Advice for overweight newbie?


I’m a newbie to PE and I’d love some advice. I’m pretty overweight, and my equipment wasn’t big to begin with (even back when I was thin). My measurements last week (when I started PE) were 5.0” BPEL and 4.6” EG, but because I’m overweight (and my fat pad is … fat) my NBPEL is only 2.4”. (It’s to the point that, at least when I’m standing, when not erect it’s buried.)

I’m working on the fat pad part – I’ve lost more than 25 pounds already, working out and eating (a little) better. I’ve still got a ways to go.

Be that as it may, I have a (modest?) goal of reaching 5.75 or 6.0 BPEL…though if things go well, I’ll probably keep going and see what I can get. The problem is, I can’t really seem to get going. I bought an X4 [words=]Extender[/words] and I’m having a hard time getting it on and keeping it on. It’s not that it’s too big (it’s not) it’s just…I need like three or four hands! One to compress it (and push it into my pad), one to stretch out myself, and one or two to tie it all up. I managed to do it with both the silicon tube and the “comfort strap” but it took me at least ten minutes (each) to do it, and I had to be laying down. I was able to get up and walk around pretty normally, but only if I tightened the straps enough to where I was concerned I might be cutting circulation off too much. (I also tried the Velcro but couldn’t get it on right.)

Needless to say, I’m a little frustrated.

I also have an old pump – that’s cheap and not comfortable. However, I can use it just fine. I’m wondering if I should just stick with the pump for now, until I lose some more weight. Can anyone recommend a good (yet maybe not terribly expensive?) pump that I should look into?

Any advice or suggestions?

Thanks for your help!

Hi Ninja

First off , let me welcome you the the best place on the planet for help and advice! You will get a hell of alot of support and advice from my fellow brothers .
Reading your post has led me to give you this little bit of advice and I'm certain you will get alot more very soon.
Because of your weight issue which you are trying to control ( props on that bud ) and the size of your fat pad which is causing issues with your [words=]extender[/words] , I would suggest you concentrate on manual stretching and wrapping with [words=]ace bandage[/words] after you have trained. Check out the [words=]newbie routine[/words], read up as much as you can and try to implement some of the wwealth of knowledge available. In time as you loose weight you will be able to take full advantage from your x4 and implement [words=]SRT[/words] ( read up on this also ) but before that you can use the [words=]ace bandage[/words] as an all day healing aid.
The [words=]newbie routine[/words] will bring results and healing in a stretched position will help enormously towards your modest goal.
Please remember to remove your [words=]ace bandage[/words] every hour or so to get the blood flowing and perform a few stretches before putting it back on.
If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Peace bro
to add to BeardedBaldy's excellent advice, you could look into the [words=]Bathmate[/words] product line and explore the wonderful world of [words=]hydro-pumping[/words], (the science behind using water vs. air has to do with the much higher density of water and it's ability to impart the suction-power more evenly with greater force...after a good pumping session throw-on a cockring (i use a cheapo hair-tie) to maintain the 'pump' and train your flaccid to hang longer.

anyway, explore and experiment...but most of all take advantage of the enormous wealth of knowledge here
Big Schwanz Acht;741804 said:
to add to BeardedBaldy's excellent advice, you could look into the [words=]Bathmate[/words] product line and explore the wonderful world of [words=]hydro-pumping[/words], (the science behind using water vs. air has to do with the much higher density of water and it's ability to impart the suction-power more evenly with greater force...after a good pumping session throw-on a cockring (i use a cheapo hair-tie) to maintain the 'pump' and train your flaccid to hang longer.

anyway, explore and experiment...but most of all take advantage of the enormous wealth of knowledge here

Good advice indeed!
Thanks for the advice, both of you! I love the idea of the [words=]ace[/words] wrap, and I can do the [words=]newbie routine[/words] pretty easily. I'll check out the pump too - it looks a lot better than mine! I'll keep you posted how things are going.

you'll be pleasantly surprised at the amount of energy and enthusiasm your first 1" of gains'll permeate throughout your entire being and provide that added boost to do 'one more rep' or eat a healthier diet. It's magical
Being overweight when starting PE is actually a good thing and I will tell you why. If you are not happy with your body and penis you have a great opportunity to gain visual penis very quickly. When I am overweight my fat pad can be more than 2"! And when I am fat I feel completely unattractive. So this is the two-fold awesomeness of being overweight and in PE. When you have gotten to your idea weight and lost the fat pad your body will look incredible and, without any PE, you will realize however much length is buried under the fat pad. Now add in PE and your gains will seem incredibly fast. If you have a fat pad of 2" and your lose that and gain 2" from PE you will now have 4" of visible peis by only gaining 2 inches! That is the cool part! The awesome part is you are going to feel so much better about yourself that it will be life changing. I wish youth best!