Silistretcher vs Stealth Stretcher?

Would you say shorter intervals are better? Or would having more time under pressure be best for gains?
I always stick to 5 minutes inside the penis cylinder. No more or no less. 5 minutes is what I got to work with. More time during vaccum pressure inside the Acrylic cylinder will not give me more gains, only more fluid retention.

I can explain how I approach my routines.

During those 5 minutes I first increase the pressure to 10 in.Hg (my lowest level) and after some time, maybe 2 minutes I go up to 12 in.Hg. Here I am for ~2 minutes and then I go back to 10 in.Hg the rest of the time I have left.
I always use a timer. I was even at 15 in.Hg but it's to high. Will not go there again.

The key is to go back abd forth between your lower limit and your upper limit and in that way tug abd stretch out your tissue. Over stretch a little bit with high vaccum pressure, and then go back down again.

I do this technique above in order to tug at the tunica albigunea at it's expanded limit.

You can even use this technique above and use one tight and one wide Acrylic cylinder. On the first set you can use a tight cylinder, the second the wide cylinder and on the third; either the tight or the wide cylinder. I also did this with Bathmate and it worked.

The narrow cylinder will force high internal pressure in your penis and the wide cylinder will force extreme expansion. I don't exactly know why it works but for me these techniques worked.

Try it if you have not done this. 🙂
I always stick to 5 minutes inside the penis cylinder. No more or no less. 5 minutes is what I got to work with. More time during vaccum pressure inside the Acrylic cylinder will not give me more gains, only more fluid retention.

I can explain how I approach my routines.
During those 5 minutes I first increase the pressure to 10 in.Hg (my lowest level) and after some time, maybe 2 minutes I go up to 12 in.Hg. Here I am for ~2 minutes and then I go back to 10 in.Hg the rest of the time I have left.
I always use a timer. I was even at 15 in.Hg but it's to high. Will not go there again.

The key is to go back abd forth between your lower limit and your upper limit and in that way tug abd stretch out your tissue. Over stretch a little bit with high vaccum pressure, and then go back down again.

I do this technique above in order to tug at the tunica albigunea at it's expanded limit.

You can even use this technique above and use one tight and one wide Acrylic cylinder. On the first set you can use a tight cylinder, the second the wide cylinder and on the third; either the tight or the wide cylinder. I also did this with Bathmate and it worked.

The narrow cylinder will force high internal pressure in your penis and the wide cylinder will force extreme expansion. I don't exactly know why it works but for me these techniques worked.

Try it if you have not done this. 🙂
I've been going like this when pumping:

5hg for 1 min, 7hg for 1 min, 9hg for 1 min, 7hg for 1 min, 9hg for 1 min in my 1.75" tube.

6hg 1 min, 8hg 1 min, 10hg 1 min, 8hg 1 min, 10hg 1 min in 1.5" tune

7hg 1 min, 9 hg 1 min, 11hg 1 min, 9 hg 1 min, 11 hg 1 min in 1.5" tube
I've been going like this when pumping:

5hg for 1 min, 7hg for 1 min, 9hg for 1 min, 7hg for 1 min, 9hg for 1 min in my 1.75" tube.

6hg 1 min, 8hg 1 min, 10hg 1 min, 8hg 1 min, 10hg 1 min in 1.5" tune

7hg 1 min, 9 hg 1 min, 11hg 1 min, 9 hg 1 min, 11 hg 1 min in 1.5" tube
Okay interesting.
You are using air pumping?

As long as you create maximum expansion after session.
Maybe @huge-girth @DLD or @oldandlively have any advice on my routine?
As brother huge-girth indicated, just follow the fundamental 5x5x3. You have an existing dynamic routine for your air, and as brother SIM pointed out, "As long as you create maximum expansion after session." Optimization through efficient pumping is the key. If your air routine you're using is creating that good expansion each and every time, stick with it. If not, modify the routine a bit. At each growth phase, your internal tissues grow differently. We can give you as many routines as you want, but you know your penis best during the phases. Report the changes to us, and we can only provide advices.

Here's an example. Let's just grab your latest routine, but there are missing gap info that needs to be filled:
  • What is the lower pressure baseline?
  • What is the moderate pressure baseline, where you feel that achy pull throughout the penis while getting that extreme expansion during pumping while having a full strong erection?
  • What is the upper pressure baseline where you are getting that initial tingling pain from over expansion?
Say, your lower limit is 5inHg, your moderate pressure is 8inHg, and your upper limit is 10inhg. From what I'm seeing, that's one heck of a spread. At this point, 5inHg is your "warmup" pressure to flex your internal tissues. However, check again on the moderate pressure. It may have already risen to 9inHg, and your upper may be 10inHg or even 11inHg. You have to search for it. Make sure to create that log page for yourself so we can follow.

Your routine:
5hg for 1 min, 7hg for 1 min, 9hg for 1 min, 7hg for 1 min, 9hg for 1 min in my 1.75" tube.
6hg 1 min, 8hg 1 min, 10hg 1 min, 8hg 1 min, 10hg 1 min in 1.5" tune
7hg 1 min, 9 hg 1 min, 11hg 1 min, 9 hg 1 min, 11 hg 1 min in 1.5" tube

In my perspectives, start with 1.5in cylinder to contain your expansion while maintain rigidity, and perform the latter expansion in the larger
cylinder later. This is the testing phase:
X = moderate pressure
Y = upper pressure
Z = creeping pressure by 0.5inHg.

Using 1.5in cylinder:
1st set of 5 inHg for 1 min for tissue warming in the safe zone and optimization zone, X inHg for 2 min to forcing the tissues into the expansion phase, Y inhg for 1 min to maximize the expansion phase, X inhg for 1 min.

SSJ to prevent edema.

2nd set of 7 inHg for 1 min for tissue optimization, Y inHg for 2 min to forcing the tissues into the expansion phase, Z inhg for 15 second to further expand through optimization phase and drop down to Y inHg for 45 seconds, and back to Z inHg for 15 seconds, and then back down to Y inHg for 45 seconds.

SSJ to prevent edema.

Using the 1.75in cylinder:
Follow the same process as the 2nd set for the 1.5in cylinder for your 3rd set, or even 4th set.

Do a comparative analysis to see if your expansion is better with your current routine or this experimental routine.
Play in the bathroom shower first to see if you can find ways to make this less messy. Once you master the art of not making a pond while pumping, you can do it anywhere.
When pumping with water, is it best to do it in the shower or could I refill with warm water from the sink?
Best in shower where you have a fresh supply of hot water.
You also do not risk damaging your floors.
I would not personally be able to do water pumping outside of my shower. Water damage for sure.
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