case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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yeah.. .i get this feeling this is just what it is now. which means im totally useless from now on. sex, work, father, all of it. its absolutely devastating to end up this way. never should have happened. but unless a miracle happens, i cant seem to get anything going right when it all feels so foreign and unattached . urologists aint gonna work hard enough to make anything happen.not that they can make me feel what is gone anyway. i can already see that trend in all of them. ill just keep stretching and praying and deal with what it is i guess. nothign i can change now. i just wish i could forget that day i decided to try this.
Have you seen a doctor?
yeah.. .i get this feeling this is just what it is now. which means im totally useless from now on. sex, work, father, all of it. its absolutely devastating to end up this way. never should have happened. but unless a miracle happens, i cant seem to get anything going right when it all feels so foreign and unattached . urologists aint gonna work hard enough to make anything happen.not that they can make me feel what is gone anyway. i can already see that trend in all of them. ill just keep stretching and praying and deal with what it is i guess. nothign i can change now. i just wish i could forget that day i decided to try this.
Trust me you sound like me a few months ago. You can ask everyone here for this.
The solution is in your hands as it was mine.
The first solution is willpower and the second science.
Find the power to visit andrologist and urologist. Then go to a therapist for your soul and continue PE. With PE things only go better and never worst.
Trust me you sound like me a few months ago. You can ask everyone here for this.
The solution is in your hands as it was mine.
The first solution is willpower and the second science.
Find the power to visit andrologist and urologist. Then go to a therapist for your soul and continue PE. With PE things only go better and never worst.
PE has destroyed everything that was my entire life. how on earth is that gonna help bring back what its taken from me.

but what happened to you and what caused it? just trying to compare similarities if possible, cause this has killed my life in every way possible so far.
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PE has destroyed everything that was my entire life. how on earth is that gonna help bring back what its taken from me.

but what happened to you and what caused it? just trying to compare similarities if possible, cause this has killed my life in every way possible so far.

The symptoms you've described IN YOUR FIRST POST suggest a condition known as Peyronie's disease, which involves the development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis that causes curved, painful erections. Peyronie's disease often results from repeated injury or trauma to the penis, such as what can occur with aggressive jelqing and pumping exercises.

The initial symptoms you experienced, such as redness along the base of the shaft and subsequent numbness and shrinkage, align with the acute phase of Peyronie's disease. Over time, as scar tissue forms and the condition progresses, it can lead to deformities in the penis, erectile dysfunction, and psychological distress, as you've described.

While it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan, there are several options available for managing Peyronie's disease. These include oral medications, injections, traction therapy, shockwave therapy, and surgery in severe cases. Psychological support may also be beneficial in coping with the emotional impact of the condition.

So, GET UP. Do what you should have ALREADY done in the first place. Go to the andrologist and fix this thing and start antidepressants. I TRULLY Understand you. I truly do. Furthermore, I am one of those guys that experience serious psychological problems and I try for myself too. Get UP and do it
The symptoms you've described IN YOUR FIRST POST suggest a condition known as Peyronie's disease, which involves the development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis that causes curved, painful erections. Peyronie's disease often results from repeated injury or trauma to the penis, such as what can occur with aggressive jelqing and pumping exercises.

The initial symptoms you experienced, such as redness along the base of the shaft and subsequent numbness and shrinkage, align with the acute phase of Peyronie's disease. Over time, as scar tissue forms and the condition progresses, it can lead to deformities in the penis, erectile dysfunction, and psychological distress, as you've described.

While it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan, there are several options available for managing Peyronie's disease. These include oral medications, injections, traction therapy, shockwave therapy, and surgery in severe cases. Psychological support may also be beneficial in coping with the emotional impact of the condition.

So, GET UP. Do what you should have ALREADY done in the first place. Go to the andrologist and fix this thing and start antidepressants. I TRULLY Understand you. I truly do. Furthermore, I am one of those guys that experience serious psychological problems and I try for myself too. Get UP and do it
Well said. PE, like any other exercises l, can cause the hidden issues to manifest. Just like weight lifting that cause the hidden buldged/herniated spinal disc to reveal itself, spinning the jump ropes around to get the blood pumping causes the aged rotator cuffs to tear or work out faster because of a hidden calcification or scarring from an old trauma, hip or knee joints displacement out of thr blue from too sudden of a vigor in the sudden strenuous tasks, and many more. PE is an exercise, and there are as many types of intensity and routine to the PE as there are to the other types of exercises for the body. When you suffer from one type of injury due to the exercises, you switch gears to a different one and keep going to maintain overall wellness.

The body will heal. As KrisKos said, pick yourself up, move forward, seek help, and do everything you can to push forward with an upbeat attitude. Every battle is a lesson learn, and use the learned lesson to your advantage. There are those around who suffered similar issues, and they will stand and walk with you. As I said in my older posts, I suffered similar issues, but lighter in degrees. I did not stop PE but find new alternative methods to cope and improve the approach. My body readapted and became stronger. In time, yours will as well. The medical world may not have all the answers, but adaptive solutions are there as you keep on searching for it.
The symptoms you've described IN YOUR FIRST POST suggest a condition known as Peyronie's disease, which involves the development of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis that causes curved, painful erections. Peyronie's disease often results from repeated injury or trauma to the penis, such as what can occur with aggressive jelqing and pumping exercises.

The initial symptoms you experienced, such as redness along the base of the shaft and subsequent numbness and shrinkage, align with the acute phase of Peyronie's disease. Over time, as scar tissue forms and the condition progresses, it can lead to deformities in the penis, erectile dysfunction, and psychological distress, as you've described.

While it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan, there are several options available for managing Peyronie's disease. These include oral medications, injections, traction therapy, shockwave therapy, and surgery in severe cases. Psychological support may also be beneficial in coping with the emotional impact of the condition.

So, GET UP. Do what you should have ALREADY done in the first place. Go to the andrologist and fix this thing and start antidepressants. I TRULLY Understand you. I truly do. Furthermore, I am one of those guys that experience serious psychological problems and I try for myself too. Get UP and do it
Very good post
im not saying i dont have some sort of peyronies going on. but whats moreso bothering me is where im at again after my week ago trying sex/masturbating again. i just dont really seem to feel anything all day . nothing but a burn that is. i just feel a cold nub it seems. nothing feels sexual whatsoever , and theres no way to be interested in sex at all. i just dont know anymore. as far as peyronies. my erections are generally straight still. ive had 2 instances where i made it hard after a month or so of no arousal, and it did curve to the left until i made it all the way hard. then it went away . but that doesnt go along with any of the pains ive had thus far. they were more internal and in the glans. my bloodflow 90% of the day and libido is just absolutely gone. and right at this moment, its cold to the touch as well. my "plumpness" has completely left the building. and when i kegel, it feels like an internal wall that never reaches my penis, and very lightly pained. its like i have no connection to it anymore unless i manually get it going, which starts the whole chain reaction of everything going to hell again and burning,and more numb
Libido is definitely correlate to mental and emotional stresses due to an onset or a manifestation of the injury from going too hard. This is definitely a belated Peyronie's time bomb occuring when intense PE causes it to manifest. That is for certain.

The coldness or nub feeling is the disengagement of the dorsal nerve branch, this we determined. But it is healing.

The "plumpness" is definitely the lack of blood flow and the proper sensitivity feedback by the nerve. I'm more worried about the plumpness over the sensitivity. The older posts indicated the engorgement of the shaft but with lack of informed shape on one side. That is a definite blood vessel rupture or a scarring tissue blockage. On the last erection, forget the curve at the moment, what was the engorgement? Fully round along the shaft? Misshapen glans? Don't worry about the sensitivity for the glans at the moment. What is the "plumpness"? Give details.
Go to your doctor to see if there is anything you can do to correct this
ill probably be there soon to get an mri or ultrasound. everywhere i go is pretty clueless and just wants to say cialis or viagra. its a joke.
Libido is definitely correlate to mental and emotional stresses due to an onset or a manifestation of the injury from going too hard. This is definitely a belated Peyronie's time bomb occuring when intense PE causes it to manifest. That is for certain.

The coldness or nub feeling is the disengagement of the dorsal nerve branch, this we determined. But it is healing.

The "plumpness" is definitely the lack of blood flow and the proper sensitivity feedback by the nerve. I'm more worried about the plumpness over the sensitivity. The older posts indicated the engorgement of the shaft but with lack of informed shape on one side. That is a definite blood vessel rupture or a scarring tissue blockage. On the last erection, forget the curve at the moment, what was the engorgement? Fully round along the shaft? Misshapen glans? Don't worry about the sensitivity for the glans at the moment. What is the "plumpness"? Give details.
my erection is shaped normal currently and most days. fully round. glans normal shape. the plumbness i mean is how i used to be on a normal day. not aroused by any means, but just full and plump. thats fully gone, and what i have is short and the life is gone.just feels like loose skin 90% of the day. no real feeling to speak of . disconnected feeling of no penis really. its a hard way to go through the day. every day. but then to have an erection at 5 am. its quite weird and depressing. since as soon as that erection decides to go, everything goes with it.

but the coldness i mentioned today isnt a nerve feeling cold. its where i grab it or touch my leg with it, and my leg feels the cold. now back 6 months ago i did have the nerve coldness feeling. that part has passed i think..
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my erection is shaped normal currently and most days. fully round. glans normal shape. the plumbness i mean is how i used to be on a normal day. not aroused by any means, but just full and plump. thats fully gone, and what i have is short and the life is gone.just feels like loose skin 90% of the day. no real feeling to speak of . disconnected feeling of no penis really. its a hard way to go through the day. every day. but then to have an erection at 5 am. its quite weird and depressing. since as soon as that erection decides to go, everything goes with it.

but the coldness i mentioned today isnt a nerve feeling cold. its where i grab it or touch my leg with it, and my leg feels the cold. now back 6 months ago i did have the nerve coldness feeling. that part has passed i think..
An ultra sound is definitely a good follow up.

Looks like the coldness is due to the lack of blood flow to the penis. This also is the cause for shrivel feeling and the lack of plumpness. Nitric oxide level is the responsible factor to keep your blood flowing into the penis, and of course any unseen blockage, or even high restriction of the veins, can also be the anomaly causing the lack of blood flow. It's literally like a water hose kinking to get blood to flow in. The flowing out part via the arteries is not an issue. My colleagues also pointed out the the lack of of pelvic strength can also be a problem. However, I pointed out that you didn't have that issue until the accident trauma.
i swear i could get around most of it if i had any drive. but after that day, it just started sucking that out of me. no matter what i think about or try, i get absolutely no response down there during the day anymore. even if i mentally do. i dont get any of that nice warm rush i used to. and that just ruins it all, and makes it crap. i dont even really see women at gas stations anymore like i always did without even trying. its kinda pathetic really.
The funny thing my colleagues brought up was the Covid related penile thrombosis cases. I cracked up at first, and froze when I thought about it for a good few days. They brought me cases out of the blue about ultrasonic scanning and detection of relatively healthy males between 25 to 40 where sudden ED manifestation out of the blue. Nothing works, including injections and pills. However, PE routines were implemented, while a few elected for extreme measures to remove the blockages though invasive surgeries.

In your case, it's indeed unique. It's both physical and mental traumas. This is why I'm invested time with you and walk side by side with you to offer what knowledge I have.
aint i just lucky. i appreciate it. no matter what, i just have a hard time seeing this ever go back to my old normal self sadly. nothing feels right . sigh.
Hmmmm I guess I am not a revelation in this matter
the more and more i deal with this and try to keepa journal of what triggers what,its kinda starting to seem like some sort of pudendal nerve entrapment or something. (which sounds glorious to deal with)that or a blockage combined with it or something. this horrible feeling of not feeling anything but a burning tip is enough to wipe anybody out.
Yep. Your acknowledgement from your own deductions was pointed out prior. This is why logs are essential for all that we do, be home budgeting or home health tracking.
also been dealing with weird constipation, and urinary problems. doesnt ever feel like im done with either. man this blows. not a care in the world in this area, and bam, ive got all kinds of issues for life . it would explain the weird pains that come and go. and sensory changes when i move a certain way sometimes. so confusing.
also been dealing with weird constipation, and urinary problems. doesnt ever feel like im done with either. man this blows. not a care in the world in this area, and bam, ive got all kinds of issues for life . it would explain the weird pains that come and go. and sensory changes when i move a certain way sometimes. so confusing.
I pray you get better soon just stay involved with the will get through this
As the old saying goes, whatever you elimited as impossibilities and arrive to the probabilities, no matter how illogically they may appears, that may and can be the remaining answers to ponder upon.

Constipation is an indication of lack of fluid, or a release of too much electrolytes from the system. Think about and log how much fluid you take in, how much left your body as urine and sweat, and compile the info the past 5 days back. Little do we know that too little of water with a certain electrolytes level we have can hinder us in so many ways. Soon enough, lack of water and electrolytes will cause body pains, like back,neck, and arms. You then get a bit of twitches all over your body. Headaches, tremors, and even cold sweats come later.

You body is actually attempting to flush and recharge the areas lack of fluid. Pay attention to it. I blacked out and fell on my knees earlier, nearly crackes my face open at the door's edge, because of draining field works, lack of hydration, and lack of sleep caught up with me. Mind you that I drank over a gallon of water, but my body pulled the water from everywhere else to compensate for the lacking. That was my back and muscles from my legs. In your caee, it's the lower body.

Log, log, and log.
im in bad shape. not gonna lie. outlook is not real great. just doesnt feel very fixable anymore. i drink water from the time i get up till the time i go to bed everyday
I'm reality, it is fixable. Just stay healthy and perform proper PE exercises to keep the blood flowing.
if you could feel what i feel, you wouldnt ever touch yourself again in any way. and nor can I now. only thing going on now is im living. im really healthy. but thats as far as it goes. my penis is junk. it no longer feels or has any sexual interest. i dont know what happened, but things just seem worse now than theyve been. you just cant be interested in anything when everything in your pants is gone and feels locked up and burns all day.
Body health is just an important as penile health
im in bad shape. not gonna lie. outlook is not real great. just doesnt feel very fixable anymore. i drink water from the time i get up till the time i go to bed everyday
Drinking to much water can dilute your body fluids. If you don't take in the proper nutrients daily this can become a problem. I sweat alot and my diet isn't perfect, so I take MV (Multivitamin), Omega-3 and Vitamin D3 daily.

Try add little bit of salt in your water from time to time (not to much).
i have not. will take months to even get in. i already take many multivitamins. its just all damaged and screwed up. my body seems to reject anything sexual more and more as time goes on. what a waste
i have not. will take months to even get in. i already take many multivitamins. its just all damaged and screwed up. my body seems to reject anything sexual more and more as time goes on. what a waste
I understand, or I don't understand, I can only imagine. I hope you will recover fully. If nerves are damage it can probably take some time.

@oldandlively had a very good explanation on this. But can't find it now, it was about pressure/vaccum and nerves in relation to over pressure/vaccum.

I don't know if this is true but I think I got this here from MoS (if I understood it correctly). If overpressure the penis, you can push the nerves to far from each others, so they get damaged. They can't transmit signals to each other. So it can take some time for them to "fix" themselves.

I had some of this in the past when going to 15 in.Hg vaccum pressure, but nowhere near your situation. Needed rest some days to recover. My penis was somewhat numb and had some clod strange feeling in it.

Just trying to cheer you up. I believe you will recover.
i just dont feel anything right in the glans anymore. it just feels like a nerologic nightmare. it doesnt feel like anything is going anywhere but down...sigh.
been to 3. waiting on pelvic floor therapy. they already cancelled once. today has turned out horrible,. cant feel anything but shriveled uselessness, and burning. oversensitivity in glans has been through the roof. been rough. its time for bed. the only time i can get away.
kinda weird after yesterday shrunk and irritated. had good erection last night. soon as i get out of bed, its like somebody clamped off everything. super turtle again. tried to lightly get an erection in shower. just gets a slight increase. very thin, no girth or volume. not my penis at all when it does this. feels tight in perenium. the sensitivity and numbness is one thing. and i could get around that part if that were it. but this complete constriction crap is whats got me locked down. i can do anything like this. it has slowly gotten worse and worse since the beginning.

i think it started in the first month when i felt it gurgling when i was getting hard and kegeling. the more time went on, the less package i carried. i used to be nice and plump in the morning,then it would wane during the day. but then when i lie down at night, it would come back. all that slowly faded away. now i never really get it back it seems. even as soon as my night erection goes away, it just seems to wither down to nothing. used to stay plump after that. and im mainly writing this to me, so i can go back and read it . lol
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This perineum things is definitely pelvic floor issue and I had once this things and got em fixed with specific stretching exercises of the pelvic floor. Despite this, your mental state must be stronger. As a brother towards brother I am one with many mental issues and I am telling you what to do because I understand you. You must seek help to a psychiatrist asap, go to andrologist and pelvic floor therapist. It is like it sounds 1.2.3
ive kinda calmed down for now. yesterday was rough. when something changes it freaks me out. even if its a good change. the bad makes me overlook the good. yesterday was really really sensitive and burned . which hasnt been that severe in awhile. which made me not even notice my internal penis kegeling pain is gone. probably temporary but who knows. i dont have it today either. yet. i just have some internal pressure still yet. but maybe stretching is starting to help a little. i even got a slight arousal about an hour ago, which hasnt happened lately . i may just be mentally rushing my glans feeling healing . maybe i just need more time and keep my mind up and keep excercising . everything is just traumatized.
There will be good and bad days. That's how your body works to see where it's at to send resources. Just like a cut fingers, broke leg, or a bad migraine, it will divert and send out test signals to see how the affected body fares before diverting the needed resources for repair. This is why PE pushes the body to keep diverting to an area where it pays the least attention to. It even ignores the prostate, which is one of the important organs keeping everything balanced. Do you notice that the hairs on your groin And back regions receive more resources for growth than the hair on your head and prostate health, let alone the penis itself. It's and oddball way the body acts from ages of the modern evolution of our body. Keep working on the penis, even if you have a bad day. Our brother @kriskros can be your witness on his short-term improvement based on his specific method to test the body and improve it. This is how we use the mind over the matter approaches to force the body to do our biddings.
i dotn really know what you mean by "working on it" but last time i did anything period to it, it put me into this stage im in currently. which is a death sentence. just feeling normal is my only first goal, and so far that aint happened yet. my body doesnt seem to desire anything sexual, and everytime i try to change that, it backlashes on me. ive obviously changed something , and i dont know that it will change back ever. i havent had a drop of precum from being horny since the day this happened. thats pretty significant to me that something got wiped out. whatever it is
i dotn really know what you mean by "working on it" but last time i did anything period to it, it put me into this stage im in currently. which is a death sentence. just feeling normal is my only first goal, and so far that aint happened yet. my body doesnt seem to desire anything sexual, and everytime i try to change that, it backlashes on me. ive obviously changed something , and i dont know that it will change back ever. i havent had a drop of precum from being horny since the day this happened. thats pretty significant to me that something got wiped out. whatever it is
Yes, but did you go to a therapist and to an andrologist?
i dotn really know what you mean by "working on it" but last time i did anything period to it, it put me into this stage im in currently. which is a death sentence. just feeling normal is my only first goal, and so far that aint happened yet. my body doesnt seem to desire anything sexual, and everytime i try to change that, it backlashes on me. ive obviously changed something , and i dont know that it will change back ever. i havent had a drop of precum from being horny since the day this happened. thats pretty significant to me that something got wiped out. whatever it is
Not working on it, but working on your penis. "Working on it" can range from doing nothing and wait to proactively pursue in the development of methods to heal. Complaining won't help. We workout (physical exercises to gain muscles), we get hurt, throw out our back, damaged our pigments, so we rest up and find ways to heal. Do we stop working out later? We become weary of doing the same stupid mistakes, become smarter and implement more effective and efficient methods to prevent ourselves from getting hurt. But we never stop working out. Do we bitch and moan about the injuries constantly? No. It's a battle scar. We keep a positive outlook and move forward. Dick not doing a solid flag pole today or the prior days doesn't mean tomorrow is bleak. Keep strategically doing PE to improve the penile health.

PE shouldn't be excessive. Learn the mistakes. Light to moderate SSJ to get the blood flowing and remove the blockages. Get the nerves to heal by pushing the nutrient-rich blood to the right spot. By not doing PE the right way, you're starving the cells and nerves from the resources they need for repairs. No device clamping, no device constricting, and only use manual restriction with your hands. SSJ is gentle enough to be in the same league as natural venous constriction (such as during sex), but good enough to rival device type temporary constriction.

No more bitching. Keep positive perspectives. Report your PE routine attempts, and the results along the way. It's time time to switch gears to have mind over matters mode.
Not working on it, but working on your penis. "Working on it" can range from doing nothing and wait to proactively pursue in the development of methods to heal. Complaining won't help. We workout (physical exercises to gain muscles), we get hurt, throw out our back, damaged our pigments, so we rest up and find ways to heal. Do we stop working out later? We become weary of doing the same stupid mistakes, become smarter and implement more effective and efficient methods to prevent ourselves from getting hurt. But we never stop working out. Do we bitch and moan about the injuries constantly? No. It's a battle scar. We keep a positive outlook and move forward. Dick not doing a solid flag pole today or the prior days doesn't mean tomorrow is bleak. Keep strategically doing PE to improve the penile health.

PE shouldn't be excessive. Learn the mistakes. Light to moderate SSJ to get the blood flowing and remove the blockages. Get the nerves to heal by pushing the nutrient-rich blood to the right spot. By not doing PE the right way, you're starving the cells and nerves from the resources they need for repairs. No device clamping, no device constricting, and only use manual restriction with your hands. SSJ is gentle enough to be in the same league as natural venous constriction (such as during sex), but good enough to rival device type temporary constriction.

No more bitching. Keep positive perspectives. Report your PE routine attempts, and the results along the way. It's time time to switch gears to have mind over matters mode.
im still not right from a week or 2 ago when i massaged some blood through it. ill let night erections take care of that for now. id rather never hear the word pe again in my life. didnt need it before this. i almost died from it so far. and still may or may not ever be right from it later on. im gonna pass lol.
i dont know where to start with a therapist. not that it is gonna help anything. i played a stupid game, and got a stupid prize i guess. i just gotta keep my head straight and keep praying , and excercising and destressing and hope i can go on without it.
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i dont really think ill ever get things back in shape. im moving on,and just gonna live what i got left the best i can. wish id never ever got curious and found something on the internet to make me think i needed to do this crap. i really had the best life and family. now i just exist.

but dont ever get in this shape. its not worth it. and youll have no help. doctors are a joke. youll have to figure out how to help yourself. which is pretty rough. i have to wait another month now for physical therapy. which may or may not even help. even if it helps, i dont htink ill ever have the feelings i had. which pretty much kills the whole deal anyway.

yesterday i finally started getting "decent" feeling, and bloodflow was better than it has been. last night i had a good erection, but when i woke up with it, my glans isnt nearly as fat at all with it. and i couldnt kegel anything to make it swell up.didnt make any difference. fell back asleep, and then woke up later with another one. this time it actually responded when i kegeled. so i dont know whats going on. really tight in my insides and rectum again.

about daylight, i woke up, decided to rub it and see what state of hardness it would achieve. it aroused failrly easily, but just doesnt reach its full size until i almost climax. at that point of stopping before i cum, i get some internal pain and then it will finally get approxomately the size it should be. even the glans. but it kinda seemed spongy in the glans and mid shaft. had that issue in the past as well. but not always. seems like i have to almost get off to get my erection full size,which isnt exactly new, but never did have the pain and such. all day now and everyday usally, i dont get any flow into the penis when i kegel. just a wall feeling. and sometimes light pain with it. i guess this could all be pelvic floor still since im so tight feeling inside. its just so confusing. i get good feelings stretching everyday sometimes, but nothing ever really subsides enough to matter. all day yesterday when i felt "ok" i had all those flowing "opening up" type feelings occasionally during the day and certain ways i moved.
i dont really think ill ever get things back in shape. im moving on,and just gonna live what i got left the best i can. wish id never ever got curious and found something on the internet to make me think i needed to do this crap. i really had the best life and family. now i just exist.

but dont ever get in this shape. its not worth it. and youll have no help. doctors are a joke. youll have to figure out how to help yourself. which is pretty rough. i have to wait another month now for physical therapy. which may or may not even help. even if it helps, i dont htink ill ever have the feelings i had. which pretty much kills the whole deal anyway.

yesterday i finally started getting "decent" feeling, and bloodflow was better than it has been. last night i had a good erection, but when i woke up with it, my glans isnt nearly as fat at all with it. and i couldnt kegel anything to make it swell up.didnt make any difference. fell back asleep, and then woke up later with another one. this time it actually responded when i kegeled. so i dont know whats going on. really tight in my insides and rectum again.

about daylight, i woke up, decided to rub it and see what state of hardness it would achieve. it aroused failrly easily, but just doesnt reach its full size until i almost climax. at that point of stopping before i cum, i get some internal pain and then it will finally get approxomately the size it should be. even the glans. but it kinda seemed spongy in the glans and mid shaft. had that issue in the past as well. but not always. seems like i have to almost get off to get my erection full size,which isnt exactly new, but never did have the pain and such. all day now and everyday usally, i dont get any flow into the penis when i kegel. just a wall feeling. and sometimes light pain with it. i guess this could all be pelvic floor still since im so tight feeling inside. its just so confusing. i get good feelings stretching everyday sometimes, but nothing ever really subsides enough to matter. all day yesterday when i felt "ok" i had all those flowing "opening up" type feelings occasionally during the day and certain ways i moved.
Dude its been 4 months since your problem started and you didnt ever consulted an andrologist and an urologist. What are you talking about?
I came to this forum with 0 libido, 0 erections. Everyone can confirm it. I was whining like you. Even though I have so metanl issues and problems, so much depression, I found a way to do what everyone was saying here: Work on my self.
Thats it: You have to work on your self too.
I started with 0 erections and now I can do some exercises and I am more energitic into this.
You should too. Just pick up the phone and go to an andrologist for Gods sake.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
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    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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