DutchAthletic’s ascension path to 10” BPEL

Thyroid issues are s simple as chronic nutrient deficiency.

As always, Naturopathic Doctors, the specialist that you should be seeing now, NOT an MD, are always reluctant to tell you what are you deficient in. Why? Because if they tell you that you're deficient in Iodine for example, the patient will run to the store to buy a cheap bottle of iodine supplement, take it for s month, only to come back feeling the same and declaring "it doesnt work". That is the mindset created by allopathic medicine with doesnt work. Because under allopathic medicine you take a drug and you are expected to see or feel something. But the body doesnt work that way.

In reality, you are deficient of everything. In order to make Iodine for example work inside your body, there are certain vitamins and minerals that need to be present at the right quantities in order to make all those biomechanic processes interact. Thats why taking one thing doesnt work. You must put in your body the 90 essential nutrients every day of your life, at the right amount for your age, height and caloric expenditure.

One of the most important nutrients for the thyroid is Selenium. But again, if you just run to buy selenium and take it, nothing will happen. There is no magic pill.

Depending on which state you live, it would be prudent to visit a Naturopathic Doctor. Licensed to practice, board certified.
I’m dealing with thyroid issues,
Hypothyroidism, and I have to find a way to make everything bearable: I sleep 8-9 hours and I wake up totally exhausted and groggy, tiredness in my head and concentration problems so i’m currently checking my diet,

I have to check for vitamins / or minerals deficiencies, I need to give my body the nutrients it needs to start feeling better.

I ordered a full thyroid blood panel test to check what’s happening inside my body.

I have thyroid issues also, are you hypo thyroid?
Yes I have hypothyroidism !

What @Jackxxx says is true, i’m deficient all my life in vital nutrients and i’m trying to make a meal plan to compensate for all nutrient deficiencies.

Yep I have the same condition and I take thyroid medication that seems to work pretty well for me I’ll get the name of it when I get home tonight and post it.
Thyroid issues are s simple as chronic nutrient deficiency.

As always, Naturopathic Doctors, the specialist that you should be seeing now, NOT an MD, are always reluctant to tell you what are you deficient in. Why? Because if they tell you that you're deficient in Iodine for example, the patient will run to the store to buy a cheap bottle of iodine supplement, take it for s month, only to come back feeling the same and declaring "it doesnt work". That is the mindset created by allopathic medicine with doesnt work. Because under allopathic medicine you take a drug and you are expected to see or feel something. But the body doesnt work that way.

In reality, you are deficient of everything. In order to make Iodine for example work inside your body, there are certain vitamins and minerals that need to be present at the right quantities in order to make all those biomechanic processes interact. Thats why taking one thing doesnt work. You must put in your body the 90 essential nutrients every day of your life, at the right amount for your age, height and caloric expenditure.

One of the most important nutrients for the thyroid is Selenium. But again, if you just run to buy selenium and take it, nothing will happen. There is no magic pill.

Depending on which state you live, it would be prudent to visit a Naturopathic Doctor. Licensed to practice, board certified.

Yes ! You are completely right ! I was already taking daily ~ 400mcg selenium (20-25 grams of brazil nuts) and 200 mcg iodine from Sea kelp tablets.
I’m taking 30mg zink with a small amount of copper in it to compensate but still, I lack other vital key nutrients !

I need the whole package ! And it is aligned with what I have found in those two biochemical penis enlargement books. The same stuff.
Too much Iodine can cause the thyroid to go overactive, which is like mine at the moment.

Yeah I have read about that. I have also ordered a selenium and iodine blood test to evaluate those mineral levels in my blood. It there’s any absorption problem then I know the cause. If you take one and the other won’t get absorbed your thyroid can get into trouble.

Also dosages are important.

The misinformation and lack of information is so deep and widespread, that I have actually stopped talking to people about the whole health and nutrition topic.

DO NOT TAKE SINGLE SUPPLEMENTS BY THEMSELVES. It is virtually useless. You could mitigate symptoms and somewhat balance things out, but buy will not reach a level of cure by doing so.

Also, PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM DRUGS. I know @DLD is on medication, but there is actually NO NEED whatsoever for medications. These drugs have more long term side effects than benefits. The drug will work in controlling the symptom, but whatever is the root cause of the problem, was never addressed by the MD because is not his field. And that same root cause is a time bomb. The cause is again, SEVERE chronic essential nutrient deficiency. And that same deficiency will make the boat sink in a different way. It could be heart, kidneys, joints, brain, diabetes, you name it. Americans suffer from ALL existent diseases these days in record numbers.

Taking care of your diet is excellent, HOWEVER, that doesnt take care of the problem. This is a topic for a whole another thread, but basically the essential nutrients that your body needs ARE NOT in the food supply anymore at the quantities you need. Besides your diet, you MUST supplement with the 90 essential nutrients every single day, And this is why I said in the beginning to not supplement with single minerals.

The reason for that is that minerals, you MUST put them in your body in trace amount, liquid colloidal state. Otherwise, your body has a hard time absorbing them and overdosing it might potentially cause harm. On the other hand, when you put them in your body in trace amounts and colloidal state, are fully absorbable, and if by any chance you have too much, your body gets rid of them. 60 is the number of essential minerals that your body needs EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIFE. If you lack 1 of them, just 1, it can potentially develop over time over 200 different chronic symptoms and ultimately death.

2018 was the second year in a row, for the first time in history, in which the life expectancy of Americans decreased. Still, people dont wanna listen. As long as the beer is cold, the pipe in on the table, the vapor is charged and the hamburgers are fresh, everything is cool for the average American. :geek:

The misinformation and lack of information is so deep and widespread, that I have actually stopped talking to people about the whole health and nutrition topic.

DO NOT TAKE SINGLE SUPPLEMENTS BY THEMSELVES. It is virtually useless. You could mitigate symptoms and somewhat balance things out, but buy will not reach a level of cure by doing so.

Also, PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM DRUGS. I know @DLD is on medication, but there is actually NO NEED whatsoever for medications. These drugs have more long term side effects than benefits. The drug will work in controlling the symptom, but whatever is the root cause of the problem, was never addressed by the MD because is not his field. And that same root cause is a time bomb. The cause is again, SEVERE chronic essential nutrient deficiency. And that same deficiency will make the boat sink in a different way. It could be heart, kidneys, joints, brain, diabetes, you name it. Americans suffer from ALL existent diseases these days in record numbers.

Taking care of your diet is excellent, HOWEVER, that doesnt take care of the problem. This is a topic for a whole another thread, but basically the essential nutrients that your body needs ARE NOT in the food supply anymore at the quantities you need. Besides your diet, you MUST supplement with the 90 essential nutrients every single day, And this is why I said in the beginning to not supplement with single minerals.

The reason for that is that minerals, you MUST put them in your body in trace amount, liquid colloidal state. Otherwise, your body has a hard time absorbing them and overdosing it might potentially cause harm. On the other hand, when you put them in your body in trace amounts and colloidal state, are fully absorbable, and if by any chance you have too much, your body gets rid of them. 60 is the number of essential minerals that your body needs EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIFE. If you lack 1 of them, just 1, it can potentially develop over time over 200 different chronic symptoms and ultimately death.

2018 was the second year in a row, for the first time in history, in which the life expectancy of Americans decreased. Still, people dont wanna listen. As long as the beer is cold, the pipe in on the table, the vapor is charged and the hamburgers are fresh, everything is cool for the average American. :geek:

Excellent post and some great information! I truly appreciate it. I also think that lightning has a thyroid issue too so maybe he will try to chime in here also.
What Naturopathic Doctors recommend to people already taking medications, not only for thyroid but for all chronic diseases, NEVER stop taking the drug cold turkey, neither stop visiting the MD who prescribed you. They proper way to do it, is to change lifestyle, incorporate in your life all the 90 essential nutrients in supplement form, then after 3 months go visit your doctor and ask for a new blood test to check the values. Most probably, the results will require less medication. Your doctor will adjust dose. Repeat the process again in 3-6 more months. Eventually your doctor will HAVE to tell you "stop taking the drug, you dont need it anymore" Because your own body would have been able to repair itself with the raw materials that never had before, or had them in deplorable quantities throughout its lifetime.
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What Naturopathic Doctors recommend to people already taking medications, not only for thyroid but for all chronic diseases, NEVER stop taking the drug cold turkey, neither stop visiting the MD who prescribed you. They proper way to do it, is to change lifestyle, incorporate in your life all the 90 essential nutrients in supplement form, then after 3 months go visit your doctor and ask for a new blood test to check the values. Most probably, the results will require less medication. Your doctor will adjust dose. Repeat the process again in 3-6 more months. Eventually your doctor will HAVE to tell you "stop taking the drug, you dont need it anymore" Because your own body would have been able to repair itself with the raw materials that never had before, or had them in deplorable quantities throughout its lifetime.

That warning goes for all medications. Do not stop taking the medication without talking to your doctor because coming off certain medications can cause serious problems.
After a month of being inactive on this board I have decided to quit PE forever.

I have decided to join the Marine Corps and to become a special forces combat operator.

I am preparing for the extreme physical hardships.
running, physical training, marching, speedmarch, kickboxing and swimming.

I have given up on everything; bodybuilding, college, dating, sex, women, dick size, I was doing it for the wrong reasons and I have to find a way to cope with my shortcomings in this life.

It’s all ego driven. Your looks and dick size, it’s all fucking bullshit and i’m fucking tired of it. I want to set myself free.

I fully accept the fact that I can die in combat situations and I don’t mind it.

I will still do my kegel exercises just to circulate and transmute sexual energy. I plan to stay celibate for life and living in solitude.

I completely respect your decision here and I truly hope it increases the value and conditions of your life. I have been celibate for over a decade and my life is dedicated to the brotherhood into my ministries. I wish you the best and if you ever need any help please come back and ask.
It's a struggle for balance with many.

How I see it from my left hand path way of life, is that we need a balance of the dark, and light.

Since I became more true to my spiritual path balance has come into my life and some ignorant followers of other ways would suggest I worship idols, demons and hence makes me wicked.

No ... In fact, it's demons that are humanities spiritual guardians, the Angels are messenger's. Demon came from demonis, and daemon from it's original Greek and the mass lied to about how bad such is, due to wanting control over people, taking away humanity from wanting, looking into enlightenment.

God is and has always been within us, it's the black flame we're all part of, this is what makes humans pure duality .... No one is Lilly white, and many are brainwashed.
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It's a struggle for balance with many.

How I see it from my left hand path way of life, is that we need a balance of the dark, and light.

Since I became more true to my spiritual path balance has come into my life and some ignorant followers of other ways would suggest I worship idols, demons and hence makes me wicked.

No ... In fact, it's demons that are humanities spiritual guardians, the Angels are messenger's. Demon came from demonis, and daemon from it's original Greek and the mass lied to about how bad such is, due to wanting control over people, taking away humanity from wanting, looking into enlightenment.

God is and has always been within us, it's the black flame we're all part of, this is what makes humans pure duality .... No one is Lilly white, and many are brainwashed.

God bless you Red!
I have troubles letting go of PE.....

I wanted to join the Marines but I don’t know if I will get any better. The main problem is I won’t be able to do PE, only on fridays, saturdays and sundays...

It could be that I won’t make it due to physical shortcomings so then I will be back.

I have looked through the forum and I don’t want to throw away all the hard work that i’ve been putting into it.

Apparently PE is such a big part of my life that i’m willing to sacrifice careers for it. I have found that I miss it too much after being off for one month and a half.

My current situation: I dropped out of college and i’m trying to find a job because my college debts were getting too high. I have to work to pay the bills and maybe do a formal education in part time with help of the company.

I have contemplated wether I should quit all this stuff and just go do something else but I have this nagging feeling that I want to gain 10 inches in length.

The desire to gain length is stronger than quitting and joining the Marines.

Go figure, it must be a very big intrinsic motivation to keep pushing for length gains.
Sounds like you have a very sentimental view of the brotherhood and it brings you security and happiness when you’re here. I see the brotherhood as a second family so if I was to leave the brotherhood I would be missing my family. And so what if he could only get three days in a week, it’s better than getting no days in. MOS is a site that does a lot more than give instructions on PE! I get my spiritual, emotional and physical directions from the brotherhood. There’s so much here to leave behind so don’t make any plans until you know exactly where you’re landing.
Sounds like you have a very sentimental view of the brotherhood and it brings you security and happiness when you’re here. I see the brotherhood as a second family so if I was to leave the brotherhood I would be missing my family. And so what if he could only get three days in a week, it’s better than getting no days in. MOS is a site that does a lot more than give instructions on PE! I get my spiritual, emotional and physical directions from the brotherhood. There’s so much here to leave behind so don’t make any plans until you know exactly where you’re landing.

You’re right. Whatever i’m gonna do it doesn’t matter. What matters is the time I put in when i’m free from work or duty.

I can’t leave the MOS brotherhood, i’ll take it with me to my grave.

If i’m able to do 3 days of PE, then so fucking be it. I’ll make sure to use all damn hours of those 3 days.

I’m going back into SiliStretcher hanging.
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Monday august 5th

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow combi kegel squeezes 5*20s*20g
Reverse kegel holds 5*20s

SiliStretcher hanging

1st set: 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 1 kg (2.2 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins

I’m reading about SiliStretcher 2 and the new duro sleeves, man that stuff looks great!

I’m saving up to buy these items along with the glans pump.
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You’re right. Whatever i’m gonna do it doesn’t matter. What matters is the time I put in when i’m free from work or duty.

I can’t leave the MOS brotherhood, i’ll take it with me to my grave.

If i’m able to do 3 days of PE, then so fucking be it. I’ll make sure to use all damn hours of those 3 days.

I’m going back into SiliStretcher hanging.

So much love for you my brother! I’m saying special prayers right now for you and I know your life is going to become better, the best this ever been!
Tuesday august 6th

Fast twitch pc muscles
combi kegel clamps 5*10*10g
Reverse kegel holds 5*30s

SiliStretcher hanging
1st set: 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 1 kg (2.2 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
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made so much stupid choices in my past, it’s a miracle that i’m still alive!

Well that's not something we are proud of at all dude,lol I get what you feel because I have been a professional procrastinator too,i suffered from depression too no just stayed away from most of the things I wanted to do and the things I wanted to do n was supposed to do too
made so much stupid choices in my past, it’s a miracle that i’m still alive!

Well that's not something we are proud of at all dude,LOL I get what you feel because I have been a professional procrastinator too,i suffered from depression too no just stayed away from most of the things I wanted to do and the things I wanted to do n was supposed to do too

Being away for some time made me realize how much I was missing the MOS brotherhood...

It’s incredible really, nothing gives me so much motivation and desire to achieve my length goals.

You truly have to be obsessed with this stuff otherwise you won’t make it.

My break of 6 weeks was a proof of that. I am obsessed with length gains.

I maintain an extreme clean healthy diet just for PE purposes and fitness purposes.
Any updates on the glans pump ? When will it be available for ordering online in the MOS webshop?

Lightning still working on this but I assume pretty soon. I’ll check with him and see what he says.
I need get a lot of cash flow so many devices I want to buy LOL LOL

For sure! But remember to be consistent with any current tools you have at the moment. Or just doing the basic manual stuff; you could buy all the tools in the world regarding PE but one must put the time and effort into gaining.
(I feel I can speak about this; I've bought certain excercise equipment longer time ago but haven't been consistent with using them so no results. :D Mostly stuff like an ab-roller, vibrating plate machine etc.. Also have skateboards and rollerskis but haven't really got into using them.)
I feel tunica fatigue starting after 2,5 hours of hanging at 2,5 kg (5.5 Lbs)

My dick was pretty conditioned up till 4,5 kg (9.9 lbs)

I am glad that my dick has been deconditioned a little bit during my 6 week break.

Now I can ride the fatigue at lower weights.
Wednesday august 7th

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow combi kegel squeezes 5*20s*10g
Reverse kegel holds 5*30s

I have started to run 3 times per week to strengthen my heart and arteries and (dick) bloodflow . I love running through the forest all alone. It’s quite meditating.

I’m not going to bother anymore with a small amount of weight like 0.5 kg or 1 kg. I want to start at 1.5 kg and then work my way up till fatigue sets in and ride that out for as much hours as possible every day. I’ll start today with 1 kg as a starting set and go from there.

My new sets will look like this:

1st set: 1 kg (2.2 lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins ~ Ride that fatigue ~

If fatigue doesn’t start at the 2 hour mark i’ll continue increasing the weight:

5th set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4 kg (8.8 lbs) for 30 mins

I’m on Nofap again and at the 1 month mark. October 1st will be my 90 days mark on hard mode.

No sex, no masturbation, no edging, and no adult entertainment.
I have quitted adult entertainment completely forever. I want to continue nofap forever and the only time I am allowed to orgasm is with a woman.
For sure! But remember to be consistent with any current tools you have at the moment. Or just doing the basic manual stuff; you could buy all the tools in the world regarding PE but one must put the time and effort into gaining.
(I feel I can speak about this; I've bought certain excercise equipment longer time ago but haven't been consistent with using them so no results. LOL Mostly stuff like an ab-roller, vibrating plate machine etc.. Also have skateboards and rollerskis but haven't really got into using them.)

Lol I've been using the BM and LM mostly they are ok, is terribly hard to have Sessions when stress n lack of privacy are bothering me,a passive stretching device would be sick I'd use it at ? while I'm sleeping
Loving everything about this my brother! This is a great work out and you’re going to see incredible returns. I also admire that you’re going NoFap I believe it to be a beautiful thing. I’m looking forward to your updates and I’m so happy you’re feeling better about yourself.
Thursday august 8th

Fast twitch pc muscles
Pc combi kegel clamps 5*10*10g
Reverse kegel holds 5*30s

1st set: 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4 kg (8.8 lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 5 kg (11 lbs) for 30 mins

Induce fatigue as soon as possible and ride that fatigue for as many hours as possible every day.
Loving everything about this my brother! This is a great work out and you’re going to see incredible returns. I also admire that you’re going NoFap I believe it to be a beautiful thing. I’m looking forward to your updates and I’m so happy you’re feeling better about yourself.

I truly feel weakened when I release my precious semen. It’s our life force and inner drive. It’s incredible but I think we have to cherish it and don’t waste it.

The build up sexual energy ensure more growth as well because all the vital nutrients are staying inside. Your spinal cord fluid and brain fluids are the same fluids as seminal fluid. That’s why one’s concentration goes down and brain fog will rise up after too much semen wasting.

I can do my kegel workouts every day because the sexual energy ensures good erections. I do my kegel workouts in the morning when testosterone peaks. After that it’s just riding the fatigue! ??‍♀️?
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That’s why one’s concentration and brain fog can rise up after too much semen wasting ok now I know the more semen I waste the better that would allow me to get better concentration... lol good news then
That’s why one’s concentration and brain fog can rise up after too much semen wasting ok now I know the more semen I waste the better that would allow me to get better concentration... LOL good news then

No I meant the more semen you waste the more brain dog you’ll get. Concentration goes down... big time... ! And exhaustion starts as well....
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Friday august 9th

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow combi kegel squeezes 5*20s*10g
Reverse kegel holds 5*30s

1st set: 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4 kg (8.8 lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 5 kg (11 lbs) for 30 mins

Induce fatigue as soon as possible and ride that fatigue for as many hours as possible every day.

It’s mandatory that you do your kegel workouts before you start hanging because I couldn’t get a proper erection after a few hours of hanging due to tunica fatigue. Make sure you do your kegel workouts in the morning after you wake up.
Saturday august 10th

Fast twitch pc muscles
Pc combi kegel clamps 5*10*10g
Reverse kegel holds 5*30s

1st set: 1.5 kg (3.3 lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4 kg (8.8 lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs) for 30 mins
8th set: 5 kg (11 lbs) for 30 mins

I noticed that my fatigue treshold is increasing and I don’t know why ??‍♂️

I hung 3 hours and reached a weight of 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) I was having a nice tunica fatigue....

Then I went for a run in the forest. After I came back I had dinner and went back into SiliStretcher hanging but now my fatigue was gone and I had to increase the weight but I got no fatigue anymore.

So in total I hung 4 hours but I didn’t had that fatigue at the end of the session because I interrupted my hanging sessions for a run.

It’s pretty lame that you can’t do your normal daily stuff like going shopping for groceries or going to the gym if you started hanging.

I don’t know why this happens but for all you guys hanging I warn you to not interrupt your hanging sessions. Your fatigue will be gone when you get back into hanging and then you have wasted valuable time for nothing.

You see every minute when you hang and you don’t feel that fatigue, you’re not producing gains. Your dick can handle the mechanical stress so your tunica won’t enlarge. Get as fast as possible into tunica fatigue and ride that fatigue for as many hours as possible!

Do all your mandatory daily tasks and after that strap in your SiliStretcher till bedtime. Also I went to sleep earlier last night but I couldn’t get to sleep. So I stayed awake for a few hours.

I have to sacrifice sleep to get in my hours per day. Normally I wanted to go to bed at 10:00 PM but to get substantially more hanging hours per week i’m hanging till midnight or 01:00 AM....

Do or die. I know I sacrifice alot but yea I don’t see another way because we all have to work 40 hours per week and do our daily chores.
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There always has to be some kind of limitation in time. I remember needing more time and having to get up an hour early and go to bed an hour later and all those sacrifices were worth it.
August 11th

I have to construct something so I can lay down on my bed and get my SiliStretcher hanging sets in while reading books. It’s a nice way to mix things up because now i’m constantly setting behind my desk while hanging.

Slow twitch pc muscles
Long slow combi kegel squeezes 5*20s*10g
Reverse kegel holds 5*30s

1st set: 2 kg (4.4 lbs) for 30 mins
2nd set: 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) for 30 mins
3rd set: 3 kg (6.6 lbs) for 30 mins
4th set: 3.5 kg (7.7 lbs) for 30 mins
5th set: 4 kg (8.8 lbs) for 30 mins
6th set: 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs) for 30 mins
7th set: 5 kg (11 lbs) for 30 mins

Slow Squash Jelqs after every hour of hanging to eliminate fluid retention in the glans. The glans cap needs more improvement...

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Measurements on sunday august 11th 2019

I forgot to include pictures but I have measured my erect length and girth in order to set a new base line reference.

BPEL: 17.8 cm (7.0”) I measure on top of the shaft with the hard wooden ruler into my pubic bone while standing up because sitting down or sitting on my knees give false measurements.

EG: 14.5 cm (5.7”) I measure with a flexible measuring tape on the thickest part of the shaft in the middle of the shaft.

I don’t know if I have lost a little bit of girth and length and honestly I couldn’t be bothered because now I have set 100% correct baseline measurements. The fact that I do my kegels really help with erection hardness and the tunica gets filled to the max and stays at maximum hardness.

I will measure my BPFSL (Bone Pressed Flaccid Stretched Length) after every 30 days to evaluate.

I think in my case measuring once a week will be too fast, I need more hanging time to see BPFSL gains.
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    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    jammmer is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Danco64 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    sizefanatic is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: sizefanatic is our newest member. Welcome!