DSD Progress log

It's this thing. That circular spot, its like the very top layer of skin is split open. It's hard to tell unless I stretch the skin, flatten it out. Otherwise, it's more like a slit and when stretched, it opens like a circle. There's no bleeding. But I do worry if it continues to open whether I will start to get weird spots.

As far as healing, I do use heat quite often and redlight, though redlight does tend to hit the top side more often. I use coconut oil often.

I began to notice after doing bundled stretching. But I have never seen it heal. It's always there. There do seem to be slightly larger pores on the underside.


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It's this thing. That circular spot, its like the very top layer of skin is split open. It's hard to tell unless I stretch the skin, flatten it out. Otherwise, it's more like a slit and when stretched, it opens like a circle. There's no bleeding. But I do worry if it continues to open whether I will start to get weird spots.
It goes under many names, and I'll mention them as we go along. Just to let you know, just like inside the vagina wall and even around the labia, the penis has unique bumps all over it, though, not as big as the vagina. You can address them as Fordyce spots. They evolved to somewhat enhanced/stimulate during arousal. Some actually have huge ones. For most, they are small. When you use the bundled stretches and dynamic twisting, even with oil, you are doing quite a number on those as they are on sensitive epidermal (top) layer. What you did was causing these Fordyce spots to bruise, or suffered light abrasion, or even blistered and popped through high friction, when with oil. The skin will toughen over time and you won't get them as often.

However, using water, of chemicals, can also cause these spots to have allergic eczema, contact dermatitis, hives, or lesions from irritation. Overall, as long that there is no pain, bleeding, or weird growth, you are good. You can back off a few days of bundled stretches to allow the skin to thicken/regrowth again.
What if I spend a few days with no aggressive jelqs or bundles and do long 3-4Hg pumps? So my warmup would just be heat and very light side jelqs. Go into pump at like 60-70%. I think I'd also use my 2.125x12" tube so I'm not going up against the sides as much.
What if I spend a few days with no aggressive jelqs or bundles and do long 3-4Hg pumps?
That's perfectly fine. You'll lose a bit of routine peogressive gains but allows the skin to heal while maintain your gains previously. This is your call. If you have no issue with pain, remain at 5inHg will be more productive without going any higher.

So my warmup would just be heat and very light side jelqs.
Perfectly fine as well. Use a bit more lubricant for the jelq to prevent friction. Coconut oil does have micro fines that acts like abrassives so do be careful.

Go into pump at like 60-70%. I think I'd also use my 2.125x12" tube so I'm not going up against the sides as much.
You don't have to worry about touching the side wall. Friction is too little to worry about. Your hands have much more frictious grooves that cause blisters from high pressure than the smooth walls of the cylinder. But, a bit of lubricant will help to slide your skin along if you like.
Warmup-heatpad, light jelqs

Mityvac AIR with 2.125x12” cylinder. Alternating with light jelqs, DLD bends and bending up.

10mins start 3Hg, 4hg last 2 mins, using heatpad
10mins start 3Hg, 4hg last 2 mins, using heatpad
10mins start 3Hg, 4hg last 2 mins, using heatpad
13mins start 3Hg, 4hg last 5 mins, using heatpad and vibrator during

Cockring 30mins

I gotta say, the vibrator worked wonders. As I thought, the heatpad provided the softness to smooth out the vibrations. Also worked to put vibrator on the soft tubing going into cylinder. Had to turn vibe up to high but it was enough to cause further expansion.

I stopped after 43 mins total but I wasn’t feeling fatigued at all. EQ was amazing.

long pumps at low pressure work pretty well for me as long as I have natural erection. I want to keep some variety in my pumping. I'll make sure to get up to high pressure a few times a week.

edit: little bit later did 2 more AIR pumps and new mitysleeve(flange intact). 10-11 mins each @3Hg start then up to 4Hg last couple mins. Using heatpad still. This time, I layed the vibrator length-wise along the cylinder over the heatpad to get more even vibrations. I wonder whether I should get a real setup for vibrations. It's pretty effective.

Did another 20 mins of cockring. And doing redlight right now.

Is 1 hr of pumping too much for 1 day? I dunno. I don't feel sore or anything and never went above 4Hg.
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I gotta say, the vibrator worked wonders. As I thought, the heatpad provided the softness to smooth out the vibrations. Also worked to put vibrator on the soft tubing going into cylinder. Had to turn vibe up to high but it was enough to cause further expansion.

I stopped after 43 mins total but I wasn’t feeling fatigued at all. EQ was amazing.
Looks like you dorsal nerves love and live the vibration. Vibration is a good stimulus. I believe our brother @92tmorgan rigged up some pretty impressive vibrator assist that may benefit you immensely:

Post in thread 'New 20k PE device' New 20k PE device

long pumps at low pressure work pretty well for me as long as I have natural erection. I want to keep some variety in my pumping. I'll make sure to get up to high pressure a few times a week.
Try to raise it up to 5inHg and stay there if you can. Allow the tissues to work well at that optimal pressure. Test it for a week and compare that to 4inHg without going higher.

Is 1 hr of pumping too much for 1 day? I dunno. I don't feel sore or anything and never went above 4Hg.
Nope. You can go for as long as 4 hours between 3 and 4inHg. At 5inHg, max pump time routine is around 2 hours. Any higher, max pump time should be limited to 60 minutes or less.

You may have found your golden path for growth brother.
Looks like you dorsal nerves love and live the vibration. Vibration is a good stimulus. I believe our brother @92tmorgan rigged up some pretty impressive vibrator assist that may benefit you immensely:

Post in thread 'New 20k PE device' New 20k PE device

Try to raise it up to 5inHg and stay there if you can. Allow the tissues to work well at that optimal pressure. Test it for a week and compare that to 4inHg without going higher.

Nope. You can go for as long as 4 hours between 3 and 4inHg. At 5inHg, max pump time routine is around 2 hours. Any higher, max pump time should be limited to 60 minutes or less.

You may have found your golden path for growth brother.
Agree with Oldandlively

Heatpad. Wrapped heatpad around trying to do bundles. Was difficult, more experimentation. I might need a thinner heatpad. Put oxball stretcher on. Made sure to position the backside of ballsack first then let out the front so balls are hanging straight down and don’t move much when I stretch flaccid. Various jelqs.

Mityvac air with 2.125x12” cylinder. Started first 3 pumps with a silisleeve on. Heatpad wrapped around cylinder entire time. Laying vibrator across top on high so could feel a light vibration. Did most pumps on the edge of bed. Trying to get in a meditative state almost while glancing sometimes at some attractive ladies on screen lol.

11mins @3Hg to 4Hg
12 mins @3Hg to 4 to 5Hg
12 mins @3Hg up to 6 then 7Hg for 1 min
Sleeve off
12 min @3Hg, increase pressure every 2 mins up to 7Hg
13 min @3Hg, increase pressure every 2 mins up to 6Hg. Kept expanding
11 min @3Hg, increase pressure every 2 mins up to 5Hg. Was still expanding.

30mins cockring. Using some heatpad to keep really warm. Vibrator. Edging/ballooning. Working on my breathing and relaxation techniques which are causing insane EQ. It’s like a combination of things. Constricted breathing in and out through nose. Guttural humming. Very deep breaths in and out while opening throat. Pulsing breaths. Reverse kegeling to push more and more blood in.

Time really flew by and I got caught up… I decided to put the oxball stretcher as a cockring to keep chubby while I get dinner..
NICE! You got your golden expansion goose going there brother. You're insane with the 10+ minutes at low pumping pressure, but you're practically mirroring my 3x3x10 approach, using slow dynamic pressure. LOVING THIS!

@DLD @squirt_inducer_man your SRT modified 5x5x3 with dynamic pumping routines confirmed by at least three brothers (including me). This may be the evolution of pumping routine.
NICE! You got your golden expansion goose going there brother. You're insane with the 10+ minutes at low pumping pressure, but you're practically mirroring my 3x3x10 approach, using slow dynamic pressure. LOVING THIS!

@DLD @squirt_inducer_man your SRT modified 5x5x3 with dynamic pumping routines confirmed by at least three brothers (including me). This may be the evolution of pumping routine.
Nothing better than the 5x5x3
I still do SSJ on most days. And bundles in my warm up. But the long pumps really give me a chance to get into a relaxed state where the blood just seems to flow even at lower pressures. I also notice that once I've reached the highest pressure and greatest expansion, I can pyramid down the pressure and still get major expansion. I was very tempted to measure earlier.. When I had my cockring on, my hand was not going around about 1-2 inches above the ring. My fingers just barely touch if I grip around my "2" inch cylinder which is ~7inches circumference.

Trying to get a lot of work in this week because I start my move on saturday through next week and might not have time. Will see what maintenance stuff I can do.

In shower 6 bundled holds using warmwet cloth.

Heatpad, 6 bundles x30s, 10 gua sha each side, various jelqs
Mityvac air with 2.125x12” cylinder, wrapped in heatpad and vibrator across top on high. Alternate with 20 SSJ (just first 4)
12 mins @3Hg up to 6Hg at end
11 mins @4Hg,5,6 to 7Hg pulse
11 mins @4,5,6,7 to 8 pulse
10 mins @4,5,6,7 to 2 mins at 8
10 mins @ just 4
10 mins @ just 4
10 mins @ just 4
30mins cockring ballooning
Redlight 30mins

Got edema in foreskin this time. Is it because of the 2mins at 8inHg? Or just the overall time at >5inHg? It started to present during my 10mins at 4Hg. I was trying to use the 4Hg as like a cockring substitute so I can preserve the expansion longer. Is this flawed thinking?

I watched a video earlier today talking about 3-4Hg doesn’t have real benefit to growth since the internal pressure is close to that anyway. So, I want to use it only as prep and maintenance of expansion. Maybe I’ll do my 10min pumps and use 4Hg for 5mins then increment pressure. I feel like I maximize my natural erection at 4Hg and with the heat and vibration and can settle in the relaxation. The 5 and greater is my real work. And I think I’ll keep it to 3 ‘worksets’ Next time will be

10mins @4Hg for 5mins, increase to 5Hg and pulse 6Hg at end
10mins @4Hg for 5mins, increase to 5Hg, then 6Hg then pulse 7Hg at end
10mins @4Hg for 5mins, increase to 5Hg, then 6, then 7 and pulse 8Hg at end
Then 3 sets of 10mins @4Hg and 3 sets of 10mins with cockring.

Hopefully that is a better workout..

Some urging of caution is out there regarding the combination of heat and vibration under expansion. I wonder how warranted that is. Seems to be working for me.. I'm having to pull myself out of the 2.125" cylinder..
Very good research. Your doing everything you can to perfect your routine
Got edema in foreskin this time. Is it because of the 2mins at 8inHg? Or just the overall time at >5inHg? It started to present during my 10mins at 4Hg. I was trying to use the 4Hg as like a cockring substitute so I can preserve the expansion longer. Is this flawed thinking?
No. It's not because of 8inHg alone. When your epidermal layer start to stress, resultingin edema, it means the skin became too thin from prolong pressure exposure. When you healed up, go from 5inHg and creep straight to 8inHg without staying at 6 or 7. Make sure to only do this about 1 week out, allowing that new skin patch for the edema to fully toughen up.

Some urging of caution is out there regarding the combination of heat and vibration under expansion. I wonder how warranted that is. Seems to be working for me..
The cautionary tail is quite valid. This is why I don't encourage vibration and direct high heat application. Low to moderate heat, such as warm to slightly more than warm water, is more than enough during pumping. Why? I'll explain in layman's terms.

Depending on the vibration level, if you're reaching between 30Hz to 44MHz directly skin application, you're creating a collagen destabilizing effects. When your collagen bonds destabilized and you're overstressing it further, destabilization continues to stretch, break, and further destroy your collagen bonds to the point of improper repairs. It's like stressing a puncture hole on your inner tube so much that you can't patch it up. Same goes for the internal tissues. Heat has less damaging effects, but too long of heat exposure can create the same effects. Introducing a breakage once, then stretch, that's not a problem. The bond will reestablish within a few moment to a few hours. Same bond keeps on overstressed, your body will give up on you and ignore the repair. Now, you have a broken bond that will not be restored. Imagine that is your nerve that don't want to be repaired. Your dick is now broken at that specific area.

If you're using 30Hz to 44MHz on the cylinder, you're stressing the cylinder wall based on the amount of energy at the frequency being applied. Crack, and pop, under pressure, shards can damage your penis during an implosion.

I'm having to pull myself out of the 2.125" cylinder..
Ooo..Hulk penis, here you come (fire)
No. It's not because of 8inHg alone. When your epidermal layer start to stress, resultingin edema, it means the skin became too thin from prolong pressure exposure. When you healed up, go from 5inHg and creep straight to 8inHg without staying at 6 or 7. Make sure to only do this about 1 week out, allowing that new skin patch for the edema to fully toughen up.

The cautionary tail is quite valid. This is why I don't encourage vibration and direct high heat application. Low to moderate heat, such as warm to slightly more than warm water, is more than enough during pumping. Why? I'll explain in layman's terms.

Depending on the vibration level, if you're reaching between 30Hz to 44MHz directly skin application, you're creating a collagen destabilizing effects. When your collagen bonds destabilized and you're overstressing it further, destabilization continues to stretch, break, and further destroy your collagen bonds to the point of improper repairs. It's like stressing a puncture hole on your inner tube so much that you can't patch it up. Same goes for the internal tissues. Heat has less damaging effects, but too long of heat exposure can create the same effects. Introducing a breakage once, then stretch, that's not a problem. The bond will reestablish within a few moment to a few hours. Same bond keeps on overstressed, your body will give up on you and ignore the repair. Now, you have a broken bond that will not be restored. Imagine that is your nerve that don't want to be repaired. Your dick is now broken at that specific area.

If you're using 30Hz to 44MHz on the cylinder, you're stressing the cylinder wall based on the amount of energy at the frequency being applied. Crack, and pop, under pressure, shards can damage your penis during an implosion.

Ooo..Hulk penis, here you come (fire)
Hulk Penis is the goal
The heat I am applying while pumping is directly to the cylinder itself. It is almost entirely wrapped. I imagine the air in the cylinder gets heated up some and the part of shaft that is touching cylinder walls is getting a more direct dose of heat. Medium heat on my heatpad seems to be roughly 123F.

Not sure what the vibrational frequency on vibrator is. It's a Domi 2 which is powerful for a vibrator used for sexual pleasure. But there's no way it's as powerful as one of those 2400RPM vibrational motors. It is vibrating through the heatpad which has coils and a plushy exterior to absorb some of the vibration. I don't feel the vibrators nearly as hard as when using vibrator directly on glans.

Hulk penis sounds good as long as its not green lol.
Many of those wand types run on a 4500 RPM to 8500 RPM motors. That specific one uses a 6 volts 6500 RPM motor. My wife has the mini one that runs 4500 RPM. When the battery died, I ripped it apart and used it for another project.

If you're talking about the 20Hz and smaller mini vibators from Bathmate, you already match it and beat it. For the one moded to match the $20K machine, yeah, you're falling far behind from it.
Finally got a clear picture that isn't post-pump. That one spot now has a whitish ring about it on the edge. I think its time for a 1 week break and come back stronger. I really need to focus on my move anyway. It'll take me a few days to get settled in.

I might just use vibrator daily to get erection to preserve some expansion. No twisting, turning through the never.

Would it help to tape it?


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Keep safe and use your body in what is best. Take a couple days off and allow yourself to heal
Just out of curiosity, is that the same spot you use the vibrator on?

Don't tape it. Just allow the skin to heal on its own while aerating.
Nope. I don't use vibrator on the underside. Mostly on the glans. And almost always with coconut oil. Speaking of which, you did say that coconut oil has tiny particles. I wonder if that is part of problem, tiny microabrasions. It feels fairly smooth though. I am using the big tub of costco coconut oil that is megacheap. Coconut oil lasts forever and even if you wipe it off, things stay smooth. But maybe there is a coconut oil that has the fines removed? I need something like coconut oil that is healthy for skin and lasts a long time. What about other oils like olive oil?
Speaking of which, you did say that coconut oil has tiny particles. I wonder if that is part of problem, tiny microabrasions. It feels fairly smooth though. I am using the big tub of costco coconut oil that is megacheap.
Yep, it does have micro fines, so they do act like micro abbrassives. Unfortunately, the only coconut oil that have their micro fines removed are the ones that got processed for pharmaceutical, turned into balms and lotions. The raw virgin version have micro fines.

I need something like coconut oil that is healthy for skin and lasts a long time. What about other oils like olive oil?
Virgin coconut oil like you got will do just fine. I have a few tubs of those too. Virgin olive (fresh, not old) and avocado oil are the same. Each have their own benefits, but have similar healing properties. No need to spend $35 on a small little bottle of olive oil, or $18 on avocado. As long as you don't use them to lubricate high frictious devices for surface-to-surface contact, you're good.
Been taking a break during my move. Too exhausted and no privacy for long periods of time.

On 6/21 I did do some manual type stuff. Keeping light so the skin can heal. Doing mod jelqs (using hand to constrict and jelqing just 1/2 to 1 inch up. Then I thought it'd be cool to do a push back on glans with other hand during each jelq, kind of like an SSJ but shorter. Then pointing down so blood flow is better. Probably did 5-10 mins total.

The mini-rip looks same so not healing at all. Maybe I need to just stop touching.
Take your time and start out light and work your way up. Do not rush just take your time to maximum training
Privacy has been an issue at new place so taking opportunities when I can. I keep some coconut oil in bathroom and doing some jelqs, mod jelq, and SSJ for about 5 mins or so a few times a day if possible. About 10 mins in morning shower.

Also did some pumping late at night.


heatpad, various jelqs. Using oxball

Mityvac AIR. Pumps 1-2 with 1.875” cylinder. Pumps afterward are with 2.125x12” cylinder.

10m @ 4Hg progress to 6hg after 5m
5m @start 4Hg progress to 6Hg, pulse 7
5m @start 4Hg progress to 6Hg, pulse 8
5m @start 4Hg progress to 6Hg, pulse 6
5m @start 4Hg progress to 6Hg, pulse 6

Cockring 10mins

Yes, edema. Do I just need longer break? Maybe I can’t use the 1.875” cylinder anymore with greater than 5inHg? I am filling the entire thing. I was still using it for first pumps as I think it helps prime expansion in the right areas.


Just heatpad and jelqs
Mityvac AIR. All with 2.125x12” tube. Top pressure listed only. Always starting at 4Hg and progressing up based on comfort.
Alternating with mod jelqs and SSJ

3m 3hg
3m 4hg
5m 5hg
5m 6hg
4m 7hg
3m 8hg
4m 7hg
5m 6hg
5m 5hg
5m 5hg
5m 6hg
4m 7hg

I think edema wasn’t bad. EQ wasn’t stellar. I couldn’t use vibrator because of the noise.

Bathmate hydromax9 in shower. Pretty sure was at least 5 minsx2. No idea what pressure was. Mainly wanted to see how quickly I could get anything done. Hot water doesn't last long in this place. I might try doing a 5x2 a couple mornings.

session 2 late night

Mityvac AIR. Alternate with mod jelq and mod SSJ
Pumps 1-2 with 1.875” for 5mins @4Hg to 5Hg
Pumps 3-4 with 2.125x12” for 5mins @4Hg up to 8 as ready
No cockring. Heatpad.
I don’t think there’s edema. It looked a little puffy below glans inner foreskin but looks fine now. Some discoloration below foreskin about 1 inch area.
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Bathmate hydromax9 in shower. 5mins x 2. Was using vibrator on the bellows which kind of works.

Session 2
Mityvac AIR. Alternate with mod jelq and mod SSJ about 2 mins

1.875x9.25” cylinder
5mins @4 to 5
5mins @4 to 5

2.125x12” cylinder
5mins @4 to 8
5mins @4 to 8
5mins @4 to 7
5mins @4 to 6

I don’t think any edema. There was what looked like bulging and puffiness in the inner foreskin below glans but it went away.
I don't have calipers. I did fill the cylinder up with water exactly 9 inches high then measured the volume of water and I think it came out to 1.95 diameter based on calculation. So perhaps it is close enough. I'll start calling it 2" cylinder again lol. Which is fine as far as my expansion.

Shower mod jelqs and mod SSJ with and without cockring then came

Mityvac AIR alternating with mod jelq and SSJ. For most pumps, I finished by going to 3Hg for a short bit then released.

2x9.25” cylinder
5mins @4 to 5
5mins @4 to 5

2.125x12” cylinder
5mins @4 to 8
5mins @4 to 8
5mins @Up and down from 4 to 8
5mins @4 up to 8 fairly quick and hold
5mins @4 up to 8 fairly quick and hold
5mins @4 up to 8 fairly quick and hold


No edema. EQ wasn’t great for a lot of session and neither expansion. I had a bad headache and was actually semi-dozing off from all the work moving this whole week. However, after a few pumps up to 8Hg, EQ improved considerably and finished strong.

Morning: 10-20mins of mod jelq and mod SSJ in shower


2x9.25” cylinder
5mins @4 to 5
5mins @4 to 5

2.125x12” cylinder
5mins @4 to 8
5mins @4 to 8
5mins @4 to 8 pulse 9
5mins @4 to 7, Pulse 8
5mins @4 to 7, Pulse 8


Definitely edema around edge of foreskin. 9Hg had a big effect like I unlocked ability to bring even more blood. After released pressure and pulling out, I was jelqing a bit and I actually got scared for a second cause it felt like my cock was going to balloon up and form a donut. So I started pulling downward from glans and compressing.
Yep. The fear of ademas at that long of a pump time is understandable. How about replace one set of the larger cylinder and go harder on the SSJ instead. Go as full aggressiveness with both OK grips at the bottom for a good 3 minutes and the normal SSJ for the remaining 2.
I think I will drop 1 warmup set and 1 working set.

I usually go about 2-3 mins on the SSJ between pumps. Any more and it gets stale. I do 10-20mins in the shower everyday already. Which is nice in the warm water. I have good water pressure and one of those big rainfall shower heads.
Do what makes you gain the fastest ✨️ listen to your body

Morning: 10-20mins of mod jelq and mod SSJ in shower

Warmup: heatpad, 8 bundled stretches: 1.5 turn x 4 x 30s hold, 10 gua sha each side, then 1.5 turn x 30sec with increase into 2 turn for addition 15sec, then 10 more gua sha each side.

Mityvac AIR alternating with mod jelq and SSJ

2x9.25” cylinder
7mins @5hg

2.125x12” cylinder
5mins @4Hg work up to 8
5mins @4Hg work up to 8, pulse 9
7min @4Hg work up to 8Hg quickly.

I was doing this thing where I pull cylinder outward, tilt up, and twist it slightly to left then alternate to right. I know I shouldn’t be doing hard twists while under pressure. I was doing slightly enough. It had an interesting effect and during the warmup pump with 2” cylinder, I was touching end.

No significant edema despite going up to 9. Maybe it was doing less sets. Or maybe yesterdays pump session acclimated me a bit. EQ wasn’t quite as good this time which was mostly mental. I fractured one of my toes during my move. I clipped the edge of some furniture while barefoot (was told not to wear shoes in house so not to track dirt)

Bathmate hydromax9 in shower. Max bellows. X3. Probably ~5mins each. Some mod jelq / SSJ in between.

I let the bath fill up and tried doing bathmate under the water. That’s so much easier when there’s no air pockets. First two pumps were standing. The one where I pumped under the water and lied back in the bath had the best expansion I think. Will have to mess around with this a bit. I’d like to be able to get 5x3 done in shower but it has to be able to finish in roughly 20mins. Perhaps I do some warmup outside of shower first..
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Bathmate hydromax9 in shower. Max bellows. X3. Probably ~5mins each. Some mod jelq / Slow Squash Jelq in between.

I let the bath fill up and tried doing Bathmate under the water. That’s so much easier when there’s no air pockets. First two pumps were standing. The one where I pumped under the water and lied back in the bath had the best expansion I think. Will have to mess around with this a bit. I’d like to be able to get 5x3 done in shower but it has to be able to finish in roughly 20mins. Perhaps I do some warmup outside of shower first..
So glad your using water, it is the best way to go. The total time to do the 5x5x3 which takes about 30 minutes. You can drop a set and will be about 20 minutes
7/2/24 session 2 at night

Warmup: heatpad, 8 bundled stretches: 1.5 turn x 4 x 30s hold, 10 gua sha each side, then 1.5 turn x 30sec with increase into 2 turn for addition 15sec, then 10 more gua sha each side.

Mityvac AIR alternating with mod jelq and SSJ

2x9.25” cylinder warmup
7mins @4-5hg

2.125x12” cylinder worksets
5mins @4Hg work up to 8
5mins @4Hg work up to 8, 20s @9
7min @4Hg work up to 8Hg quickly.
8min @3Hg cooldown I guess

Note that I was starting my worksets at 3Hg and waiting until I had full natural erection before starting the timer and working into productive pressures. I also lower down to 3Hg at the end and same with natural erection before releasing.

Just bathmate hydromax9 with comfort sleeve in shower/bath. Bit cramped but made it work. Submerged. 5mins for sure x 3. Came out looking like a monster, a sea monster lol. EQ very good. If only I had a wider bath. Bathmate is quite big so I have to find the right position where there is enough room between legs. I went lengthwise in bath, leaning back a little (slight ab workout there). Between sets I did mostly jelqs. Mixed some SSJ in there too. I actually found that submerged in water there is a decent traction without the carpet burn feeling. Did about 30 mins of cockring after.

Definitely liking the bathmate submerged pump. I have no edema. I might try mityvac water but as I’ve said before, the extra pieces make it annoying in the shower.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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