bromelain, papain, paba

Yes, but bromelain and papain are digestive enzymes. They will in no way find their way into your bloodstream. Large protein molecules such as enzymes, or even oligopeptides aren't permeable in the intestine. As for PABA, it could be potentially useful. I've been looking into applying it transdermally.
Do you have to apply the PABA transdermally? I trust what your saying about the bromelain and papain not getting into your bloodstream but I don't know. I started taking them and chronic pain I have in my body has been improving drastically. I got the bromelain and papain from GNC and I ordered some PABA(waiting for it to come). How much PABA do you think I should take?
You may get some interesting results putting some raw pineapple juice on your glans over a period of time. I did it for a few weeks but stopped because I was getting semi hard from just walking around and didn't want to walk into the grocery store with a boner showing thru my pants. I'm gonna try it again soon but not over do it because it really does work.
wrangler7 said:
You may get some interesting results putting some raw pineapple juice on your glans over a period of time. I did it for a few weeks but stopped because I was getting semi hard from just walking around and didn't want to walk into the grocery store with a boner showing thru my pants. I'm gonna try it again soon but not over do it because it really does work.
Wrangler, this sounds interesting... Please say a bit more about the theory behind this and your particular experiences. Thank you!
No theories or anything like that. I just think pineapples look really cool. Seriously though my glans isn't that sensitive from being circumsised I guess and pineapple juice exfoliates some of the keratinized cells on the glans. But I used a little too much and became very sensitive down there for a few days. It didn't hurt or damage me in anyway or anything like that but it's probably best to be careful until you see how you react to it.
You meantioned that the pineapple juice is raw... Does that mean that you purchase a whole one and use a juicer to extract the juice. Also, do you rub the skin to further the exfoliation?

This sounds great because I have the same issue would like to get it handled asap!
Yes I used a garlic presser to make some pineapple juice and then used an eye dropper to apply. I really forget how much I used and how often but I am sure that it increased the sensitivity quite alot.
I could see how bromelain could work. It probably breaks down the outside keratin layer of the skin exposing the sensitive nerve endings and moist skin your glans is meant to have. As for growing new skin, vitamin C is a good supp as it's essential to the repair and formation of new collagen and elastin- both major components of skin. Vitamin D will also help as it aids in the absorption and utilization of vitamin C and many other minerals and nutrients. Hyaluronic acid is also a good supp for building and maintaining skin. EFA's and vitamin E are natural, yet mild blood thinners that enhance circulation. Take your supps guys- all of you- FRers and Penis Enlargementers alike. You might be surprised if you've hit a plateau what they can do ffor your gains.