
  1. G

    �naked people movies� star __________ gets blow job by non �naked people movies� star

    Anybody know where the rest of these pictures are or who the chick in it is? And btw been lurking and learning before joining and gained .3 in girth in about 30 days from rolling pin excersise(dangerous i know) , combined with cock ring sometimes. Went from 5.3 to 5.6....feels a lil...
  2. eugine8plz

    Can you gain after 1 year of PE? Hard gainer!!!

    Hello, I am Eugene and I am a hard gainer. I have been practicing PE for about 13.5 months and I've been part of MOS for almost a year. Throughout this time in doing PE I have probably made about .2" in gains TOPS! I am sick of not being able to gain, I need help!!! So after this long in PE with...
  3. B

    Bundled in Phallason Forte?

    How do you stay bundled in the phalloson forte? I read in a few other posts that some people are doing bundled stretches in the phalloson forte. How does this work?
  4. D

    New to air pumping

    I am considering buying a cylinder from boston pump what size tune should I get I am 6 inches in length and 5.5 inches of girth

    How long is a piece of string

    I'm starting this thread because I have noticed that alot of people ask the same questions regarding length of time to make gains" how long to gain an inch" or " what's the average gain in X amount of months " I really do belive this is the wrong way to go, having that mentality is not good...
  6. S

    Wanting to Boost Immune System

    For reasons entirely unrelated to PE I am wanting to give my immune system a serious boost. As far as I am aware, I eat reasonably well and I very rarely get ill but still have something minor that I haven't been able to shake. I don't want to go into what exactly as I've tried literally every...
  7. B

    Pelvic floor muscles exercises

    Hi folks, Last month I went to see the urologist regarding to conditions that make my penis and balls that get shrinkage which it make it looks like a baby penis and it make my balls swelling. I have been diagnosed with varicocele and possibly cremaster reflex. I have been advised to do the...
  8. mahoney1234

    Good exercise for hardness.

    Been away for a while hope everyone's doing well. I don't know if anyone posted something like this before if so, salute to you. My body subconciously kegels all day long and I realized my pc muscle doesn't get a burn anymore so I wanted to up the intensity. Get a pair of tight fitting...
  9. J

    1" length in 3 months

    Starting 7.75BPEL Goal in 3 months 8.75BPEL Start Date : 05/09/16 Stats : Bpfsl 8.25" Bpel 7.75" Nbpel 7.5

    clues to gains without measuring

    So last night me and the missez had sex for the first time in a week due to it being that time of the month for her, anyway the last few times we have been at it I've noticed it's been harder for me to put it in her so im thing girth gains right? Now I say this because I'm not actually taking...
  11. Ronin_OZ

    Bundled stretches pain

    Hi everyone, when I do this stretch I feel pain in the skin of the shaft. Is this normal to begin with? Will it go away? Or am I doing it wrong?
  12. T

    I want replies for some questions please

    Hi before starting the training I want to know whether my measurements are normal or not. I have 22 y/o and in erection my penis 13 cm(5.12 inches) and.girth 13.5 cm.(5.31 inchs ) there is some pictures http://i.imgur.com/4nPgpY0.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QU61olT.jpg you find that...
  13. D

    Is Justin Beiber doing PE?

    Look at his two penis pics done a year (or so) apart. He looks bigger now. I know people will say it's the angle , the distance the pic was taken etc. but he has that tell tale Bathmate discoloration. I think the Beibs is pumping his Beiber.
  14. D

    New routine

    Am new to devices, but have been jelquing close to four years. Former routines came from a book on a different site. Am almost starting from scratch with some of the ideas and routines I'm seeing here. Am wanting to work my way through the five phases, starting with the first of DLD's routine...
  15. P

    A few doubts

    The very first exercise as the most basic exercise for gaining penis size was JELQS ...no body stated if it was for length or girth but it was for overall penis size Now I do stretching and JELQS in the morning 5 mins stretch every direction 5 min rotary. 5 mins JELQ 5 min pull...
  16. habban

    Must SSJ be done erect?

    Hello! After you have used the bathmate and are going to apply the SSJ exercise, must your penis be erect in this state to be effective? As i do it now i just SSJ my penis directly after the pumping when my penis is in a flaccid pumped state. Flaccid pumped state = My penis is flaccid but...
  17. habban

    How do you grip when erect stretching?

    Hello! I just wonder how all of you grip when you do erect stretches? To me it seems impossible because my glans isn't big enough to get a stable grip underneath it, and i slide very easy if i go further down the shaft with my grip. I suppose i could need some sort of gloves or something to...
  18. P

    where do i find all the threads i made ?

    DLD this was discuused previously .....where can i find all my threads ?
  19. M


    so my goal is 9 im a 8.2 already i been doing stretching sense last week im looking to get thickness to is this the right way type this in youtube Jelquing - How To Jelq Step by Step - The Best Jelquing Routine (Exercise in Video) i wanna know if i can do it with one hand to and i wanna know...
  20. B

    New Routine. Revisited

    Hey, DLD Thanks for the help on my new Routine, but I shortened it up a bit. I am really satisfied with new Routine but its a lot different from the other routine we originally created. Tell me what you guys think? As of right now I am taking measurements. Hot Wrap (Warm Up) 5-10...
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