I'M A LOSER, it's finally hit me.

Lately I've been thinking, thinking a lot about me, my life and who I am.

I'm nearly 21 years old and I have finally realised that what I am missing in my life and that I am basically a loser...all of my friends have had some sort of meaningful relationship with a girl and have been happy, but me...no, nothing. I've dated girls but every time I think that someone is attracted to me and could be interested in me I get hurt. I've built up some confidence with females over the last couple of years, but that confidence I have built Is just false. Whenever I think I meet a seemingly nice girl that I think might like me, they just turn out to be a neurotic attention seeker that treats me as a confidence boost and drop me like I don't matter.

I don't know how I can go forward and try to meet girls because I'm clearly not good looking like friends say, how am I? I don't get a second glance from girls, 0 likes on any pictures, 0 matches on tinder, 0 responses to messages.

I hate feeling like this but I'm running out of fight....can anyone of the brothers please help?
I can help, but I don't think you're going to like it...

Channel all of this energy (negative and positive) into yourself, your career, your body...make yourself into an educated, interesting person that people (not just women, but everyone) flock to and want to be around. Positive energy attracts, negative energy repels. Find something that you love to do and are good at...make that your 'why'.

Stop chasing that elusive 'one' and start attracting that wonderful 'many'. Make yourself into something.

And don't get married to the first woman who has sex with you...furthermore, don't get married until you're well on your way to fulfilling your dream(s)
Gonna add something else....

Desperation is a bad, smelly cologne.

If women can sense that you're desperate you're either going to repel them or attract the ones who's perfume matches your scent. That, my friend, spells D I S A S T E R.

I've had the most fun with women when I wasn't looking for anything serious or trying to force something to happen. I've chased off a few from trying too hard (although I'm glad I did because looking back their level of interest would NEVER have matched mine and I would've eventually gotten hurt). I'm not saying to make yourself unavailable to where you push them off. You can still let women know you're interested in them, lob the ball into their court, and see if they hit it back.

Find and do activities you enjoy. At the very least you'll eventually get some dates with women into the same things you are and that's a great start. Might even turn into a series of short relationships.

Most important is to have fun. We've all seen some really ugly ass guys hooking up with good looking women. It's simply because they have the right personality to draw women in. You can be Mr GQ who the women stare at but if you look unapproachable they're just going to look and that's it. You can look like the Elephant Man but if you're having fun, look confident, and everyone can tell you're enjoying life you will attract women.

Most importantly - you're only 21! Even if you started masturbating really early (I started at 12) you've only been sexually active with yourself for less than a decade and way less than that with others. You're a rookie! You're in Single A or AA ball clubs. You can still have lots of fun there but you'll eventually move up to AAA and the Majors with the right effort (I really hope you know a little baseball or the reference is gonna be lost on you :o ).
"I'M A LOSER, it's finally hit me."

The most word that proceeds "I AM" is what the mind defines us by.

"I am a winner" - "I am a loser" one feels good and the other feels bad.

This is very simple and agrees with what has already been said but understand that the most powerful two words in us is "I AM"...these are the two words our Lord defined Himself by "I AM" It may feel fake at first or even like a lie, but that is only because the negativity wants to keep you hostage. The best way to defy the negativity is with a out loud yell of "I AM GOOD" "I AM WORTHY" "I AM LOVED" "I AM VALUABLE" "I AM A CHILD OF GOD" "I AM SPECIAL" "I AM A WINNER"

Do this over and over, make it your mantra. Eventually you will curb the negative thoughts with positive. Being in a positive state allows us to see ourselves as worthy and good. You can also pray for help in this also as there is a GOD who loves you so much and wants to help you in every way.

Any man that is here is a Brother and if you are a Brother there is no way for you to be a loser. Brothers win, we do not know want loosing means.,,You are a Brother!
You can always become a better man. You can lift weights and become stronger. You can read more and become wiswe. You can take up new productive hobbies and, become more learned.

With positive energy andand effort there is always a new and better you looking forward to tomorrow. Start with the small things, dress better, speak more eloquently and carry yourself like a man.
It's okay to be a loser, just lose the right things.

Lose weight
lose negativity
lose the monkey on your back
lose bad habits
Lose people that are dragging you down

You can be a loser in a good way or a bad way.

When I was around your age I went through a period of depression. The few close friends I had disappeared from my life completely and I was pretty much alone. After a while I learned how to be content and then even into happiness just going to work, doing a few things by myself here and there, and going home okay with my day instead of being miserable. I started to learn some independence (even though I was still living at home....I said some not full independence lol) and it felt good. Even little things like going to the mall alone or window shopping for stuff alone became fun. I actually became friendlier with people, even random strangers, because I valued the company of others so much more. Making a random person smile made me smile for hours, even if I spent the rest of the day alone.

Eventually I found some new friends and some old ones came back but the best part was I didn't feel a constant need to be around people. If friends were calling me to do something and I wasn't in the mood I didn't force myself to go yet just 6 months prior I would've done it just to have company. I was the same yet different, in a good way. I no longer bent over backwards to help people because I was afraid they'd walk away, I helped because I wanted to.

We are social creatures and aren't meant to be alone but if you can't be happy alone you'll never be happy with the world around you.
I am a looser too and my perspective is different than of most people. I am educated, I have a good job and my looks are good too. I have a big cock and muscles but all of these things don't get me a girl. Why should you then invest time to get those things?

People told me to work on myself and I did. My best friends in high school were naturals and dated girls from the start. They never had a problem. In the meantime I worked more than 10 years on myself but I didn't get any results. Now that I am tired of self improvement I am more relaxed.

They always want to get you going and work hard but some people just won't accept that there are so many differences in the first place.

There is a saying "Few men have all the women." It means that there are a few alpha males and they fuck girls and the other men don't get a shot. Here is what happens though: As long as the weak men believe that they can achieve something they will work hard. With their hard work they contribute a lot to society and the alpha men can continue fucking without worrying about labour.

If you decide to work on yourself you are already occupied for a few months. It will be too late when you realize that everything didn't help. I believe you will learn a lot of thing about yourself but still that doesn't mean that you will achieve things that are ordinary for other people.

I know that most relationships end up in drama but still my mind keep reminding me how beautiful a relationship could be and that I should do something about my single status.

Just my perspective. I don't have any friends anymore so just that you know. Also I am not happy but I can't help myself to go in that direction of thinking.
Chaoskampf;734066 said:
I am a looser too and my perspective is different than of most people. I am educated, I have a good job and my looks are good too. I have a big cock and muscles but all of these things don't get me a girl. Why should you then invest time to get those things?

People told me to work on myself and I did. My best friends in high school were naturals and dated girls from the start. They never had a problem. In the meantime I worked more than 10 years on myself but I didn't get any results. Now that I am tired of self improvement I am more relaxed.

They always want to get you going and work hard but some people just won't accept that there are so many differences in the first place.

There is a saying "Few men have all the women." It means that there are a few alpha males and they fuck girls and the other men don't get a shot. Here is what happens though: As long as the weak men believe that they can achieve something they will work hard. With their hard work they contribute a lot to society and the alpha men can continue fucking without worrying about labour.

If you decide to work on yourself you are already occupied for a few months. It will be too late when you realize that everything didn't help. I believe you will learn a lot of thing about yourself but still that doesn't mean that you will achieve things that are ordinary for other people.

I know that most relationships end up in drama but still my mind keep reminding me how beautiful a relationship could be and that I should do something about my single status.

Just my perspective. I don't have any friends anymore so just that you know. Also I am not happy but I can't help myself to go in that direction of thinking.

Yep for some reason i think most of the broshere dont have bad looks,But maybe we lack self confidence,low self steem etc and yeah chaos is kind right when he says that those "alpha males" get the pussy and the ones that spend years improving themselve dont have the same luck.

Its a really lame situation but it happens,those"weak" men are amazing contributors to the society, unfortunately their hard work cant be appreciated sometimes.

those"weak" guys can be "alpha males" too, hard work is supposed to give a reward..and if we look for it we can get it too.:cool:
Yes I would also say it is mental. But also in a sense that you have good reasons not to interact with certain people. But sometimes you don't really know that you have these reasons because you have never defined or expressed them to yourself. And then, many times it happens that it is no wonder that things happen the way they do. Because if you are bored by people and you don't want to interact then you will spend time alone as long as there is no person who is interesting. If I only choose girls by their looks then I know that something is wrong. Unfortunately since I don't get to know them it is something I should accept.

If you know something about your self it doesn't mean that you are stronger per se. I know that I like to spend time on my own. It is good to know but this attitude will automatically be a hindrance when I want to meet girls on the other side.

Additionaly everything gets worse once you are in the zone, once you are identified with a certain mind pattern. Then it becomes really hard to get out because unconsciously you don't want to loose your identity, whether it is good or bad.

And then we enter the realm of spirituality which is really the last resort for people who have suffered enough. But I will not talk about this here because it is only for people who are asking for it. I don't think you are that down Stripeee.
Wow, i genuinely astonished! So many responses offering a world of life experience, wisdom and advice.

I guess I was feeling low when I uploaded this post and after a couple of weeks of going out with friends and pre occupying myself with hobbies and tasks I feel a bit more positive about myself. It's definelty true about a negative energy though, when I go out I try to keep a smile on my face and try to talk to as many people as I can even if it's just the friends I'm with. Another thing I've been evaluating is that I'm NOT one of the alpha male jock types at all and girls will never see me as such, but ya know what if that makes me a loser in comparison to those morons then so be it. I know I'm more of a respectful person that will offer something more than them. For instance there's a girl I've been talking to on and off who I knew from school, to me she's perfect in every sense, but I've heard she has a repeat at pin for being easy (sleeps with jock type goons' 2 in 1 night in the space of an hour!!). I got chatting to her in person on a night out and it was really good. She stared asking about me and if I had had a girlfriend of anything, then I asked the same, she said she's been single for 3 years and doesn't get asked out on dates. Basically she gets not real meaningful attention coz she has a reputation that the wrong type of guys prey on (alpha jock types).

It got me thinking tho, I might not be one of those guys but I would definitely offer her something meaningful that she has clearly been missing that would show her she doesn't have to be easy to get male attention. This is what gives me inner strength to keep fighting and I'm so glad I saw her out, she said something similar the next day via message. I like her and would like to get to know her more seriously but she lives far away so I'll bide my time for now. I may not get all the girls and sex like some guys but I am a better and stronger person than them and I like to think I'll triumph over them one day somehow. I have my honour and I'm proud of that.
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mmm Hope im wrong but Can a Leopard change its spots...Women whit those habits hardly change i believe they may change their "methods" but theyd keep their habits....?:(
LONGERDICK7+;734184 said:
mmm Hope im wrong but Can a Leopard change its spots...Women whit those habits hardly change i believe they may change their "methods" but theyd keep their habits....?:(

Trying to teach an old dog new tricks, very difficult to do. Changing a person is a very challenging thing, especially when cognitive dissonance is involved. Many do not want to let go of beliefs, habits, etc. because they can not see past those attachments to a greater good on the other side. It is not impossible but it will take compassionate work that does not come off as being a controlling person.

I can relate to this when I want to help someone convert their life to Jesus. If I am pushy and preachy, controlling and ego driven they will not even hear me. I approach them is a loving way, never being pushy, only pointing them in the right direction. Many of these people simply can not let go of their secular beliefs so they remain unchanged.

So with any belief system there will be a certain degree of resistance and to get through that resistance one needs to let go and put there trust in a new way of living.
doublelongdaddy;734194 said:
Trying to teach an old dog new tricks, very difficult to do. Changing a person is a very challenging thing, especially when cognitive dissonance is involved. Many do not want to let go of beliefs, habits, etc. because they can not see past those attachments to a greater good on the other side. It is not impossible but it will take compassionate work that does not come off as being a controlling person.

I can relate to this when I want to help someone convert their life to Jesus. If I am pushy and preachy, controlling and ego driven they will not even hear me. I approach them is a loving way, never being pushy, only pointing them in the right direction. Many of these people simply can not let go of their secular beliefs so they remain unchanged.

So with any belief system there will be a certain degree of resistance and to get through that resistance one needs to let go and put there trust in a new way of living.

Yep here i have learned great things too...Great teachers we have here!!lol:cool: Beside How many men n women havent cheated on their spouses...
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LONGERDICK7+;734224 said:
Yep here i have learned great things too...Great teachers we have here!!lol:cool: Beside How many men n women havent cheated on their spouses...

I have always tried to let everyone know that God loves them deeply and there is a much better life available. I would think my some of the Brothers who do not believe would trust me on this and at least try to seek out God. It is so easy to become saved, almost too easy. And I tell people all the time, why take a risk? Get right with God, get Baptized and live a good life filled with blessings. The Brotherhood is a Blessing. I treat the Brotherhood as a gift from God. I love all of my Brothers and I want all of my Brothers to be with me in the forum in the heavens!

I like this bit:
How much does Heaven cost to get into?
Remember, you are saved by the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ! You need to do nothing but believe on this and you will be Baptized into the family of God! No works will ever get you into Heaven, the work was already done by Jesus. But as a Christ follower faith is expressed in our inspired work to show the world that the Spirit of the living God is inside of us. There is no better news! You are saved! So simple!
LONGERDICK7+;734184 said:
mmm Hope im wrong but Can a Leopard change its spots...Women whit those habits hardly change i believe they may change their "methods" but theyd keep their habits....?:(

Here's the irony - when a guy is young and nailing everything that moves he gets applauded by his friends. Sex with 2 different women in one night? You just became a living legend in your peer circle.

If a woman does the exact same things she's a slut. She's a dirty whore. 10 years later she will still be remembered as the skank that would suck and fuck anything. "She must have searched long and hard to find a guy who DIDN'T know her past and was willing to marry her and have kids. Babies must just slide out of that loose pussy from all the cocks she's had."

10 years later the guy who did all the same stuff is still a living legend. She's still a trashy hoe.

We LOVE watching chicks in adult entertainment and you might jerk off 347 times to the same chick and watched every scene she ever did yet would still be afraid to have a relationship with her, even if she quit the business and was fully dedicated and worshiped your dick, because "she's a dirty slut."

The double standard is getting a little better but it's still there.
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Sometimes being celibate is the best thing in the world! :)
Fair point! Tbh with you dld..I've wondered if I might as well become celibate! After all every time I try to look for female attention and eventually sex it just ends up in disappointment and I end up feeling sorry for myself haha
cladre60;734352 said:
Amen to that!

Look at the cases of female teachers having sex with their students. They might get a few years in jail. If a man does it he's getting 15-20 years. They both deserve equal punishment.

Side note - I'd have a hard time being in a serious relationship with a adult entertainment chick but mostly due to always wondering if I was good enough. She'd have to be extremely devoted and faithful and not a psychotic head case. Being bisexual and always willing to bring another woman to bed wouldn't hurt either ;)

A few years ago a friend had a major freak over the chick he was dating. They were talking and he found out she had slept with 17 guys before him. He listed all his sexual partners and was flipping out because he was only at 13 or 14. Given her age and how long she had been sexually active it was basically 1 guy a year and only 2 or 3 were more than a 1 night stand. He didn't have many 1 night stands, most of his were relationships. I tried to put it in terms of "you've had probably 10x the sex she has so what's the problem?' I couldn't see what the big deal was but he totally lost his shit. He eventually got over it but it took a month or two. Double standard even though he was far more experienced than she was.[/QUOT

not justifying their actions but is true when a man has sex whit aminor he gets a long sentence.

Most adult entertainment women arent psychologically OK are they lol.there are so many reasons why women work n adult entertainment..?:( rofl
LONGERDICK7+;734425 said:
not justifying their actions but is true when a man has sex whit aminor he gets a long sentence.

Most adult entertainment women arent psychologically OK are they lol.there are so many reasons why women work n adult entertainment..?:( rofl

I'm sure there are a few "normal" ones out there but they're far and few between. People like Nina Hartley, who have been in the industry for decades, actually seem normal. Many get into it for the wrong reasons and stay for the wrong ones (drugs).
cladre60;734455 said:
I'm sure there are a few "normal" ones out there but they're far and few between. People like Nina Hartley, who have been in the industry for decades, actually seem normal. Many get into it for the wrong reasons and stay for the wrong ones (drugs).

damn thats true sad shit dont u think:O
Stripeee;734418 said:
Fair point! Tbh with you dld..I've wondered if I might as well become celibate! After all every time I try to look for female attention and eventually sex it just ends up in disappointment and I end up feeling sorry for myself haha

Id stop doing that i used to feel that way n is not a good idea at all.continue whit your PE sessions dont quit thatd help you to boost your confidence too.

Besides there are so many other girls out there,dont waste your time and energy thinking about how many times you have failed.thats bullshit.
LONGERDICK7+;734475 said:
Id stop doing that i used to feel that way n is not a good idea at all.continue whit your PE sessions dont quit thatd help you to boost your confidence too.

Besides there are so many other girls out there,dont waste your time and energy thinking about how many times you have failed.thats bullshit.

Definitely the path I should be heading along, self improvement and all, channelling my energy in to doing something for me. Just completed 6 months and well progress is either really slow or non existant haha!
Stripeee;734479 said:
Definitely the path I should be heading along, self improvement and all, channelling my energy in to doing something for me. Just completed 6 months and well progress is either really slow or non existant haha!

In the Brotherhood it is good to correct the entire body and mind! There is so much here to help men become better, much more than just PE.
i couldn't agree more DLD! such a good response to my problems. this forum really does create a bond between men, truly a brotherhood.
Stripeee;734532 said:
i couldn't agree more DLD! such a good response to my problems. this forum really does create a bond between men, truly a brotherhood.

:) It is like a family in every respect and that is the way I designed it. I wanted men to feel like Brothers, together in the fight, sharing and helping as we forge ahead in every matter concerning our well being. I feel into be my ultimate responsibility to help the Brothers in this Brotherhood in every way they need help. I know, with all my heart, this is a job God chose me for. Many would think that to be a strange thing to say but it is the truth. We are all given different gifts and we are meant to use them to edify, educate, inform and do the best we can with it. The Brotherhood is my gift and using it to the best of my ability is to help every man, no matter who he is, to get to where he wants to be. I

When some say that I am in a sinful business because we are working on our penis but I am quick to rebuke them. I ask them, what is the most important thing God gave you? (aside from soul and mind). They have no answer but I am quick to say it is the penis! Without the penis there is no life. We can survive as humans without arms, legs, fingers, toes, etc. but we can never survive without the penis. Plus, in many cases, men come here thinking they have a penis issue when really it is a psychological issue. When a new man joins the Brotherhood I try to get to the root of their problem, not the leaves, not the branches or even the trunk, the root!
Getting to the root of the problem,thats key D is the one that has helped me out a lot..Yeah and again getting to the root of the problem thats my goal
LONGERDICK7+;734606 said:
Getting to the root of the problem,thats key D is the one that has helped me out a lot..Yeah and again getting to the root of the problem thats my goal

We can trim weeds forever, they will never die until we pull the root!
doublelongdaddy;734653 said:
We can trim weeds forever, they will never die until we pull the root!

pulling the root out...Ok thank you that will take some time i think, gettting to the core...
LONGERDICK7+;734676 said:
pulling the root out...Ok thank you that will take some time i think, gettting to the core...

I'm pulling the root out.... bringing all that inner penis out....

But back on topic, that's what you have to do to fix problems. Otherwise you're just putting a bandaid on an infected wound without treating it. If it does heal it'll leave a nasty scar.
LONGERDICK7+;734676 said:
pulling the root out...Ok thank you that will take some time i think, gettting to the core...

It is a process and there is no time limit, be gentle and kind to yourself and eventually you will figure it out.
Hey guys been a while...the reason I got in to p.e. Was because I was seeing who a girl who said she I had a small dick and pretended I was bigger like one of her ex’s. She messed me around by seeing someone else and it hurt tremendously.

Recently I have spoken to her and met her a couple times. She said over text later on after meeting she wished we never met before because we get on so better now, and we messaged for a few days. I mentioned meeting up again n she said definelty but now she’s gone cold!

Another thing I’ve noticed is she has added someone on Instagram and likes all of his pics even older ones? She’s obviously not interested in talking or going out is she....is it worth casually messaging saying “are you fre x-day we should go out”
Someone messed with you like so? Why do you even consider the casual messaging?! Unless one is into such submissive behaviour but otherwise I'd look further and say "pass!"

There are plenty of people in this world. I suggest doing most to surround yourself with positive impact people, not the ones who doubt or ridicule you!

Wishing you a lot of strength!
Stripeee;752944 said:
Hey guys been a while...the reason I got in to p.e. Was because I was seeing who a girl who said she I had a small dick and pretended I was bigger like one of her ex’s. She messed me around by seeing someone else and it hurt tremendously.

Recently I have spoken to her and met her a couple times. She said over text later on after meeting she wished we never met before because we get on so better now, and we messaged for a few days. I mentioned meeting up again n she said definelty but now she’s gone cold!

Another thing I’ve noticed is she has added someone on Instagram and likes all of his pics even older ones? She’s obviously not interested in talking or going out is she....is it worth casually messaging saying “are you fre x-day we should go out”

I have to say man you deserve better than this girl, someone who insults you and/or lies about it isn't going to change nor is she worth your time. The only thing that will change by pursuing her is buying into her insults and eventually looking down on yourself. I have been there myself, i have been with women who would say one thing to my face and act one way then bad mouth me and worse the second my back was turned these people are cancerous and will slowly erode your soul.
I would recommend stop texting her now, hell i would say block her so you didn't have the temptation of reading anything she sent as that will only suck you in deeper. Next would be to stop following her on Instagram, Facebook, twitter and where ever else there may be because you cant get over someone if your constantly having them in your life like that specially when they have manipulated you so.
Typically yes if they are liking everything a guy posts on social media they have some kind of attractio to that person but liking even older pictures is a red flag as that seems stalker ish.
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You’ve expanded on what many close people have said to me and made it perfectly clear....DONT WASTER YOUR TIME!

She’s not interested, she’s only going to lead you on, deserve better, all the usual stuff. With the Instagram thing she followed a guy At the end of the weekend and liked loads of his pics and he’s liked a few of hers, so they’re clearly interacting closely.

It’s jsut odd coz the night before she was messaging for me to have a drink with her n friends, I did, then goes cold ever since?

One thing I do want to know tho is why she spit up with her ex, who she chose instead of me...would probably not get a straight answer tbh
Unfortunately there are always going to be those questions even if you asked is it really going to help you going forward? More than likely it will make more questions arise, Take a step back take your mind out of this circle around this girl its not helping you to stay this focused on her. What does it matter what she does, ask yourself why does someone who hasent shared their heart with you and has made it clear she doesnt intend to do so so why in truth does deserve this much of you?!

We can go around in circles forever but nothing will change unless you make it change, step out of her shadow and live up to your potential.
You’re right, mentioned this to my mother n she she wouldnt give me an honest answer and would play the victim. I don’t want to develop an attachment to this girl, I’ve made my mind up as it can’t go anywhere positive. But I do think I have one last assault in me, just to message her and hang out, deep down I’d like to fuck her one more time as bad as that sounds but I’d feel better I think if I did that then backed off from her.
Stripeee;753005 said:
You’re right, mentioned this to my mother n she she wouldnt give me an honest answer and would play the victim. I don’t want to develop an attachment to this girl, I’ve made my mind up as it can’t go anywhere positive. But I do think I have one last assault in me, just to message her and hang out, deep down I’d like to fuck her one more time as bad as that sounds but I’d feel better I think if I did that then backed off from her.

She right that this girl would likely play the victim, she would twist everything till you felt like you were in the wrong and manipulate you. My honest opinion would be stop texting dont go on a last mission just to try and get laid that is the worst thing you can do right now, reading through this thread i honestly dont think you could handle sex with keeping your head out of it the endorphins hormones and intensity will only make you want to redouble your efforts. She is not the only person out there, she is not the only option, she is a cruel vindictive woman who will only cause you more pain than anything and is a short moment of physical attention worth months of pain as you struggle to get away?! The answer should be obvious that its an outstanding NO! you deserve to be happy, you deserve a woman that accepts you for you don't be the person to fall into her trap.
I can see the somewhat point in fucking her, but ... There's plenty of pussy out there. Let your ego out of the window, you win some, you lose some. I see this "revenge" sense in the action, I'd say it isn't healthy in the longer run.
Consider that you'd end up in the bed and what if it all didn't went as great as you've made a picture in your head? I don't want to be the negative Bill here, but still, let it go.

Sinthious said it well; We can go around in circles forever but nothing will change unless you make it change, step out of her shadow and live up to your potential.
arkailija;753008 said:
Sinthious said it well; We can go around in circles forever but nothing will change unless you make it change, step out of her shadow and live up to your potential.

I agree with Ark, this is a very good quote!
I think there is a clear message here, and that is let it go and walk away, we spoke like I mentioned but if she wanted more she we still be messaging me now. Something I’ll have to carry with me. If I see her I’ll speak but it’s unlikely
Stripeee;753127 said:
I think there is a clear message here, and that is let it go and walk away, we spoke like I mentioned but if she wanted more she we still be messaging me now. Something I’ll have to carry with me. If I see her I’ll speak but it’s unlikely

If you let her go and she comes back there is something there otherwise, on to the next!
Stripeee;753127 said:
I think there is a clear message here, and that is let it go and walk away, we spoke like I mentioned but if she wanted more she we still be messaging me now. Something I’ll have to carry with me. If I see her I’ll speak but it’s unlikely

The experiences that we encounter are what makes us who we are, wither they are good or bad they prepare us for the future as building blocks for our lives. Take what you can from this experience and use it to learn, grow and flourish one day you will look back and see how it changed you for the better.
Sinthious;753227 said:
The experiences that we encounter are what makes us who we are, wither they are good or bad they prepare us for the future as building blocks for our lives. Take what you can from this experience and use it to learn, grow and flourish one day you will look back and see how it changed you for the better.

Well said Sin, you nailed it
Sinthious;753227 said:
The experiences that we encounter are what makes us who we are, wither they are good or bad they prepare us for the future as building blocks for our lives. Take what you can from this experience and use it to learn, grow and flourish one day you will look back and see how it changed you for the better.

Good shit!
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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