Physiology of Erection


Jun 3, 2003
An erection happens when blood overflows the penile tissue and fills it, building its erection and making it full. Nitric oxide is the chief constituent that is accountable for the enlargement of the organ. The male organ is not a muscle but somewhat an organ consisting of cavernous compartment, called as corpora cavernosa and corpora spongiosa, made up of sponge-like soft tissue. These tissues restrain smooth muscles, fibrous tissue and blood vessels.

Opening of the blood vessels that nourish blood to your organ domino effect in puffiness of the spongy tissue. At the same moment, muscles at the bottom of it contract to stop the blood from letting out from the veins, thus uphold the erection. Nerves in your spinal cord also manage your erection that obtains input from bodily get in touch with to the organ and or nearby tissues. Erotic feelings, imaginations or metaphors and sex hormones can also rouse an erection. If all is operational correctly and there are enough blood flow and nerve stimulations, a man is able of receiving an erection when sexually encouraged.

Erections can occur at any moment. It is an automatic response when supplied with sufficient stimuli. The penis can be in a completely erect condition and in a fraction of second or occur slowly over a longer stage of time. As the male gets aged, it may take some time for him to achieve an erection.
Interesting that being 47 yrs old I now get erections more easily than when I was in my mid 30's and this is because of Penis Enlargement.
It doesn't help though while at work when walking down the street I'm fighting off erections, unsuccessfully, hoping no one notices. I feel like a teenager but when I was younger I was skinnier and had baggier pants to hide in, now I'm older, a bit overweight with my pants tighter than I would like. No where to hide.
Yes, Penis Enlargement changes all that hoopla about ed and age. I get better erections than ever and I will be 43 tomorrow.
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