case study extremely big problem. HELP SOMEBODY PLEASE....

somehow ive ended here after battling this injury for al most 6 months. im in my 40's . i had jelqed off and on and pumped for a month or 2. nothing serious. felt better, and hung better it seemed. no real serious gains expected. just wanted better bloodflow and quality.

one day, i jelqed a bit harder than i had been, but no pain, and jsut for a minute. next day i pumped and accidentally went more than i wanted. no pain. immediately released and red along the base of the shaft. within the day it was gone. several days later i woke up with a shrunken unit and slight numbess on the shaft. had all hard flaccid symptoms.

was scared, so continued making my self have sex,. after a month or so, it seemed it was subsiding. i still woke up in the morning with a chub. but everything shrank to nothing during the day.then it started seeming like if we had sex more than once a week, it would traumatize everything and destroy my libido and size again.

very sensitive glans with burning /cooling feeling. shrunk all day. no erections. no night erections. then it would come back a week later with her, and we'd have sex again. eventually i figured out we had to quit for awhile. 6 months later, here i am. we just went a month of nothing. i still walk around all day shrunk to nothing. we had sex 2 days ago and it was great, but now it seems to be overly sensitive again. only time i hang normally , is if i lay down in bed awhile. but soon after i get up, its all gone again.

sensitivity/nerve damage, seems likely, but not sure. nothing feels like me down there unless im hard. it doesnt seem like i did anything too hard/painful to cause this, but i obviously did. not sure if this will heal ever, but i cant take any more panic attacks and anxiety. its hard to make it to bedtime every day. its the only relief i get.

it feels like i have half what i did on a normal day now, with no arousal. ive also noticed a constant pressure moreso while shrunken, in my rectum /perenium area,that tightens when i flex my penis. i get decent morning/night erections sometimes, and sometimes not as much. but im sure my anxiety day to day is effecting that . i cannot masturbate to get hard since the 2nd month of this, due to it irritating the nerves it seems on the head. actual sex doesnt irritate it as much, but it still does.

i always have the numbness/sensitivity issue to some degree, but its super bad when its shriveled up and burns. im just not sure the nerves will heal, and i dont know what to do now. im mentally exhausted and depressed. i can barely force myself to work or do anything that involves moving. it lets me know every step of every day what ive lost.
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i appreciate it. i just donnt kow how i would have caused that cause this had nothing to do with off roading. lol. i used to get super awesome feelings of somethig flowing to my groin from pelvic stretches, which i still try to do, but that has faded in effect as well. now it just doesnt seem to help much anymore
The trauma doesn't have to be off-roading or direct impact. Rather, it's the PE routines that cause the trauma. A little too zealous of a workout.
gotcha. only thinng i can say is its just about 9 months in now from the horrible day, but....there has been improvement. not awesome... but somehting. hopefully something gives soon. i will keep stretching and red lighting and praying. my libido and lack of use just worries me. ive had sex a couple times at 6 am, but i wont get off. im too afraid. im not sure how long i should go without getting off either. im too scared too cause it seems to always cause major relapse, and even worse libido than i have now. then i wonder what would happen if i start getting off several days in a row. but im too traumatized to even attempt that. never thought id be not getting off for months in a row, thats for sure. and im worried my body is gonna get used to that.
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Continue prayer as we pray for you. Through this you will heal
mentioning that gurgling blood feeling from 8 months ago got me thinking all night. i guess ive tried to ignore it so long i forgot about it. i got a really bad gut feeling when that started. and it jsut seems like my size and erections snowballed downhill after that. i dont know what did it, but it just feels like something squeezed the life out of the blood supply to my junk. i started out having my good flaccid girth when i layed down and night, and even into the morning. then i lost the morning girth. as time went on, the night girth went, and sometimes came back laying on my back only. then that left. slowly,. slowly till now. and i never really have it at all now. even after night erections. last night included.
once my erection is gone, everything is smaller . i have to get used to not having a penis now. thats the only way i can make it through the day. i dont have a clue what could make it come back. and i dont even feel like it will 80% of the time. now im just rambling. but ive been up half the night just pondering what on earth ive done. ill never forgive my self for falling for this.

EDIT...almost immediately after my report yesterday morning things started going south again. i dont know if its relevant, but i took a 2.5mg cialis at about the same time of writing to try to boost the blood a bit through the day. by the end of the day, i was worse than normal. but today got worse. i woke up last night at 3am hard as a rock, and .my glans not quite as hard, but that seems to be what it does now. but i caught myself flexing my penis while hard again. after i got up today, it hit me like a rock again. felt terrible , shrunken. and the glans is tender again now, and sensitive. like i just lost any type of healing i ever gained. its like the pressure of flexing my erection is hurting my glans again. now i feel very sore in the glans all over again. i just dont know how to fight this back and forth anymore. there isnt any stress worse than this.
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so, after my fiasco fridaywith cialis, yesterday i took some total beets pills. but only half the dose. yesterday was quite decent again.. until about dark, then things started going bad again. today is absolutely horrible. it was almost purple when i got up and shrunk to a nub. and hurts terrible today. burning, oversensitive. not much feeling. kinda feels like i smashed the end of my penis with a hammer. went for a run today. horrible shrinkage obviously. more than i thought one could. but after about an hour, it somewhat has relaxed. but back in fair amount of the pain again today.
so , im not sure if its all nerves, or bloodflow/pelvic floor is making it feel that way. i know when its like this weekend, the overall feeling in my pants is just all kinds of wrong. its no wonder i cant get aroused anymore. but thats my next obstacle. where is my arousal? and what took it away? i use to have cum dripping out of me all the time thinking about sex. i dont have a single drop now . and nothing seems to excite me now except when i provoke it hands on. but even then its sketchy . it feels like my entire body got reprogrammed the day i injured it. i sure dont know how to get it back either. i guess with this glans damage, if thats what this is, its just shut off whatever fuels my libido.
so, after my fiasco fridaywith cialis, yesterday i took some total beets pills. but only half the dose. yesterday was quite decent again.. until about dark, then things started going bad again. today is absolutely horrible. it was almost purple when i got up and shrunk to a nub. and hurts terrible today. burning, oversensitive. not much feeling. kinda feels like i smashed the end of my penis with a hammer. went for a run today. horrible shrinkage obviously. more than i thought one could. but after about an hour, it somewhat has relaxed. but back in fair amount of the pain again today.
Now, recall back as much as you can. What happened after taking Cialis? No reaction from the pill?

For the beets pill, you're making fun of Cialis I assume. You said you took half. Have there been any odd adverse effects prior either be a whole pill or in portion? Same for Viagra if or when you took any?

I'm trying to understand both the neuro-pathology and current tissue structures at the moment.
im not making fun of anything. im just trying to regain my life as it were. cialis did nothing during the day. i actually got worse than normal . and then that night i got an erection while sleeping again, and woke up flexing it hard. the next day was a total disaster of over sensitive glans, and shrunken flaccid. my glans feels hurt again. and it doesnt seem to have any firmness to it when the shaft does. it resembles feeling of being smashed with a hammer while also being sensitive to clothes.
7-8 months ago and a couple more times i got this kind of feeling with it also, but backthen i was also having sex, so i never could pinpoint what exactly it was. im still not sure if it was that, or the overflexing that sent the glans back to square one.

i havent takne a viagra for a couple months, but last time, it did work, but my penis was very hurt then, and it hurt me to get the erection. im not sure what would happen now. doesnt seem i should be having any erections period. i had a few last night, and i did my best to not engage in them at all. but , of course, when i get out of bed, all i have is this short straight childs thing with no definition of volume whatsoever.
We want you to know that we are not making fun of you, belittling, nor causing you dramas. We don't take your comments as such either. We are here to figure things out with you. I have a few colleagues pulling prior cases from their records as well and we tossed your case and logs into the think tank to process as well. This is why we ask questions here to see where you are, what you did, and how you are experiencing the situations to grasp for more nuggets of details to figure things out.

For now, we know for sure there is a ruptured in the corpus spongiosum at the glans. Due to too high of a pressure routine you went through earlier, the rupture or ruptures of micro chambers also caused an area of damage effects. Something like micro bombs going off. This is why we cautioned our new brothers about measure and gauge their lower and upper baseline. Constriction device generate 3 to 10 times the pressure exceeding the normal erection pressure limit of 3inHg. At 10inHg, we are always at 3 times. Clamping and constriction, under full erection, goes straight into 12 to 18 inHg. This is literally setting up micro bombs and awaiting for them to blow up.

With that short blurb for the other brothers to take heed of, we'll continue. Prior posts indicate you penis was recovering to some degrees with comforts. This is the body telling you that the penis is regenerating the repair tissues, including the affected damages nerve branches caused by the micro chambers' ruptures. When the glans has a flattening appearance, it's no longer ruptured chambers, but a blockage. Corpus spongiosum is a full connection from the base of the penis to the tip of the glans, contains series of these micro chambers. When scarring tissues stopped the blood from flowing into the micro chambers in the glans, the flattening appearance is observed. Nerve pains is another story.

Don't criticize the brothers as they ask if you continue with the PE routines. There is actually a silver of truth behind it. By promoting the blood to push against the scarring barrier that prevent the blood from going into the glans micro chambers, you are forcing a new pathology to be created. Think something like a stagnant river trying to find a way around a dam during a rain storm. The field of ED is also being researched now with similar cases like yours, where a softer/malform rigidness on one side of the penis is caused by scarring tissue/region.

I can't provide you the medical cases being studied now, but currently, the patients are using the shiatsu massage method to push blood into the scarring regions, using warm therapeutic oils, and mimicking the SSJ established here. There were reports of discomfort pains at first as there was nerve misfires during a partial erection due to stimulation, but the sensation to the glans and formations of rigidity reported to be returning.

There would be unique motor-nerve scans and tests coming soon within a month or two, but rhe outcomes are promising. In reality, modified SSJ in low intensity is actually being monitored and us we d in the medical arena.
i dont think theres any flattening appearance that i can tell. the whole thing just feels and appears micro size from what i use to have. it feels like i need to go on a do not touch it period for a long time. it just feels like years have went by, but i guess 9 months isnt really that long when i unknowingly kept hurting it over and over again the whole time by having sex and erections . sex just happened less and less as time went on. but maybe i havent let it sit idle long enough. guess i dont really have any other choice now.
i lost some flaccid size immediately when i woke that morning long ago. but as a few weeks passed i gained it mostly back it seemed. along with my libido sometimes. it just seems after a month or 2, it started attacking me after sex and going the other way. and now, here i am with nothing at all again. its just really weird how hard it is at 5 am, but i know i couldnt make it that hard right now if i wanted to. but the 5am erectionns, are the only thing that keeps me hopeful i can even beat this
Morning erection is an indicator that you still have awesome libido, plenty of testosterone, and the body is willing to recover back to optimal conditions. This means your body is still working hard to repair the damages. Be patient. If your erection is solid in the morning, no pain anywhere, and still good sensitivity from touching around and at the tip and around the rim of the glans without any pain, your nerves are being repaired as fast as the nerve allows. Can't force it more than that.

Stay off cialis and Viagra for now. Allow the natural erection to take place. Don't force your body to undergo chemical influences as it is resetting itself.
yeah. i agree with that. i can feel everything on the entire penis if i touch it or rub it. albeit it might be a bit skewed around the glans. if i have sex , feeling seems perfectly fine there. its when im walking around in clothes that i dont seem to have the feeling i should have, and the tip seems to be oversensitive.but it seems i have absolutely no blood flowing to it when im up moving. never had it shrink this small in my life. one thing ive always noticed since this happened. the more aroused, or more blood thats in it, the more i can feel. and the less oversensitive it is. its just really hard to imagine it feeling normal again. and i want it to so so bad.
i just dont feel very sexual unless i wake up hard. i guess its cause nothing feels normal when flaccid, and i dont feel like theres anything there to even work with. but morning /night erections, and sometimes both seem to happen these days every night most times. even when i have bad days it seems. thats what makes the day time penis loss so confusing.
Sounds like the nerves are the remaining leg work for repair process. When the nerve branches are spread apart, no misfires in the damages area to the adjacent nerves. But when the penis is in the flaccid state, the nerve branches get closer to the damaged nerve and received the misfires. That's the oversensitivity.

Thinking out loud and humor me as well, if you have a penis sleeve or cock ring around, try to inflate the penis up to 70% of erection volume. See if that works without the sensitivity for a few hours during your days off. This promotes both available resources for healing processes and to space the nerve branches apart.
ill see what i can do there. thanks. im trying my best to get over this. it sucks so bad. nobody should have to ever endure this pain
Be strong brother it sounds from this conversation and the data/information from @oldandlively that you will recover with time.

This is why we cautioned our new brothers about measure and gauge their lower and upper baseline. Constriction device generate 3 to 10 times the pressure exceeding the normal erection pressure limit of 3inHg. At 10inHg, we are always at 3 times. Clamping and constriction, under full erection, goes straight into 12 to 18 inHg. This is literally setting up micro bombs and awaiting for them to blow up.

I can only imagine how hard this must be.
What I have learned for this myself from this thread, is that you don't need to go over 10 in.Hg vaccum pressure in order to grow. Over 10 can be to much.

So I will stop doing that myself, even if I can go over it. I feel really that over 10 is to much.
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Be strong brother it sounds from this conversation and the data/information from @oldandlively that you will recover with time.

I can only imagine how hard this must be.
What I have learned for this myself from this thread, is that you don't need to go over 10 in.Hg vaccum pressure in order to grow. Over 10 can be to much.

So I will stop doing that myself, even if I can go over it. I feel really that over 10 is to much.
if i possibly kept you from hurting yourself im glad i could. i really had no idea. nor did it hurt in any way. i was only that high in the first place, cause it always seemed to take at least 10 to even get mine up to a normal erection it seemed. 4-6 does almost nothing to me. 8 isnt even really doing much either. around 12-14 always felt just right, but i rememebr it started to leak that day , so i started trying to compensate, and when i noticed , it was too late i guess. and i still may lose everything yet it feels like
if i possibly kept you from hurting yourself im glad i could. i really had no idea. nor did it hurt in any way. i was only that high in the first place, cause it always seemed to take at least 10 to even get mine up to a normal erection it seemed. 4-6 does almost nothing to me. 8 isnt even really doing much either. around 12-14 always felt just right, but i rememebr it started to leak that day , so i started trying to compensate, and when i noticed , it was too late i guess. and i still may lose everything yet it feels like
I feel this way as well. 10 doesn't feel enough to expand the tissue. Maybe we get used to the pressure, and do not feel where the danger level is at if we keep increasing? 🤔

But since I now know that 10 in.Hg is 3 times the normal pressure of a normal erection, it must be enough to grow.

Okay I understand, so you where not fully erected and then kept increasing the pressure?

I hope of the bottom of my heart that you make a full recovery.
I feel this way as well. 10 doesn't feel enough to expand the tissue. Maybe we get used to the pressure, and do not feel where the danger level is at if we keep increasing? 🤔

But since I now know that 10 in.Hg is 3 times the normal pressure of a normal erection, it must be enough to grow.

Okay I understand, so you where not fully erected and then kept increasing the pressure?

I hope of the bottom of my heart that you make a full recovery.
no, i was. but the pressure didnt seal and kept decreasing. until it did seal too much. and thanks. im trying and trying to make this work. i feel like if this nerve could recover, and i had normal glans feeling, i could get a lot farther along.since ive always had "feeling" in all of it, im hoping to god it will try to mend. even though the feeling may have been wrong or burning at times. it just really puzzles me how good it can feel when erect,and how distant and bad when its shrunk. i dont know what else to do but suck down water, excercise, supplement, and PRAY and stretch. this new penis is not a good touch. not even a little bit.
But since I now know that 10 in.Hg is 3 times the normal pressure of a normal erection, it must be enough to grow.
I feel like the rest of the brothers here. I was thinking the same way switching from air to liquid using the Bathmate when I first got it and during the mod. I didn't feel it, kept on pushing, and got scared when I saw the "right expansion sensation" was coming in at 15inHg and toward 16. I pumped using the water up to 12inHg and felt the same expansion under air at 15 and 16inHg. But I crept up in pressure, every so slowly. One wrong mistake at that high pressure and BOOM! Damages. I stay below 12 inHg, maintain between 8inHg to 10 inHg. 12inHg is to break the tissues for 2 minutes, and go right back down to 10inHg for maintaining the broken gaps.

Your penis is built to literally go up to 24inHg before internally implodes. But tissue damages start at 14, 15, and 16 inHg. 3.5 to 5.5 times over the erection limits. We're not horses that can have internal pressure up to 30inHg.
I feel like the rest of the brothers here. I was thinking the same way switching from air to liquid using the Bathmate when I first got it and during the mod. I didn't feel it, kept on pushing, and got scared when I saw the "right expansion sensation" was coming in at 15inHg and toward 16. I pumped using the water up to 12inHg and felt the same expansion under air at 15 and 16inHg. But I crept up in pressure, every so slowly. One wrong mistake at that high pressure and BOOM! Damages. I stay below 12 inHg, maintain between 8inHg to 10 inHg. 12inHg is to break the tissues for 2 minutes, and go right back down to 10inHg for maintaining the broken gaps.

Your penis is built to literally go up to 24inHg before internally implodes. But tissue damages start at 14, 15, and 16 inHg. 3.5 to 5.5 times over the erection limits. We're not horses that can have internal pressure up to 30inHg.
I will pull back the vaccum pressure as well. My penis feels really worn out, after a session of peaking at 15 in.Hg vaccum pressure.

It's not worth it for me. You don't need fast gains all the time, and being on the limit is not fun when there is so much risk to injure ourselves. We only have one penis. Also going high in pressure is not indicating that you will grow faster. SRT 5X5X3 with moderate vaccum pressure are enough.

When I get a horse cock I can go higher in vaccum pressure. 🐴
I will pull back the vaccum pressure as well. My penis feels really worn out, after a session of peaking at 15 in.Hg vaccum pressure.

It's not worth it for me. You don't need fast gains all the time, and being on the limit is not fun when there is so much risk to injure ourselves. We only have one penis. Also going high in pressure is not indicating that you will grow faster. SRT 5X5X3 with moderate vaccum pressure are enough.

When I get a horse cock I can go higher in vaccum pressure. 🐴
🐎 🐴 😄
I stay below 12 inHg, maintain between 8inHg to 10 inHg. 12inHg is to break the tissues for 2 minutes, and go right back down to 10inHg for maintaining the broken gaps.
I tried this approach tonight and it worked wonders.

Your penis is built to literally go up to 24inHg before internally implodes. But tissue damages start at 14, 15, and 16 inHg. 3.5 to 5.5 times over the erection limits. We're not horses that can have internal pressure up to 30inHg.
I'm just curious how you know this? Probably from research but how do they test this, do they impode a penis in order to test this? Maybe you have shared this before?
I tried this approach tonight and it worked wonders.
I'm glad that you used this method. This is the programming and reprogramming method I've used for over a decade for quick tissue breakage and induce healing. There's also a trick using the same method by going high from the first pump set after one minute at 5inHg, then straight up to 12inHg for one minute, and back down to 5inHg for 1 minute. Alternating back and forth for the first pump to induce intense tissue breakage when your penis reach a normalized plateau. Second set, you keep it at 6inHg to 7inHg from 3 to 5 minutes to maintain gaps for healing, and back down to 5inHg for every other week. This is the unique reprogramming phase to promote further. But, don't go there yet if you haven't reach the plateau. There are so much recorded data I've collected over the years helping out the brothers. By the way, they charge over $1,000 for clinical sessions to do the same thing. Talking about making big bucks on PE. Of course, you have sexy nurses watch you doing it.

I'm just curious how you know this? Probably from research but how do they test this, do they e
impode a penis in order to test this? Maybe you have shared this before?
Oooo..long stories on this one. Yes, researches were done as PhD studies. They got cadaver parts of various donated bodies for sciences. They performed penile extreme expansion before tissue damages. Of course, since this were human cadavers after a few weeks from cold storage, the dead couldn't say, "Uh oh, my penis is in pain." They could only replicate on fresh penises from various animals close to human tissues, while keeping mimick blood flow through the blood vessels trying to do erectile states. They couldn't perform nerve stimulation and observed rupture points. The "explosion" part was pretty messy. The "Implosion" part was observed under microcopes for cellular bridging. Cellular bridging is where the corpa cavernosa and spongiosum chambers broke apart and merged together into one big chamber. This is the "VERY BAD" part is. Imagine a honey comb small cells became one big cell. The rigidity is no longer there. Your penis ridigity depends on these small micro cellular chambers.

Have I shared this before? I believe I did in the past. I lost the account and not sure what happened to the posts too. I shared what I've learned from those studies with the brothers. No one believed me until the "sudden studies" came around. This was when you have tons of traction, pumping, and extending devices flood the market back in the early 2010s. The penis pump and extender studies went far back into the 1960s, but PE was not as popular back then. Now, PE gone crazy.
I'm glad that you used this method. This is the programming and reprogramming method I've used for over a decade for quick tissue breakage and induce healing. There's also a trick using the same method by going high from the first pump set after one minute at 5inHg, then straight up to 12inHg for one minute, and back down to 5inHg for 1 minute. Alternating back and forth for the first pump to induce intense tissue breakage when your penis reach a normalized plateau. Second set, you keep it at 6inHg to 7inHg from 3 to 5 minutes to maintain gaps for healing, and back down to 5inHg for every other week. This is the unique reprogramming phase to promote further. But, don't go there yet if you haven't reach the plateau. There are so much recorded data I've collected over the years helping out the brothers. By the way, they charge over $1,000 for clinical sessions to do the same thing. Talking about making big bucks on PE. Of course, you have sexy nurses watch you doing it.

Oooo..long stories on this one. Yes, researches were done as PhD studies. They got cadaver parts of various donated bodies for sciences. They performed penile extreme expansion before tissue damages. Of course, since this were human cadavers after a few weeks from cold storage, the dead couldn't say, "Uh oh, my penis is in pain." They could only replicate on fresh penises from various animals close to human tissues, while keeping mimick blood flow through the blood vessels trying to do erectile states. They couldn't perform nerve stimulation and observed rupture points. The "explosion" part was pretty messy. The "Implosion" part was observed under microcopes for cellular bridging. Cellular bridging is where the corpa cavernosa and spongiosum chambers broke apart and merged together into one big chamber. This is the "VERY BAD" part is. Imagine a honey comb small cells became one big cell. The rigidity is no longer there. Your penis ridigity depends on these small micro cellular chambers.

Have I shared this before? I believe I did in the past. I lost the account and not sure what happened to the posts too. I shared what I've learned from those studies with the brothers. No one believed me until the "sudden studies" came around. This was when you have tons of traction, pumping, and extending devices flood the market back in the early 2010s. The penis pump and extender studies went far back into the 1960s, but PE was not as popular back then. Now, PE gone crazy.
Very interesting background to the findings I have to say.

The programming structure you share up top sounds very safe. I have no problem being at 10 in.Hg the majority of my set, going back and fort between high and low should be beneficial. But for that you need a bigger water trap.
Very interesting background to the findings I have to say.

The programming structure you share up top sounds very safe. I have no problem being at 10 in.Hg the majority of my set, going back and fort between high and low should be beneficial. But for that you need a bigger water trap.
I know what you mean. Most of my parts haven't come in yet. Still waiting on the one way valves to arrive from China. It will be fun to do some modding again.
Look around the neighborhood for large cooking oil, pastery (butter, oil, cream), or even square/rectangular containers with big lid. If you're here, I could have given you at least 6 containers. As long as they are thick wall. Flat surface is greatly adviced because of the mounting. Using small rubber or silicone o-rings/washers are adviced as well for perfect pressure seals. If you don't have them or don't want to get them, any crushable plastic is more than enough, like the hot glue.

Look around the neighborhood for large cooking oil, pastery (butter, oil, cream), or even square/rectangular containers with big lid. If you're here, I could have given you at least 6 containers. As long as they are thick wall. Flat surface is greatly adviced because of the mounting. Using small rubber or silicone o-rings/washers are adviced as well for perfect pressure seals. If you don't have them or don't want to get them, any crushable plastic is more than enough, like the hot glue.

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Thanks for the tip.
The big lid is the problem. But maybe an unused plastic fuel tank will work? I have some small container on the way from China. I will go from there, and perfect it.

I believe this thread derailed somewhat now.
Thanks for the tip.
The big lid is the problem. But maybe an unused plastic fuel tank will work? I have some small container on the way from China. I will go from there, and perfect it.

I believe this thread derailed somewhat now.
Yes. Unused fuel can/tank can be used. Your call actually. That is one expensive tank/can. I have a 5 gallon version of a water can/tank too. But I don't think I will be going that crazy on the pumping. 2 liters size is more than enough. You can dump the water any time, compared to the tiny 8oz water trap you have.
Yes. Unused fuel can/tank can be used. Your call actually. That is one expensive tank/can. I have a 5 gallon version of a water can/tank too. But I don't think I will be going that crazy on the pumping. 2 liters size is more than enough. You can dump the water any time, compared to the tiny 8oz water trap you have.
I don't use that 8oz anymorez it's to small.
I have never got water inside the pump since I switched to a bigger one.

I have cheap plastic HDPE containers around me, but they have a small lid.
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I don't use that 8oz anymorez it's to small.
I have never got water inside the pump since I switched to a bigger one.

I have cheap plastic HDPE containers around me, but they have a small lid.
I can't wait for you to get all your deliveries
I have cheap plastic HDPE containers around me, but they have a small lid.
I wonder, do you have fruit/condiment containers like these?

Moderately thick walls, thick caps too since they are designed for possible fermentation of the juice/condiment during shipping, and they can handle up as high as 30 inHg of pressure. They go between 16oz to 60oz. You might be surprise what you can find at the local grocers in your areas.
I wonder, do you have fruit/condiment containers like these?

View attachment 1835956
Moderately thick walls, thick caps too since they are designed for possible fermentation of the juice/condiment during shipping, and they can handle up as high as 30 inHg of pressure. They go between 16oz to 60oz. You might be surprise what you can find at the local grocers in your areas.
I will figure something out. I'm currently using a protein shake as a water trap.
We need to find the best. Iwanna make this an item brothers can purchase if they desire
cant say reading about pumping penis implosions made me feel very at ease. lol. . . but on another note. im back to excercising regular, and jogging, walking, and stretching. im kinda back to leaning to part of this being hard flaccid related. i went at today positive, and i did mostly well. penis even hung the best it can right now today at times. but by the evening, it starts getting rough.. its just short, small and tight with no definition. and my sensitivity starts leaning towards numb when it does that. it is absolutely not my dick. ive noticed it also turns a dark color when its short and firm.
its so dis heartening how it can go from hanging kinda ok, to the most constricted thing on the planet. and i seem to get the inner urethra pain sensation during a kegel when its like that as well.
I'm happy some things are getting I would focus on that rather than the negatives. It seems like you are learning this
When we do PE, blood's pigmentation collectively pooled in the skin layers, caused the darkness. When the penis elongated, the pigmentation scattered across the skin. When the penis retracts, pigmentation appears darker like a nugget of black matter. Once you ease up or stop PE for a while, the pigmentation dissipates.

Good to hear the irritation is mostly gone. As long as the pain is not sharp but a dullness feeling, a sign of the nerve branch or branches are recovering nicely. Once step closer to healing.

We need to compile a subforum for healing methods. Brother @squirt_inducer_man or other moderator, want to create one so we can organize various injury scenarios and healing approaches for those cases? I think we have more than a dozen scenarios to start out. Rather than typing the info up over and over again, it's good to gather all the cases into one place.
When we do PE, blood's pigmentation collectively pooled in the skin layers, caused the darkness. When the penis elongated, the pigmentation scattered across the skin. When the penis retracts, pigmentation appears darker like a nugget of black matter. Once you ease up or stop PE for a while, the pigmentation dissipates.

Good to hear the irritation is mostly gone. As long as the pain is not sharp but a dullness feeling, a sign of the nerve branch or branches are recovering nicely. Once step closer to healing.

We need to compile a subforum for healing methods. Brother @squirt_inducer_man or other moderator, want to create one so we can organize various injury scenarios and healing approaches for those cases? I think we have more than a dozen scenarios to start out. Rather than typing the info up over and over again, it's good to gather all the cases into one place.
yeah, i havent did any pe for over 9 months now. its only that dark when it got super thin and firm. i dont like it. any of it. my irritation isnt gone, but it feels better than it has to date. and its not sharp, but maybe a distant dull faint burn in one spot at times. moreso by the end of the day. i really hope it gets better or im probably screwed. its livable, but not great. and almost impossible to be sexual or aroused like that.
In pursuit of pathology and neurosciences, nerve repairing and restoration is one of the most sought fields in specializing. Working with researchers in the fields of metallurgical, tissues, and nerves to combine a living metal-organo recombination was considered as space tech of the 22nd century; a farfetched endeavor. Now, we are closer to it. I learned enough to comprehend the inner working of the nerves. Damages and reparations of nerves are not as simple as a cut wound that cleanly severed by a shard instrument. When a nerve is caught in an microbomb implosion, or it got ripped through an deep abrasion wound, the body literally is replacing fragmentation of pieces back to how it was. A normal clean cut wound may take up to a few months to get back to normal. A damaged branch nerve is something of a (??) guess. We can't observe through a miracle microscope to see the extensive damage, so, we can only guess based on the reports you provide. If we got your report sooner, we could have devise an immediate approach. An example is to keep the blood cycled and fill throughout the day to promote healing. Shiatsu massage along the dorsal is another.

Keep reporting in. Every report is another window to the inner status of healing progression.
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well, i didnt know how serious this was. nor did i know what to do other than try to keep using it. i dont know that ill ever feel right, but im doing all i can with gods help. the feeling sensations change it seem. so its hard to track. i do know when the shortening comes on strong is when i get the weird tip numbness/sometimes hurting. after i stretch a lot and lay down, i get a lot better feeling and more normal
believe me , i am. well last night changed things drastically. the wife was there and i got hard, so i just tried sex for a couple minutes very easy and slow. didnt do it long, but i noticed im just not as big as i should be anymore. after that, went to bed. shrank up all night, no night erection. some pain. this morning i felt terrible and nothing there at all.
i went in the bathroom and manually got an erection jsut to move some blood through it. im kinda scared now cause when it did start to fill up, i got a slight hourglass and it kinda bent to the left. then i freaked out. it did this about3-4 months ago when i was abstinent for about a month as well. after that it was fine. there is a growth/hard spot mid shaft on the left. i believe ive always had it. it was there from the start of this. it seemed firmer now but that just may be my head.
anyway. i showed the wife and got it hard again. mind you, i started with the smallest of unit again . after i showed her, i decided to make it fully hard and see if i could massage it a little. when i got hard, im just not totally my size. i kept rubbing for awhile and massaging. eventually, i got my whole normal package back, and was fully to my old size. i went ahead and had some slow amazing sex.once i did all that, everything seemed straightened out and normal jsut like last time. i know i will pay dearly later, but it appears ive got to put some blood in this thing or its going to die. its been getting progressively less filling and smaller and harder to fill. maybe i just need to actively achieve the biggest boners i can here and there to help and deal with the sensitivity, since im gonna feel like that no matter what it seems.
Sounds like there is indeed a blockage due to either prior scarring tissues or adhesion of the corpus cavernosa during the healing phases. This is why it's important to do post-pumping cooldown/expansion. It's to prevent these adhesion from occuring, no matter now slight of a chance it might be.

Keep on doing light massages like you have gone, be of light erection to moderate erection. You are recovering nicely. The continual blood volume expansion during healing will assist you in preventing the cavernosa adhesion, reducing the chance of hourglass formation in the future, while stretching out the nerve branches for proper healing.
yeah.... it sure doesnt feel like im recovering nicely. lol. i remember always having the hourglass back in the day if i was a having a shrinkage event. but it wasnt often, and quickly went away with arousal and caused no issues. it seems laying dormant and shrunk so long isnt helping. this morning when i worked a long time to achieve a full erection was the first time ive got it back all veiny as it usually is when im hard. and here it is an hour later, and im cut off from the world again. i just hope this isnt peyronies trying to set in and it will go away with massage. im quite sure that hard spot was always there my whole life
Peyronie's covers way too many areas, just like how PTSD for mental traumas. If we break things down, there may be specific name assigned to each of the cases. Peyronie's tends to lay dormant for a long while like you mentioned. When we don't pay attention is when it rears its ugly self up. That's why PE, no matter how small of a routine it may be, is life long, until you don't want to use the penis any more.
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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