Starting big aiming bigger👍🏼


Feb 5, 2023
My names Alex hope everyone is doing good. Its 3am and i cant sleep so i may aswell start a little bit on tracking and writing down my goals and getting everyones opinions in what i should do…
Im 18 205lb 6’4 bpel:8” eg:5.5”
i know i need to chase length first so thats what ive been researching and ive found its gonna come down to a couple things, either hanging or manual stretches with or without length master.
I believe with everything in me anything is possible with enough hard work, discipline and belief.
My goal length is 10” within a year a 2” length gain. I just need to narrow down what has worked for others in my situation. I have all the time in the world to focus on it too so any suggestions!!
Thank you
Brother, welcome. Since you're 18, you are blessed to still have a 3-year window to grow even longer. Man, I wished there was info like this when I was younger. Currently, you're still riding a human growth hormone (HGH) wave. Your body is still providing the necessary growth to achieve virility based on natural growth cycle. You can indeed achieve up to 10in with ease with the help of HGH. It will take some part on your side to max the growth.

At 18, you may be on a budget. DLD has some excellent manual stretches for length in the Media section for tutorial videos. Look at the manual bundle stretches that focus on twists and downward, below the legs, and behind the butt cheeks pulls. This is the most optimal way to force your collagen and tissue breakdown and growth repairs. Add in the Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ) into the mix whenever you can. The instructional videos are also available for you to watch. It not only adds girth as the primary function, but it also helps to further break down the tissues for length growth.

What you have to invest in are wraps. Without wraps to keep your penis shaft from turtling, it's a wasteful loss after all that work. Plenty of videos and instructional posts for wraps as well. Do a search on "How to wrap" and you'll get all your resources for reading.
Brother, welcome. Since you're 18, you are blessed to still have a 3-year window to grow even longer. Man, I wished there was info like this when I was younger. Currently, you're still riding a human growth hormone (HGH) wave. Your body is still providing the necessary growth to achieve virility based on natural growth cycle. You can indeed achieve up to 10in with ease with the help of HGH. It will take some part on your side to max the growth.

At 18, you may be on a budget. DLD has some excellent manual stretches for length in the Media section for tutorial videos. Look at the manual bundle stretches that focus on twists and downward, below the legs, and behind the butt cheeks pulls. This is the most optimal way to force your collagen and tissue breakdown and growth repairs. Add in the Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ) into the mix whenever you can. The instructional videos are also available for you to watch. It not only adds girth as the primary function, but it also helps to further break down the tissues for length growth.

What you have to invest in are wraps. Without wraps to keep your penis shaft from turtling, it's a wasteful loss after all that work. Plenty of videos and instructional posts for wraps as well. Do a search on "How to wrap" and you'll get all your resources for reading.
How long to do you think i should manual stretch. or should i start hanging aswell. Really looking to maximize my gains in under a year. shooting big!
No, stay away from hanging at the moment. Manual stretches are the main focus. If you want to max your gain, take a bit of a sacrifice and invest in the Length Master. Otherwise, it's all arm and hand strength for the tugging and pulling. Most of us gave up on manual arm-hand stretches due to the amount of exertions. But, the Length Master allows us to use only 20% of the energy and produces 100% of the result using fulcrum and lever methods. Why work harder when you can work smarter.
No, stay away from hanging at the moment. Manual stretches are the main focus. If you want to max your gain, take a bit of a sacrifice and invest in the Length Master. Otherwise, it's all arm and hand strength for the tugging and pulling. Most of us gave up on manual arm-hand stretches due to the amount of exertions. But, the Length Master allows us to use only 20% of the energy and produces 100% of the result using fulcrum and lever methods. Why work harder when you can work smarter.
Avoid hanging and embrace the LENGTHMASTER to make length growth
The power of the length master
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