we're back

I’m glad the site is back up and running. I see the update has fixed the search function. This is fantastic and will help the brotherhood immensely.
I can't see any signatures. My signature is also not showing, even if it's still there under my profile/settings.
The signatures only show up if I'm using my laptop.
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The album section is gone.
Many posts and threads are broken for me now.


This post is completely broken as well. There are no pictures. 👇

That code you see, was a link to my album. I had many diffrent albums and picures to link to, depending on what picures I needed.

Everything is gone now.
I hope this is fixable.
So glad it’s up an running again, almost felt lost and a bit frustrated when it was down.
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Wonderful news, a twenty year anniversary gift. Another five years will make a silver jubilee year 😀😲

Regretful for all the breaks n lack of consistency of all these years..If Id kept going I'd have developed a horse cock size which I'd be proud of...

Can I still get to Double Digits? yes indeed although it would take me sometime would be worth it.. yes it is worth it IMO.
following the SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory as accurate as possible gains you an inch girth and length..After that what routine of exercises can give you another inch of both length and girth? And so on..
Regretful for all the breaks n lack of consistency of all these years..If Id kept going I'd have developed a horse cock size which I'd be proud of...

Can I still get to Double Digits? yes indeed although it would take me sometime would be worth it.. yes it is worth it IMO.
following the SRT as accurate as possible gains you an inch girth and length..After that what routine of exercises can give you another inch of both length and girth? And so on..
SRT will be good until you reach you goal
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