to crash down on me again like it has in the past a few days after i had sex. as good as i felt up till now, i was hoping that was a good sign. ill know in a day or 2
You won't injure any further as you are working on very low process in the healing steps. A few I assisted and still assisting in the healing steps are more drastic than yours. Intimacy as much as you can will work in your favor since the brain works hard to reprogram all the new neuro-networking to compensate for the activities. Don't even slow down on the sexual needs when possible. Sounds strange, but it's proven.
The numbness around the glans is the nerve trying to reestablish the location and signal sending. It's similar to nerve repair for facial and reattachment. At times, numbness occurs as the nerve in repair stages or regrowing trying to re-anchoring back to the old location, or even at the new location. The signal sent to the brain is not complete so you get the light tingling (not painful) or dull numbness.
Perfect advice!
You won't injure any further as you are working on very low process in the healing steps. A few I assisted and still assisting in the healing steps are more drastic than yours. Intimacy as much as you can will work in your favor since the brain works hard to reprogram all the new neuro-networking to compensate for the activities. Don't even slow down on the sexual needs when possible. Sounds strange, but it's proven.
shew. ill try. this is a tough cookie to crack. everything i do seems to backfire at some point. i never know what to do. it seems to take me back to all the weird feelings and locks everything down. and then just as quick it seems i think ive hit an improvement. right up until i didnt . lol. wears a person down to no end
shew. ill try. this is a tough cookie to crack. everything i do seems to backfire at some point. i never know what to do. it seems to take me back to all the weird feelings and locks everything down. and then just as quick it seems i think ive hit an improvement. right up until i didnt . lol. wears a person down to no end
Listen to his advice
wife just reminded me i had a coke yesterday morning. aint had one in over a week. mayeb its something. maybe not. guess ill cut that out for good for now.
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still holding kinda steady. no worse . my sensitivity is livable, but not totally right. i dont think ill ever be totally right again until that feeling gets back tonormal. and not sure how or when it ever will. for now, everything works . especially if i make it work. i just dont have the spark i had. dont have the desire. all the happy horniness i used to have towards her is gone. nothing is much the same. during the day is better than it used to be, but it seems this hard flaccid symptoms hit strong all day, and the more anxiety or activity im into ,the worse it is. but ive had a mild issue with that most of my life. i just kinda was getting more control over that in the past recent years. which is highly upsetting, cause whatever ive done, has kicked that into super full throttle now the wrong way. now im 3 times worse than i ever was. it just feels like something im gonna have to wear off over the next few years. which really really sucks. pro tip. dont ever do any of this pe junk.
We all hit an area in life that we took a few steps forward, a wall stops us and we have to take a few steps back to retrace the lost path. Either be financial, education, work, or PE, we have to keep objectively look forward. Whatever lesson we learned along the way, apply as we move forward with a positive mindset. I do not know nor claim to know all your misfortunes in life as you reach this point, but all I can do as a brother is to remind you to have your chin up, chest out, and retract the steps to get everything back. By wallowing in the despairs or remind yourself of the mistakes made, you will not take the right steps forward but will continue to take more steps backward.

In PE, just like a financial investment, you must investigate the risks and take the least loss route, and continue to reinvestigate constantly. This is what I do daily for my PE, and those who I assist.

It's my regrets that I couldn't return sooner, and there's no progress thread from your side for us to send warning messages as road signs. This is why it's critical for us brothers to keep each other in checks and balances.
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i aint giving up. but i just aint me when i cant really feel anything in my jeans unless i reach down to touch it. and then its not what it should be . but the feelings all come and go, but nothing is as it should be. my only hope is time and prayer. but in the meantime, its so much hell and regret. ive made a lot of feeling progress over time, but ive been in denial about what ive felt at times too. i try to get through the day by day. but its very rough sometimes. i just hope the feeling healing isnt done yet. but only one person knows that answer.
Hang in there brother. We will stand side by side with you as you make your moves forward. Our knowledge is at your disposal.
Hello my friend.,
You kinda sound like me. I think the first thing you should already have done is pay a visit to a therapist to fix those panic attacks and to put your mind in a daily program because without psychology you can do nothing and trust me this is coming from me who struggle to have an erection.

The second thing I see is that I do not know If it is a PE problem or a health coincidence ? How de we know this is not something health related? How many pounds are you ? What's your health status ? Did you go to an andrologist to make penis shock mri scanning to check nerves and blood flow?
Hang in there brother. We will stand side by side with you as you make your moves forward. Our knowledge is at your disposal.
im hangin on. i just gotta stop this new idea of sex and massaging i guess. at least not very often. i got off again this morning. felt relatively good actually. but now, im regretting that on top of the other days i did this week. im kinda back to no feeling, and just the feeling of "hurt" again. light internal pain with kegel again, or burn. a week ago when i had sex, it was really good in the feeling i thought. now im back at the beginning it seems. feels like i need to lay around with a heating pad again is the best way to describe it. more resting.
Hello my friend.,
You kinda sound like me. I think the first thing you should already have done is pay a visit to a therapist to fix those panic attacks and to put your mind in a daily program because without psychology you can do nothing and trust me this is coming from me who struggle to have an erection.

The second thing I see is that I do not know If it is a PE problem or a health coincidence ? How de we know this is not something health related? How many pounds are you ? What's your health status ? Did you go to an andrologist to make penis shock mri scanning to check nerves and blood flow?
i almost did, but i think im past the point of panic attacks, and am just trying to accept what is for now. its all i can do. i have erections every night(mostly). and i can make them happen when i want to usually. its just that when i do now, it seems over the next 3 days, i steadily decline in glans feeling, and shrink up. urethra area burns it feels like all day. get tight internally sometimes. generally a hurt member feeling. especially a problem when standing and during the day.
im almost 100% its what i did, because i dang sure didnt have these numbing,hard flaccid symptoms until about 2-3 days after that. and ive been battling it for 9 months since. its progressively weakened my libido and all aspects of erections for the first 5-6 months. the last 3 have been a slight improvement, but im still basically worthless. even when i do have sex, it makes me want to cum in about15 seconds. i have to really be careful and stop a lot , cause of hypersenstivity. which at times has improved, but still there none the less. right now , i dont feel much at all walking around, except light internal burn pain toward the tip. but if i were to try to masturbate, it would be more sensitive than it should . that may not make sense, but its what i got at the moment.
im in great shape, 150 lbs. muscular. i try to run, stretch and excercise every couple days. plus my work is super physical already. i now use hardly any sugar. i eat all kinds of healthy stuff nobody likes, and 100% gluten free. and lots of water every day only. even though sex feels good when i get to do it, im guessing it just flares the nerves to no end, and basically cuts my feeling off. im not really sure. it just feels like nothing but a hurt burnt spot in my pants . i dont really feel any thing but it touching my pants now and then. but last week, when i had sex for the first time in a while, everything felt really good. i cant believe my entire life i worked for to end up this way all in one stupid move in a couple minutes .theres just not much worse way to live i dont think.
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no i havent. just doesnt seem like prostatitis. this happened in an instant days after initial problem. woke up with shrinkage feeling, and instant libido reduction. but yes, ive dabbled back and forth with that idea. i would have thought it would comeup in a urine sample though.
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For me - what you say us more psychological than physical. If urethra us burning is prostatitis / urinary track infection.

For me do check sperm and urine and do blood test and go to therapist and then speak with brothers for PE
ive already had blood, and urine checked 2 or 3 times so far. ill agree there is some psychological involved to it, NOW. but the physical is to blame for that. these feelings,pains, and pressure areas i have are definitely physical
ive already had blood, and urine checked 2 or 3 times so far. ill agree there is some psychological involved to it, NOW. but the physical is to blame for that. these feelings,pains, and pressure areas i have are definitely physical
Did you check sperm ? Ureaplasma which has all these signs is found on a man's semen. Ofc you have to check the psychological factor as I said. I am on of those who have same problems as you.
to me , it just feels that my nerves are just enough screwed up that it makes it a bit sensitive and feels wrong and/or burns at times. which could possibly contract everything , and make me have zero arousal or bloodflow. penis is just so not like mine , and ultra retracted, and feels like its not there . and feels like internally it just wont release my junk. months ago it used to come back at night when i lie down, and even when i got up in the morning. but it all seems to just progress to nothing now. and it does the same thing at night now also. sometimes while sitting, ill get these weird euphoric feelings going to my penis, but they never really amount to anything further .
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I'm sorry your condition have not cleared up. I think you should see a urologist to get better solution.
yeah.. .i get this feeling this is just what it is now. which means im totally useless from now on. sex, work, father, all of it. its absolutely devastating to end up this way. never should have happened. but unless a miracle happens, i cant seem to get anything going right when it all feels so foreign and unattached . urologists aint gonna work hard enough to make anything happen.not that they can make me feel what is gone anyway. i can already see that trend in all of them. ill just keep stretching and praying and deal with what it is i guess. nothign i can change now. i just wish i could forget that day i decided to try this.
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