I was just wondering if any one of u guys have tried accutane, because i have acne but its not terrible theres just scars and i get pimples and breakout. And i have a appointment with a dermatologist next week and i was going to ask him/her if i could try it because over the counter stuff doesn't work for me, if any one has any advice or opinons that would be awesome.
well the best thing is to go to the dermatologist, but I personally use Proactive solution, its a three step product that works GREAT for acne, and well you can probably get soome laser treatment or something for the scars.
I have been on 2 6 month cycles of accutane. I'll tell you straight out...the stuff works, but while you're on it you will probably be deeply depressed after taking it for over a month or so. There is all kinds of websites linked to this and the side-effect of the drug, it fucks with your head and has many side-effects, the only one that I noticed while taking it was the mild to very deep depression, though i have had problems with depression in the past but not as much depression as this stuff gives you. I don't know what your acne is like but definately use it as a last resort unless you think you can deal with the depression it gives you, not even think though, KNOW you can deal with it. I've read many many stories of people committing suicide while on this drug and there is currently a lawsuit against the company because of it. I don't know how old you are either, but when I was on it i was only 15 or 16..
Never do accutan, talk about really bad depression and horrible chap lips and possible liver damage.

get laser


that is the best out there and is cheaper than accutane.
I disagree Supra...I've seen a lot of people saying smoothbeam ruined their face. The side effects of accutane are blown way out of proportion by the media. By far the most common side effects are chapped lips and dry skin...whoopie! Get some damn chapstick and moisterizer and get rid of your acne, it's a small price to pay.
I used to have chronic acne starting as a teenager and all the way through my late 20's. Although it was persistent, fortunately it was usually not severe. But none of the over the counter topical medications that I tried seemed to work very well. Eventually I consulted a dermatologist who initially prescribed some antibiotics, but they didn't work either. Then he prescribed Accutane for about a 5 month period, and that permanently cleared up my acne. The only side effect that I had while on it was increased sensitivity to sunlight. I did not experience any depressive symptoms.
Originally posted by seven_wants_ten
I disagree Supra...I've seen a lot of people saying smoothbeam ruined their face. The side effects of accutane are blown way out of proportion by the media. By far the most common side effects are chapped lips and dry skin...whoopie! Get some damn chapstick and moisterizer and get rid of your acne, it's a small price to pay.

I took acutane, and then had smooth beam, it work wonders for me.
Originally posted by seven_wants_ten
Well that's great for you, but that's your autobiography. What works for you may not work for another.

Geezz sorry man your biting my head off.
I was on it about 2 years ago. I went to a dermatologist and he put me on it. Took it for 6 months and it wiped away the acne permanently. Had to have routine blood tests and couldn't drink for that whole time though.
OMG dude!!!! DO not do not use accutane!!!!

Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad!!! I lost vision from it when I was 16, it spread my acne and turned the pimples into painful painful nickel sized blood pussed zits. I lived in a nightmare life and almost ended it because of the depression it put me in. As well made me impotent for a year. And having been 16 and being impotent is so so horrible to go through thinking your never gonna have sex. It also made my hair fall out and took what energy I had away.

Do you guys remember that kid that flew a plane into a big building in Florida a few months after 9-11. He was on accutane, the parents tried to sue the company for it causing him such bad depression he killed himself, along with hundreds of other people in the past who have tried too. Doctors freaked out what it did to me.

After I got off it I took antibiotic, I think it was called ampicilin, my skin cleared up after 3 months. A year later my skin started breaking out again becuase I stopped taking it. Years later I found, drink lots of water, don't get over stressed, keep your hands off your face, wash it once in the morning and once at night, don't over dry it, put a non oil based lotion on everynight (very important), and I just use Clean and Clear facial soap. The only time my skin breaks out it from drinking too much liqour, not enough sleep, or Im really really stressed out.
I have tried Accutane when I was 15 and 17 (i did two 6 month treatments) all I can say about Accutane was thank god for it, it cleared all my acne up and has never came. The side effects I had where quite mild , very chapped lips and dry skin , nose bleeds frequently and sensitive to sunlight (burn faster) that was about it I never had any depression while on it. There are some other good treatments out there now but if you have serve acne I believe Accutane if the only drug that will clear it up and stop it from coming back for good.
I found the ULTIMATE stuff to get rid of spots people. All this time it has been right under our noses.
Well, i used be on the right track using Benzoyl Peroxide a Drying agent but this is Expensive and runs out quickly. But i found a Drying agent to be the best stuff to fight spots. Dont use Acutane it seriously messes with your body not worth it over spots.
Well i went out and bought a non fragrenced soap bar, just a normal bar of it. what i do is in the morning useing a clean flannel wash with really hot water and give my face a good rub over with it. then i Rub my face in loads of Soap and leave it for a few minutes then rinse with freezing cold water Morning and Night.
1)Hot Water with CLEAN Flannel
2)Soap Soap Soap (non-perfumed)
4)Morning and Night
Ive used so many products but nothing has kept the spots at bay like this has.
Thank me Later ;)

And BTW - It dries your skin out pretty bad over repeated use, so try investing in a decent moisturizer and youll be fine i use Vaseline Intensive Care.
I have gone on 4 cylces of accutane, one each year for the past 4 years. The first and the last were 40mg each day and the middle two were 40mg taken every other day. The every day doses completely cleared my skin up while the every other day doses didn't really do anything noticable (I know it seems a little weird but those were my results). The chapped lips were pretty bad but could be remedied with vaseline, as long as you apply several times daily they wont get all cracked.

But, all 4 times I went on it I got severely depressed. I have suffered from depression and it runs in my family, however, I am usually not that bad and it happend all 4 times without fail. In my mind, there is DEFINATELY a connection there.

I am currently looking into the smoothbeam laser treatment Supra recommended, I have a consultation in 2 weeks. If it works like accutane without the depression, then I am all for it.
I started using a product called Dermalotion (Was named Aknedoron in the past) just a few days ago.
Man i'm pleased with the results :D
My skin is nog longer dry and painful but now it's really smooth. The acne is slowly dissapearing.
The producer of Dermalotion only uses natural ingredients featuring several herbs and sulfur.
I do have one negative comment about it and that's the smell. The smell is very annoying but maybe that's different for others. Also, the sulfur ingredient as expected gives a very slight rotten-egg smell.

Great product. Natural and cheap! just 8 euros! :D
The product's originates from the UK so UK ppl should have no problem getting it.
I just finsihed a 16 week cycle of accutane. Everyone responds to meds differently so you will just have to see if it's right for you.

I experienced:

dry skin, chapped lips, nose bleeds
elevated aggression (I got pissed off at people and inanimate objects quickly)
it destroyed my libido while I was on it, but it's back now:zzboner:
sore muscles, I could not work out while I was on it
I drank just as much as I did when I was not on it, which means getting hammered once a week and having a few drinks here and there

I would recommend it If you can deal with the side effects.
Originally posted by MustBeDreaming
OMG dude!!!! DO not do not use accutane!!!!

Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad!!! I lost vision from it when I was 16, it spread my acne and turned the pimples into painful painful nickel sized blood pussed zits. I lived in a nightmare life and almost ended it because of the depression it put me in. As well made me impotent for a year. And having been 16 and being impotent is so so horrible to go through thinking your never gonna have sex. It also made my hair fall out and took what energy I had away.

Do you guys remember that kid that flew a plane into a big building in Florida a few months after 9-11. He was on accutane, the parents tried to sue the company for it causing him such bad depression he killed himself, along with hundreds of other people in the past who have tried too. Doctors freaked out what it did to me.

After I got off it I took antibiotic, I think it was called ampicilin, my skin cleared up after 3 months. A year later my skin started breaking out again becuase I stopped taking it. Years later I found, drink lots of water, don't get over stressed, keep your hands off your face, wash it once in the morning and once at night, don't over dry it, put a non oil based lotion on everynight (very important), and I just use Clean and Clear facial soap. The only time my skin breaks out it from drinking too much liqour, not enough sleep, or Im really really stressed out.

I thought this was a joke at first. Dude how do you know the worsened acne was a result of the accutane and not natural progression. Many people start with mild acne and its gets worse. Im guessing you didnt give it enough chance. And its not surprising that you were depressed with vision loss and bad acne...
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