Average Size Studies...a thread by Para-Goomba


Double Long Daddy, The Guru
Staff member
Super Moderator
Thanks to Para-Goomba, a moderator at Thundersplace, for this in depth study which illustrates that average size is in the 5 to 5.5" area.

<div>Many men here want to know the size of the average human penis. The aim of this post will be to provide an objective answer. A PubMed search and some Googling turned up several studies in which the penis was measured by medical personnel. In the following list, I will report averages for erect and flaccid stretched measurements. For newbies unfamiliar with the acronyms, please see the <a href="http://penis-enlargement-faq.thundersplace.org/index.html" target="_blank">glossary</a>. When I do not indicate <abbr title="Bone Pressed">BP</abbr> or <abbr title="Non Bone Pressed">NBP</abbr>, this is because the study abstract failed to specify such.<br />
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<u>Group 1: Studies specifically aimed at determining average penis size</u><br />
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<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&amp;db=puBathmateed&amp;dopt=Abstract&amp;list_uids=8709382" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Study 1</a> - 80 American men:<br />
<abbr title="Non Bone Pressed Erect Length">NBPenis EnlargementL</abbr> (100% erection induced by drug injection) = 5.08&quot;. <abbr title="Flaccid Stretched Length">FSL</abbr> = 4.88&quot;.<br />
<font color="Red">UPDATE (07/18/2005)</font>: It appears (from reading another source) that the 5.08&quot; figure is non-bone pressed.<br />
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<a href="http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/WolfFiles/story?id=90588" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Study 2</a> - 300 men, &quot;college-aged&quot;:<br />
<abbr title="Non Bone Pressed Erect Length">NBPenis EnlargementL</abbr> = 5.88&quot;. <abbr title="Erect Girth">EG</abbr> (midshaft) = 4.97&quot;.<br />
<i>17% of men had <abbr title="Non Bone Pressed Erect Length">NBPenis EnlargementL</abbr> below 4.5&quot; -- and this is out of men who volunteered to be measured by two nurses!</i><br />
<br />
<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&amp;db=puBathmateed&amp;dopt=Abstract&amp;list_uids=11223678" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Study 3</a> - 3,300 Italian men, 17-19 years old:<br />
<abbr title="Flaccid Stretched Length">FSL</abbr> = 4.92&quot;.<br />
<br />
<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?itool=abstractplus&amp;db=puBathmateed&amp;cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=abstractplus&amp;list_uids=15510185" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Study 4</a> (<font color="Red">added 01/02/2007 </font>- not included in calculations or discussion below) - 271 Jordanian men:<br />
<abbr title="Flaccid Stretched Length">FSL</abbr> = 5.31&quot;.<br />
<br />
<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&amp;db=PubMed&amp;dopt=Abstract&amp;list_uids=17151695" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Study 5</a> (<font color="Red">added 05/22/2007</font> - not included in calculations or discussion below) - 1500 Iranian men, 20-40 years old:<br />
<abbr title="Flaccid Stretched Length">FSL</abbr> = 4.56&quot;.<br />
<br />
<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/puBathmateed/12350491" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Study 6</a> (<font color="Red">added 03/11/2008</font> - not included in calculations or discussion below) - 52 Greek men, 19-38 years old:<br />
<abbr title="Flaccid Stretched Length">FSL</abbr> = 4.80&quot;.<br />
<br />
<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/puBathmateed/17568760" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Study 7</a> (<font color="Red">added 03/11/2008</font> - not included in calculations or discussion below) - 301 Indian men:<br />
<abbr title="Flaccid Stretched Length">FSL</abbr> = 4.28&quot;.<br />
A subset of 93 of these men were measured erect, and the average was 5.12&quot;.<br />
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<u>Group 2: Studies in which average penis size was not the primary goal of investigation</u> (Some guys have expressed concern that doctors fake data in penis-size studies in order to relieve men's insecurities. The following studies should not be prone to this criticism.)<br />
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<a href="http://www.eng.tau.ac.il/%7EmsBathmate/list_of_publications/articles_in_journals/IJIR_12_328-333.pdf" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Study 8</a> - 55 Israeli men, 21-78 years old:<br />
<abbr title="Bone Pressed Erect Length">BPenis EnlargementL</abbr> (100% erection induced by drug injection) = 5.35&quot;. <abbr title="Erect Girth">EG</abbr> (base) = 4.29&quot;. <abbr title="Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretched Length">BPFSL</abbr> = 4.92&quot;. <br />
<br />
<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&amp;db=puBathmateed&amp;dopt=Abstract&amp;list_uids=11182344" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Study 9</a> - 111 &quot;younger&quot; (18-19 years old) and 32 &quot;older&quot; (40-68 years old, for whom 100% erection was induced by drug injection) German men:<br />
<abbr title="Bone Pressed Erect Length">BPenis EnlargementL</abbr> (young men) = 5.70&quot;. <abbr title="Bone Pressed Erect Length">BPenis EnlargementL</abbr> (older men) = 5.58&quot;.<br />
<font color="Red">UPDATE (05/13/2007)</font>: The full text of the article specifies that these measurements were bone-pressed.<br />
<br />
<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&amp;db=puBathmateed&amp;dopt=Abstract&amp;list_uids=12230622" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Study 10</a> - 104 British men, 17-84 years old:<br />
<abbr title="Flaccid Stretched Length">FSL</abbr> = 5.12&quot;.<br />
<br />
<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&amp;db=puBathmateed&amp;dopt=Abstract&amp;list_uids=12937799" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> Study 11</a> - 123 Korean men, &quot;early 20s&quot; in age:<br />
<abbr title="Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretched Length">BPFSL</abbr> = 4.21&quot;. <abbr title="Non Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretched Length">NBPFSL</abbr> = 3.78&quot;.<br />
<br />
<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&amp;db=PubMed&amp;list_uids=12068220&amp;dopt=Abstract" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Study 12</a> (<font color="Red">added 05/27/2005</font> - not included in calculations or discussion below) - 200 Turkish men, 20-22 years old:<br />
<abbr title="Non Bone Pressed Erect Length">NBPenis EnlargementL</abbr> = 5.01&quot;.<br />
<br />
<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=puBathmateed&amp;cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;list_uids=17191423&amp;query_hl=25&amp;itool=puBathmateed_docsum" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Study 13</a> (<font color="Red">added 05/13/2007</font> - not included in calculations or discussion below) - 115 Nigerian men, 30-65 years old:<br />
<abbr title="Flaccid Stretched Length">FSL</abbr> = 5.30&quot;. Range: 2.95&quot;-7.68&quot;.<br />
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Out of these high-quality studies, four included a measurement of erect length, the statistic that most interests men at other discussion site. Three of these four included direct injections of a drug into the penis to induce a 100% erection -- so their numbers can't be dismissed as too low due to measurement anxiety. The four studies reported <b>average erect lengths ranging from 5.35&quot; <abbr title="Bone Pressed Erect Length">BPenis EnlargementL</abbr> to 5.88&quot; <abbr title="Non Bone Pressed Erect Length">NBPenis EnlargementL</abbr></b> (the latter number comes from college students on spring break in Cancun, who probably had small fat pads). For the three studies that did not include erect measurements, we can estimate that the erect figure would have been about 0.25&quot; longer than the reported stretched flaccid length, judging from the differences in studies that included both <abbr title="Flaccid Stretched Length">FSL</abbr> and <abbr title="Erect Length">EL</abbr>. For these three additional studies, the average erect length can be inferred to range from 4.46&quot; <abbr title="Bone Pressed Erect Length">BPenis EnlargementL</abbr> to 5.37&quot; (might be <abbr title="Non Bone Pressed">NBP</abbr> or <abbr title="Bone Pressed">BP</abbr>).<br />
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<b>Studies in which size is verified by a third party, therefore, have consistently turned up averages below those of self-report studies.</b> For example, the famous Kinsey self-report survey found an average <abbr title="Non Bone Pressed Erect Length">NBPenis EnlargementL</abbr> of 6.16&quot;, while a Durex online survey showed an average of 6.4&quot; <abbr title="Non Bone Pressed Erect Length">NBPenis EnlargementL</abbr>. In my opinion, to trust men's anonymous self-reports over the data of seven objective medical studies demonstrates penis-size paranoia -- something to which we are prone here. If we look at the objective data instead, the average erect penis length appears to be no greater than 5.5 - 6.5&quot; <abbr title="Bone Pressed">BP</abbr> -- and may even be smaller.<br />
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<font size="-1">Disclaimer: I am not trying to suggest that enormous penises do not exist. They do -- and some men are born with them. But for those who were not born with a huge one, and who instead aim to build one through <abbr title="Penis Enlargement">Penis Enlargement</abbr>, I think it's important to establish a reasonable standard of what &quot;average&quot; is, so that size-paranoia does not continue to haunt them even after they have reached a truly large size.</font></div>

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interesting read!

the thought of being injected by anything in the penis doesn't sound fun to me haha.

bout time someone did a decent collection of raw data to find the truth i say :)
allergix;328515 said:
interesting read!

the thought of being injected by anything in the penis doesn't sound fun to me haha.

bout time someone did a decent collection of raw data to find the truth i say :)

As much as I have researched this I was pleased to find some studies I have never read. It is a great thread, should bring some peace of mind to some people.
Looking at those stats it seems like the average is below 5.5. There doesn't even seem to be that much variation between races.

If most women have seen mostly 5.5 or so, even 7 inches is huge.

thanks for the info.
Makes me feel pretty good about myself then haha! awesome read tho, cheers mon.
<img src="http://www.aszune.co.uk/tracker.jpg" style="display:none">
Ha ha. We all have penis anxiety. That's why a lot of us use our BPenis EnlargementL's. :) I agree with DLD that a lot of these that used NBPenis EnlargementL's were probably influenced by fat pads. I noticed the older men seemed slightly smaller...could be fat pads or Goinfor's theory of "use it or lose it." I think DLD should conduct his own study door to door. :0 "Pardon me ma'am. Is the man of the house home?"
On top of the shaft from the pubic bone--that's the way they usually do it. I've never heard of any other way. What's so fuckin' sad here is that virtually every member here is average or above average and yet they still feel inadequate.

I was watching a documentary on a guy who has virtually no visible penis and is about to undergo surgery to get a functioning two incher. (He has suffered in his sexual relationships and marriage his whole adult life). The man is beyond ecstatic to know that post-surgery, he will have a dick to be proud of.
AdmiralLongDong;328668 said:
Looking at those stats it seems like the average is below 5.5. There doesn't even seem to be that much variation between races.

If most women have seen mostly 5.5 or so, even 7 inches is huge.

thanks for the info.

I can vouch for the fact that women think 7 inches is large because a little bigger than that was the size I had naturally. I had women say things like "OMG that things is like 10 inches" or "that is the biggest I've ever had." Not only do women think 7 inches is large when they see it but they're correct...it is quite a good percentage larger than the average size.

However, because guys with 5.5 inch dicks often exaggerate their measurements, women often get a distorted image of measurements. Many women think that 6 inches is 8 inches, so when they see 7 inches they exaggerate that up larger as well. So even guys who are much larger than average dicks end up having to exaggerate their measurements to stay ahead of the smaller men who do the same. It's all a cruel joke.
^^ Thats the game I found myself playing before I made it here.

This site has helped my self confidence, irregardless of an actual size gain or not.
Tha3rdLeg;329694 said:
I can vouch for the fact that women think 7 inches is large because a little bigger than that was the size I had naturally. I had women say things like "OMG that things is like 10 inches" or "that is the biggest I've ever had." Not only do women think 7 inches is large when they see it but they're correct...it is quite a good percentage larger than the average size.

However, because guys with 5.5 inch dicks often exaggerate their measurements, women often get a distorted image of measurements. Many women think that 6 inches is 8 inches, so when they see 7 inches they exaggerate that up larger as well. So even guys who are much larger than average dicks end up having to exaggerate their measurements to stay ahead of the smaller men who do the same. It's all a cruel joke.

It has been this way for me too. I started at 6.5 inches but I used to have women say the same type of stuff. This is a positive thing for all men and getting larger will only make these inaccurate measurement guesses even greater. If I girl thinks I have a 14" cock I am not gonna correct her:)
You really have to wonder if docs under report sizes to make people feel better. What is to stop them?

This is believeable though since I'm a 5.25 inch on a good day.

What is the pubic bone? I don't feel any bone down there. I just measure on the top from the base, where it touches my lower abs. Is that the pubic bone?

Injecting stuff into your penis is not too bad if the needle is small enough. 30 gauge is super pain full, but you can get lucky 1/3 of the time. 31 gauge is not so bad, but still anoying. I'm trying to get me some 32 gauge. Then I'll be ready to rock and roll.
As long as you go down on your girl, and you don't get all upset if she does not orgasm from your penis, I'm sure she won't mind your size. It's when guys work on her for 20 minutes straight and act unhappy until she does a good enough job of faking an orgasm that the woman really starts to hate it. Or if he has his orgasm and goes to sleep when he has not gone down on her yet. But if you can go down on her, and then give her another right after with your penis, that is better. So size does matter, but not as much as you think if you are good in the other departments. If you are a jerk, you better be big. If a woman does not know you, and she knows you are small, she might reject you. So if you are small, make sure you show off your oral skills and personal skills before you show her your penis.
Xeyanex;330355 said:
wow great info DLD ive always felt small at my size now this makes me feel a il better

That is why I grabbed it...very good thread.
crazyed27;330526 said:
geezs no wonder why I always get told "your huge" but for some reason I dont think I'm huge.

I still suffer with this toxic line of thought. The point is that this thread speaks nothing but the truth, no matter how hard it is for us to believe. I am happy to see guys are reading this stuff because it is these studies that cure so many men of size worries.
Fixed the HTML and Image Code, much easier to read!