DutchAthletic’s ascension path to 10” BPEL

Okay those hanging sets went fine up till 2 kg (4.4 lbs)

After that last set of 2kg I got fluid retention and the blister was starting to pop up again.....


I quit my hanging session after the 4th set. So I hung in total for 2 hours, I didn’t feel any tunica burning obviously because I was using very light weights.

I guess I have to let my glans heal more. I will keep doing these sets and I’ll make sure I stay under the blister treshold.
Okay those hanging sets went fine up till 2 kg (4.4 lbs)

After that last set of 2kg I got fluid retention and the blister was starting to pop up again.....


I quit my hanging session after the 4th set. So I hung in total for 2 hours, I didn’t feel any tunica burning obviously because I was using very light weights.

I guess I have to let my glans heal more. I will keep doing these sets and I’ll make sure I stay under the blister treshold.
Then take that time off to heal because if you keep exasperating the situation it will never clear up. I suggest you take a couple weeks I just train your pelvic floor muscles and do some deep tissue massage and then when things are completely cleared we can ease into your routine again. So take a week or two off and let’s see where you are.
I concur with DLD. It's tough taking a break but there are times when we must let our bodies or parts of our bodies heal.
I'm returning to hanging and must remember to keep the weights low. As long as you're giving some stimulus, things can happen and growth can occur. But it is necessary to take a break if there are issues to let healing take place.

Wishing you the best @DutchAthletic92 , take care!
okay guys I will take a few weeks off to let it completely heal.

There is no other option.... I HAVE to let it heal 100%

Lessons learned...! You cannot go extreme with this stuff.

I’ll keep you guys updated. I’ll do my kegel training every other day.
Tuesday april 30th

Kegel training

Fast twitch muscle fibres
Pc kegel fast clamps 5x50
Pc reverse kegel fast clamps 5x50

Slow twitch muscle fibres
Long slow kegel squeezes 5x50s
Long slow reverse kegel squeezes 5x50s

There is one problem... I don’t know if my kegel training is balanced. Like is a long slow squeeze of 50 seconds the same as 50 fast clamps?

I want to train both my fast and slow twitch fibres in my PC muscles and they have to get the same strength....

For now i’m lying down in my bed, practicing these kegels.

When I get stronger I will do these sitting on my knees.

I must admit I didn’t do any kegel training the last 4-5 weeks so I have to start over again.

By the way:
I have read about penis weightlifting in ancient Taoism era’s and they did these kegels along with hanging weights off their penis. That is exactly what i’m trying to accomplish.

They did a long slow squeeze with an erection and hung like 2-3 pounds off their dicks. That is insane!! Can you imagine the superhuman strength and sexual prowess in their dicks? That is really a sign of masculinity. To stay hard for as long as you want and total 1000% effortless control over your ejaculations and dick.

Also the fast PC clamps with an erection hanging a few pounds off their dicks. Insane pc muscle strength. Unbelievable.

In comparison I can hang 5 grams of fishing lead weights off my erection and I can only do like 10 fast clamps and 10 seconds of a long slow squeeze... After that my erection dies and dick fatigues ?

Guys do your kegels, get as strong as those ancient Taoism warriors.

Can you imagine the god-level intense earth shattering whole body shaking and trembling orgasms that they had? Over and over and over again, multiple male orgasms and they still didn’t ejaculate and could pound pussy hard for hours and hours and stay rock hard like a steel pipe.

So this is another reminder for me that i’m on the right path?
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By the way, the instructions I received from a doctor stated that's it beneficial to vary with the different Kegels on different days.
As in Monday you'd do faster sets, Tuesday longer holds, Wednesday rest, Thursday 60-70 % shorter holds etc..
For me it seems logical anyway. You must remember to rest with Kegeling as well, that's why I mentioned the rest day.
Don't burn yourself out my good Brother, keep the flame burning, sometimes soaring high, sometimes a bit dimmer. :)
By the way, the instructions I received from a doctor stated that's it beneficial to vary with the different Kegels on different days.
As in Monday you'd do faster sets, Tuesday longer holds, Wednesday rest, Thursday 60-70 % shorter holds etc..
For me it seems logical anyway. You must remember to rest with Kegeling as well, that's why I mentioned the rest day.
Don't burn yourself out my good Brother, keep the flame burning, sometimes soaring high, sometimes a bit dimmer. :)

Hmm that is actually very interesting. Just like in the gym doing a push pull legs split and every muscle group gets 48 hours of rest etc. So you train each day a different muscle group and alternating between various effective exercises.

I will try this out, thanks!
Wednesday may 1st

Rest day

Didn’t do any kegel training because i’m switching up training days. I’m now alternating between fast twitch fibre kegels and slow twitch fibre kegels so every muscle group gets 48 hours of rest before working again on that muscle group.
Friday may 3rd

Kegel training

Fast twitch muscle fibres
Pc kegel fast clamps 5x50
Pc reverse kegel fast clamps 5x50

I’m doing these on my knees because I feel like reverse kegeling while lying down in bed is not efficient/ effective.

It seems hard to do a reverse kegel lying in bed, the feeling is different as when you would do them standing or sitting on your knees...
What happened in your case? What injury? Sucks man, I hope you get better soon!
probably a combination of over-pumping and too much walking, but I developed a rash where your scrotum meets your leg...it's now been almost two weeks! It's getting better, but I'm not going to disturb that area (as much as that's possible), until fully healed.
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probably a combination of over-pumping and too much walking, but I developed a rash where your scrotum meets your leg...it's now been almost two weeks! It's getting better, but I'm not going to disturb that area (as much as that's possible), until fully healed.
Saturday may 5th

Kegel training

Level 1: beginner position lying down in bed.

Slow twitch muscle fibres
Long slow kegel squeezes 5x50 sec
Long slow reverse kegel squeezes 5x50 sec
I have increased reps but now I have to calibrate stuff because it may be too much at once.

I didn’t do kegels for 5-6 weeks and I have to force myself to increase slowly so my pc muscles don’t get too sore ?
eventually, you'll find yourself doing Kegels almost involuntarily...like almost a habit
I have increased reps but now I have to calibrate stuff because it may be too much at once.

I didn’t do kegels for 5-6 weeks and I have to force myself to increase slowly so my pc muscles don’t get too sore ?

I’m so glad that you’re training your pelvic floor muscles because it is so important as you gain size so you’re able to fill that new size with new blood. If you gain the size and you have weak pelvic floor muscles you’ll end up having weak erections.
Sunday may 5th

Kegel training

Fast twitch muscle fibres
Pc kegel fast clamps 5x20
Pc reverse kegel fast clamps 5x20

I’m doing these on my knees because I feel like reverse kegeling while lying down in bed is not efficient/ effective.

It seems hard to do a reverse kegel lying in bed, the feeling is different as when you would do them standing or sitting on your knees...

I got shamed today by talking to some guys about PE, it’s clearly not accepted in todays society and people are ignorant as fuck. I have to admit that I don’t have rock solid proof as in starting pics and pictures of gains made. I’ll come back at them within two years to show my length gains.

This has motivated me to even get more committed to PE, and I laugh at their asses for being so ignorantly stupid.

They think PE isn’t supported by the medical community and science so it doesn’t work. And also that your dick falls off when you try to stretch. PE can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing indeed, but lots of guys are fucking stupid.

Also the size question debate is tiring, I don’t participate anymore, i’ll let them stay average and small, I don’t care anymore.
I’ve been 12 days off from training. My blister has healed, and i’m gonna resume reverse pyramid hanging sets with the SiliStretcher tomorrow.

View attachment 1821681

You can see the small pink spot where the blister was. I think this layer of skin won’t grow back so it’s best to resume my hanging sets. Slowly building up.

Looking good I’m very proud that you took the time off necessary to allow this to heal properly. Now when you look at your routine consider a new version that I’ve come out with called DLD Triangle Pyramid Training, If you have the time it’s a step beyond Reverse Pyramid Hanging, check it out let me know what you think.

Looking good I’m very proud that you took the time off necessary to allow this to heal properly. Now when you look at your routine consider a new version that I’ve come out with called DLD Triangle Pyramid Training, If you have the time it’s a step beyond Reverse Pyramid Hanging, check it out let me know what you think.

I will definitely do this triangle pyramid hanging method. In fact I was already doing that a little bit, after my maximum weight i’d lower the weights and ride the fatigue for as long as possible during that day.

The key here is to ride the fatigue with the least amount of weight possible for the longest amount of time. ?
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Kegel training

Slow twitch muscle fibres
Long slow kegel squeezes 5x20s
Long slow reverse kegel squeezes 5x20s

Lengthmaster bundled stretching 10 minutes

SiliStretcher triangle pyramid hanging sets

1st set: 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 1 kg (2.2 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 2kg (4.4 lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 1.5kg (3.3 lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 1 kg (2.2 lbs) for 30 mins

I check my glans after every 30 minute set. This way I can be sure no blister’s popping up again.

Slow squash jelqs after every set just to eliminate fluid retention in the glans. It’s not aimed to gain size in girth.

I’m trying light weights for longer hours to induce fatigue with the hours-factor instead of the heavy weight-factor.
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I will definitely do this triangle pyramid hanging method. In fact I was already doing that a little bit, after my maximum weight i’d lower the weights and ride the fatigue for as long as possible during that day.

The key here is to ride the fatigue with the least amount of weight possible for the longest amount of time. ?

Definitely stick with what you are doing for at least 3 months, they’ll be waiting for you! ?
Tuesday may 7th

Kegel training:
Fast twitch pc-muscles
Pc kegel clamps 5x20
Pc reverse kegel clamps 5x20

Lengthmaster bundled stretching 10 minutes

SiliStretcher triangle pyramid hanging sets

1st set: 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 1 kg (2.2 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 2kg (4.4 lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 1.5kg (3.3 lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 1 kg (2.2 lbs) for 30 mins

Slow Squash Jelqs to eliminate glans fluid retention.
Wednesday may 8th

Tomorrow i’m going back to my parents house in my hometown; i’m going to visit some friends and I have several birthday parties so i’m just gonna let it heal better.

After one hour of hanging last night I thought there was a new blister popping up but i’m not sure. I think i’m doomed to check my dick after every 30 mins of hanging. Even at low weights.

But I can live with that if it will prevent future blisters on my glans.

I’ll be back saturday or maybe sunday.

I will just do my regular kegel program:

Slow twitch muscle fibres
Long slow kegel squeezes 5x20s
Long slow reverse kegel squeezes 5x20s
Tuesday may 7th

Kegel training:
Fast twitch pc-muscles
Pc kegel clamps 5x20
Pc reverse kegel clamps 5x20

Lengthmaster bundled stretching 10 minutes

SiliStretcher triangle pyramid hanging sets

1st set: 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 1 kg (2.2 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 2kg (4.4 lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 1.5kg (3.3 lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 1 kg (2.2 lbs) for 30 mins

Slow Squash Jelqs to eliminate glans fluid retention.

I love it I love it I love it! This is a kick ass routine! You’re going to make great gains with this I can’t wait to your first measurement
Sunday may 12th

After some days off i’m back at my dorm room. I’m gonna ease into silistretcher hanging SLOWLY.

I cannot start hanging for 4-5 hours again I have to build up the sets.

When I was hanging 4 days ago with only 0.5 kg for 30 mins and 30 mins with 1 kg straight without interruption and check ups of the glans I saw a blister starting to develop underneath the glans skin on the same spot where the other one was......

Even on very light weights and no check up and tension release after every 30 mins my glans is prone to developing blisters.... So that’s pretty fucked up.

I try to squeeze out all blood of the glans but it flows back in the glans and there isn’t any circulation being cut off so I have always blood in the glans.

I’m hanging for 1 hour tonight with the SiliStretcher:

1st set: 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 1 kg (2.2 lbs) for 30 mins

So I think I have to add up 1 set of 30 mins every day until i’m back at my old fatigue levels.

I am also thinking on how to do my silistretcher triangle pyramid sets with no privacy when i’m visiting my parent’s house as there are some family members sleeping in my bedroom as well.

I can get up at 05:00-06:00 in the morning and do my sets but i’m terified that I get caught by a family member and then I have to explain why i’m hanging weights off my dick.

Oh and on top of that, I didn’t do any kegels.... I guess i’m quite lazy lately because I don’t have to perform in the bedroom, i’m single, I don’t date, I don’t see girls, i’m basically an incel LOL.

But I understand that when the time comes... So when I get to a respectable size of at least 8”-8.5” I have to be ready to deliver top performance in the bedroom.
Tuesday may 14th

Last night I got extreme pain in my stomach and I had to go to the ER at the hospital. They suspect that I might have galbladder stones, I was put on morphine opiate pain killers. I was in so much pain, I can’t describe the extreme pain. I went through hell.

On top of that I am a little down since yesterday and i’m trying to survive this, I might get surgery. Doctor wants to remove the galbladder but i’m not sure about that.

I’m eating healthy and clean, I don’t understand why I got galbladder stones, you read different things on the internet. One says it it caused by a high fat high cholesterol diet and being overweight, and another blog says it is caused by refined high carbs diets etc

I don’t know what to do anymore I am afraid to eat something so I haven‘t eaten for the last 26 hours because I don‘t want to wake up again in the middle of the night with extreme pain in my stomach area.

I try to be healthy and living a healthy lifestyle and it’s all for nothing, why is this happening to me?

This really sucks.

I didn’t train on monday and tuesday, I try to start over again tomorrow.

Our corrupt for-profit medical system s simply barbaric. Gallstones? SEVERE the bladder. Apendix? SEVERE the appendix. Breast with tumor gene? SEVERE the breast.

Its ridiculous, barbaric, corrupt outdated. BUT, is the only thing we have access to, because thats the way it has been imposed by force to make money out of peoples health and quality of life. There are severe consequences by amputating your gallbladder. Most probably you will be able to live an average amount of time, but in reality with good nutrition you could live easily past 100 in great general health.

You might think you are eating healthy, but I am pretty much you are not. If you want post here your average daily diet and I will tell you. I AM NOT A DOCTOR, but it costed me the life of my father to learn about the medical corruption and what is the truth behind in nutritional science.

With that being said, THERE ARE RECIPES to detox your gallbladder and help her dump the stones.

CHOLESTEROL IS NOT A PROBLEM. It might be for you right now, because due to a nutritionally deficient diet your gallbladder got stuck, but cholesterol is imperative for good health and everybody must consume plenty of cholesterol and animal fat on a daily basis.

Just like heart disease, CHOLESTEROL IS NOT THE PROBLEM. There is no relationship. I repeat, there is no relationship between cholesterol intake and the development of heart disease. The underlying condition is a different one. But thats another topic.

I will help you later to find a good treatment to do yourself at home and make the gallbladder dump those stone formations. And that is something that anybody can do once in a while to clean the gallbladder.
Something to start with for education:

Thanks for your information ! I don’t want surgery, I want to solve this problem naturally. I have read about the problems when you have to live without a galbladder.

It sucks because I like high fat cholesterol diets I eat it mainly for my hormones testosterone & DHT.....

I love eggs and steak, beef and butter, I eat free range organic eggs, these are the highest quality in my country but they are NOT grass-fed...

I HATE the food industry, I cannot find grassfed organic free range eggs, they ALL get fed soja products even though it’s organic soja I don’t know if that’s healthy for chickens.

Naturally a chicken eats grass worms insects etc...

When I eat bacon sometimes, it’s organic pork from the supermarket but I have the feeling I might get scammed.... They put that organic sticker on everything nowadays to mislead customers!

I live in a big city and I don’t have access to a farmer or country side villages... I am dependent on “organic” supermarkets in my city.

I have fasted now for 40 hours and I don’t know if it will help or something.

I followed a DHT diet consisting mainly of eggs, beef vegetables, butter..

2200-2300 kcals (cutting diet, I am losing 2.2 lbs of fat per week, I know calories are a bit too low for my hormones but fuck it, i’m 32% bodyfat and I have to lose weight.)

40-50% fats from “organic” eggs (supermarket)
30% carbs from non organic fruits/veggies and white rice/noodles (cheap supermarket quality)
20% protein coming from eggs/beef/chicken

It’s not a 100% organic diet, I cannot afford that unfortunately.

Free range organic eggs (not grass fed supermarket quality, and they feed them soja and other unnatural products.....)
Butter (organic, not grass fed supermarket quality)
Beef (organic, sometimes non organic supermarket quality)
Veggies (bell peppers, onions, garlic, zuchini, eggplant, it’s a pre made mix of grilled vegetables which is easy and convenient, you just have to heat a skillet and put everything in there, ready in 5 mins)

I have found this video about getting rid of gallbladder stones with natural supplements from a natural medicine doctor :

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What you're eating is good, since fat and cholesterol IS NOT the cause of gallbladder stones. The cause of the stones is dehydration plus severe nutrient deficiency. You ARE NOT putting in your body the essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids your body needs in the right amounts for your age, weight, height. If you are overweight, do you consume gluten?
What you're eating is good, since fat and cholesterol IS NOT the cause of gallbladder stones. The cause of the stones is dehydration plus severe nutrient deficiency. You ARE NOT putting in your body the essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids your body needs in the right amounts for your age, weight, height. If you are overweight, do you consume gluten?

I drink 3 liters a day of my own home made mineral water, I add 4700 mg potassium powder en 2500 mg magnesium powder in their highest bio available form. And I add some organic pink himalayan mountain salt to it; maximum of 6 grams of natrium per day. What I add to my mineral water varies because I also get natrium with food intake.

I lack the essential fatty soluble vitamins .... I don’t eat liver, I don’t get animal derived vitamin A, D, E, K2 .... no selenium, I ran out of brazil nuts,

I do get some water soluble vitamins like C and B and I get 30-40mg of zink, and I have a multivitamin which I don’t take every day... I forget about it and I heard synthetic forms of vitamins can actually do more harm than good.

I’m eating well, on the surface but I think I have severe nutrient deficiencies...

Furtunately I didn’t had any pain last night so I slept better. I lowered my fat intake a bit from 50% to 30% and I still have my eggs because I love eggs.

I also ordered organic sorghum flour (DHT booster, gluten, lactose free, I can bake my own bread etc)
yep got to prove myself i can get to that size asap is hard i know its hard but im not a quitter

The sacrifices that I made in order to do PE are insane in others people’s eyes....

There are guys who think I have a severe mental illness / disorder because I chose to embark on this path. While they are chasing girls, I delay that short term gratification.

I said to them: I see you guys in 2-3 years, you guys will still be average with an under performing dick due to not doing kegels and jelqing... And I have my 9 incher to test out.

And they want to travel and all that stuff, I couldn’t give a shit about travel, so different life choices and I know that deep inside they are insecure and whishing they had a big dick.

They know PE exists but they are in denial and they are shaming me for doing it. They don’t believe in gains, and they don’t want to invest the time. So yea i’m not trying to convince people anymore.

Even my own family, people are generally turned off by that idea of doing PE exercises. It’s weird etc,

So keep it to yourself, and do the work.
The sacrifices that I made in order to do PE are insane in others people’s eyes....

There are guys who think I have a severe mental illness / disorder because I chose to embark on this path. While they are chasing girls, I delay that short term gratification.

I said to them: I see you guys in 2-3 years, you guys will still be average with an under performing dick due to not doing kegels and jelqing... And I have my 9 incher to test out.

And they want to travel and all that stuff, I couldn’t give a shit about travel, so different life choices and I know that deep inside they are insecure and whishing they had a big dick.

They know PE exists but they are in denial and they are shaming me for doing it. They don’t believe in gains, and they don’t want to invest the time. So yea i’m not trying to convince people anymore.

Even my own family, people are generally turned off by that idea of doing PE exercises. It’s weird etc,

So keep it to yourself, and do the work.

Yeah dude i know how it goes most guys ask me why dont you get into a fucking relationship and shit,but i havent achieved my goals yet,Thats why they look down on us sometimes i dont give a shit about traveling most of them want to travel and have fun have new experiences while we are doing strange things behind doors...Thats why we are here i have diffrent perspectives about things n i believe you do too..My family i dont think they know about that,but this bitch got into my room and she saw a LM asked me what was that device for...n think she gets the idea.fucking nosey whore...
I drink 3 liters a day of my own home made mineral water, I add 4700 mg potassium powder en 2500 mg magnesium powder in their highest bio available form. And I add some organic pink himalayan mountain salt to it; maximum of 6 grams of natrium per day. What I add to my mineral water varies because I also get natrium with food intake.

I lack the essential fatty soluble vitamins .... I don’t eat liver, I don’t get animal derived vitamin A, D, E, K2 .... no selenium, I ran out of brazil nuts,

I do get some water soluble vitamins like C and B and I get 30-40mg of zink, and I have a multivitamin which I don’t take every day... I forget about it and I heard synthetic forms of vitamins can actually do more harm than good.

I’m eating well, on the surface but I think I have severe nutrient deficiencies...

Furtunately I didn’t had any pain last night so I slept better. I lowered my fat intake a bit from 50% to 30% and I still have my eggs because I love eggs.

I also ordered organic sorghum flour (DHT booster, gluten, lactose free, I can bake my own bread etc)

Please make sure first to get a correct diagnosis. Perhaps now that the pain has dissipated would be a good idea to get a second opinion.

If you're deficient on selenium, gallstones are between other things, a consequence of severe selenium deficiency.

You are exactly correct about synthetic forms of vitamins being harmful. The body cannot absorb synthetic forms of vitamins and minerals. In fact, many doctors, which are not qualified to talk about nutritional science because they dont receive any training nor knowledge about it, will tell you "oh forget about vitamins and all that crap, it doesnt work theyre even dangerous" Please NEVER, NEVER EVER listen to an MD about nutritional advice. NEVER. That is medical malpractice and they in reality KILL thousands of people every year by doing so. But they get a free pass. Those studies done on the effects of overdose of vitamins in the body, ARE DONE ON SYNTHETIC FORMS. A vitamin in a natural way, will be absorbed in the paper amounts and the rest the body will dispose it. But when they do these biased studies they dont put these factors in the equation because after all, it is convenient for them to label vitamins dangerous. That way they keep the population severely mal-nutrified, ill, taking drugs every day, and they profit from it.

Just like vitamins, If you are using mineral supplements, make sure they are from natural sources, ideally in trace liquid colloidal state.

I drink about a gallon of water a day, I use a mineral supplement called "concentrate" Its natural extract of ALL essential minerals plus 16 more found in natural sources in the soil, liquid, in colloidal state. I put 5 drops on every bottle of water. I drink around 12-13 bottles a day, so I am putting in my body plenty of essential minerals to maintain proper biochemical processes in every single cell. If you lack ONE. Just ONE mineral in your body, the catastrophic effect can spread to literally HUNDREDS of chronic symptoms and conditions.

If you have a huge manufacturing plant of jeans, and one of the hundreds of robots along the line assembling these jeans is missing a tiny washer on a bolt inside his operating arm, after repeating the same movement hundreds of times a day, thousands of times a week, hundreds of thousands of times per year, at some point that tiny bolt will start creating a shake. Vibration. Suddenly that arm will not be calibrated like is supposed to be, and the final product WILL NOT be as it was designed to be.

That, times 1000, is how important is EVERY SINGLE TRACE MINERAL in the human body. They need to be present every single day of our lives.
Remember, there is no profit in curing. Only profit in treating. The idea is to keep the population sick, or make them sick, so they can take the same drugs every day of their lives for the rest of their lives. Imagine the infinite amount of profit. And SURE they use EVERY SINGLE RESOURCE to make us sick. From vaccines, to spraying chemicals in the air, poisoning drinking water, poisoning crops with glyphosate (roundup), adding sugar in 90% of shelf products, etc...there are hundreds of ways to make us sick. All this will cause astronomical amounts of chronic inflammation, free radicals, oxidative damage. Add to this a severe lack of essential nutrients in the diet, and you have the PERFECT recipe for disaster. ALL humans are bound to become ill of any of the hundreds of chronic diseases available. ALL humans. Or Americans in this case because our Nation is the testing ground. It is just a matter of time, and the clock is ticking for everybody. UNLESS, you come out of the box and learn and enlighten yourself.
Please make sure first to get a correct diagnosis. Perhaps now that the pain has dissipated would be a good idea to get a second opinion.

If you're deficient on selenium, gallstones are between other things, a consequence of severe selenium deficiency.

You are exactly correct about synthetic forms of vitamins being harmful. The body cannot absorb synthetic forms of vitamins and minerals. In fact, many doctors, which are not qualified to talk about nutritional science because they dont receive any training nor knowledge about it, will tell you "oh forget about vitamins and all that crap, it doesnt work theyre even dangerous" Please NEVER, NEVER EVER listen to an MD about nutritional advice. NEVER. That is medical malpractice and they in reality KILL thousands of people every year by doing so. But they get a free pass. Those studies done on the effects of overdose of vitamins in the body, ARE DONE ON SYNTHETIC FORMS. A vitamin in a natural way, will be absorbed in the paper amounts and the rest the body will dispose it. But when they do these biased studies they dont put these factors in the equation because after all, it is convenient for them to label vitamins dangerous. That way they keep the population severely mal-nutrified, ill, taking drugs every day, and they profit from it.

Just like vitamins, If you are using mineral supplements, make sure they are from natural sources, ideally in trace liquid colloidal state.

I drink about a gallon of water a day, I use a mineral supplement called "concentrate" Its natural extract of ALL essential minerals plus 16 more found in natural sources in the soil, liquid, in colloidal state. I put 5 drops on every bottle of water. I drink around 12-13 bottles a day, so I am putting in my body plenty of essential minerals to maintain proper biochemical processes in every single cell. If you lack ONE. Just ONE mineral in your body, the catastrophic effect can spread to literally HUNDREDS of chronic symptoms and conditions.

If you have a huge manufacturing plant of jeans, and one of the hundreds of robots along the line assembling these jeans is missing a tiny washer on a bolt inside his operating arm, after repeating the same movement hundreds of times a day, thousands of times a week, hundreds of thousands of times per year, at some point that tiny bolt will start creating a shake. Vibration. Suddenly that arm will not be calibrated like is supposed to be, and the final product WILL NOT be as it was designed to be.

That, times 1000, is how important is EVERY SINGLE TRACE MINERAL in the human body. They need to be present every single day of our lives.

I’m getting an echo stomach scan next week to see if there are any abnormalities in my stomach area. I said to the doctor that I don’t want surgery.

Thanks for your help and information man, what liquid minerals do you take? Do you have a link? And does it have to be in liquid colloidal state?
I’m getting an echo stomach scan next week to see if there are any abnormalities in my stomach area. I said to the doctor that I don’t want surgery.

Thanks for your help and information man, what liquid minerals do you take? Do you have a link? And does it have to be in liquid colloidal state?

Exactly! Thanks for the information! The dedication to each other is what makes the brotherhood so powerful.
Friday may 17th

After 22 days off I want to start over again today.

First things first: Kegel training

Slow twitch muscles
Long slow kegel squeezes 5x20s
Long slow reverse kegel squeezes 5x20s

After that i’ll start the lengthmaster bundled stretches 10 mins.

SiliStretcher hanging straight out
1 set: 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs) for 30 mins

I will add 1 set of 30 mins every day until I am back into the full triangle silistretcher hanging program.

And I’ve got good news, there might be a small chance that university will let me pass this year. I dropped out a few weeks ago but there is still hope. I might have re exams etc so there is a chance to save this year. I am studying again for the last finals of this academic year.

I’m also looking for a job in the summer and if I pass this year I will continue my studies part time with a job in my chosen STEM field as an apprenticeship student. That way I will have to work 32 hours per week and I attend university lectures for 1 day per week.

This will be a busy schedule but it’s my only way to escape these dorm rooms because I want to move and and i’m looking for my own place, a nice apartment/studio where I can live in solitude.

If I get a job I will have more money to rent my own place without roommates and other stupid shit going on, I am tired of parties and stupid people coming over. Living with roommates is not for me. I’m anti social LOL.
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I’m getting an echo stomach scan next week to see if there are any abnormalities in my stomach area. I said to the doctor that I don’t want surgery.

Thanks for your help and information man, what liquid minerals do you take? Do you have a link? And does it have to be in liquid colloidal state?

Yes liquid colloidal state its their natural form. The few companies that make high quality mineral supplements extract them from the same source. A huge deposit of minerals in Utah, from the age of Dinosaurs. A sanctuary full of nutrients deep in the soil.

The product I use, you cn buy it from ebay too, is called "Concentrace" A blue bottle. I personally put 4 drops on each bottle. I drink 10-12 bottles of water per day which add up to around a gallon and 40-50 drops in total per day. That way my body is being replenished every single day with all the essential trace minerals needed for every single biochemical process in the trillions of cells in the body. Without them, is just like expecting a car to function without gas.

Just so you understand how originally the essential minerals got into our bodies:

- the soil was full of ALL the minerals in raw state.
- the soil ws rich in bacteria.
- the bacteria pre-digest the mineral molecule.
- the bacteria is sucked in the water by the plant.
- the cow eats the plant
- we eat the cow which is fully "nutrified"
- or we eat the plant full of minerals.
- the minerals and all the nutrients stay with us

Thats how earth WAS until around 150-200 years ago. In fact, the first generation of british colonists in America grew 4 inches taller than their parents.

How is it today:

- After decades of farming techniques and over using the soil, it has been severely depleted of nutrients.
- the plant grows weak and sick without minerals to absorb
- since the plant has a weak immune system, is vulnerable to bacteria and bugs.
- antibiotics are used to kill the bacteria in the soil so the plant dont get sick.
- crops are sprayed with glyphosate to kill those bugs and bacteria, but the plant dies too.
- in order to make the plant able to sustain the glyphosate and pesticide, they are genetically modified (GMO's)
- the cow eats that biohazard toxic plant, we eat the cow with everything she ingested.
- or we eat a plant with ZERO nutrients and dangerously contaminated with pesticide, glyphosate, antibiotics.

Wanna make it worse? in order to preserve the veggies, companies freeze them in plastic bags and inject them with preservatives.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is the typical daily American Diet. Welcome to the medical market.
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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