Dating or Getting into a relationship with a EXOTIC DANCER?

So to begin, I am here I guess to get some input or at least to get it off my chest. So for the last few months I have started to see a exotic dancer professionally, it started when a few of the guys went out for a guys night a few months ago, right away after the first night I got her number and of course her professional name. So a few months go by till the guys want to go again and of course she is there and we have another great night, so a few weeks go by and I decide go see her again but this time by myself without the guys, also we do a little more than just a dance. By the way at this point my third visit is the most I have ever been to a club in a years’ time, I am also the guy that usually never gets dances because I never really enjoyed it. So my visits have become more frequent and the fun has escalated as well. I’m at the point where she has changed her name on my phone from her professional name to her Real name and I have checked Its her real name. We are on the phone every day messaging each other even if I’m not going to see her for weeks at a time, and I have come to know way more about her personal life then I think most guys would know who enter those doors. She has also dropped hints of going for a bite to eat or meeting outside the club. I am so out of my comfort zone I don’t know where and how to proceed with this? As for some of the benefits it has motivated me to stay which my PE, which she has also enjoyed, and also I have been proactive in loosing almost 30 lbs in the last few months. I’ll be honest I think I’m just going to throw it out there and ask her out but I am very out of my league because I have never dated or been with a girl this hot or interesting in my life. Any help or opinions would be great!
When you become emotionally involved with a person you are making an investment of some sort.

A few questions you may want to ask yourself:
What do I want in return for my investment?
For what I want, is this actually a good investment?
If I fully invest, am I willing to risk a loss?
Everything comes at a cost, it's a matter of what price you want to pay for it...
...think, spend & invest wisely
@Tornadocock Your story sounds a bit like mine but I married mine. First big question, how much money are you spending on her or spent on her the first time and following times? What did she do in the club?

Here is a picture of my wife the first night we met in the club. She worked in one of the biggest clubs in Miami.

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@Tornadocock Your story sounds a bit like mine but I married mine. First big question, how much money are you spending on her or spent on her the first time and following times? What did she do in the club?

Here is a picture of my wife the first night we met in the club. She worked in one of the biggest clubs in Miami.

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An excellent return on your investment... (monkey)
An excellent return on your investment... (monkey)

The crazy thing is, out of all the money I spent on strippers in the clubs, I never spent any on her in the club. She was a rarity because as much as I thought I had to spoil her, she felt uncomfortable when I took her out shopping, wining and dining.
The crazy thing is, out of all the money I spent on strippers in the clubs, I never spent any on her in the club. She was a rarity because as much as I thought I had to spoil her, she felt uncomfortable when I took her out shopping, wining and dining.
Well that's the problem I feel like our situation has changed. I know what her parents did for work and that they both retired now, and where she has been having lunch and dinner for Christmas the last few days. We message each other several times daily, wishing each other good morning, good night, wishing each other a very good day. I haven't been on my phone this much since my last relationship. I feel like I had an opportunity when, She mentioned last time we should grab something to eat but I think my reaction was not positive because I've been out of the dating scene for so many years. I'm thinking I should just jump with both feet and see what happens.
Well that's the problem I feel like our situation has changed. I know what her parents did for work and that they both retired now, and where she has been having lunch and dinner for Christmas the last few days. We message each other several times daily, wishing each other good morning, good night, wishing each other a very good day. I haven't been on my phone this much since my last relationship. I feel like I had an opportunity when, She mentioned last time we should grab something to eat but I think my reaction was not positive because I've been out of the dating scene for so many years. I'm thinking I should just jump with both feet and see what happens.

How much have you spent on her? That will tell me allot. Be honest
I have spent quite a bit the last few times I have been going on a weekly basis, what would be your thoughts stop seeing her and if she stops messaging me I know it's bullshit, and if she is still messaging me after I know there is something there.
I have spent a bit the last few times I have been going on a weekly basis.

If you are the type of person that showed decent potential future income for her, she will keep you on the call list. My wife occasionally travels and dances and she has men that call her and text her late hours, it is part of the game. I set up an additional phone line on google so all her Johns call and text into it.

If she is a veteran dancer like my wife, this is her hustle. My wife is usually one of the hottest dancers in the clubs she works in and it is still hard for her to make money now a days. So if a dancer sees potential money coming from you in the future, she will keep you tied in.

Remember, you are not special and you are not the only one with these privileges. If the girl is good, she has a few of you on call.

If she is good, she will keep the money in the club and not meet you outside the club, that is sloppy and that is when strippers lose their customers and money. If she is a whore, she will meet you outside the club to fuck, but that is still going to cost you cash or paying her bills on the regular for ass on the regular (just like marriage) lol.

I say give it a chance and just watch your pockets.
What would be your thoughts stop seeing her and if she stops messaging me I know it's bullshit, and if she is still messaging me after I know there is something there.

If you still haven't met her outside the club, it is still business. Also you need to ask yourself, are you strong enough emotionally to handle a stripper? Many of them have daddy issues and many have pimps.

Are you just trying to fuck or find a hot girlfriend?
+1 on Lightning’s advice

Nothing wrong with dating a stripper but you have to understand most (not all) strippers have some real issues.

Just ask her out, movie, supper, etc.
but please stop paying for extras.... you can get dances but don’t pay for extras!

Good luck, I would suggest you go into this just looking to have some fun with a hot female and see how it goes.
Ya I have to tell her I can't come see her in the club anymore and it she proposes to see me outside and I have to pay for it. Then I got thank her for the great times I have had and move on!

Cool, please let me know what happens.
I dated a stripper for awhile, and she came from Latvia. Had a degree in accountancy back home, but could earn allot in the UK stripping off.

We got on well, and I paid a few times for her, but then we got on, and went out without any strings attached, no money exchanged affairs for fun. It could have got serious, but both of us had issues at the time we didnt know about if you know what I mean ... i.e I was a drunk and drug addict with insecure feelings around being a man if that makes any fucking sense? I delt with all this crap now though, and she had issues with wanting to please all the time.

Lightning made allot of sense, and you gotta see through her eyes also, in that you are just a potential income, a course of cash, this isn't her being a cunt either, or a slut, but its smart I reckon, as its not easy to get steady income all the time in this world nowadays, so she has you on call, its nothing bad, if you want a fuck take it with the cash, and be nice ... maybe as a regular she can give you discount? ask, I used to with escorts in the past that I banged each week.

As Lightning said again, it takes a certain strength to date one of these women, due to all the men sniffing about as part of the job.

The one I knew, has since gone back to Latvia, no idea if she went back into accountancy or strips again.

One thing I want to emphasize, is that these women are not damaged or bad, anyway less compared to other women in other careers. I do not see them as cheap or sluts, even prostitutes I have respect for them because its not all their fault, it should be legal here in the UK so they can be safe, and a register created for them I think rather then walking streets, and being controlled by some piece of filth pimp who probably abuses them on the side.

Think carefully about the potential reactions to your actions in your future movements with her, and prepare to live with it, otherwise change tack.
Very true, I've been out with many strippers from nobodies to celebrities. Many I met were really decent women. Most dancers I met do it for the attention and the rush and pay bill's satifying thier needs. The most common thing strippers I met are dancing for is to pay for school. Most of them wanted to be cosmetologists.

Some dancers try to get men with big dollars and sell them the dream outside the club and introduce the man to family and all to get that money. I've met dancers whose family is part of the game as well, so it really opens your eyes. It took me many years to fully trust my wife over this one thing as nobody can be trusted 100%.

Keep in mind, Strippers run into allot of bad/sick men as well. Being that my wife was black, she ran into allot of racist men, some telling her they would tie her up and beat her to death if they ever met outside the club and whisper racist comments to her while she dances for them but yet she had to maintain her composure.

Dancers also run into allot of pimps that know how to talk to a women and get them outside the club. Then next thing you know they could be working the streets or wake up on the back of a truck on the way to being trafficked in another country. My wife had this trust issue with me, because she use to see me come in her club many nights with many different beautiful women. She thought I was a pimp because she didnt know I was in the adult industry and worked with allot of adult entertainment actresses plus I had allot of good stripper friends (most were married).

It is a super high risk job and many men also get upset after they drop a few hundred dollars in the club on dances thinking its leading up to some pussy at the end of the night to then learn not.

I got my wife a gun and taught her how to shoot so she can protect herself. Some of these guys wait outside the club and follow you home, shit is very creepy.

The top thing strippers hear from customers is "Why are you working here? You are so smart and beautiful and I could take care of you if you need help".

So keep all that in mind next time you think something is brewing in the strip club.
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Thanks Guys this puts a lot into perspective, I told her I couldn't come see her for awhile because I have other priorities to take care of coming this new years. I cant say I didn't have lots of fun and that they are terrible people, to each there own. I have had a success with my PE and also my weight loss, I have new goals for the new year and going with the flow, well see what happens and if she tries to even contact me again.
I have dated a stripper it is is nothing but a nightmare unless you’re secure with yourself to the point of understanding her showing her body to other men.
Thanks Guys this puts a lot into perspective, I told her I couldn't come see her for awhile because I have other priorities to take care of coming this new years. I cant say I didn't have lots of fun and that they are terrible people, to each there own. I have had a success with my PE and also my weight loss, I have new goals for the new year and going with the flow, well see what happens and if she tries to even contact me again.

She will probably check in with you now and then.
She's in strictly for the money. I was a stripper, I know every single trick. These girls are experts. She keeps the communication open because you're a client. Its like when you are a sales rep, you keep your list of current/potential clients and follow up with them every once in a while. This is the same.

In simple terms, the way i look at it is that we are all tricks, whether married or not. If you are paying the bills and/or taking care of a woman, it's basically in-house or out-house pussy. A wedding certificate is basically a deed saying you own that pussy and sometimes those deeds are broken.

So the question is, are you looking to be an exploring trick or settled down trick?

My name is Lightning and I'm a settled down trick. (XD)
@Jackxxx, I've been to a couple male strip clubs (LaBares) in Miami and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida with dancers I hung out with. Some of those dudes had ridiculously long dongs but not exposed. Do male strippers wear strap ons? I would think so since its not full nudity.
@Jackxxx, I've been to a couple male strip clubs (LaBares) in Miami and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida with dancers I hung out with. Some of those dudes had ridiculously long dongs but not exposed. Do male strippers wear strap ons? I would think so since its not full nudity.

Thats exactly where I used to dance. Labare. Ft. Lauderdale location to be more specific.
To answer your question, YES. 95% of them stuff their underwear to enlarge the pouch. I didn't. Just for the record. Ive been pulling my noodle since 1998 and proudly showed the results while dancing LMAO.
Thats exactly where I used to dance. Labare. Ft. Lauderdale location to be more specific.
To answer your question, YES. 95% of them stuff their underwear to enlarge the pouch. I didn't. Just for the record. Ive been pulling my noodle since 1998 and proudly showed the results while dancing LMAO.

Damn thats crazy, I met my wife in Scarletts 8 years ago. I knew a couple male strippers from the girls I hung with and one came in to Scarletts one night to hang with us. It would be so crazy if it was you lol.
Damn thats crazy, I met my wife in Scarletts 8 years ago. I knew a couple male strippers from the girls I hung with and one came in to Scarletts one night to hang with us. It would be so crazy if it was you lol.

Congratulations man!!
Well to be more specific I dance between 2010 and 2014, skipping a few months in between here and there. Indeed, we used to close at 3am on weekends and go to scarletts afterwards lol. Bring Labare cards and hangout with the girls.

I have some of the most wonderful memories from those days. I was also a full-time pornstar. Sure my life was a piece of shit, but those days were incredible.
Congratulations man!!
Well to be more specific I dance between 2010 and 2014, skipping a few months in between here and there. Indeed, we used to close at 3am on weekends and go to scarletts afterwards lol. Bring Labare cards and hangout with the girls.

I have some of the most wonderful memories from those days. I was also a full-time pornstar. Sure my life was a piece of shit, but those days were incredible.

Crazy again, I was with Bang Bros back then. We did allot of scenes at the Flamingo down in South Beach. We had multiple condos there being used for shoots. I use to do Monsters of Cock stuff as well as other spin offs, Bang Bus etc
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@Jackxxx My wife danced at Scarletts between 2008 - 2012 at Scarletts, she was Ms August in the 2010 Scarletts Calendar and she was the Scars model on the Digital Billboard on 95.

This was her calendar photo back then

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Crazy again, I was with Bang Bros back then. We did allot of scenes at the Flamingo down in South Beach. We had multiple condos there being used for shoots. I use to do Monsters of Cock stuff as well as other spin offs, Bang Bus etc

Whats funny is that I only did 1 scene with bangbros lol. I had like 5 different agents in those days and they all wondered why bang never used me. Did a lot fo scenes with Score, Jim Gunn, a couple for Brazzers when they were producing in Sunrise in those days, a lot of CA companies when they were coming here, etc. I was with EC direct, type9 models back in the day, Megan Jones when she was an agent, Robin Steel, etc.

I did work through with After he left Banbros he went to work with Nerdpass where they started their own concept of Bangbus called "viva la bus" I did a couple of bus with them plus a couple of normal scenes before they closed.
My friend, She's ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. You're a VERY lucky man. Congratulations!!!!!!!!

Thank you. I was really blessed meeting her because back then I hung around with allot of bad people, you know the deal. Allot of Molly in those days!

We built a Soundstage in Miramar to shoot scenes and my partner use to shoot Jenna Jameson with Jennas husband Jay Grdina. Jay and I became friends and then he eventually left to partner with Playboy. We shot allot of gonzo stuff in sunrise and miramar.

Here is JT (Stud from Bang Bros) with a Power Assist with DLD down there. Matters of Size had a few shout outs in a few scenes back then :D

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Nice!! Good times brother. True that, a lot fo bad temptations in that world...At least 3 girls I worked with have passed away from overdose. Young 18-23 year old girls completely lost in life surrounded by bad elements. But we all have a choice, and we all have the same opportunities. I still keep in touch with a lot of people from the industry.
Nice!! Good times brother. True that, a lot fo bad temptations in that world...At least 3 girls I worked with have passed away from overdose. Young 18-23 year old girls completely lost in life surrounded by bad elements. But we all have a choice, and we all have the same opportunities. I still keep in touch with a lot of people from the industry.

Living a life of alcohol, drugs and untethered sex will eventually lead to death. Sad they died so young but perhaps that is what they wanted, a way out if a life that was out of control. I pray for these lost souls, I wish they would seek help and I also wish the help they get is need when they do reach out. I am sorry my Brother! ❤️ I wish this never happened. Everybody makes mistakes but not everybody has the same opportunity to correct themselves. Some mistakes or lethal and there is no second chance ?
Thank you. I was really blessed meeting her because back then I hung around with allot of bad people, you know the deal. Allot of Molly in those days!

We built a Soundstage in Miramar to shoot scenes and my partner use to shoot Jenna Jameson with Jennas husband Jay Grdina. Jay and I became friends and then he eventually left to partner with Playboy. We shot allot of gonzo stuff in sunrise and miramar.

Here is JT (Stud from Bang Bros) with a Power Assist with DLD down there. Matters of Size had a few shout outs in a few scenes back then :D

View attachment 1819150
I just noticed he has his cock out! (loudlycrying)
Living a life of alcohol, drugs and untethered sex will eventually lead to death. Sad they died so young but perhaps that is what they wanted, a way out if a life that was out of control. I pray for these lost souls, I wish they would seek help and I also wish the help they get is need when they do reach out. I am sorry my Brother! ❤ I wish this never happened. Everybody makes mistakes but not everybody has the same opportunity to correct themselves. Some mistakes or lethal and there is no second chance ?

I felt exactly the same way while in the industry. 95% of these girls get into adult entertainment because in reality they have nothing else to do with their life and/or theyre escaping a horrible reality. The vast majority have been physically abused, raped by family members, grown up in bad neighborhoods surrounded with drugs, etc. And lets face it. 100% of these girls get sexually harassed and abused inside the adult entertainment industry. Thats is a fact that I NEVER agreed. Some guys that I used to face about it would say "nah bro we became friends, she gave me her number, we went out send hang out, she likes me" Nope. That is not true. These girls are afraid and desperate. These girls are psychologically extremely fragile. The FEAR with their souls to lose that money. To lose that opportunity. If a photographer from Brazzers approach a girl and start flirting with her, SHE WILL CORRESPOND, because she is trying to get more work. She thinks and feels that by saying no or denying anything, will cut her chances to be used again by that same company. AND GUYS KNOW THIS. I am not stupid. Guys KNOW in their position they have influence to say anything about girls to not shoot them anymore, or to shoot them again. These girls will comply with any harassment, abuse, giving the perception of joy and happiness but inside they are ROTTEN SOULS, and the industry makes it worse for them. Thats why many of them worsen their addictions to escape that reality in any possible way. We are talking about 18-20 year old girls for God sake!! I always believed the industry could be made a great place to help people like them and many others. Even guys to get in adult entertainment to straighten their lives. But that all depends on each human. Temptation and sin is bigger. It is in all of us since the moment the creation took place.

I deeply enjoyed my time while in it, made good friends, theres plenty of great people, but this is one sad reality of that world.
I felt exactly the same way while in the industry. 95% of these girls get into adult entertainment because in reality they have nothing else to do with their life and/or theyre escaping a horrible reality. The vast majority have been physically abused, raped by family members, grown up in bad neighborhoods surrounded with drugs, etc. And lets face it. 100% of these girls get sexually harassed and abused inside the adult entertainment industry. Thats is a fact that I NEVER agreed. Some guys that I used to face about it would say "nah bro we became friends, she gave me her number, we went out send hang out, she likes me" Nope. That is not true. These girls are afraid and desperate. These girls are psychologically extremely fragile. The FEAR with their souls to lose that money. To lose that opportunity. If a photographer from Brazzers approach a girl and start flirting with her, SHE WILL CORRESPOND, because she is trying to get more work. She thinks and feels that by saying no or denying anything, will cut her chances to be used again by that same company. AND GUYS KNOW THIS. I am not stupid. Guys KNOW in their position they have influence to say anything about girls to not shoot them anymore, or to shoot them again. These girls will comply with any harassment, abuse, giving the perception of joy and happiness but inside they are ROTTEN SOULS, and the industry makes it worse for them. Thats why many of them worsen their addictions to escape that reality in any possible way. We are talking about 18-20 year old girls for God sake!! I always believed the industry could be made a great place to help people like them and many others. Even guys to get in adult entertainment to straighten their lives. But that all depends on each human. Temptation and sin is bigger. It is in all of us since the moment the creation took place.

I deeply enjoyed my time while in it, made good friends, theres plenty of great people, but this is one sad reality of that world.

Man it is great to have you here. These stories are so real and maybe people in here will see the reality behind the scenes in adult entertainment. It is many mens dream that come here.

I've seen quite a few deaths in the industry, not a great place to be.

The strip club industry is so dirty as well. It's a shame how every club is a whorehouse, especially in Miami, Tootsies, Pink Pony (I got DLD laid there) ;-) and these spots. The great thing about scarlets was they were really strict about fucking in the club and the manager (Shawn) was really on point with the girls and professional with meetings and stuff with dancers.

How are the mens strip clubs, are they fucking in there as well?

Did you make more as a dancer or as a adult entertainment star? I know allot of adult entertainment studs dont get paid well and even the same goes for women. Some of the women i knew made more money dancing than shooting scenes.
I felt exactly the same way while in the industry. 95% of these girls get into adult entertainment because in reality they have nothing else to do with their life and/or theyre escaping a horrible reality. The vast majority have been physically abused, raped by family members, grown up in bad neighborhoods surrounded with drugs, etc. And lets face it. 100% of these girls get sexually harassed and abused inside the adult entertainment industry. Thats is a fact that I NEVER agreed. Some guys that I used to face about it would say "nah bro we became friends, she gave me her number, we went out send hang out, she likes me" Nope. That is not true. These girls are afraid and desperate. These girls are psychologically extremely fragile. The FEAR with their souls to lose that money. To lose that opportunity. If a photographer from Brazzers approach a girl and start flirting with her, SHE WILL CORRESPOND, because she is trying to get more work. She thinks and feels that by saying no or denying anything, will cut her chances to be used again by that same company. AND GUYS KNOW THIS. I am not stupid. Guys KNOW in their position they have influence to say anything about girls to not shoot them anymore, or to shoot them again. These girls will comply with any harassment, abuse, giving the perception of joy and happiness but inside they are ROTTEN SOULS, and the industry makes it worse for them. Thats why many of them worsen their addictions to escape that reality in any possible way. We are talking about 18-20 year old girls for God sake!! I always believed the industry could be made a great place to help people like them and many others. Even guys to get in adult entertainment to straighten their lives. But that all depends on each human. Temptation and sin is bigger. It is in all of us since the moment the creation took place.

I deeply enjoyed my time while in it, made good friends, theres plenty of great people, but this is one sad reality of that world.

My Brother I lived with it for years. My ex girlfriend, Jan, came from a very bad background. We met each other in a drug rehab and when we first got together she told me she was with two men her whole life. I believed in at first but then she started to slip up and the truth started to come out. I found out that she was a stripper and that she slept with more than 100 guys . She came from a very abusive family and that involved rape incest and abuse. When she was with me I thought I could save her, I thought I could be the one that brings her to a place of happiness but that’s not what happened. For a little while she wore a mask well but soon she couldn’t act any longer.

When her true self came out we broke up and she left me, ironically, because of MOS. Her letter to me was all about MOS and how I cared more about my dick that I did about her. She said how she was going to go off and become a teacher and live a wholesome life, etc., etc., etc. about three years to the day she called me and want to come back and try it again and reluctantly agreed. She came back to me 10 times worse than she left me. She was going to go out with a wholesome life and that wholesome life included stripping doing drugs living with a guy that was in the KKK just horrid. And I thought about her letter how MOS was so bad but what she was doing was just fine :D

What I learned is once a good girl gone bad she never coming back and nobody can be anybodys Savior. There’s only one the Savior and that’s Jesus Christ. And you’re correct we are all sinners but once we except Jesus Christ we are also Saints. So the best thing to do is pray for her and others like her to find their true husband, Jesus Christ. Then and only then will they find the relief there truly looking for. And believe me I speak from very intimate experience. I can write a bestseller just based on that relationship! I’m so glad that Jesus is with you and I’m also glad that you’re with us.
Man it is great to have you here. These stories are so real and maybe people in here will see the reality behind the scenes in adult entertainment. It is many mens dream that come here.

I've seen quite a few deaths in the industry, not a great place to be.

The strip club industry is so dirty as well. It's a shame how every club is a whorehouse, especially in Miami, Tootsies, Pink Pony (I got DLD laid there) ;-) and these spots. The great thing about scarlets was they were really strict about fucking in the club and the manager (Shawn) was really on point with the girls and professional with meetings and stuff with dancers.

How are the mens strip clubs, are they fucking in there as well?

Did you make more as a dancer or as a adult entertainment star? I know allot of adult entertainment studs dont get paid well and even the same goes for women. Some of the women i knew made more money dancing than shooting scenes.

Unfortunately theres no dirtier place for strip clubs than down here in South FL. I had a lot of stripper friends in the late 2000's and they all HAD to quit because of prostitution in the business.

The economic depression hit around 2008, even strip clubs were hurt. People stop spending money, clubs decreased revenues, girls stopped making money. What the girls right off the boat did? In desperation for that extra $20 bill they started doing handjobs, then blowjobs, then openly just fucking in the lap dance rooms. Not even in the privates anymore, just the lap dancer couch, under the consent of the clubs. Security knows whats going on, ownership knows whats going on. As long as they pay their fair share to the right people, business will stay open. They fuck up, they get raided. So most of the old school girls couldnt keep up with it and just stopped dancing. The business was killed. Remember not too long ago they even used to come out with costumes? One was a sexy nurse, another a teacher, another a cop, a student, they just walk around with a tiny g string and topless.

Theres a place in Pompano, Diamond dolls. I used to go frequently back in the day. Knew multiple girls from NY, CA, Canada, and other states. That place now is 180 degree different. 98% of girls now there dont speak English, the pimps bring them up from Miami right off the boat. They will fuck you for little money in the couch and they are GORGEOUS. All cuban 18-23 year old. Sad reality but my junk likes it LOL.

In the case of male strip clubs is a different story. VERY RARELY there have been cases in which a guy has been caught fucking a girl inside the club. Thats a suspension and a second time is banned from the club. The owner down put up with that shit. Labare is the ONLY straight club for ladies only. Therefore is the ONLY place where cops can go undercover to bust a male strip club. Of course A LOT of fucking happens outside the club. Dating the girls, etc. Or me I escorted a few times. A lot of guys with money take their wives to the VIP and they are swingers. They pick the dancer they like, give him a good chunk of money and get his wife fucked in the hotel while he jerk off watching.

Money wise adult entertainment was better. Stripping was very random depending on how many frequent customers you can make. adult entertainment in those days a big company was paying 400-600 per shoot and the lesser known producers were paying 300-400 per shoot.
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
      oldandlively @ oldandlively: More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and...