And the growth begins!

Thought id wait longer to measure but did it anyway. Been following a stretching and jelqing routine for 3 weeks and a day now. Had been jelqing 4 weeks before but not with any routine. and no proper warm ups or cooldowns.
stats at beginning of new routine -
nbpel 5.75
eg 4.75

nbpel(sitting) 6.25,(standing)6.125
eg 5.00

To be continued.......
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I noticed something today which could help some guys out. i did a lot of reading of guys progesses and i noticed their routines would change a lot from day to day different exercises etc. But these guys were saying ive gained but im not sure what exercises brought those gains. And the same for guys who did'nt see results over a period of time.
What you need to do is stick with a simple regime which you know brings results for you and then maybe add a new exercise every 1,2 or 3 weeks or something and if that too brings results or more keep doing it, The old cliche 'dont fix it if it ain't broken.'
if the exercise doesn't work for you try a new exercise and repeat.
Doing everything at once will make it difficult to discern what is working!![/B]
I hope this can be of help.
Doing my norm routine today but noticed my girth went off the chart today. MSEG is 5'' and after doing some jelqing , [words=]ssj[/words]'s i barely get to 5.25 mseg but after doing those exerciese i added some sets of 30 sec horse squeezes i went up 5.5'' mseg. I would suggest doing these if you are not!!
Been hitting 5.75'' mseg for the last 4 weeks in my girth sessions which is pretty cool. My mseg is about 5.25'' now which is a 1/4 increase. Its amazing that an extra 1/4 to 1/2 an inch feels so much bigger in your hand! Also iam up too 6.5 nbpel which is cool, so the gains are still going steady. Starting to wrap up after length workouts to cement gains faster. Cheers DLD for the [words=]SRT[/words] program, makes a lot of sense!