DSD Progress log

So crazy thing. Thanks to another member, I found out that I was missing the O-ring in the water trap part of my mityvac. I went to request a replacement thinking I never got one since my water pump never worked since I got it. But then I was in bathroom and moving around some stuff and see this little black circle on ground and there it is. No idea how it fell out and was just lying on floor for like 2 months.

I tried the mityvac water pump and I have to say it worked really well. Again, always hard to tell with water but it sure looked like I was filling the sides up almost the entire length of 2.25" tube. I wonder how much of that was real. I can't say that I felt an undeniable fullness. It was very comfortable though. I went up to 5-6Hg. Maybe I will alternate with bathmate. I am sure each has their advantages.
So crazy thing. Thanks to another member, I found out that I was missing the O-ring in the water trap part of my mityvac. I went to request a replacement thinking I never got one since my water pump never worked since I got it. But then I was in bathroom and moving around some stuff and see this little black circle on ground and there it is. No idea how it fell out and was just lying on floor for like 2 months.
Awesome! Glad you found the O-ring, I think with a little more practice you are going to really enjoy the mityvac.
I realized I don't need to run the shower to water pump. I'm going to do warmups at desk then have large spaceheater going toward the shower for the water pumps. Would be good to uncouple showering and pumping. Will be easier after pump routine since I won't have to dry off and take care of my beard. Mityvac, with the water trap is actually almost doable at desk if I put down something to collect a bit of water. Bathmate definitely needs full on bath/shower though.
I used to do water pumping in the shower in the first month. I do water pumping on the bed, sofas, and chairs now. It takes a bit of adaptation to learn how to do things outside of the bath/shower. Too bad BM and cylinder using water doesn't have an input valve to add water outside of shower/bath areas. Looks like I have to create a cylinder that allows this.
Yesterday I tried mityvac water pump and it worked well. Today, my EQ just wasn't good enough until I ran into water trap being too small to continue pumping. Why did they make it so small? I can't even properly release the pressure with the pump gun when its so full.
Yesterday I tried mityvac water pump and it worked well. Today, my EQ just wasn't good enough until I ran into water trap being too small to continue pumping. Why did they make it so small? I can't even properly release the pressure with the pump gun when its so full.
The reason why the water trap is small is because the larger the trap, the more expensive it is. Think about the lab quality water trap at 1 liter size, shooting up past $50. 2 liters size goes high in to $70 and $80. That costs brings the system way up. Smaller 4oz or 6oz trap keeps the system economical, and still provide the sufficient 18inHg support.
Liter? I'm not asking for a liter lol. It's just plastic. You can find plastic containers for few bucks. The top with the O-ring is the only detailed part. I'm barely getting to 5Hg with the trap and the tube filled with water.

Next time I'm going to use my bathmate first with either 2 gentle pumps or 1 moderate. I seemed to be more charged up after bathmate. I'll be more likely to get into mityvac and start pumping before I lose significant EQ %. I need 3 arms for mityvac. I want to see if I can install a small cupholder in shower to hold the water trap upright and above the tube.
Liter? I'm not asking for a liter lol. It's just plastic. You can find plastic containers for few bucks. The top with the O-ring is the only detailed part. I'm barely getting to 5Hg with the trap and the tube filled with water.

Next time I'm going to use my bathmate first with either 2 gentle pumps or 1 moderate. I seemed to be more charged up after bathmate. I'll be more likely to get into mityvac and start pumping before I lose significant EQ %. I need 3 arms for mityvac. I want to see if I can install a small cupholder in shower to hold the water trap upright and above the tube.
This is why SIM and I are working on a larger water trap for cheaper upgrade. Most are still between 3 and 7inHg. But as we go higher, stronger containers are needed. The smaller container that came with the unit support higher pressure, but lower capacity. SIM modded his with larger volume, but lower pressure less than 12inHg.

As for 3 arms needing, no need. You can strap the water trap onto the trigger pump or the cylinder itself, reducing one less hand needed. However, you may need to upgrade the length of the 1/4in tube. Just something to think about.
Yesterday I tried mityvac water pump and it worked well. Today, my EQ just wasn't good enough until I ran into water trap being too small to continue pumping. Why did they make it so small? I can't even properly release the pressure with the pump gun when its so full.
I was having this issue of trap filling to fast a dvrunning up to bvb the gun when I first started a month ago, but not so much now.

Just a personal thing I found is to make sure I am as hard as can be, then fill the cylinder to full with hot water from the sink. Then I step into my shower and fit the cylinder on and let the excess water overflow until I get it pressed solid seal against my fat pad.

The cylinder is completely full of water with no air to bleed off. Seems like when I first started, having some air in the cylinder to start meant I had to pump for awhile trying to get pressure up. Could never get out all the air but pumped a lot more water out to get pressure around 6-8.

Now, I start getting pressure from first squeeze and can go up to 10 with only filling the trap about 3/4 full.

I also found keeping trap above cylinder outlet and level makes it fill less and less risk of tipping the trap at an angle that let's water flow up the tube to the pump gun. I use my bathroom sink and faucet with tubing wrapped around it and trap hanging level in the sink, standing in front of the sink. I like to look at the bathroom mirror to check progress all around so setting up this way adds to the fun!

I still think a bigger trap is needed but not because I'm filling the trap currently. I have found when releasing pressure after going up in pressure for a minute I introduce air back in to the cylinder.

I am thinking through a design of my own that would let the water from cylinder pump to the bottom of the trap so I could start with my tube to the cylinder full of water to start, and then when going down in pressure instead of pulling air back into the cylinder it would pull back in water.
I am using the mitysleeve still but I might try without. That makes it take a little extra time to get inserted in tube. I know that today I wasn't having great luck at keeping erection full before getting a vacuum. I'll have to try attaching trap to tube somehow.

Today was first attempt at water pumping without showering same time.

bundled stretches 4 x 2-3mins
directional jelqs 5-10mins
SSJ 5 mins - tried using cloth to assist grip. mixed results
mityvac water pump - first was OK, 2nd was rather meh. Messed around a bit trying different things...
Finally went to bathmate and got 2 good pumps in.
More solid SSJ at desk. Really good expansion with just hand.
cockring 1+hrs

expansion: MSEG 6.125 so I am increasing again.

Thoughts: Need to work on mityvac a bit. Penis is feeling a bit.. lumpy tbh. Like it's not uniform across length of shaft. When I slide hand along under and topside, there's feels like 2 bowings. Not really lumps. Nothing hard. Just 2 crests that feel different than I remember. And my bend downward seems more than before. Trying to be observant of changes and things feel different.

I also think my turkey neck (PENOSCROTAL WEB) is getting worse. I'm not happy with how it looks right now. Really making me reconsider whether I am doing the right thing. I always got compliments for having a nice looking penis, not even just how big it is. I need to be thinking about if there is anything to make these things better. There is so much skin there and I've been stretching it thinking it'd just hang more.
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Yesterday I tried mityvac water pump and it worked well. Today, my EQ just wasn't good enough until I ran into water trap being too small to continue pumping. Why did they make it so small? I can't even properly release the pressure with the pump gun when its so full.
Just make a bigger one. It will be a game changer for you.
This is why SIM and I are working on a larger water trap for cheaper upgrade. Most are still between 3 and 7inHg. But as we go higher, stronger containers are needed. The smaller container that came with the unit support higher pressure, but lower capacity. SIM modded his with larger volume, but lower pressure less than 12inHg.

As for 3 arms needing, no need. You can strap the water trap onto the trigger pump or the cylinder itself, reducing one less hand needed. However, you may need to upgrade the length of the 1/4in tube. Just something to think about.
It will be a great day when you and Sim perfect this. We will brand it and add to store
It will be a great day when you and Sim perfect this. We will brand it and add to store
With a bigger water trap you will be able to see even faster growth. Not needing to empty out the water trap between sets is a game changer. My 'prototype' is working great.

Kind of a wasted session..

Trying to water pump with mityvac and EQ wasn't good. Water trap full before I got full expansion.
1 decent pump with bathmate
A few good SSJ

Overall, EQ wasn't good. Felt like I was relying on vibrator too much. I end up spending far too much time trying to essentially force the work. I suspect that this was because it was my 5th day pumping in a row plus I did leg day. I hadn't worked out in a week.

Going to try the following schedule:

Workout MWFSa

I think that's a good balance. 4 days on for both should give me good gains. It's hard to do PE and workout on same day. Just don't have the same energy. Except for Saturday. I think I can do the PE earlier in day then workout in afternoon.

I might do some PE stuff on my offdays, just nothing strenuous.

Noting that I am questioning whether bundled stretches make turkey neck worse? It seems like the skin around base is really getting stretched a lot.
How do ball and lig stretches help the turkey neck or penoscrotal webbing? There's a lot of extra skin in the area under base of penis connecting with scrotum. If I am warmed and hanging, if I pulled flaccid penis away from body, there is this webbing of skin that connects to the underside of shaft going out quite a ways.
How do ball and lig stretches help the turkey neck or penoscrotal webbing? There's a lot of extra skin in the area under base of penis connecting with scrotum. If I am warmed and hanging, if I pulled flaccid penis away from body, there is this webbing of skin that connects to the underside of shaft going out quite a ways.
You stretch the skin towards your scrotum. This is one key element to gain length fast. This skin going up the shaft, is one major reason for doing Ball&Lig Stretches.

You will be able reduce it, especially if you do them simultaneously as you gain a couple of inches of penile length.

Look through these videos carefully and see how I use my hands to target the skin and stretch it towards my scrotum. I'm in video 1, 2, 3 and @DLD is in video 4.

View album 114
Thanks, but I'm trying to understand what the exercise does. Especially since I'm not trying to gain length. It seems like I'm stretching the skin that I want to reduce. I could imagine gaining in girth would help a little.
Thanks, but I'm trying to understand what the exercise does. Especially since I'm not trying to gain length. It seems like I'm stretching the skin that I want to reduce. I could imagine gaining in girth would help a little.
You stretch the skin towards your scrotum, it will elongate and more away from your shaft.
You stretch the skin towards your scrotum. This is one key element to gain length fast. This skin going up the shaft, is one major reason for doing Ball&Lig Stretches.

You will be able reduce it, especially if you do them simultaneously as you gain a couple of inches of penile length.

Look through these videos carefully and see how I use my hands to target the skin and stretch it towards my scrotum. I'm in video 1, 2, 3 and @DLD is in video 4.

View album 114

The best exercise for a longer flaccid penis

light/off day
10 mins ball & lig stretches
5 mins basic downward jelqs

used fleshlight with suction cup shower mount. Gotta stay in practice lol.
I have a PE-related injury.. and it's not my penis. It's my shoulder and neck. Ugg. All the weird positions, pulling, pushing, squeezing in the last week really took a toll. I can only turn my neck like 45deg to the right and left and my right shoulder blade has some kind of knot that's just pulling everything toward it. Using heat and trying to regain mobility. This is just another indication I need more balance. I haven't done an upperbody workout since 17th so I got out of practice and doing PE too many days hard in a row. And I had just decided on my new schedule but apparently not in time. I did leg day and I think just holding the heavy weights in my arms and shoulders was enough to let the tightness get in. Just gotta recover then follow my new 4 days on approach for PE and weightlifting/cardio.
I have a PE-related injury.. and it's not my penis. It's my shoulder and neck. Ugg. All the weird positions, pulling, pushing, squeezing in the last week really took a toll. I can only turn my neck like 45deg to the right and left and my right shoulder blade has some kind of knot that's just pulling everything toward it. Using heat and trying to regain mobility. This is just another indication I need more balance. I haven't done an upperbody workout since 17th so I got out of practice and doing PE too many days hard in a row. And I had just decided on my new schedule but apparently not in time. I did leg day and I think just holding the heavy weights in my arms and shoulders was enough to let the tightness get in. Just gotta recover then follow my new 4 days on approach for PE and weightlifting/cardio.
You are not alone. My left knee is really strange. It cracks really laud especially when walking in stairs (sounds really weak). Since last year I lost a lot of muscle mass due to penis enlargement. I maxed out at almost 50 kg skeletal muscle mass, and have now lost most of that. I need to get back to the gym and my strength back. One positive is that my blood pressure is much lower now due to a lower body mass.

Good and relatively quick session today. EQ didn't slow me down at all.

10 mins ball & lig
5 mins bundled stretches
5 mins basic jelq

5x5x2 bathmate water pump compress bellows.

1hr+ cockring + ballooning as much as possible
30mins redlight

Decided to just keep with 2 pump cycles. Was tempting since things were going well but I figured I'd quit while I was ahead and can come back on Tues.

Oh.. I should note that I have a ton of little red dots near glans. I wonder if my first pump was too intense. Or maybe both were. I have them before but this seems like more than usual.
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I bought a gua sha tool and an adjustable lasso-type cockring from amazon to mess around with. My understanding is that the gua sha is primarily for people in the PE game for a long time and built up collagen but I do wonder if with my ehler-danlos that my collagen could also use some realignment. I want to incorporate some mild/moderate gua sha a couple times a week on the left and right sides and some massaging of the top and bottom with fingers only. I think palpating to make sure everything is soft and pliable should be good.
If you want to use the gua sha, make sure your tissues are nice and warmed up first. A warm rice sock for 3 minutes is a good start. Use warm virgin coconut oil (no not nuke it but place it in a container and sit in a hot water bath) as protective and nurourishing lubricant. Start slow and light on pressure.

If you have stainless steel version, great job in selecting it. If you have bone and wood, yikes. I have 16 different versions over the years, and 30 different designs. Only 3 I know are the best all around. I'll post them later.
If you want to use the gua sha, make sure your tissues are nice and warmed up first. A warm rice sock for 3 minutes is a good start. Use warm virgin coconut oil (no not nuke it but place it in a container and sit in a hot water bath) as protective and nurourishing lubricant. Start slow and light on pressure.

If you have stainless steel version, great job in selecting it. If you have bone and wood, yikes. I have 16 different versions over the years, and 30 different designs. Only 3 I know are the best all around. I'll post them later.
So important!
Just received a lasso style cockring and another adjustable cockring that uses a silicone lasso but also has 2 semi-circle pieces. Both are garbage. The lasso one pinches every time. The other one just can't get tight enough to function as a cockring.

Stainless steel gua sha tool received. Gonna play with this today..
These are mine, select of styles and shapes for comforts and functionalities


Notice the one at the stop is a mimick of a C-jelq method or bottom urethra relief.
I am getting A LOT of red dots near glans on the skin of shaft. It's all in that top inch, particularly the looser skin of foreskin. Today and the previous session are first time seeing these. Only thing I've been doing differently is using bathmate consistently. But I am not positive that the bathmate is causing these. What else could it be?
I'm just unsure because there isn't the faintest on the base, mid, or glans. It's just that foreskin type skin just under the glans. I haven't exposed it to any chemicals.
5/28/24 session

Morning kegels

20 mins total of ball&lig and foreskin restoration type stretching
diamond jelqs
Minor gua sha with stainless steel tool
Minor massaging of top of shaft

5x5x2 SSJ and bathmate.
1st pump I stayed at lowish pressure for 5 mins without moving then 3 mins at full compression of bellows
2nd pump, moved up to full compression of bellows for ~6mins

cockring 1+ hrs, ballooning
I did extra SSJ. I was kind of doing this thing where I wear cockring for 10 mins with vibe and doing reverse kegels to max out erection. I take cockring off and work back to erection and do SSJ for 2 mins and put cockring back on.

I think for next session I'm going to use mityvac air pump intervals. 2 min intervals. After a few, I'll measure MSEG. I'll pump until I reach expansion to 6 inches MSEG.

I am working on my reverse kegels. Going to start doing pelvic floor stretches. Continuing to work on ball&lig and making sure to diminish any turkey neck. Trying to stay away from putting strong pressure raking across top of shaft that might irritate nerves.
I'm just unsure because there isn't the faintest on the base, mid, or glans. It's just that foreskin type skin just under the glans. I haven't exposed it to any chemicals.
Chemicals can come from the replacement of pipelines for the municipal water that comes into the residence. When they install new lines, the inner liners of the pipe has chemical resins that normally don't get fully flushed out. Those chemicals can cause unique reactions to some.

For skin below the glans, especially the sensitive foreskin segment and not the rest of the penile shaft tougher skin, that part can easily be influenced by chemicals from anywhere, be in your finger nails, residue from your palms, detergents from your clothes, especially after under pressure and irritated from long period of expansion and chlorinated. I had those reactions in the past until my skin got over it.
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What's quickest way to bring edema down? Got it for first time. Happened while wearing cockring about 30mins AFTER pumping
Compressional squeezing using a tight penis sleeve or manually squeezing similar to SSJ, using both palms.
Should I continue with cockring? I had about 30 mins left to make an hour.
No. Dealing with edemas first.

It's in the foreskin underside of glans only. So no ring or anything. Just kinda fat blubbery skin lol
Very common when you have expanded skin due to fluid.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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