After 2 years of dating I told my girlfriend about penis enlargement

Hey guys!! I’ve been so busy with PE, work and life that I barely have time to post anymore so to make up for the last couple of months this is gonna be another long post!

So I've been with my woman now for just over 2 years and we finally decided to move in together. When i first met her i had been on a long PE break that lasted about 5 years. 6 months into dating her I decided to start PE back up again for various reasons, one of them being that I had finished school and had a ton of extra time on my hands with a new shiny job. I immediately knew that we were eventually going to live together so I wanted to get as much PE done as possible in my own apartment before I had to either do it behind her back or eventually tell her when we moved in together. My goal was to make her notice my gains and she would initially start the conversation about "why are you bigger" and then I would tell her about my on and off PE endeavours that I've been doing for the past 12 years.

I decided to stop my length pursuit and only concentrate on girth. I felt like I owed it to myself to try as hard as possible to tackle my girth depression and GO FOR GIRTH LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER. 1.5 years later, I was able to increase my stats to the following numbers using every exercise I could fit into my routine:

BPEL: 8.8” to 9.1”
MSEG: 5.2” to 5.6”
BEG: 5.3” to 6.1”
BPFS: 9” to 9.5”
BPFL: 5.75” to 6.1”
FG: around 4.6” to 5.1”

Of course things never go the way we want and she never mentioned my size increase despite us starting to have “size issues” with certain sexual positions. 1 week before we move in together I decided to tell her and I have to say that I didn’t expected to be so nervous about the whole thing. I told her about my starting stats (which was 6.9 BPEL and 5.0 EG midshaft and base) and how I didn’t like them because everyone assumed I had a huge penis based on my height and ethnicity. I then told her I learned about PE on the internet and went to work on increasing my size.

She seemed genuinely interested in the whole thing and could tell I was very nervous while talking to her about it. To my relief she had told me that she had noticed that my penis was getting thicker for a while but kept thinking that she was crazy because “a penis getting bigger just wasn’t possible” in her mind ;). We eventually switched conversations to talk about her friends as if nothing had happened. I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT! There I was sitting with sweaty palms and she was going on about how her friend broke up with her bf hahaha. Once again I was reminded about how much emphasis we men put on her penises while women most of the time don’t even really care that much LOL.

She has been really REALLY interested in watching me do a session so I showed her a simple jelqing routine and she absolutely loved it. I also did some basic uli’s and she kept grabbing it and saying “Omfg it’s so hard!”, with her eye bulging and face like 4 inches away from my penis. She seems to think that it’s equivalent to a masturbation session or something but I told her that my sessions are the furthest away from pleasure to be honest. So far my biggest challenge with doing PE while she knows is I can’t do a successful session with her home and awake. I don’t know why but I get horrible EQ partly because she just so interested in it and wants to keep walking in on me mid session. I think it’s because I feel like I can sense a bit of her wants to poke fun at my weird exercises. This probably isn’t the case but I can feel it none the less. God bless her curiosity but it’s terrible for my concentration. I can only fully concentrate if she is either sleeping or at work. She reminded me many times that I didn’t need to do PE and that my penis size is just perfect for her which I appreciate but you all know that we do PE for ourselves. Some of you might think you’re doing this for the opposite sex but I assure you that we are all doing this for ourselves deep down inside.

My biggest challenges have been trying to let her know just how important my PE sessions are to me. If I’m not 100% in then I feel like I’m wasting my time, especially with PE because if your intensity isn’t high enough and often enough then it’s possible you won’t see any gains at all. Connective tissue is weird and frustrating like that. She has gotten a little frustrated at times when I would get up out of bed to do a session just as she is falling asleep even though I have to be up for work 6 hours later. Sometimes I would do a 2.5 hour session and come crawl into bed at 3am to wake up at 7am and she has questioned me asking “Oh my God why why why why. But it’s so late”.

I’m trying not to get mad at her for not understanding PE from my point of view and what it means to me. Instead I try to calmly remind her during times of friction that it is my hobby and a life style for me. The other day she came home early from work and thought it would be fun to try and surprise me and catch me in the middle of a clamping session. We have a weird sense of humor together so I can see why she initially thought this was a playful idea but I got kinda mad and locked the door to the room I was in. She felt a little betrayed and got kind of angry when I wouldn’t let her in.

Some of you may think that this is an amazing thing but I am a very introverted person and I thrive on being alone and having private time. I almost had a fucking heart attack when she came home and I was pretty frustrated that my session was ruined. She opened the front door sort of smiling and laughing and I had a clamp on at full force with a adult entertainment clip on in another room. I instinctively jumped up and almost ran to the room door to shut it and lock it which hurt like fucking crazy. Never walk or run around with a fucking clamp on… We had a talk about it and she has apologized for joking around about my PE session and intruding in my private space. I told her that I will take her through a couple more of my advanced sessions with clamping and stretching to take away from the mysteriousness of my PE but I NEED MY REGULAR SESSIONS TO BE PRIVATE GOD DAMN IT.

One day we were going out dancing and partying for the night and I kindly told her that regardless of the time we get home, before I goto bed I would like to do a PE session. She instinctively got defensive and said, "Oh so you're not going to fuck your gf because you want to do PE instead!?" How do i regularly remind someone that PE is more important to me than my work (which I take pride in) or sometimes eating!?! Anyhow, I stopped myself my overreacting and told her that I won't let PE intrude with our relationship. We can have sex all we want but all I ask is that at the end of the night when it's time for her to goto bed, I would like to stay up and finish my routine. She understood, told me that she was going to work on accepting my PE needs and that she was sorry for having that initial reaction. Surprisingly she then told me that her negative reaction came from her own insecurities and she will continue to work on them. Needless to say we then had an amazing night afterwards.

So far telling her has been an overall success with a few hiccups along the way. I know this "obsession" with improving ourselves can put a strain on the relationship sometimes but I'm at the point in my life now where I am content with putting my own needs ahead of everyone else. I will try my absolute hardest to make our relationship work because she is worth it, but the woman I'm with is going to have to accept my PE endavours if she wants me to be happy.
I was like you and I did disclose what I was doing to my girlfriend at the time and it was a huge mistake for me. At first it was all great, she loved it, she loved watching, she wanted to be involved. This was difficult for me because it meant a lack of concentration and focus but since I loved her and she showed interest I allowed it to happen. As time went on and things changed she began to change also. What used to be something sexy and exciting became something she was resentful of and looked at it as if I was cheating on her and some strange way. I’m convinced that if I never told her she would still be here with me. At this point you need to deal with what it is and do your best to get the relationship to a good place. I did not do this and she left me. If I posted the note she left me it would show that the sole reason she went was because of PE and my dedication to the brotherhood.

My advice to you and to every brother out there is do this for you and you alone and do not let anybody know but the brotherhood. You do not need pride you do not need to be giving complements to be secure, be secure in your gains and the help of the brotherhood.

I’m so happy to see you back and I look forward to your involvement. God bless you my brother.
Good on you bro, well done to sticking to your guns. Do not allow her to get in the way of your routines. It's not funny that she tries to catch you and you are totally justified to react by locking the door on her. I feel you for being introverted and needing your space.

Let her know what is unacceptable behaviour and call her out for her bullshit. After all she doesn't complain when she enjoys the fruits of your labour. It's your way or the highway. Up or out.

Keep up the good work!
I was like you and I did disclose what I was doing to my girlfriend at the time and it was a huge mistake for me. At first it was all great, she loved it, she loved watching, she wanted to be involved. This was difficult for me because it meant a lack of concentration and focus but since I loved her and she showed interest I allowed it to happen. As time went on and things changed she began to change also. What used to be something sexy and exciting became something she was resentful of and looked at it as if I was cheating on her and some strange way. I’m convinced that if I never told her she would still be here with me. At this point you need to deal with what it is and do your best to get the relationship to a good place. I did not do this and she left me. If I posted the note she left me it would show that the sole reason she went was because of PE and my dedication to the brotherhood.

My advice to you and to every brother out there is do this for you and you alone and do not let anybody know but the brotherhood. You do not need pride you do not need to be giving complements to be secure, be secure in your gains and the help of the brotherhood.

I’m so happy to see you back and I look forward to your involvement. God bless you my brother.

It just would have been impossible for me to do my morning and night routines without telling her what I was doing now that we live together so I unfortunately had to tell her as best as I could. If this eventually gets between us then I'm ok with it because PE is just what I do. :)
It just would have been impossible for me to do my morning and night routines without telling her what I was doing now that we live together so I unfortunately had to tell her as best as I could. If this eventually gets between us then I'm ok with it because PE is just what I do. :)

No I completely understand and also I’m telling you from this point forward do your best to keep it under wraps. Penis envy is a real thing. If your PE is worth more than her and fuck it to your PE.
No I completely understand and also I’m telling you from this point forward do your best to keep it under wraps. Penis envy is a real thing. If your PE is worth more than her and fuck it to your PE.

YES. I can't tell you how much I agree with you on this and I've already seen evidence to support this. She knows I do PE and I'm pretty regular about about it and it should be left at that. I do my PE when she's not home or when she's sleeping so for a while, it's was as if Iwasn't even doing PE at all from her point of view. The one time I decide to remind her that I will be doing it after our date night, she got defensive about it right away.

The other night I got a little sad that I had to PE late at night on a work night like some midnight creepy lurker but it is what it is. I'm making gains and I'm still happier than ever so meh.
Honestly, it's a good call on the one hand to let your partner know. It keeps it from being a "secret" they "discover" later on which could potentially be an arguing point at some point in the future. What you don't want in a relationship where the two of you are supposedly trusting each other, is some thing, or situation you keep hidden that they find out about later on. Especially, if it's something that can have a strong emotional attachment to it when discovered. That's when they (women especially) tend to immediately shift into the mindset of "what else are they hiding from me???". From my own experience, no matter what a woman tells you "Oh baby, I forgive you...." they never truly do. They just make a check mark on the chalk board in their mind for future reference and each time you mess up in the future EACH incident is something they can potentially bring up again to rub more salt in the wound.

Me personally, I'd never open up about PE to someone I'm simply dating again. Living together or not. That's still sketchy territory. Whose apartment is THIS? Hers, yours? It's a different story when you're married.
Unlike how Hollywood portrays things, a spouse cannot yell "GET OUT!" and the offending spouse has to pack their stuff and leave. If there's no threat of harm.

If PE was a part of your life before marriage and you still intend to pursue it after marriage, that's part of the deal. They should know about it long before hand. In my mind, PE is the equivalent of body building. Granted, on a much more focused, smaller scale in regard to the area of the body it is focused on.

If you, or she started dating someone who was really into exercising in whatever form and having a healthy lifestyle, would either of you expect that person to give up that part of their life once things got "serious" in the relationship? The logical answer is of course not.
Honestly, it's a good call on the one hand to let your partner know. It keeps it from being a "secret" they "discover" later on which could potentially be an arguing point at some point in the future. What you don't want in a relationship where the two of you are supposedly trusting each other, is some thing, or situation you keep hidden that they find out about later on. Especially, if it's something that can have a strong emotional attachment to it when discovered. That's when they (women especially) tend to immediately shift into the mindset of "what else are they hiding from me???". From my own experience, no matter what a woman tells you "Oh baby, I forgive you...." they never truly do. They just make a check mark on the chalk board in their mind for future reference and each time you mess up in the future EACH incident is something they can potentially bring up again to rub more salt in the wound.

Me personally, I'd never open up about PE to someone I'm simply dating again. Living together or not. That's still sketchy territory. Whose apartment is THIS? Hers, yours? It's a different story when you're married.
Unlike how Hollywood portrays things, a spouse cannot yell "GET OUT!" and the offending spouse has to pack their stuff and leave. If there's no threat of harm.

If PE was a part of your life before marriage and you still intend to pursue it after marriage, that's part of the deal. They should know about it long before hand. In my mind, PE is the equivalent of body building. Granted, on a much more focused, smaller scale in regard to the area of the body it is focused on.

If you, or she started dating someone who was really into exercising in whatever form and having a healthy lifestyle, would either of you expect that person to give up that part of their life once things got "serious" in the relationship? The logical answer is of course not.

Wow what an incredible post! You have truly changed my brother and I can see in ways ??. There’s something going on your life and you’re happy, content and peaceful and I can see it through your posting and your ways of helping.
I anticipate this eventually becoming a problem but maybe you'll get lucky. Doubt it though.

Unless she's one of those very rare "keeper" types- calm, mentally/emotionally stable, reasonable women, then this will likely start causing problems.

And in their defense, it probably is frustrating to live with someone who devotes a completely unnecessary amount of time and money to make their dick bigger but that's what we want so that's just how it is.

I look at pe like an addiction, only we're not hurting anyone or causing problems in society or anything, but we're addicted nonetheless. It can be hard living with an addict. It does have time and money constraints, and can potentially affect relationships if it isn't managed well. Just my thoughts.
I anticipate this eventually becoming a problem but maybe you'll get lucky. Doubt it though.

Unless she's one of those very rare "keeper" types- calm, mentally/emotionally stable, reasonable women, then this will likely start causing problems.

And in their defense, it probably is frustrating to live with someone who devotes a completely unnecessary amount of time and money to make their dick bigger but that's what we want so that's just how it is.

I look at pe like an addiction, only we're not hurting anyone or causing problems in society or anything, but we're addicted nonetheless. It can be hard living with an addict. It does have time and money constraints, and can potentially affect relationships if it isn't managed well. Just my thoughts.

What a creative way to look at this and I agree 100%! Letting them know would be admitting we have an addiction to PE which in advertently will cause damage to the relationship. PE should be kept to yourself and the brotherhood, there’s no reason to go outside of this
Wow what an incredible post! You have truly changed my brother and I can see in ways ??. There’s something going on your life and you’re happy, content and peaceful and I can see it through your posting and your ways of helping.

I don't think it has to be seen in an unhealthy light. Like an "addiction". If it's not detrimental to the rest of your life. Sure, if you are avoiding social interactions and life events to do PE.....there's something off and you need to reconsider your dedication level. However, if PE is just another thing you do, an addition to further enhance your life as a whole, there's nothing wrong with that.

Many people exercise, or lift weights almost daily and "normal" people see that as "obsessed". BUT, if these people are otherwise healthy and productive, who are the "normal" people to judge?
Unfortunately women do not have the capacity to truly understand PE and how deeply it can affect/improve our lives as men...they don't share the 'equipment', so no matter how rational/stable/logical she is, PE isn't ever going to be 'worth the squeeze' in their mind. Keep in mind that any time spent not serving her will be looked upon skeptically at best. She'll play in her mind that you're body is perfect for her, so why is he spending all this time/energy/money on it when it could be better used for me :)
If she begins to have ill feelings toward your exercise regime, it'll be a quick slide to continuous conflict. She'll confide in a GF and since they're of the same mind-set, they'll reach the same conclusion that your PE efforts are somehow linked to you're being unsatisfied in some way with her (women are intrinsically narcissistic).
This will become a double-edged sword at some point in the near future...if you acquiesce and curtail your PE, then you'll be perceived as a man that didn't 'stand-up' to his woman and therefore she will lose respect for you...if you hold-firm and continue, she will eventually perceive PE as a 'mistress'.
I feel for you bro!
Unfortunately women do not have the capacity to truly understand PE and how deeply it can affect/improve our lives as men...they don't share the 'equipment', so no matter how rational/stable/logical she is, PE isn't ever going to be 'worth the squeeze' in their mind. Keep in mind that any time spent not serving her will be looked upon skeptically at best. She'll play in her mind that you're body is perfect for her, so why is he spending all this time/energy/money on it when it could be better used for me :)
If she begins to have ill feelings toward your exercise regime, it'll be a quick slide to continuous conflict. She'll confide in a GF and since they're of the same mind-set, they'll reach the same conclusion that your PE efforts are somehow linked to you're being unsatisfied in some way with her (women are intrinsically narcissistic).
This will become a double-edged sword at some point in the near future...if you acquiesce and curtail your PE, then you'll be perceived as a man that didn't 'stand-up' to his woman and therefore she will lose respect for you...if you hold-firm and continue, she will eventually perceive PE as a 'mistress'.
I feel for you bro!

Good Lord... Thank you for your input BSA! Your post would have made me angry and/or depressed in the past but my PE is attached to a positive mental state and keeps me very secure and content with myself. If conflict with arise at some point in the future then I accept. I will try to make it work but if things ultimately don't work then I accept. I know so much about PE that it is here to stay in my life one way or another :). My woman is a personal trainer and is obsessed with transforming her body 6 days a week minimum. She has changed her physical appearance radically over the past 2 years and spends a lot of time in front of the many mirrors we have in our place looking at herself and asking for my opinion. You know what? I try to encourage her and cheer her on transformation on BUT I don't think I'd be so understanding if I didn't have PE in my life and for that I am grateful.
Good Lord... Thank you for your input BSA! Your post would have made me angry and/or depressed in the past but my PE is attached to a positive mental state and keeps me very secure and content with myself. If conflict with arise at some point in the future then I accept. I will try to make it work but if things ultimately don't work then I accept. I know so much about PE that it is here to stay in my life one way or another :). My woman is a personal trainer and is obsessed with transforming her body 6 days a week minimum. She has changed her physical appearance radically over the past 2 years and spends a lot of time in front of the many mirrors we have in our place looking at herself and asking for my opinion. You know what? I try to encourage her and cheer her on transformation on BUT I don't think I'd be so understanding if I didn't have PE in my life and for that I am grateful.

Whether it makes you happy you’re not you can guarantee that Big is going to give you the truth even if it hurts. True love is being truthful!
My woman is a personal trainer and is obsessed with transforming her body 6 days a week minimum. She has changed her physical appearance radically over the past 2 years and spends a lot of time in front of the many mirrors we have in our place looking at herself and asking for my opinion. You know what? I try to encourage her and cheer her on transformation on BUT I don't think I'd be so understanding if I didn't have PE in my life and for that I am grateful.
PE almost transforms us into 'Superheroes', in that all the small/medium/large things that used to bother me within a relationship are no longer present. Women can feel/sense that in us (just like we can sense their insecurities) and when we don't 'act-out' like every other BF/SO/Husband they've had, it gives them a feeling of safety and calm. Your sweetie sounds like she's in this zone that you've created and it would take an egregious act by you for her to bask in this warmth, it's a beautiful thing (and I'm really happy that you've found someone worthy enough of your care and generosity).
Yup it takes some serious balance for a women to not have (or develop) Penis Envy after learning about her man doing PE (as a real hobby)
Penis Envy is about her lack of Self-Esteem & her lack of connection to her Physical body, usually both if i remember right from my readings (of Alexander Lowen & Wilhelm Reich Books). Basically comes down to Her inability to overcome her hangups which then she projects on the opposite gender (or in this case the PE'r partner)
Well put, this is a really insightful thread. Can others that have come out, and spoke with partners please share experiences.
PE almost transforms us into 'Superheroes', in that all the small/medium/large things that used to bother me within a relationship are no longer present. Women can feel/sense that in us (just like we can sense their insecurities) and when we don't 'act-out' like every other BF/SO/Husband they've had, it gives them a feeling of safety and calm. Your sweetie sounds like she's in this zone that you've created and it would take an egregious act by you for her to bask in this warmth, it's a beautiful thing (and I'm really happy that you've found someone worthy enough of your care and generosity).

This is so true and it happens with maturity in PE. We come here with obsessive thoughts of being small or in adequate but is soon as we realize PE works we become superheroes in our minds because we discovered the secret to what every man wants to know. Keep it in the closet in my opinion is the best way. As I said earlier if you need to talk about it talk to the brotherhood not your wife.
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