5/11 session - coming back after the 5/8 overpump
warmup: bundled stretching in shower 10mins, all direction jelqs for 10-15mins
out of shower
heatpad 10-15mins
another 5-10mins of bundled stretching
SSJ - normal
1st pump - using mitysleeve which is now basically broken.. 3Hg for a couple mins then, 4 Hg, then 5Hg.
2nd pump - aborted early. Wasn't feeling right. I was using mitysleeve and did not stuff in skin. I notice that this tends to cause discomfort which is just the skin being pulled really tight. I've trying to stretch the skin on underside of shaft and upper scrotum area because it seems to limit my expansion if the skin is tight. So, I aborted this pump
3rd pump - I took the mitysleeve off. This felt fairly comfortable, so whatever sensitivity I was having before seems to have healed. I pumped up to 6Hg and felt pretty good. I measured MSEG and was still at 5.5" so not really getting any swelling.
Thought I was done, so I was using heatpad, redlight, and vibe... decided to go for a few more pumps..
4th pump - no mitysleeve. Worked up to 7Hg for a short bit. Measured 5.75" MSEG after so 7Hg really is the trigger of swelling for me.
5th pump - another going up to 7Hg.
Did another
SSJ 5 mins
I did not use my tight
cockring. I just used a
siliring instead, wrapped in heating pad massaging and using vibe over top. Probably did about an hour in total.