DSD Progress log


Well, today was going to be an off/accessory day but I was feeling pretty good.

30-60 mins of ball&lig, foreskin restoration, diamond jelqs

50 gua sha each side. Pretty gentle.

Interval air pumping with mityvac. Note that inline with my turkey neck attacking, I was going into the tube with balls stretched so the skin was pulled all the way down.

2mins on, ~30-60s off.

10 mins total 1st using 2” tube and working up to 7Hg. I felt like 2" tube would help a little with downward bend.

10 mins total 2nd using 2.25’’ tube at 7Hg. Touched at 8Hg briefly at the end of

10 mins total 3rd 2.25” tube at 7Hg, going up to 8Hg for like 10s end of each 2 mins then releasing

So, 30 mins total. Expansion was very good visually. I was touching end of tube with tip.

Was doing cockring after in 10 mins intervals. After 3rd interval, I noticed edema in the foreskin on underside of glans so I stopped. Wrapped in silicap2 and using heatpad.

Honestly, not sure when the edema started. If it started before, I feel bad that I didn’t notice. I think it was just really noticeable at the end of 3rd 10min interval with cockring since I got into a conversation with someone over text and lost erection. Was still thick, but was easier to see the edema.

Lessons: I think intervals work well for me. Perhaps the 8Hg was still a bit too much.. or else the total ‘time under tension’ got to be too much. I did not notice any pulling back of tissue to suggest that body was fighting me. And EQ was amazing. I think in the 3rd split, I was still very hard after pressure released. Maybe next time I will just do 20 mins then work back up in 2 min increments.
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If 8inHg is too high and cause edemas, try to fluctuate between 7inHg to 7.5inHg for a few days. Literally, play that dynamic pressure game. Up to 7.5, even 8inHg, for 10 seconds, and drop for 1 minute at 7inHg, and up for 10 seconds, and repeat. It helps to prep and condition the skin. It happened to me as well when I creeped too high for 30 seconds. 10 seconds is a good rule for myself from here on out.

By the way, EQ is causes by using small to larger cylinders, using low pressurization methods. Most pumpers don't realize the methods of pumping to max EQ using dynamic pumping. We discovered this about 7 years back after the studies of NO rushes and extra cyclic reactions under dynamic pressures to stabilize ED. It mimicks the heart pumping during intense sex sessions for healthy males and improved systemic gains for ED sufferers.
Forgot to mention that I've been doing reverse kegels to help release more blood. Wondering if my pelvic floor is tight because there seems to be a dramatic effect when I relax and reverse kegel. Need to start doing some stretches. Gonna do childs pose(yoga), frog pose, modified bridge, and knees to chest while trying to relax pelvic floor.
Forgot to mention that I've been doing reverse kegels to help release more blood. Wondering if my pelvic floor is tight because there seems to be a dramatic effect when I relax and reverse kegel. Need to start doing some stretches. Gonna do childs pose(yoga), frog pose, modified bridge, and knees to chest while trying to relax pelvic floor.
What is your current workout?
Most people don't understand that kegels have benefits, but at the same time, they can be the Achilles's heels. When we perform too much kegels while we are healthy, we are triggering tighter muscles than the body should naturally have. Do you know that muscles can literally break bones from over tightness? The body limits our muscles' strengths from destroying us from within. We're crazy enough to tempt that faith by forcing the muscles to work harder to hurt us. Too much of a good thing can truly be bad.
What is your current workout?
For pelvic floor? I'd just been doing kegels 120x 1-2s pulses and 60x 5-10s holds. But I just started doing reverse kegels while in pump and while edging.

EQ is funny this morning. Feeling very constricted like I couldn't get a full erection. I guess 30 mins of pumping really was too much. I do notice that my foreskin looks longer this morning. I probably did almost an hour of work on it yesterday.

Well, today is an offday for PE. Doing cardio in gym later.
For pelvic floor? I'd just been doing kegels 120x 1-2s pulses and 60x 5-10s holds. But I just started doing reverse kegels while in pump and while edging.

EQ is funny this morning. Feeling very constricted like I couldn't get a full erection. I guess 30 mins of pumping really was too much. I do notice that my foreskin looks longer this morning. I probably did almost an hour of work on it yesterday.

Well, today is an offday for PE. Doing cardio in gym later.
Have you looked at the SRT workout? This is the best routine and you can customize this workout 💪
Have you looked at the SRT workout? This is the best routine and you can customize this workout 💪
I'm not sure what you mean? You mean pumping and stretching? I've basically been doing the 5x5x3 pump and SSJ for most of my time. I tried interval pumping only once but I might do that a couple times to see how it feels. I thought you were referring to my pelvic floor routine but is this addressed in the SRT?
I read through the first few posts. There were some references to kegels and reverse kegels. Is there a pelvic floor routine I'm not seeing?
You can do what your able. Always kegel when doing girth and do reverse kegels during length. Kegels should be done at anytime you have.
Ahh I don't do any strict length training. 8.5 inches is enough for me. I like doing reverse kegels when I am edging as it seems to make me balloon more.
Did I say I was taking offday..

4 bundled stretches 30s holds
At least an hour of ball&lig + foreskin restoration over session
6 x 2mins interval pumps with mityvac only 5Hg using 2" tube. Coconut oil to slide in making sure to pull ballskin downward.
cockring total 1hr. Edging

Expansion was at least 5 7/8
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Good expansion overall. How was the penile body feeling after a few hours out of the C-ring?
Well, no edema. No soreness. Just felt normal. My goal is to get from 5.5 to 5 7/8 or 6 each session. Trying to push for more I think has been backfiring on me. If I can get to 5.875/6 with just 5Hg for total 12 mins, why do more. I do wanna try 2 x 12 mins sessions a day.
Try the creep and drop for a few pump sessions if you are pursuing up to 10 pump sets. Even try it at the 6 pump sets. After the 1 minute, creep to 6inHg for 10 seconds and drop to 5inHg for the remaining seconds. Creeping allow the needed expansion but not without the downfall of prolong pressure influences. It only takes 1 second to break the collagen bonds to get the effects you needed and not forcing the skin to take in fluid.

kegels in morning . 120 pulse, 60 holds

session #1 of.. possibly 2. Playing by ear..
8 ball&lig holds 30s
4 x 30s bundled stretch
20 gua sha each side (honestly don't know what I'm doing here so being rather gentle)
40 foreskin restoration (alternating sides, kind of a side jelq then culminating in pulling foreskin over glans)
air pump mityvac intervals 2 mins on, alternate with 40 foreskin restoration side jelqs (I'm just making up shit at this point lol)
pump 1-3 with 2" tube. Pulling balls down tautly to make sure expansion is in right place. Working on straightening or at least not exacerbating downward bend. At end, pump up to 6Hg for 10s then release.
pump 4-6 with 2.25" tube. Pulling balls down still. At 1 min going up to 6Hg for 10s. At 2 mins, going up to 7Hg for 10s then release.
40 foreskin restoration side jelqs and then vibe to full erection and put on tight cockring 10mins. Doing the 40 jelq and vibe inbetween each 10 mins. Did 4 cycles so 40mins total.

Expansion looked good but didn't measure. Lots of reverse kegels / relaxing pelvic floor to maximize blood flow and erection.

If I do a session #2, it will be in a few hours. I finished #1 at around 415pm. I'll be thinking of doing mostly same thing but without as extensive warmup. Probably half the jelqs between.
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What gua sha design do you have? Can you provide the picture and I can tell you how to use it properly

This shape I presume when it comes to Gumby's head. If it is, use the following sides:

The groove at the top to massage lightly around 1.5lbs along the bottom long the urethra. The groove is great to prevent bruising and hurting the urethra. The sides will scrape the skin enough to stimulate both blood flow and collagen bond breakage at 1.5lbs. If you have a kitchen scale to use, practice how much 1.5lbs feels like on pushing down. If you have something that weighs 1.5lbs, drag it across your skin and you'll know how much force to use based on the gravity pull of the object. 20 scrape is good. You can do the same at the top but reduce the force down to 1lb. 15 scrapes is more than enough.

For the side of the penis, use the right side of the gua sha wheel the middle curve is.Tilt your gua sha 45 degrees and pull it along the side of the shaft at 1.5lbs. Don't do it too hard or you'll bruise your nerve and circumvent blood vessels. 20 scrapes is good. Remember to pull from the base of the glans to the base of your penis. Not from the base of the penis to the glans. Why? Tissue formation and growth patterns. You want to go against it and not with the growth tissue pattern. Do the same on the other side.

After this, you might get an easier erection due to the amount of emergent blood the penis is sending in the repair crew. Just don't have sex afterwards for 2 hours. Let the blood does it things before you lose the benefits.
Thanks! I'll have to try that in a few days. I've read that tunica release shouldn't be done super frequent.
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Thanks! I'll have to try that in a few days. I've read that tunica release shouldn't be done super frequent.
Correct. Max frequency is once every 3 to 4 days. Think of your facial tissues, which is closely mirroring your penis. Very sensitive, very flexible, and very malleable due to constrained and on demand movement with hyper expansion up to 500%. Think of your cheeks, chin, and jaw (BJ? 😘) once scraped, tissues require up to 3 days for proper healing before the next scraping. Daily can create heavy bruising and scarring. I do this for my wife's breasts when she's under the red light and while I'm pumping.

2nd session


40 foreskin restoration side jelqs

Interval pumping with mityvac air. 2-3max mins on, alternate with 40 foreskin restoration side jelqs

6 pumps, 12-15 mins total

1-3 pump with 2” tube. Start 5Hg. At 1min up to 6Hg for 10s. At 2 mins up to 7Hg for 10s then release

4-5 pump with 2.25” tube. Start 5Hg. Up to 6Hg at 1 min. At 2 mins up to 7Hg for 10s then release

On 6th pump, I went to 6Hg at 1min, 7Hg at 1.5mins then 8Hg for 10s and release.

3 cycles of cockring

30mins redlight

no edema or discoloration.

Session #1

10 mins Ball&lig

10 mins bundled stretching with oxball ball stretcher on (removed after)

10 each side gua sha.. I know I said I was gonna wait a few days but I was just experimenting with using the deep divot on the underside of shaft and it seemed to have a profound effect of drawing in blood with just light strokes. So I did 10 each side. I think I should be OK since I just started using the tool so might be more misaligned collagen, especially with my ehlers-danlos

Interval pumping with mityvac air. 2-3max mins on, alternate with 40 foreskin restoration side jelqs and 10 gua sha strokes lightly

6 pumps, 12-15 mins total

1-3 pump with 2” tube. Start 5Hg. At 1min up to 6Hg for 10s. At 2 mins up to 6Hg for 10s then release

4-5 pump with 2.25” tube. Start 5Hg. Up to 6Hg at 1 min. At 2 mins up to 7Hg for 10s then release

On 6th pump, I went to 6Hg at 1min, 7Hg at 2 min and release

30mins cockring total. I was messing around with gua sha tool still. I put the deep divot on the underside of glans and moved lightly across and it has a great effect while using vibe to balloon erection, especially head.

Put ballstretcher back on and standing for a bit with heatpad on front, just hanging.
10 each side gua sha.. I know I said I was gonna wait a few days but I was just experimenting with using the deep divot on the underside of shaft and it seemed to have a profound effect of drawing in blood with just light strokes. So I did 10 each side. I think I should be OK since I just started using the tool so might be more misaligned collagen, especially with my ehlers-danlos
Welcome to Eastern traditional medicine. When you're ready and have a 5 more minutes, after the routines while you're using the MOS Red, do a thumb pressure massage from base of glans to the base of penis along the contact points of your gua sha scraping tool, then back toward the glans. Only use the thumb pad and no other fingers. If you are dexterous enough, both thumb pads. Pressure is the same as the amount of strength as scraping. Remember that feeling of blood flow you had prior, and compare to the new sensation you'll be feeling with this. You may have pre-cum so don't freak out. This technique was developed for the Emperors of old either too old to have the erection for making more kids, or those who have too many concubines and need constant erection for hours on end.


Heatpad. Had on ballstretcher from warmup until 5th pump..

Couple mins light bundled stretches rolling between forearms lol

40 foreskin restoration side jelqs

10 each side gua sha

Interval pumping with mityvac air. 2-3max mins on, alternate with 40 foreskin restoration side jelqs and 10 gua sha strokes lightly

6 pumps, 12-15 mins total

1-3 pump with 2” tube. Start 5Hg. At 1min up to 6Hg. At 2 mins up to 7Hg for 10s then release

4-5 pump with 2.25” tube. Start 5Hg. Up to 6Hg at 1 min. At 2 mins up to 7Hg for 10s then release

On 6th pump, I went to 6Hg at 1min, 7Hg at 2 min and at 3min up to 8Hg for 10s and release

20mins cockring.


It did seeeem like after the second session 5th pump, I was starting to get bit fatigued.

In future sessions, I'll just do like 5 gua sha lightly except 2 times a week.
10 each side gua sha
This is put a smile on my face to see the incorporation of Eastern medication methods applied to PE. Haven't seen this in ages beside some devoted groups that have been doing this for over a decade. That includes me, but I only use outside of PE routine hours. This is just to promote blood flow. Brother @kriskros inquired about the angion methods (AMs for short), and it practically mirror what you're doing. PE + AMs to enhance the synergistic effects on blood flow.

6 pumps, 12-15 mins total

1-3 pump with 2” tube. Start 5Hg. At 1min up to 6Hg. At 2 mins up to 7Hg for 10s then release

4-5 pump with 2.25” tube. Start 5Hg. Up to 6Hg at 1 min. At 2 mins up to 7Hg for 10s then release

On 6th pump, I went to 6Hg at 1min, 7Hg at 2 min and at 3min up to 8Hg for 10s and release
How is the EQ and expansion quality for your dynamic pumping since you started on the rating scale of 5? Improvement? Lack of improvement? Lack of expansion? EQ fluctuation?

It did seeeem like after the second session 5th pump, I was starting to get bit fatigued.
If you haven't hit fatigue after 4 pump sets, you're already a warrior. Entering the 6th set, you're entering Spartan training mode. Wait until you build enough conditioning to get to the 10th set. Your EQ and expansion quality will shoot right through the roof. Let us know where you are on the EQ and expansion quality. You already entered the magic growth zone. Let's push you into the black magic growth zone.

In future sessions, I'll just do like 5 gua sha lightly except 2 times a week.
Try this to prevent tissue bruising but still benefit the scraping method. You already discovered it:
  • Day 1: Apply a few drops (2 to 4 drops) of warm liquid Vit E or virgin coconut oil. This is the initial day you're using the gua sha scraper. 1.5lbs force tension, 45 degrees tilting towards your pubic base, pulling from the base of the glans to the base of the penis. You performed 20 reps per side, and along the corpus spongiosum (the urethra). That's perfectly fine. In due time, you will be able to go as high as 50. This mirrors facia scraping.
  • Days 2 and 3: rather than using 1.5lbs force tension, lightly scrape at 0.5lbs force tension. This is simply scraping the surface of the penis and nothing more. It's practically masterbating's gliding pressure.
  • Day 4: Test again to see if you can do the scraping like Day 1. If the first 5 scrapes cause uncomfortable feeling, repeats the Days 2 and 3.
  • Rinse and repeat.
Let us know how this process works out for you. You are now incorporating an age-old Asian angion method into your PE going back as far as 1.5 thousand years ago. Report back on blood flow quality (how much more blood is flowing compared to not scraping), warmness of the blood flow (we called this chi flow), and EQ rating from 0 to 5. This will give us the trend analysis to give you proper directional approach for optimizing your routines.
Expansion is good. I measured 6" MSEG after 2nd session of day without edema. I did think I was getting close to 6.25" MSEG back in early May when I was first going to 8Hg air pump. However, I think a lot of this was water weight so to speak. Doing interval pumping, I get less of that. My goal is to get about 6" MSEG at end of day expansion to know I've done enough productive work.

I use coconut oil when pumping, scraping, jelqing etc.

I don't believe that I am applying 1.5 lbs force for gua sha. Just lightly scraping. Increases blood flow for sure and I kind of feel like it gives me a more smooth appearance.

Session 1


Interval pumping with mityvac air. 2-3max mins on, alternate with 20 foreskin restoration side jelqs and 10 gua sha strokes lightly

6 pumps, 12-15 mins total

1-3 pump with 2” tube. Start 5Hg. At 1min up to 6Hg for 10s. At 2 mins up to 6Hg for 10s then release

4-6 pump with 2.25” tube. Start 5Hg. Up to 6Hg at 1 min. At 2 mins up to 7Hg for 10s then release

Cockring 30mins total


Warmup – stuff

Interval pumping with mityvac WATER. 2-3max mins on, alternate with 20 foreskin restoration side jelqs and 10 gua sha strokes lightly

4 pumps, 3mins each, 12mins total

1-2 pump with 2” tube. Start 5Hg. At 1min up to 6Hg. Did not go up to 7Hg because I was filling the entire tube and couldn’t pump more.

3-4 pump with 2.25” tube. Start 5Hg. Up to 6Hg at 1 min. At 2 mins up to 7Hg. 8Hg at 3mins for 10s then release.

Cockring 20mins only.

I finally got down the mityvac water pumping. I have a seat in my shower already. I set up a crate with my supplies that can hold the water trap and pump gun and the tube filled with warm water. I set up several water jugs with warm water so I didn’t need to travel to sink again. I wore dishwashing rubber gloves for the wet traction. Doing this, I was able to get full erection, slide tube on and connect the pump and start getting vacuum. Little to no air in tube. I’m not sure whether it was the trick of the water light refraction but it seemed like water pump got me better expansion and I filled the 2 inch (actually 17/8) tube completely. I’ll probably do water pumps on weekends now since it does take more setup.
No, it's not a mirage or a refractory appearance. Look closely at 10 inches away and you don't get that effect. The water medium is too shallow to create that illusion unlike standing on top of a swimming pool and look down at object 6 feet under water. What you're seeing is what you're getting.
I'd love if there was a one-size-fits-all attachment for the pump cylinder where you can put the water trap. I try to have everything in a place. I want to slide on the cylinder with one hand, quick pulldown of balls and extra skin around base, grab the tube to insert into pump cylinder. Grab the pump gun and start pumping to get a vacuum. I am raising the pump gun up so the water trap is elevated and kind of swing it over so I can hold it in the hand that is keeping the cylinder upright and pressed against body. Once I've got everything in place and the tubes aren't tangled or pinched, it's good to go. I don't start my timer until I have everything in place.

I am thinking about getting a water cooler/heater or something that can dispense water at a certain temperature. There must be an ideal temp for pumping.

I'll actually be moving in a few weeks and will have access to a bath again instead of a shower only.
My 'monster cock' boxer briefs arrived lol. Can't wait to try them on..

Ordered a cup holder that is meant for a wheelchair from amazon. It's meant to be one-size-fits-all. And it has an adjustable semi-circular clamp and the cup holder rotates and tightens. Seems like exactly what I need. Maybe I can get a holster for the pump gun on other side lol..
Sounds pretty cool. Looking forward to your review
Wildmant Men's Mesh Pouch Boxer Brief... apparently medium wasn't big enough. Strangling my legs and just overall too small. That's what I get for doing those squats. Trying large after I get refund.

Skipped kegels 2nd day in a row..
Session #1

Warmup-heatpad, about 5-7 mins of ball&lig stretch holds. Rolling shaft between forearms as form of light bundled stretching. Diamond jelqs.

Interval pumping with mityvac air. 2-3 mins on, alternate with 10-20 foreskin restoration side jelqs. I may have thrown in a few gua shas

1-3 pump with 2” tube. Start 5Hg. At 1min up to 6Hg for 10s. At 2 mins up to 6Hg for 10s then release

4-6 pump with 2.25” tube. Start 5Hg. Up to 6Hg at 1 min. At 2 mins up to 7Hg for 10s then release

Cockring 20mins

Session #2

Environment-in shower with water off. Space heater on at 80F. Bluetooth speaker playing ‘sleep frequencies’ to relax. Using rubber gloves for traction/grip on wet things.

Warmup-Rolling shaft between forearms as form of light bundled stretching. foreskin restoration side jelqs.

Interval pumping with mityvac WATER. 2-3 mins on, alternate with 10-20 foreskin restoration and side jelq. Using vibrator assist.

1-3 pump with 2” tube. Start 5Hg. At 1min up to 6Hg. At 2min up to 7Hg for 10s and release. Basically filling tube.

4-6 pump with 2.25” tube. Start 5Hg. Up to 6Hg at 1 min. At 2 mins up to 7Hg. 8Hg at 3mins for 10s then release.

Cockring 30-40mins

Red 30mins

Thoughts: Great expansion visually. For some reason when I am water pumping, the top 2-3 inches are tilting slightly to the left in cylinder. Sometimes when I hit top pressure it straightens out. Playing relaxing ‘music’ I think helps. Note that when using cockring, I am using 2 stacked. EQ was excellent when water pumping. Even with all the managing of parts and water. Still think I need a hot water dispenser. I was using an insulated thermos for a couple pumps but the normal jugs were rather cool by the time I got to them.

Overall time spent: honestly, I may have spent 2hrs today between everything. Warmups were faster.
Bummer but at least you can feel good that they have a money back guarantee
Cupholder idea worked. Attached to my phone stand I was using in shower while pumping.

However, today was a worthless pump. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised. It was my 8th day in a row pumping. Yesterday EQ was amazing though. And the morning wood today was possibly my best. So yeah, can't just go every day non-stop.

Maybe 3 days on 1 day off will work and keep me fresh. I was doing 2 sessions a day though. Today I only went for 1 water pump. I could tell from the start that EQ was struggling. But it's hard sometimes to tell what is the reason. Sometimes I start rough and it turns out good once I get my mind focused. I wasn't focused though. Being unemployed and not getting calls back really gets to me sometimes. Everything was annoying me. It was annoying me how my shower seat is positioned so I have to turn in a way my back isn't flat against wall. I either need to make a standing setup or pull another chair up to the edge of shower that is wide open. When I'm pumping sitting down, I need to spread my legs far apart. It's easier to relax pelvic floor when seated I think..

Gonna just take tomorrow off and come back on Thursday refreshed. But I don't think I can do 2 sessions a day unless I can manage a quick 1 in my morning shower. But EQ would need to be off the charts..

I did like the 2 sessions. I used the first one to prep me for the main session later on. And it seemed to work.
Looks like you found your fatigue zone. Crazy. I days in a row before you hit a fatigue. Best to back of just a bit more, 3 on and 1 off. Otherwise, your penis will over adapt and you will have to work even harder.
There's something I don't understand, unrelated to fatigue. Every time I use my 2.25" tube, my erection is curving to the left near the top. It doesn't do this in my normal erection. I've never had a curve to the left.
Looks like you may have aggressively bundled stretches on side too often and strongly. When pumping under water pressure, hidden manifestations tend to show up. You detected it early.

From here on out bundle stretches with more twists to the opposite direction. Bending left means more tissues are built on the left. Twist more intensely in the bundle to the right but light on the left. Make sure to also pull over you right quad during the bundled stretches to increase more tissue development on the right while stressing the one on the left. Hope that explains more on the reasoning.
Thanks. I guess this is the issue with doing bundled stretches manually and not counting my turns. I just turn until I feel a deep stretch. I've actually been doing far less bundled stretches the last week or two. I did them for a month straight through May. Last 1.5 weeks I've been focusing more on ball&lig and foreskin restoration.

Maybe I'll do 'corrective' bundles for 1-2 weeks and then I'll wait until I have a lengthmaster so I can do them more controlled.
I'm a maniac. No, seriously, I'm out of control lol...

I was actually about to go to bed, but then I was struck by the urge to do an air pump. I did 6x3. Start at 5hg, then 6Hg at 1 min, 7Hg at 2mins, and 10s at 8Hg and release. Pumps 1-3 were with 2" and 4-6 with 2.25". Something different: between each pump, I did ~3mins of just jelq with balls pulled downward and vibe to full erection then 10 mins with 2 cockrings on. Then ~3mins of jelq with balls pulled down and vibe and into next pump. Not sure if this is super effective but my EQ was excellent.

Moderately successful pump in shower this morning with mityvac water, this time with a standing up set up. More difficult to relax pelvic floor. Did 4x3mins. 1-2 pump with 2" and 3-4 with 2.25"

It's difficult for me to discern between fatigue and just mental focus. The fact that on numerous occasions I've had poor EQ but then later in day, EQ was great. I will say that sometimes things are just easier. Some times it doesn't seem to take much to get fully erect, other times I just feel bothered.

I also want to be cognizant of preventing body from going into resistance mode where it creates densification instead of healing expanded. I'm not entirely sure how to gauge that. I wonder whether the offdays might make me lose size but in the long run prevent densification. So, 2 steps forward, 1 step back. My understanding is that densification is typically fixed by taking long time off to become sensitive again. I will say, for what I am doing now, edema is significantly less, so my expansion is more true.
I'm a maniac. No, seriously, I'm out of control lol...
Yep. You are there with all of us PE freaks. Welcome to the dark side, or is it the slong side?
Moderately successful pump in shower this morning with mityvac water, this time with a standing up set up. More difficult to relax pelvic floor. Did 4x3mins. 1-2 pump with 2" and 3-4 with 2.25"

It's difficult for me to discern between fatigue and just mental focus. The fact that on numerous occasions I've had poor EQ but then later in day, EQ was great. I will say that sometimes things are just easier. Some times it doesn't seem to take much to get fully erect, other times I just feel bothered.
When your EQ drops more than 20%, you hit fatigue. It can be as light as 6x3, and your EQ hits fatigue because of the accumulative effect. If you feel it, rest a day. On days your penis ends with great EQ, it's telling you it's loaded with blood and roaring for more. Don't entertain it.

I also want to be cognizant of preventing body from going into resistance mode where it creates densification instead of healing expanded. I'm not entirely sure how to gauge that.
Slowly creeping up and still gain for a long period of time ahead, or go crazy and do high risk and high gains but plateau faster. This is where you need to decide. The moment you feel fatigue, rest. That is your body telling you, "hey, I'm dog gone tired." Do your routines, slowly creep up with intensity, and don't entertain your penis by doing more.

I wonder whether the offdays might make me lose size but in the long run prevent densification. So, 2 steps forward, 1 step back.
Nope, you're not losing anything on days off. It takes up to 3 months of doing absolutely nothing to start tissue regression. After 3 days, your tissue are not primed for optimal growth conditions.

My understanding is that densification is typically fixed by taking long time off to become sensitive again. I will say, for what I am doing now, edema is significantly less, so my expansion is more true.
Densification of tissues (good point out on the medical terminology) takes a long while to form. This is due to erratic routines with constantly high traumatic tears and reformation of the tissues. Consistent micro tears with micro traumas prevent that kind of tissue densification. Proper healing, rest period, and elongation/expansion after the routines prevent inconsistent densification of tissues due to tissues scarring build-up. Curvature of penile shaft is an indication of such scarring tissues densification and improper post elongation/expansion routines.
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    mos is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!