The misinformation and lack of information is so deep and widespread, that I have actually stopped talking to people about the whole health and nutrition topic.
DO NOT TAKE SINGLE SUPPLEMENTS BY THEMSELVES. It is virtually useless. You could mitigate symptoms and somewhat balance things out, but buy will not reach a level of cure by doing so.
@DLD is on medication, but there is actually NO NEED whatsoever for medications. These drugs have more long term side effects than benefits. The drug will work in controlling the symptom, but whatever is the root cause of the problem, was never addressed by the MD because is not his field. And that same root cause is a time bomb. The cause is again, SEVERE chronic essential nutrient deficiency. And that same deficiency will make the boat sink in a different way. It could be heart, kidneys, joints, brain, diabetes, you name it. Americans suffer from ALL existent diseases these days in record numbers.
Taking care of your diet is excellent, HOWEVER, that doesnt take care of the problem. This is a topic for a whole another thread, but basically the essential nutrients that your body needs ARE NOT in the food supply anymore at the quantities you need. Besides your diet, you MUST supplement with the 90 essential nutrients every single day, And this is why I said in the beginning to not supplement with single minerals.
The reason for that is that minerals, you MUST put them in your body in trace amount, liquid colloidal state. Otherwise, your body has a hard time absorbing them and overdosing it might potentially cause harm. On the other hand, when you put them in your body in trace amounts and colloidal state, are fully absorbable, and if by any chance you have too much, your body gets rid of them. 60 is the number of essential minerals that your body needs EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIFE. If you lack 1 of them, just 1, it can potentially develop over time over 200 different chronic symptoms and ultimately death.
2018 was the second year in a row, for the first time in history, in which the life expectancy of Americans decreased. Still, people dont wanna listen. As long as the beer is cold, the pipe in on the table, the vapor is charged and the hamburgers are fresh, everything is cool for the average American.