DSD Progress log

Low dose aspirin is baby aspirin. It's anywhere between 55mg to 85mg. Most baby aspirin recommendation for adults is between 75mg to 81mg. However, select what's best for you since you know your body more. I don't drink it as a pain reliever, but more of a blood thinner.

Yes, SiliSleeves are compression. I use it as an anti-turtling method using loose sleeves since the tight ones choke the life out of my penis.
I have all the different sleeves I think. Not sure which is which since they came together without labels. But 2 of them are so tight I don't know how anyone could fit them on. One of them stretches well enough. I'm going to stretch it over the 2 inch tube for a few hours and see if its pliable enough.
24 hours rest will make a world of difference
These are from 5/8 session.

5/8 session was structured same as previous. But I took more liberty with the pump times and pressures.
1st pump 1 min 5Hg, 2 min 6Hg, 1 min 7Hg
2nd pump 1min 5Hg, 1 min 6g, 2 mins 7Hg, 2 mins 8Hg
3rd pump 1 min 5Hg, 1 min 6Hg, 1 min 7Hg, 3 min Hg with a few 10sec blips up to 9
This proved to be too much. And I noticed a slipping vein when I was doing compressions so I stopped and just used heatpad and vibe then heatpad, redlight, and vibe.

Wish I had recorded my SSJ and compressions but recording is overhead and I tend to lean over when doing them. I did find a small clip from other sessions which might not be too representative, I just need to edit it a bit.


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Early stage of thrombosis? Still not sure what it was. Vein(?) was stiff and I could feel it. But there was no visible bulge. Not sure why I said slipping vein.
Early stage of thrombosis? Still not sure what it was. Vein(?) was stiff and I could feel it. But there was no visible bulge. Not sure why I said slipping vein.
Okay I understand.
I had these as well when I did length work.
It's hard to diagnose from text, but sometimes it can be inflamed hair follicle.
Swollen blood vessel (either vein or artery) is a sudden swelling due to a weakened or thinning blood vessel wall. Thrombosis for short. Happens often to weight lifters and high endurance athletes that have too much blood pressure cycling through the tissues needing the high blood volume. Just need to not go crazy and ease up on the pressure zones.
All I know is it wasn't painful. When stroking shaft in a circular motion with thumb pressing into top of shaft, something was catching or slipping 1-2 inches from base. I'm contradicting myself now. There actually was a bit of a raised up area but after I was massaging with my thumb it went down. Still, when stroking, like it wasn't smooth. My first thought was that there was a herniation of the tunica and something was bulging through. Which made me worried because that would require surgery. I don't feel it now so it wasn't that. I think Oldandlively is more likely correct but can't be sure.
Swollen blood vessel (either vein or artery) is a sudden swelling due to a weakened or thinning blood vessel wall. Thrombosis for short. Happens often to weight lifters and high endurance athletes that have too much blood pressure cycling through the tissues needing the high blood volume. Just need to not go crazy and ease up on the pressure zones.
Can't hard vains/Aateries be a sign of growth?
I had no pain, this came from stretching hard and growing fast.
I also know that I am very disappointed in myself for poor impulse control. I got away with it this time but next time might not be so lucky. I had said I was going to stay at 7Hg for at least a month. But then I just had to try 8Hg for just a moment and I started blowing up, it was some kind of euphoria. I tolerated it well seemingly and was feeling swollen and thick. Despite the fact I was sore as hell the next day, I powered through the warmups because I wanted to see how far I could go. Maaaaaybe I could've touched 8Hg for a little bit. Instead, I went extended period in 8Hg and went to touch 9Hg. Just bad.
All I know is it wasn't painful. When stroking shaft in a circular motion with thumb pressing into top of shaft, something was catching or slipping 1-2 inches from base. I'm contradicting myself now. There actually was a bit of a raised up area but after I was massaging with my thumb it went down. Still, when stroking, like it wasn't smooth. My first thought was that there was a herniation of the tunica and something was bulging through. Which made me worried because that would require surgery. I don't feel it now so it wasn't that. I think Oldandlively is more likely correct but can't be sure.
As long as you recovering you should be good.
The penis are very resilient.
I also know that I am very disappointed in myself for poor impulse control. I got away with it this time but next time might not be so lucky. I had said I was going to stay at 7Hg for at least a month. But then I just had to try 8Hg for just a moment and I started blowing up, it was some kind of euphoria. I tolerated it well seemingly and was feeling swollen and thick. Despite the fact I was sore as hell the next day, I powered through the warmups because I wanted to see how far I could go. Maaaaaybe I could've touched 8Hg for a little bit. Instead, I went extended period in 8Hg and went to touch 9Hg. Just bad.
If you pump with water you would be safer (don't know if you do?). I think it's some kind of counter pressure from the water that protect and even out the expansion. Don't know how to explain it in scientific/anatomical terms.
Can't hard vains/Aateries be a sign of growth?
I had no pain, this came from stretching hard and growing fast.
It is, and it isn't. When your tissues grow or gain in size, they push the vessels to the top. Your penis also craves for more blood flow, so the vessels get larger for optimal delivery.

However, the negatives hold true when you over exert your blood to flow. As the blood accumulates in the penis with no where else to go, you get a push back of blood pressure along the veins (blood flow directionally to the cavernosa and spongiosum). Since there is a sudden cut off of blood flow back into the artery (blood flow back to the body) to drain the access blood volume under vacuum pressure, the blood got to go somewhere. The only somewhere is the expansion of the veins like balloons. But when you release the vacuum pressure too fast, that large blood volume can cause the same thrombosis to develop in the artery. A double whammy. This is why I always say to "release the pressure slowly" over 5 seconds.
I have heard that. But I don't like the mityvac water pump. The whole water trap thing doesn't work well for me. And it requires I be in the shower which is rather limiting. I don't have a bath. I have a bathmate hydromax9 I bought in December but it has no pressure gauge. After I get back to work, I might invest in a bathmate with a squeeze pump.
It is, and it isn't. When your tissues grow or gain in size, they push the vessels to the top. Your penis also craves for more blood flow, so the vessels get larger for optimal delivery.
It makes sense. So the vessels (arteries and veins) get hard and bigger for the increased and needed blood flow, in relation to the increased tissue.
When the wood twitches, it means the blood volume and pressure it reaching critical phases. Wife always check on me each morning to see how strong it is. It's pretty feeling funny to see how she checks on my daily progresses.
I put no importance in morning erections. I have rarely had morning erections and no one can stand up compared to my growth
I put no importance in morning erections. I have rarely had morning erections and no one can stand up compared to my growth
Morning erections are overrated to be obsessed about.
Some mornings I have it, but you can also have these morning erections before you wake up. If I have no work and can sleep well, my penis is usually thick and full when I wake up. My penis is happy.
Morning erections are overrated to be obsessed about.
Some mornings I have it, but you can also have these morning erections before you wake up. If I have no work and can sleep well, my penis is usually thick and full when I wake up. My penis is happy.
Exactly. The last we thing we want is more problems when we train
I think its reasonable that if someone has not gotten morning erections that starting to get them would generally be a positive especially if they've had EQ issues. I'm not obsessing over it. Merely looking for positive signs after a potential injury or overpumping.
I managed to find a short snippet of me doing some form of isolate compressions. Edited since I was leaning head forward. I actually don't usually record the non-pump stuff but I forgot to turn the recording off.

Is this good form? I feel like I'm trying to expand primarily the shaft like 1/3 and up. Help is appreciated.


I think its reasonable that if someone has not gotten morning erections that starting to get them would generally be a positive especially if they've had EQ issues. I'm not obsessing over it. Merely looking for positive signs after a potential injury or overpumping.
It's good to say that a daily erection is a good sign coming out of chemical and hormonal imbalance, as well as an indicator of health wellness from prior health problems. For those who do not have such health issues, morning erections are merely signs of continuation of good systemic balances. How solid the EQ from an erection points out how much good blood flow assists the rigidity of the erection.

But for those who have been searching and working for any form of an erection, it's a blessing. Performing PE just to gain a sliver of an erection, it's a winning bet against most bad reports coming from the medical world. Just imagine physicians telling you, "Your penis don't have a chance for a solid erection any longer. How about some chemical cocktails to see if they as actually works?" I heard and hear too many of these statements over the years.
It's just not possible to depend on erection in morning. Everyone is different
Yep, everyone is indeed different. We have to speak according to where the brothers are on the spectrum lineup. Is the brother healthy or suffering? Maybe somewhere in between? Age or mental issue cause the erection to be solid? Traumas cause erection to be poor? Erection counts in the morning and how solid they are is a major sliding scale for each individual. If they are searching for and praising of good erections, we should truly support them on their endeavors and happiness. We all want solid salutes, especially in front of the ladies, regardless the moment of the day.
Excellent form! The isolated compression squeeze is now called the slow squash jelq
Excellent form! The isolated compression squeeze is now called the slow squash jelq
Awesome, thanks! The vid was a bit disjointed but that's basically what I've been doing. It looks so weird making it balloon like that lol.
I just took a girth measurement 3 days after last pump. Using measuring tape pulled taut. MSEG: 5.5 inches. So, it appears my gains were temporary. I changed my signature to match.
It does seem like, for me, effects of pump linger for 1-2 days after. Of course, my understanding is that I've been building up the capacity to withstand greater pressure, tissue damage and healing. I just gotta be consistent week after week. My goal is an indisputable 6 inch permanent MSEG. And then there will be the lingering effects on top of that since I'll be pumping at least every other day. That might be another 0.25 or more.
Girth takes consistent temporary gains to permanent gains. You should always see temporary gains which will always convert after some time to permanent growth. Just remain consistent and keep your eyes on the ultimate goal
5/11 session - coming back after the 5/8 overpump

warmup: bundled stretching in shower 10mins, all direction jelqs for 10-15mins
out of shower
heatpad 10-15mins
another 5-10mins of bundled stretching
Started SSJ/Pumping
SSJ - normal
1st pump - using mitysleeve which is now basically broken.. 3Hg for a couple mins then, 4 Hg, then 5Hg.
2nd pump - aborted early. Wasn't feeling right. I was using mitysleeve and did not stuff in skin. I notice that this tends to cause discomfort which is just the skin being pulled really tight. I've trying to stretch the skin on underside of shaft and upper scrotum area because it seems to limit my expansion if the skin is tight. So, I aborted this pump
3rd pump - I took the mitysleeve off. This felt fairly comfortable, so whatever sensitivity I was having before seems to have healed. I pumped up to 6Hg and felt pretty good. I measured MSEG and was still at 5.5" so not really getting any swelling.
Thought I was done, so I was using heatpad, redlight, and vibe... decided to go for a few more pumps..
4th pump - no mitysleeve. Worked up to 7Hg for a short bit. Measured 5.75" MSEG after so 7Hg really is the trigger of swelling for me.
5th pump - another going up to 7Hg.
Did another SSJ 5 mins
I did not use my tight cockring. I just used a siliring instead, wrapped in heating pad massaging and using vibe over top. Probably did about an hour in total.
perhaps related.. but I seem to have a tear in the skin on the underside of shaft a couple inches from glans, on the right side. Seems very superficial and no blood. It's like the first layer of skin is torn and its an oval shape. It feels irritated like a carpetburn. I am wondering if I am doing the bundled stretches too hard. I am not sure what else would cause this. I just noticed it now but I think it may have been there a few days ago.
5/12 session in shower
5-10 mins bundles
basic jelqs
I used bathmate today so no idea what pressure. I know on the 3rd pump the bellows were almost completely compressed.
squashes were a bit unmotivated in shower.

I think I might alternate dry and wet pump. I just don't like pumping in shower cause I'll end up being in there like 45 mins.
5/12 session in shower
5-10 mins bundles
basic jelqs
I used bathmate today so no idea what pressure. I know on the 3rd pump the bellows were almost completely compressed.
squashes were a bit unmotivated in shower.

I think I might alternate dry and wet pump. I just don't like pumping in shower cause I'll end up being in there like 45 mins.
Sounds like a good plan
Did two sessions sort of.

1st session in shower
10 mins bundled stretching
10 mins basic direction jelqs with some foreskin and ballskin stretching
2 rounds
Bathmate almost 1 full compression of bellow. Went in almost full erection.
Squashes were decent this time

2nd session at desk
5 mins bundles stretching
5 mins jelq
mityvac 5 mins, ramp up to 7Hg
more like 1.5 rounds... some skin near the base started bleeding during 2nd pump. It was in the area where base is smooshed against the tube while pumping. Man, I wish everything else expanded like my base. Pretty sure decent amount of it is just skin. Unsure what caused the bleeding. My nails are trimmed but I could caught something while jelqing/squashing. I tried switching to the 2.5" tube but my base smooshes against that too so it caused the bleeding to get worse. I decided to just abort the last pump.
Heatpad, redlight, vibe 30 mins with light cockring
1hr+ with tighter cockring, revitalizing it every few minutes to full. Replaced blood every 10 or so minutes.
used alcohol and neosporin on cut and bandage though the small amount of hair won't let that stay on. Hopefully cut was fairly superficial.

I will say that EQ was rather good tonight, which helped me move a long a bit faster.

Expansion in tubes seemed pretty good but every time I measured MSEG it was no more than 5.75. Wonder what happened to my pump. I was getting up to 6.3 last week. I guess 8Hg really is a magical point. But I want to wait another month or so before going back to 8.
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I think I need to take a break from pumping for a while. Both times I tried today I got a migraine.

Also, I think too much skin is getting sucked up into tube. But I don't really like using the sleeve either. And my base does most of the expanding so even using 2.5" tube I've got like 2+ inches filling side of tube. I'm wondering whether I should wrap the base to make it less likely to expand so much. Something isn't working.

What's best program without pumping? At least for a while. The magic is somehow gone.
I think I need to take a break from pumping for a while. Both times I tried today I got a migraine.

Also, I think too much skin is getting sucked up into tube. But I don't really like using the sleeve either. And my base does most of the expanding so even using 2.5" tube I've got like 2+ inches filling side of tube. I'm wondering whether I should wrap the base to make it less likely to expand so much. Something isn't working.

What's best program without pumping? At least for a while. The magic is somehow gone.
The magic is still there. The skin at the base is just overstressed and easily sucked up. Since you are using the Bathmate, the comfort insert will act as the sleeve and limit the base from being pulled up. If you are using the MityVac, and your base skin is pulled in, definitely use the cylinder sleeve at the bottom for now to limit the skin from being pulled up.

The headaches you're experiencing may come from the pressure on the nerves when your skin being tanked into the cylinder. Just ease up on the pressure. Go for longer SSJ over the pump. SSJ for 10 minutes, pump for 3 at lower pressure (5inHg or down to 4 inHg if there is no headache onset). More SSJ, with lengthening pulls to maximize the pump session, follows by 3 minutes of lower inHg.
By the way brother, I remembered you used the MitySleeve for the MityVac and caused you some discomforts. Have you try a similar Universal Donut with similar dimension to support the cylinder rim, but cut out the middle part just enough to allow base and shaft expansion without killing your penis? An XXL penis sleeve, 3 to 4mm thick worn at the base to 3in above the base will limit the base expansion as well. This is how I limit my base expansion and max my glans expansion.
I was using mitysleeve with center cut out but I cut too much so it started ripping down the sides. So both the sleeves I have are basically ruined.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
      P (Guest) pedguin: ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master...