DMSO might cause increase in penis size!!

Please explain .. im too tired to read all that, all i know about DMSO is it a good penatrator fro topical creams i think.
Yes, I've heard of DMSO. For a while people were rubbing it into areas affected by arthritus. It eased their pain alot.
As Brock said, it would be a good "delievery system" but what would one "deliever"? Is it even safe to use on one's penis?

You could use ANDRACTIM which is a DHT cream ... does anyone know where u can get this stuff with out a prescribtion .. I think france sells it otc..any french here?
Its says that it delivers stuff to a area where u apply it and also it makes stuff heal faster by makeing free raticals go to the spot.Im thinking this could speed up your recovery time when u do pe.
So france has an steoride classifyed supplement, legally for sale?

That DMSO, is sold here in Sweden through Veterinaries(animal doctors).
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DMSO is a solvent that penitrates the skin and is good for things like arthrites. Never ever heard of it growing muscle... (This is kinda my area of expertiese since i know alot about steroids) You can by dmso in the usa from mail order or some health food stores.
Well it won’t grow muscles on its own but if a steroid is mixed with it should enhance it penetration through membranes and get deeper. I just remember reading about ANRACTIM on a forum where they said somewhere in Europe .I think it was France that you can buy it without a prescription, I may be wrong. I do believe in up regulation of the AR with the use of finasteride ..anyone else know much about this?
yeah you might get better penitration of some steroids, but why not just take the needle and get 100% use of it if that is what you want.... the DHT cream sounds very interesting and i am working on getting a prescription for it. i wouldnt add dmso to the mix of it though it already penitrates the skin and who knows what polutants and or substances that may be in the cream but do not penitrate normally would go through with the dmso...
Most meds' like the dht cream and adrogel are made to pass the skin and thats it enters the blood want to go deep into the tunica..i'm not really sure how all this works but awhile back there was all talk about topical androgens where all the rage with Penis Enlargement because a guy who was a Doctor tried androgel while pe and saw dramatic growth. So if he was using testosterone then dht would be more powerful and it been said that dht is essential for penile growth through puberty and at birth.

There was even a bodybuilding supplement company called Avant Labs who where going to make a topical androgen + its delivery methods which was keep under wraps to grow the penis! It was going to be called HUNG but the fucking FDA stepped in and canned that idea along with allot of there other good bodybuilding pro hormones ... I did use a DHT precursor 5aa with a delivery gel called Gel# 3 it was suppose to be site specific so it wouldn’t go systemic(through ut the body) but i only used it for a little while with no results except a super hard and pulsating dick :) like i men it got hard with out even think of sexual thoughts just like when i was 14 or something and im young know at 22 i was scared about hair loss as im see some thinning.

I have also read that finasteride can up-regulate the androgen receptor and make it more sensitive to an androgen, i read that from a doctor/scientist and he said it would work for sure and he never even mention supplementing with pro-hormones or steroids.

know my theory is that after puberty your Androgen receptors in the penis down-regulate to some extend and are only used for maintenance of the reproductive organ , maybe thats why bodybuilders don;t see any penis growth when on huge steroids cycles . I also remember reading on a chart that using steroids while going through puberty will increase your penis size which must come back to the androgen receptors being very sensitive through puberty.

This last bit is just my 2cents and it make sense to me but i would like other to share there thoughts too.
I have used DMSO before on leg injuries and I would never want to use it on my penis. DMSO burns and dries the skin very badly where it is used. As for absorbing steroids and others, I would say just use the needle. I don't think DMSO would be "unsafe" but I would never use it there because I wouldn't trust it. Just my experience.
i just used dmso on my dick with no burning and no irritation also i put some down my urethera cus i think i have got a bit of a tear starting no pain nothing stop being so scared and always focusing on ur dick bein over sensitive
Dude, prescription DMSO? I've found that stuff as a roll-on in healthfoos stores and as a cream on the net. Both are 99.5% or so pure DMSO. It's a solvent that works well as a vector for other topicals. It penetrates the skin w/o causing cell damage and acts as a vehicle for quick absorption of other substances. If you want to try some just look in a health food store or on the net.