Silistretcher vs Stealth Stretcher?

It's funny you mention doing lm before pumping. I had an idea about a routine and would actually love your input:

30-40 mins of lengthmaster in the morning and length pumping at night. I'd be doing it every other day because I've noticed I'm still pretty engorged the morning after pumping.
That's not a bad approach. Keep your length gently wrapped up to prevent turtling, or even better yet, use ADS to cement your gain faster, and pump at night to allow the resting phase to heal both length and girth. This is where you need to test which works best. Testing approaches is the best way to see if you can fool the body and mind to prevent them from adapting too rapidly and continue to get the gains you need.
That's not a bad approach. Keep your length gently wrapped up to prevent turtling, or even better yet, use ADS to cement your gain faster, and pump at night to allow the resting phase to heal both length and girth. This is where you need to test which works best. Testing approaches is the best way to see if you can fool the body and mind to prevent them from adapting too rapidly and continue to get the gains you need.
I have a silisleeve2 that's perfect for post pump/cock ring. Allows me to stay engorged while keeping me extended.
@oldandlively you mentioned something about using the LENGTHMASTER directly before going into the mityvac and seeing some increased expansion. In your experience, would that be as effective as doing them separately?
@oldandlively you mentioned something about using the lengthmaster directly before going into the mityvac and seeing some increased expansion. In your experience, would that be as effective as doing them separately?
Yes, it can be separated or both in tandem to obtain the similar effectiveness. However, you see greater greater expansion going from one to another by at least 25% compared to allowing the tissues time to retract/cool down. I'll break it down:

LM + MityVac, the duo routine:
Since you already stretched and warm the tissues to the optimal conditions through elongation processes, you already completed the first part of the leg work for elongation within the SSJ routine. SSJ is not about expansion, but if you look zoom in at the microscopic level, you're expanding and elongating at the same as you twist and bend the tissues. That's what you've done through the LENGTHMASTER, 20 full minutes of it. You maxed out the elongation process to the best that you can.

Don't do the SSJ, but go straight to pumping. Take advantage of the warmed tissues for ballooning purposes.

As you jump into the MityVac routine, the elongation process already maxed out, you're pushing the SSJ to take advantage of the elongation to also max out the expansion. Think of the balloon. You stretch long to create micro tears and soften the ballon walls to expand without surface imperfection or stresses as you add air volume.

Once you pump, further warming and optimizing your tissues for expansion, go into SSJ. What LENGTHMASTER cannot create in terms of micro tears through twisting, stretching, and bending, SSJ will further supplement that through partial expansion and and contortion processes. It's like popping the last kernel of popcorns that refused to be popped in the microwaves.

LENGTHMASTER + MityVac routines in progression exhaust your tissues and collagen bonds to an extreme level. If you think about it, that's roughly a full hour of continuous stressor routines. If your penile tissues can handle even more, you can crank it up to 2 hours worth. This is not including the post-workout routines such as cock ring, red light, then kiss and tender massages. In reality, 2 hours is more than enough to do all this work.

LM, cool down time with wraps/ADS, then MityVac:
If you use the LENGTHMASTER routine, wraps up to prevent turtling, you still lose about 10% at minimum to 40% as the tissues cooled down, where cells and collagen bonds repair themselves. If you have to max out your tissue to be stressed to achieve the potiential growth, you have to go further with intensity to obtain that potential in the duo routines. The cool down period forces you to prime your tissues again to break down more collagen bonds, more cells, and further stress your tissues later down the road. You do get the benefits of new cells being broken down and more gaps to fill, but tissues are not as primed as when they came out of the LM routines. Your fatigue may not be as intensified as the duo routines. The more the tissues feel fatigue, the more resources the body will divert to maximize the healing processes.

Is one worth more than the other?
Yes, in term of the continuous stressor and fatigue achievement. No, if you don't have time and need to space them out. Either process will provide you the equivalent gains at the end of the day. This is what I observed in the past 1 month:

I measured the penis using the cylinder itself. I didn't bother to use the ruler since the cylinder acts as my ruler.

ADS (5lbs initial hour and 2.5lbs for the remainder) for 8 hours and then use the modified 3x3x7 routine at night:
  • Length coming out of cylinder: 6.65in from 6.45in
  • Girth in the 2in cylinder: 90% filled, coming out of cylinder 70%, lasting up to 9 hours.
LENGTHMASTER at 5lbs force traction, ADS for 8 hours and then use the modified 3x3x7 routine at night:
  • Length coming out of cylinder: 6.75in from 6.45in
  • Girth in the 2in cylinder: 90% filled, coming out of cylinder 70%, lasting up to 9 hours.
LENGTHMASTER for 20 minutes with dynamic intensity from 5lbs to 7lbs, then use the modified 3x3x7 routine at night:
  • Length coming out of cylinder: 7.15in from 6.45in
  • Girth in the 2in cylinder: 95% filled, coming out of cylinder ~80%, lasting up to 8 hours.
LENGTHMASTER for 40 minutes with dynamic intensity between 5lbs to 7lbs, then up to 10lbs for the last 10 minutes, then use the modified 3x3x7 routine at night:
  • Length coming out of cylinder: 7.25in and at times, 7.5in. Length remain at 7in for 5 hours with some retraction when removed from wrapping/ADS.
  • Girth in 2in cylinder: 95% filled, and at times 100% nice and tight, coming out of cylinder 90% (wife loves this one). After 5 hours, it's around 80% and remain for the next 5 hours.
** LENGTHMASTER dynamic traction up to 15lbs was tested but not recorded. It was to see how much I could handle in the first 30 seconds.

So, tissue pliability for devopment is phenomenal in a duo-routine. When I do too many days in a row and hit extreme fatigues, I cannot get the same results for LENGTHMASTER (40 minutes) + vacuum cylinder (3x3x7). This is when I schedule a day rest. Give it a try and experience it for yourself.
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