Jun 3, 2003
Transforming yourself into the customer she wants to take home EVERYNIGHT Post #1

The Cold Hard Truth of waitresses and barmaids: The professions and their cousins in the food service and beverage industry like shot girls and cocktail waitresses have a simple plan. They want your money always! These girls live off their tips as they usually but not always make many times less than minimum wage. A good woman in the service industry can make a few hundred bucks in a simple matter of hours. She makes her money stroking a man’s ego, whomever said, “Women are the weaker sex” never dined out, let alone met a stripper. Men suffer from an all to common delusion that a girl has to really like us if she throws a few smiles at us and flirts back. Good God, what if she actually gives you a single free drink? She must be your soul mate and future wife then? I don’t think so! This is a profession that prides itself on service, service that always is friendly and with a smile. This smile is a fake as a wedding cake. These girls are trained actresses, assuming a persona of actually caring about you for a few minutes to an hour. Their skills in acting are not from some high school or college drama class but from constant real life practice working on men for several hours each day.

What happens the vast majority of time? A scenario very similar to this: A guy walks into a bar or restaurant, a hot young woman who knows how to use her sex appeal waits on him. He orders a drink or food and banters back and forth with her for about a minute tops. He keeps ordering food or drinks just to get another few seconds with her to ask “what’s your sign?” Or perhaps “how long have you been working here?” He does this for at least an hour if not longer, all while checking out her ass in that little skirt or pants and seeing if she is wearing a semi-visible thong or looking at her rack and imagining what those sweater puppies would look like topless. She can smell the desperation emitting from your very core and she couldn’t give a shit about you. Eventually he realizes he isn’t going home with her, let alone getting a number. So he reasons that he’ll get her next time. So he decides to save the day by putting out a big tip on the table so that she’ll be forced to remember you. In the end your platter of super sized Buffalo wings and pitcher of some horrible domestic draft winds up costing you fifty dollars. The final result is you just paid a week’s worth of gas for her nice little imported car she is leasing at a sweet 20 years of age. Smiles are exchanged and your welcomed back some other time. After you leave she puts your tiny portion of life savings in her pocket and spots the next rocket scientist who things he can land her and the process repeats over and over till the sun burns out of the sky one last and final time.

What makes these women believe they are “God’s gift to men?” Simple, everyday men who act in the most inane ways to garner their attention stare at them in their place of business. So it is conditioned and reinforced, by these men looking like starved people looking into a bakery window populated by them instead of bread. I mean who really goes to a bar other than too enjoy the scenery and social interaction. The food is usually average at best and overpriced.

Some girl working her way through college or supporting a fatherless kid or two is playing you expertly. I have a few friends who wouldn’t dare ever think of a waitress or barmaid romantically, let alone a stripper. They are too afraid of being played or they think it is next to impossible. But they are wrong, dead wrong. There is a set of rules for chasing them, you just don’t know it or can reason it out through many long hours of observation. Just because you don’t know of these rules, you have already written them off.

Your probably asking yourself right now “how did I come to this area of knowledge?” It started several years back; I was never a drinker really or enjoyed eating at a restaurant at all. I found myself always people watching and had an excellent eye for observing as well as perceiving situations. I witnessed firsthand the losers and winners in this game. I reasoned out what didn’t work and what did and wound up subconsciously applying them and wondering why I was successful with barmaids and waitresses. Before I went back to college, I seemed to have an uncanny intrinsic knowledge of people and manipulation, especially in the form of social psychology. Between rounds I tried to understand what my appeal was. I mean how could a jobless and uneducated guy in his soon to be mid-twenties have almost every one of these types of girls chasing him? It baffled me too. Did I beat God himself in some sort of strange bet and this is my reward? Were the stars aligned perfectly and I could step into my destiny? Was this the first sign of the end of the world? I sat back and to the dismay and jealousy of my friends and associates as I drank and ate for free almost every day. I wasn’t even a people person at that strange time of my life and I practically had to fight them off with a stick. All my experience was from the other side of the table or bar, the same side you’ll find yourself on.

There are a few things that you cannot count on when chasing these types of girls. They have been drilled into your head by countless years of hearing them everywhere. You have been warned. A waitress or barmaid has perfected her “Colgate Smile” to put you into a trance, so you have to really unbrainwash yourself on this one. Flirting is an art form for these girls that has been practiced so many times it truly is second nature to them. Maybe the cashier at your local supermarket flirts with you, but I doubt she expects a tip from you at her work unlike how it is the expected norm at the other place of business. You have to think of waitresses and barmaids as the lite beer version of strippers. As I like to say “less baggage and less maintenance than the regular exotic dancer model.” Once you accept this all will be so much easier for you and your wallet. Meaningless small talk can’t be used as a gauge of interest like you could use on a “normal” girl. Fast and courteous service is just due to her wanting your money in the form of a tip, not your man meat. General helpfulness in the form of relaying the specials or promotions doesn’t mean she wants to bare your children. Performing a bar trick to entertain you is not a viable indicator of interest for you to judge with. In fact I most likely showed her or a coworker one of these tricks your witnessing now or some new ones I have constructed myself. Telling you a joke or two or always listening to your inane jokes is not considered suitable to discover her affection for you either. Lighting your cigarette very quickly is yet another dead-end. So please get over these nine little deadly man traps already. The best way to defuse this person’s persuasion is to take a few seconds and think to yourself. Ask yourself this question: “If the situation was reversed and you were the barmaid/waitress and you did this to a male customer would you expect a bigger tip?” Once you come to the conclusion you know what to throw out and what to keep as a viable indicator of her interest in you.

Chasing a barmaid or waitress is like boxing a really tall opponent in the ring. The boxer has amazing reach and just flicks you away, but this person’s weakness is the inability to defend themselves from a position too close to their body. Hence you need to get inside to score some blows, you want the same thing here with the waitress/barmaid except for them to blow you. The concept is for you to be well known and liked by the wait staff as a whole. Remember while these woman are very skilled players, they still are human and are sexual creatures.

When in pursuit of these women they are some all to common mistakes that guys seem to make. These errors in the game start to really add up and hamstring you in your quest. Some of them seem very minor while others are almost certainly deal breakers when discovered.

To be continued very soon.........
Bad Timing Post

Bad Timing is when you arrive at her heaviest time of work. If the apple of your eye is busy she certainly won’t have time for you. Your service will suffer and you’ll just add right to her work frustration and that is something you don’t want to do. Instead look for the slow times to go and see her. These slow times are usually after lunch and between dinner and the lull after the dinner crowd exits. Generally it is an excellent idea to stay away from her at the very end of her shift after last call. She is too busy and angry trying to throw the drunkards and partiers out and get to bed then put up with you.

Sometimes, when a waitress gets to know someone, and it's not very busy, she'll sit right down with you and talk. If she enjoys your company that much, just look for the signs of attraction, pick your moment, and let it fly. If you get shot down, I'd act like it didn't faze me much, remain friendly, and keep going to the restaurant as if nothing was different that is assuming you like eating there. Seeing that you didn't care that much, she may eventually reconsider. Depends on if you think she's worth the bother.


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Overstaying your welcome

Overstaying your welcome. It is nice to become a semi-regular customer it is important to show that you have a life and are benevolent in nature. So this means no more than a couple of visits a week to the drinking establisHydromaxent. Remember these girls usually don’t work a five-day workweek. This is particularly true for the college student type of waitress or barmaid. Usually only three or four days tops are they working. Showing up everyday for her shift is not the thing you want to do. This is very true in the beginning. So you’re already maxing out and overstaying your welcome. The idea is to casually run into her. The fewer the days you are out there pursuing her the better. Memorizing her schedule or knowing what she drives so you can find her and see her all the time is stalker territory. You may have good intentions, but getting in to this perceived stalker territory will only hurt you and get you pegged as a weirdo and creep. Once you get perceived as this it is near impossible to remove yourself from this label by her.

When you come in, don't ask specifically for her to be your waitress. Ask occasionally, but she may be too busy to help you every time. If she is really starting to like you, you'll know it, because she'll make sure you always get seated in her section. Remember the stalker rule. These women are some of the hardest women to date ever imagined. They get hit on till the sun burns out of the sky.


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High Matienence Customer Post #15

Making her job harder does not help. Being a slave-driving tyrant every time she walks by will irk the living shit out of her. So when you get a refill of your brew, don’t wait for her to come back and have her do something extra for you, like that slice of Key Lime Pie you want with your smoke. Think of everything at once, so she only has to make one trip. If you're friendly and low-maintenance, during slow time, and it's not towards the end of her shift, she will enjoy doing a little extra for you. Especially if she thinks you're cute and doable. But sometimes, don't be demanding at all.

Don't ask how much stuff costs. You just seem like a cheapskate, and it's right there in the friggin menu anyway, so open your eyes Copernicus! Don't ask for stuff to be made special. That's why we have a menu. So don't do that to a waitress you're trying to get with. If she says, "I'm sorry, I don't think the cook will make it that way," you've pissed her off. This place isn’t Burger King with edible shit made the way you like it all the time. If you ask her to check with the cook, now you've really irking the shit out of her. You’re wasting her time, effort, and energy completely. Girls like this are on their feet constantly and don’t want to do anything extra to wear out their arches or shoe leather. And know what you want when she gets to your table. Don't take forever to order. She's got other customers, which translates to even less time with you.

Don't throw her out of sequence. Waitresses like a similar species known only as barmaids are creatures of routine. They have developed an assembly line mentality to get through work as fast as possible. If she asks you what you want to drink as soon as you sit down, there's a reason for that. Waitresses have a routine, and if you say you want the drink with the meal, or you're not ready to decide that yet, she'll say okay, no problem. She's lying right through those perfect teeth that you want to brush tonight with something other than a toothbrush. It's a problem. It is a very big problem actually. Then, when you get your food and she still forgot to bring your drink, don't complain. You're the one who threw her off her routine. You obviously were not being a cool little Fonzie now were you? How are you going to Fonzie her in the Fart Box later if you’re a dick now.

What to order. I know your like now this guy is telling me what to eat and what not to. WTF is up with that? You should order the same thing as much as possible. This serves two purposes: It will help the barmaid and staff remember you, and it will make it easier to wait on you. They will like this. Believe it or not, you are a more desirable customer if you do not shift gears every time you come in. She'll already be pouring your drink when you'll say "No, I think I'll have something quite fancy tonight", like your French Royalty or something.They hate this, it makes them have to think and work harder - things that you don't want them to associate with you.
Don't drink shots, unless you are with a bunch of friends who are celebrating or toasting something, and then only one. Shots cause you to end up out of control, and that is the last think you want. Sometimes order food and sometimes don't. Unlike drinks, do not order the same thing every time. You want to appear as if you like variety and you have a refined palate. Order the same thing a lot, but not all the time. She'll feel a closeness to you if she can smile and say, "Let me guess-- coffee, black...T-bone steak, medium rare, fries and corn, right?" She's getting to know you. But don't be too predictable. Keep her guessing by ordering something different occasionally.

Keep this kind of bullshit up, and all the waitresses will avoid you. They'll say, "Here he comes douche bag again. I took him last time; today it's your turn. Please Nicole, you take this asshole’s table, and I'll switch days for you so you can see that concert.” Please don't be that guy. Make them fight over whose turn it is to serve you, not avoid you like you have SARS.


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Leaving the tip Part 1. Post #20

Tips is an acronym for “to insure prompt service”. The dictionary defines it as: Optional payment given in addition to a required payment, usually to express appreciation for excellent service. It is also known as a gratuity.

You don't want her to like you because you're a good tipper. Instead you want her to like you because you're a fair tipper. Give her what she's earned. But please don’t ever be mean. If she's a little ditzy and screws up a lot, but you can tell she's trying, cut her some slack. She'll really remember and love you for it. For you cheap ass bastards, you may not like it, but if you leave less than three dollars, she's going to think you're a Goddamn cheap ass piece of shit. Your probably asking yourself right now as you read this:"Well, what if I just ordered coffee?" Don't. Order some damn food. You want coffee go to Starbucks and overpay for it there. Pay some outrageous amount for a Triple Mochalottalattemotherfucker. If you're just a java guy, she's not going to like you, because she'll know you're going to be leaving a puny tip. And pay in dollar bills. Don't leave her your loose change, some lint, and a crumpled Juicy Fruit wrapper or better yet a 25cent stamp you seem to mysteriously found in your pocket. . Do not irk the woman who brings you food. Especially if you’re a dumbass like me and cannot cook at all.

Please break the delusion that you are harboring in your mind that if you over tip the barmaid she’ll pull off her clothes and part her meat-curtains just for you! All guys tip her well and that is how she makes a living. Do you honestly think that you can buy your way in? Save yourself the money and frustration, get an escort and dress her up like a waitress or barmaid and live out your sick fantasy. Just be sure to show some pictures to me. OK? There is no relationship between your tips and her interest. Any actor or sports star can walk into her place of business and leave half a dollar or a whopping whole buck and she’ll sure as shit go out with him and even bed him down. Some guy tipped my girl $98 for 3 beers on New Year’s Eve years back. Did she take him home? NO!

In the event you have drug one or more of your friends out to drink or eat with you, a special condition exists. If one of your friends is not tipping, prompt him in a classy way. Do not be obnoxious about it. Do not say, "Tip her. Look at her, she's a hot ass bitch and will be the mother of my children!” Say, "Dude, have some respect, these folks work hard and show them some common courteousy please”.

Tip as you normally would for good service. DO NOT OVERTIP! This cannot be expressed strongly enough. As I said, overtipping makes you appear overeager and as if you are trying to impress. If the girl is meeting you behind the bar after her shift next to the dumpster and giving you a hot wet deepthroating blow job to rival Briana Banks herself than feel free to be overly generous with your money. In fact find me and email me and tell me about this girl and where she works and I’ll throw some dough your way.


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Leaving the tip Part 2: How much to tip

Tipping is very important. But knowing what to tip does many things. First if you over tip you look bad and desperate in her eyes. Plus your thinning out your wallet for nothing. Second if you under tip you look like a cheap ass bastard. I am repeating myself for a reason. So many guys blow this part of the deal. The important thing to remember is that waitresses and barmaids get different amounts in tips for the different work they do. Special situations exist in each profession.

A waitress brings you your food and maybe some drinks. The old formerly accepted minimum was 15%. I usually tip in the percentages of 20 to 25%. There is a current push for 20% on average now. She only gets tipped once when you’re done eating and the bill comes. A cocktail waitress usually brings you a drink out on the floor and you don’t see her as she jumps back into the other part of the club or another spot in the casino. So you can tip them right there. I actually use the barmaid tipping scheme for them when you walk up to a crowded bar with no place to sit to get a drink. This will be mentioned later in the barmaid part. If you’re running a tab pay at the end usually unless the shifts are going to change fast. The outgoing waitress will be patient usually but don’t try and test it.

Bartenders are slightly different. Tip $1.00 per drink either at the end if you’re sitting down or right then for the walk up no seat times. If you’re running a tab again it is usually best to tip at the cash out. You don’t have to tip for the drink that you have sent over to another person. I sometimes throw in half the usual amount when I feel generous. Shot girls are very similar in the way to be tipped. If they are in house shot girls for the club you work at tip them like a barmaid. If they are roving promotion girls going from bar to bar you have more leeway as a rule of thumb. The beer and liquor distributor sends out special promotion girls most often. They get paid by the hour usually upwards of $25.00 an hour. The nomadic shot girls will not be seen by you anytime soon most often. But if you do tip them better you might run into them sometime at another club. They are usually the prettiest and youngest girls around. If you get excellent service you can go up a wee bit in the tip but don’t start going crazy. This isn’t a strip club.

Tipping well also helps in getting the barmaids attention for another round quickly. She’ll remember and want your money again. Reliable tipping is also good to help a new girl or set of girls who have just strolled into your watering hole. It is a good icebreaker and a kind act may be enough social proof to get their attention on you. So this knowledge pays off with the servers as well as the hot customers you may encounter.
Failing to understand the learning curve on this project.

These tips like anything else take time to master. You need to try them out in person and see exactly what is your own Strengths and Weaknesses. A prehistoric cliche drilled into our heads since grade school gym and sports is "practice makes perfect". While I do agree in applied repetition of these guidelines will get you somewhere, I don't believe one reading of this will get you a barmaid or a waitress on the first try. Most of this is time consuming to some, but I look at it as an investment of time. Just like putting money in the bank or a Certificate of Deposit (CD) you'll be rewarded with interest on your principal after time.

I like to think that the ideas expressed within this thread will give you insight into an area that was once very hard and thought of as possible only with sheer luck. Like being a pro gambler, you'll learn new ways of approaching situations and give yourself an edge over or at least equalize a situation to give you as fair a shot as possible.

Feel free to pop into a bar and have a drink or two or stop off for a meal maybe once a week. The key part is your observation and perception and how to apply it. Reward yourself with a night out after payday for a brew or two or even hang with the boys once in a while. You could even try bar hopping. I myself love doing this between my class days and days off. The most important part is too watch how other people interact with the barmaids or waitresses. Nothing like watching a train wreck in progress, I know you'll cringe but not look away and get a good chuckle with whatever your having. The learning curve involves yourself as well as the staff and customers of where ever your haunting that moment.


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"A man has gotta know his limiatations" Post #26

A Few choice words can sum up what I want to say to you. This section applies to how you display yourself to others in a drinking environment. The great American icon of film and world’s most underrated director, Clint Eastwood, said it best in his role as Dirty Harry, “A man has to gotta know his limitations.”

You’re in a bar, so what is the first thing you do to pass the time. You are going to drink naturally. Maybe you grab some grub along with it, but we know your going to be boozing to some degree. Know ahead of time what your limit is. If you can’t tolerate hard liquor and by the second shot you have your pants down around your ankles and your clinging to a girl’s leg that works at Hooters it really isn’t going to endear you to her no matter how many times you offer to marry her in your slurred speech. Maybe Molson Ice makes you black out and start a one-man crime spree, that’s not really what you want to be getting that night. I myself have a hard time with champagne, nothing like running into a just cleaned bathroom and throwing up on the floor and being forced to wipe it up with toilet paper cause the janitor forgot to put a new round of paper towels in the dispenser.

I used to drink often in my younger years. I had a stomach that could take quite a mixing of everything. As a barmaid said at that time, “I have worked in over three dozen bars in nearly ten years, and NEVER have a seen a person able to mix beer, hard liquor, and mixed drinks to your level!” Lucky for me that when I did get buzzed that I was always responsible and never got loud. Infact, I was so afraid of being loud and obnoxious that I became like a conspirator and talked very softly and relaxed. The liability that a server has with giving you liquor is enormous, she doesn’t want to baby-sit you or worry that you’ll get into a wreck and sue her and her employer too. So don’t make her think you can’t hang. Know what your limit is ahead of time and stick to it. Personally I grab something to eat before going out usually and frequently get glasses of water in-between drinks.

If you do decide to bring a buddy along, make sure of a few things. Know what his ability with liquor is. If he drinks and gets crazy, don’t go out with him. A lot of guys will cock-block you when they are buzzed. Bringing up stupid shit and trying to see you shot down in flames cause they could NEVER get anywhere with these girls. I had a buddy who would drag along his pet project with him, this associate of his was a short little fat troll packaged to look like a human being. Plenty of times I had a barmaid offer me a backrub only for him to scream” Hey, where’s mine?” I had another girl say, “let’s go out.” Only for Satan’s Oompa Lumpa to say, “yeah, where are we all going?” To say that destroyed the moment is an understatement in the extreme.

In summary know what you can drink and what you can’t. Know how you behave in the presence of a lot of liquor and what your limitations are. Don’t forget to know the above for anyone you drag out with you too. You don’t want to be guilty by association.
Know her name. Post #39

Simply put, people respond better when called their name. If she is a waitress, she more than likely has a name tag. Read it and learn it, then say it when asking for something. If not ask her what her name is. Is that too hard to do? Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) uses a persons name as an introduction to a command or suggestion. People like to hear their names called but please do not overuse it. It can get annoying. “Nicole, may I please have another round of drinks for my friends?” Don’t forget to have manners and say “thank you, Nicole”. Good manners does set you aside from the rude and drunk scumbags she encounters everyday. But this isn’t some posh British Charm School your going to, so keep it simple. Try not to be lazy and immediately enchant her with words like honey, sweetie, babe, fox, or hey. This shit really gets old with her and she’ll just chalk you up as another chump trying to seduce her or a player. Neither of which you want to get labeled as. Learn her name and use it, but not too much.

Keep an aura of mystery about you. Women are naturally curious creatures. They are intrigued by what is mysterious. You want her to come up to you and ask for it. So never volunteer your name. Instead give it when only asked for. She’ll want to get the name of that tall, dark-haired, and witty stranger stuck sitting behind the beer stein. Your words will carry more potency with this veil of mystery around them being the intriguing yet nameless customer.
Make yourself stand out. Post #40

Look at it this way. One hot girl in a room full of men stands out. One hot girl in a room full of hot girls doesn't. Sure, you're a decent-looking guy, but she sees a hundred of those every day.

Try and be as neat as you can about yourself in a situation. I am not saying dress like a male model and groom yourself better than a Hollywood star. Just try and use common sense. Don’t come in from cleaning a stable and have the smell of horse piss upon you and think a server is going to enjoy your new designer cologne their buddy. Don’t think you have to go and get a manicure and a facial before going out. Just don’t reek of bleach from cleaning the outside of your house and expect a nice conversation.

This section here is really up to the individual reader and his choice. Some people only look good nicely dressed up; others can wear jeans and a t-shirt and get the girls jumping all over them. It truly is how you perceive yourself and what areas you think your weak in. I actually alternate in what she’ll see me in. Dressed like I was out clubbing to something so plain and ordinary, I vary it.

There is a social psychological phenomenon called the “halo effect”. This halo effect is how we perceive a person of greater than average looks to have certain other characteristics such as being more honest or more intelligent than an average to worse looking person. You see it every day in advertising. Why do you think the Bud Girls look hot? So the reason I brought up trying to look good is due to this. There is a method to my madness always. Try and exploit this as much as you can. You see how a simple make over can make anyone look better and more attractive to the opposite sex. Remember a first impression is made in the first ten seconds of her meeting you.
DetacHydromaxent: an explanation and how to use it. Post #41

This post is on how to understand and implement detacHydromaxent in your everyday quest to land that hot barmaid.

DetacHydromaxent is the act of forgoing emotional involvement. Women do it all the time. They are masters of it and that is the reason why they fascinate us. Well it is time that we return this power back to them to sample. You need to flip the side of the coin that they have been using as the currency of their realm and make it your own.

By showing detacHydromaxent to this waitress or barmaid your interested in you show that you have other things going on in your life and are not to needy or clingy. DetacHydromaxent is a good thing due to its potency and economy of use. This little magic trick also acts as a barrier of you overstaying your welcome. DetacHydromaxent is like stopping while you’re ahead when winning at a card table in Las Vegas. Sure you feel lucky, but are you going blow all your winnings on a chance, instead of just walking away and enjoying that money?

First you must understand how flirting works. Take a look of all those nice links I posted a few posts back and become very familiar with them. Know them and become them. Now you go and ignite the little spark of interest through flirtatious behavior. Everything is going pretty damn good now isn’t it? Well you want to do the thing that is most likely the complete opposite of what you THINK should happen next. You want to walk away. Yes, I said walk away. No really, you do want to do that. I swear, I am not bullshitting you.

What does this do? Well, it infects the girl with an interest in you like a case of venereal disease that you got off the pay toilet in that strip club. Ah, the stories right there alone. You wind up with her wanting more of you. It is the last think she expects you to do. The sudden act of detacHydromaxent leaves her thinking about you more and more, and when the time is right, when you feel that she is literally hoping more than anything to be with you.

How do I implement detacHydromaxent in the conversation with the waitress? Simple, just when everything is going really well, make an excuse and leave. Tell her you have an economics exam to study for college first thing tomorrow. This also reinforces the fact that you have a life outside of this bar and her too.

Feel free to practice this technique with any women you encounter. If your too broke to go to the bar right now. Use what you got. Practice it up. See how much interest you generate trying this out. Remember one of the best cards in your deck will be detacHydromaxent. Don't be suprised if you labeled as the office or class tease after doing this .

One of my best personal stories of detatcment was a barmaid who was very infatuated with me later on. I used these techniques to intrique her. After I left for the bathroom, she asked my friend and wingman why I wouldn't give her any attention. She actually broke down and cried. The next week I saw her the free drinks and invitations to an after hours place flowed like the River Ganges, once I played interested again.
Go double secret undercover. Post #48

This is a route that I never took for a number of reasons but may be a way for you to work it. This is a great way to accomplish the internal networking you must do as well as get some cash for your pocket too.
You can get a job actually working in a restaurant, bar, or club. I never chose this way for the simple reason is hard work is two four letter words that I don’t like to do. I eventually found my way to college and couldn’t afford the time needed to have a job like this. My schedule was too all over the place for it and I took an overload of classes each semester.

If you are in college, get a job serving or tending bar for extra cash. If you have another job and are a workaholic, get a few bar shifts a week somewhere. It is an ideal way to make extra money and expand your social network at the same time. These are two things that you should be doing ANYWAY. You could be a barback, a bartender, a waiter, a cook, or even a bouncer. There are many occupations to work a true undercover campaign from. Bouncers usually have the easiest job. But they are paid shit in cash and $10 bucks an hour don’t fix my broken jaw or nose from a fight. Bouncers do exceptionally well at strip clubs with the dancers and too a lesser degree the barmaids. But not a job I want.

I have known people who were given access to very high paid barmaids. Better than I ever got (yet)! My associate at age 19 worked in a Philadelphia after hours club as a doorman/bouncer. He netted himself a barmaid who made $1300 a night and traveled the world willing to spoil him. She lived in a $2500 a month luxury apartment with some annoying French name to give it that class. So this girl spent a few months across the year going to Paris and Ibiza for fun with her money that used to belong to someone else.

For god sake, DON'T ask out every girl in joint after two weeks. Just play it cool, have a life outside of the girls there, and see who likes you. If you are a constantly evolving, someone will catch your eye or vice-versa.

Improve your social circle to the extreme. Get together with your coworkers and go out. Let your coworkers become your friends. Find out where all restaurant people go to unwind after work, be it another restaurant, bar, or after-hours club.
The sociology of the bar/restaurant/club family Post #49

A tight-knit family like atmosphere holds the service industry together. This applies whether it is a corner bar and grill, a restaurant or even a nightclub. The subculture of the restaurant/bar industry is like a big family. They work together, flirt together, chat together, and go out after the shift together. It is a very tight-knit social circle, not easily broken by those who can't relate. Not easily broken by the guy that just walked into the bar with a nice set of clothes on and possessing deep pockets, either. No matter how good of you think you really are, the tools are only so effective across that barrier of wooden bar top that may as well be a bank vault. The most effective way, as Jim Morrison of the Doors put it, is to be a back door man. They almost always agree to date guys that they know and trust, guys who are not losers or nutcases. They date those that they view in their mind as insiders, not strangers.

The post above this is about working with them is one of the best ways to easily become an insider in that bar or club. But it is not for everyone. I doubt you want to give up your IT job to become a cook at Hooters. Though we all know that the cook’s coworkers are really hot looking compared to that girl you fawn over in accounting at your other job.

Some important factors to consider are her coworkers. This is way too often overlooked. Respect her coworkers; treat as well as tip them well. They all talk in the back and, if your name comes up, you want favorable input. Even if you find a girl that is aloof or distant from this family atmosphere it still applies. Women always find some way to talk to each other, unlike guys. Do not be dumb enough to try and work more than one girl in any single bar or restaurant. Most guys take a “kid in a candy store” attitude to the girls and want to sample them all. This has never been more true than it is with the locker room talk at Hooters. It is advisable to not ask an employee personal questions about your target before you are a regular at the least and preferably an insider.

The Barmaid sits atop the social hierarchy of the restaurant or bar. She is often hired because of her looks and assertiveness. The majority of men that she deals with, both customers and coworkers pander to her. Many of the barmaids that you will encounter are friends of the owner or manager, and they enjoy the full support of the organization. The have no problem saying "no" to anyone; they are backed up by the managers/bouncers/other bar staff. So your indiscretions easily get back to her from her underlings or from above from the bar gossip from her boss that is overheard.
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