Oct 4, 2005
First off the Silva method sounds kinda crazy at first and doesn't make much sense. It sounds like a bunch of crap that doesn't work. But the more you read up/listen the more you began to understand why it works. There are tons of benefit's for doing the Silva method. Silva Mind control has several benefits. One of the most important is increased energy levels. The Silva method is awesome for not only increasing energy levels but visualizing the things you want in your life(Bigger Penis!). Remember now, Arnold used visualization in Body Building. He once said that it was one of the greatest things to his success in that sport.

I hope you read this whole thing, it took me forever to write and if you actually do this you and your penis will be thanking me later on.

Also i would like to point out that i have heard that Alpha Blade is somewhat similar to the Silva Method. DLD mentioned that he has some exercises for visualization in the Alpha Blade. I think the Alpha Blade is going to be awesome and I'm going to get the site when it comes out.

I'm not for sure on this, but i wouldn't doubt if DLD is one of the very few who are able to normally function at the alpha level. Remember that about 10% of people operate at this level. This is the spiritual level that some of the greatest minds in history have operated at, including Prophets. This level of mind helps you come up with solutions to problems, become a better person, feel fulled. Guys like Einstein, Edison, and alot of other have operated at this level of mind. I have thought about this for awhile, the reason i think he operates at this level is because he has been so innovative with Penis Enlargement. He has been very creative and came up with 100ers of exercises. This guy has changed the world of Penis Enlargement and is basically the master at it. And now he has come up with a superior weight loss program. Not just that, but a guy who has conquered OCD and Heroin. This guy is very special and i think i will be extremely rich one of these days. I think DLD is legit and is not out for just himself, but for others. One of the things about The silva method or operating at Alpha is that you aren't able to have the success you could have if you were greedy and all out for yourself. This is very true and is one of the reasons he is going to succeed highly in the up coming future.

I used to do mediation every day during my sophomore year in high school and I was able to make an A in my math class, I could only get Cs in math classes before that. And actually i ended up stopping mediation and ended up making Cs and Ds in math classes sense thing. It was weird how much mediation could help in school. And the mediation i was using wasn't Silva either, in fact i never even knew Anything about Silva. I bought a book on Internal Martial arts, that was about the life force called Chi. Mediation will help you alot in life, it is a very important thing that most people don't use.

I'm going to start off with the Basics of mediation. However, it is very powerful and beneficial. This came from my book on Silva, its called The Silva Method Mind Control. Its one of the first books by Silva. What I'm about to write about is important to start out with, so bare with me. I will start off with meditation because it is the best thing to start out with. Mediation will also help with energy levels and Penis Enlargement. This is going to be very long so bare with me.

Also to point out. I recommend doing this before your workout and or after your workout.

I'm going to help you learn to meditate. When you learn to do this, you will be at level of mind where you will be able to free your imagination for solving problems. But for now we will be concerned only with mediation; problem solving will come later on.

Because you will be learning without an experienced guide, I will use a method slightly different and quiet a bit slower than the one we use in Mind Control classes. You will have no trouble with it.

If you only learn to mediate and stop there, you will be solving problems anyway. Something beautiful happens in mediation, and the beauty you find calming. The more you mediate, the deeper you go within yourself, the firmer the grasp you will have of a kind of inner peace so Strong that nothing in life will be able to shatter it.

Your body will benefit, too. At first you will find that worries and quilt feelings are absent while you are mediating. One of the beauties of mediation at the Alpha Level is that you cannot bring your feelings of quilt and anger with you. If these feelings intrude you will simply pop out of the mediative level. As time goes on, they will stay away longer, until one day they are gone for good. This means that those activities of the mind that make our bodies sick will be neutralized. The body is designed to be healthy. It has its own healing mechanisms built in. These mechanisms are blocked by minds not trained to control themselves. Mediation is the first step in Mind Control; by itself it will go a long way toward setting fee the bodies healing powers and giving it back the energy once squandered on tension.

Here is all you have to do to reach the Alpha, or meditative, level of mind:

When you awaken in the mourning, go to the bathroom if necessary, then return to bed. Set your alarm for fifteen minutes later in case you drift off to sleep during the exercise. Close your eyes and look upward,behind your eyelids, at a 20 degree angle. For reasons not fully understood, this position for the eyes alone will trigger the brain to Produce Alpha.

Now, slowly, at about two-second intervals, count backward from one hundred to one. As you do this, keep your mind on it, and you will be in Alpha the very first time.

In Mind control classes students show a variety of reactions to their first experience, from "that was beautiful!" to "I Didn't Feel a thing." The difference is less in what happened to them than in how familiar they were with this level of mind in the first place. It will be more or less familiar to everyone. The reason for this is that when we awaken in the morning we are often in Alpha for a while. To go from Theta, the sleep level, to beta, the awake level, we must pass through Alpha, and often we linger there through our early- Morning routine.

If you feel that nothing happened during this first exercise, it simply means you have in Alpha many ties before without being particularly aware of it. Simply relax, don't question it, and stay with the exercises.

Even through you will be in Alpha on the very first try if you concentrate, you still need seven weeks of practice to go to lower levels of Alpha, then to Theta. Use the hundred-to-one method to come out of it. This will give you greater degree of control against coming out spontaneously.

The method we use in Mind control is to say mentally, "I will slowly come out as i count from one to five, feeling wide awake and better than before. One to 2 ,prepare to open your eyes- three, four-five-eyes open, wide awake, feeling better than before."

You will establish two routines, then, one for going to your level, the other for coming out of it. If you change the routine you will have to learn to use your new versions just as you learned to use the first one. This is useless work.

Once you have learned to reach your level with the five-to-one method in the morning you are ready to enter your level any time for day that you choose. All you need is ten or fifteen minutes to spare. Because you will be entering your level from beta rather than the light level of Alpha, a Little extra training will be needed.

Sit in a comfortable chair or on a bed with your fee flat on the floor. Let your hands lie loosely in your lap. If you prefer, sit cross-legged, in the lotus position. Hold your head well balanced, not slumped. Now concentrate on first one part of the body, then another, to consciously relax it. Start with your Left foot, then the left leg, then the right foot, and so on, until you reach the throat, the face, the eyes, and finally the scalp. You will be amazed the first time you do this at how tense your body was.

Now pick a spot about 45 degrees above eye level on the ceiling or the wall opposite your. Gaze at this spot until your eyelids begin to feel a little heavy and let them close. Start your countdown from fifty to one. Do this fro ten days, then ten to one for another then days, then five to one from then on. Since you will no longer be limited to the mornings for this practice, establish a routine of mediation two or three times a day, about fifteen minutes a session.

Once you reach your level, what then? What do you think about?

Right from the beginning, from the very first moment you reach your mediative level, practice visualization. This is central to Mind Control The better you learn to visualize, the more powerful will be your experience with Mind Control.

The first step is to create a tool for visualization, a mental screen. It should be like a large movie screen be should not quite fill your mental vision. Imagine it not behind your eyelids but about six feet in front of you. You will project onto this screen whatever you choose to concentrate on. Later there will be other uses for it.

Once you have built this screen in your mind, project onto it something familiar and simple, like an orange or an apple. Each time you go to your level, stay with just one image; you may change it the next time. Concentrate on making it more and more real-in three dimensions, in FULL COLOR, in all its DETAILS. Think of NOTHING else.

It has been said that the brain is like drunken monkey; it lurches willy-nilly from one thing to another. It is surprising how little command we have over this brain of ours, despite the fine work it sometimes does for us. At other times, though, it operates behind our backs, treacherously creating a headache, then a rash, then an ulcer to top things off. This brain is too powerful, far too powerful, to leave of control. Once we learn to use our minds to train it, it will do some astounding things for us, as you will soon see.

In the meantime, be patient with this simple exercise.
Using your mind, train your brain to go quietly into Alpha and to attend exclusively to the job of creating a simple image more and more vividly. In the beginning, as thoughts intrude, be gently forgiving. Slowly push them away and return to the single object at hand. Becoming irritated or tense will bring you right out of Alpha.

This, then, is mediation as it is widely practiced throughout the world. If you do this and nothing else, you will experience what William Wordsoworth called "A happy stillness of mind," and more, a deep and durable inner peace. This will come as n exciting experience as you reach deeper levels of mind; then you will take it more and more fro granted and the excitement will pass. When this happens, many drop out. They forget that this is not a "trip" for its own sake but the first step in what may well be the most important journey they have ever taken.

Some more additional information:

You can go on Internet and research the Silva method on a search engine, such as google or dogpile. You can go on Ebay to purchase books on the Silva Mind Control. They are fairly cheap, at around 7 bucks at the most. and

Also coming soon:
wow that's a load of info right there, thanks dude. it'll take me quite a while to read and fully digest all that lot!
No problem, i hope you use it and like it. I figured more people would have wrote on this thread.
Also i would like to point out that i have heard that Alpha Blade is somewhat similar to the Silva Method. DLD mentioned that he has some exercises for visualization in the Alpha Blade. I think the Alpha Blade is going to be awesome and I'm going to get the site when it comes out.

ALPHA+BLADE will take this a few steps further as I plan on podcast section. A podcast is a new technology from Apple that will allow portable video via mp3 players that support itunes. All the PC and Apple plugins are available. This technology will allow me to incorporate video and audio into video formats that will allow for a full therapeutic experience. I want someone to have hypnosis type experience that includes audio, video and text type suBathmateittals that will make for a more effective therapy.

This format will also be available for every exercise on the site too. Making the downloads easy and efficient for everyone. We are trying to take advantage of all technology available to us.

This too will be only a portion of the site as there will be a full forum, DVD, product line and regular site access, including all podcasts in quicktime and WMV formats, similar to MOS.

The other niche we are pursuing is a female portion of the program as this information is unisex. I did allot of successful research with Jen and breast enlargement and clitoris augmentation, which will create a male/female interaction on a sexual level, something that has never been done before.
If all goes well it will be a monumental accomplishment. I see a myspace type environment on a mature level at one point.

My biggest goal is to produce a vast amount of free information that will also be able to create a market for other sales. We were able to accomplish this with MOS and I plan on following much of that original plan with some much needed changes.

I'm not for sure on this, but i wouldn't doubt if DLD is one of the very few who are able to normally function at the alpha level. Remember that about 10% of people operate at this level. This is the spiritual level that some of the greatest minds in history have operated at, including Prophets. This level of mind helps you come up with solutions to problems, become a better person, feel fulled. Guys like Einstein, Edison, and alot of other have operated at this level of mind.

Operating on a ALPHA level has been difficult over the past weeks and I am in constant need of practicing the techniques of meditation, visualization, acceptance and motivation. This is not a learn and forget it practice, it takes daily effort. Being able to practice these wonderful techniques is a step by step basis. I have been faced with much adversity over the past 10 months and without the AB techniques I have used it would not have been possible. These techniques do not create a super human but a individual that thinks on a different level which puts them a few steps in front of others.

Having a healthy body, spirit and mind, just like Penis Enlargement, is more than a mental practice, physical changes and practices are necessary to the success.

I have thought about this for awhile, the reason i think he operates at this level is because he has been so innovative with Penis Enlargement. He has been very creative and came up with 100ers of exercises. This guy has changed the world of Penis Enlargement and is basically the master at it. And now he has come up with a superior weight loss program. Not just that, but a guy who has conquered OCD and Heroin. This guy is very special and i think i will be extremely rich one of these days. I think DLD is legit and is not out for just himself, but for others. One of the things about The silva method or operating at Alpha is that you aren't able to have the success you could have if you were greedy and all out for yourself. This is very true and is one of the reasons he is going to succeed highly in the up coming future.

Much of what I have accomplished over my life was out of pure desperation and not be willing to 1.) accept my situation and 2.) Create and implement practices that will expedite my desired changes. When I decided that enough was enough with any problems in my life I became very focused and able to be creative in my escape and final accomplishment to my goals. Along the way I am able to find other areas of new, innovative practices that may have nothing to do with my original goals. Keeping detailed journals have proved to be my best method of development. Without writing it down, whether it makes sense or not, is vital to future development. I spend so much time reviewing my notes and within those pages I create the refined product.

I plan on putting every page of every notebook online with ALPHA+BLADE. Every drawing, every word, every page in it's original form, without edit. This scared me at first because I thought people would be judgmental of the way I come to my conclusions but part of being ALPHA is being confident and allowing people to see the complete me, even if it means taking a risk. My books are filled with math, science, poetry, art, literature, physics, history all among my personal feeling and daily struggles. I still have my original notebooks on the creation of MOS, which will also be included in this portion of the site.

We are able to do so much more than we believe and I hope that this will take us to the next step in human betterment.
another BLOG worthy article, thanks BODY BUILDER 05!
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