tricks of the mind


Nov 27, 2005
I had this real horrible sensation this morning.
You know when you're not quite asleep or awake, but in between somewhere? You're sort of half-dreaming? Anyway if you know what I mean, have you ever experienced that thing where, like if you fall over, or bump your head or whatever, you sort of almost feel it, and it jerks you straight out of your slumber? Well anyway, I get that sometimes, I hope you know what I'm talking about.
So anyway to the story - I was in that sort of place and i was semi-dreaming about doing manual stretching. When right in the middle of a stretch, the top of my penis just ripped off! Needless to say I lurched straight out of my semi-conscious to bolt upright, sat straight up in bed and totally panicked. I felt sick to my stomach and had to check my penis several times to reassure mysel that it was just my imagination. But, God, was that ever horrible. And needless to say, I'm taking a day off Penis Enlargement today.

Has anyone else ever had their minds play nasty tricks on them like that? And does anyone know how to train the mind to avoid such things? I often feel like my mind is betraying me, by constantly thinking negative things when I'm trying to mediatate and focus on the positive, my brain just lets a little negative thing creep in and mess it up. For example when focussing my mind on something like, the cells (of the penis) dividing and multiplying, my brain screams 'cancer!' which obviously ruins the whole desired effect. I then worry even more, because if that thought is there, the power of the mind might actually make it happen. So, I would really appreciate anyone's input on slaying these mental demons!
The mind can be beyond tricky. Since I suffer with bi-polar disease when I get into a manic episode, the last one being 10 months long, my mind can create complete scenarios in waking life that do not exist. Very scary when they are of the horrific variety but also extremely disappointing when they are of the happy type. When coming out of a manic state and drifting into depression I am faced with the realization that much of what I experienced was not real.

Just waking or drifting into the early stages of sleep is a period called ALPHA. This state of waking sleep can lend to delusion, hallucination and other dream like scenarios.
Mike012 said:
Sounds like you have ADHD

Unfortunately that would be a blessing, I suffer from Bi-Polar 1 and OCD...I can concentrate on a wall for days.
It's almost as though this 'half-dream' was some kind of omen, as the next day I had some blood come out of my penis. I'm wondering if there is some kind of psycho-somatic thing going on there.

DLD, is OCD sometimes a blessing in disguise? I realise there's obvious disadvantages, but does it not to some extent make you concentrate and focus more intensely, and thus help you to reach your goals? Surely its better than ADHD where it's hard to focus on just about anything? Anyways, interested to hear more from you on this.
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