Would having alot of erections after a Penis Enlargement session maximize the healing process sincce blood is always in the penis when you have an erection?????
Interesting question! I would say that there is already blood in the penis of course, just more when erect. I would guess it makes no difference whatsoever to have a load more in terms of improving healing, but maybe someone else will have some suggestions on this..? At best, the difference in healing would be minimal i would say.
Priapism, is a constant erection of the penis. Among the causes are sickle cell disease. According to some stuff I have read, men with this disease can develop larger than their counterparts. I am not sure how much validity there is but I thought it may apply to your question.
So in other words maybe,,It is not good to have soooooo many erections?????Kind of confused---Can you break that down so the ignorant people -such as myself-Can understand??

Thanks mayne!!
Girthius and MagnumForce and I are working on this meathod in the Alt Penis Enlargement Forum
i know with other parts of the body, but i all has do with connective tissue and muscle/spongy tissue so its basically the same, anyway after working out you should apply cold to the area, but then like a while after (next day) lightly working out the area and rushing new blood speeds the healing process ex: do squats then next day go play basketball or something = girth work next day masturbate.
Supra said:
Girthius and MagnumForce and I are working on this meathod in the Alt Penis Enlargement Forum

What is a meathod?:)
tru4u27 said:
Would having alot of erections after a Penis Enlargement session maximize the healing process sincce blood is always in the penis when you have an erection?????
I would most definately say it helps, would be better than not getting erect put it that way.
doublelongdaddy said:
What is a meathod?:)

Its a mis-spell of MeatHood.

Definition - After Penis Enlargement'ing for some time, the massively enlarged penis will need a sun umbrella all of its own to prevent sunburn when sunbathing. This is the meat-hood.
levista said:
Its a mis-spell of MeatHood.

Definition - After Penis Enlargement'ing for some time, the massively enlarged penis will need a sun umbrella all of its own to prevent sunburn when sunbathing. This is the meat-hood.
