PE: To tell or not to tell?

I could hear a woman saying “you’re so occupied with your dick you can’t even chnage the baby’s diaper” or some shit like that lol which could lead to arguments or whatever


This is one of the main reasons I keep it on the DL. But it’s more psychological than that. My wife gets upset when I spend a lot of time working out and less time working on our relationship. That drives a wedge.

But maybe I am wrong and once I am creeping up on my goal of 7.5 x 5.5:

1. She will know what’s up since I will be much larger
2. I may tell her since I would be at or close to my goal.

We’ll see...
Penis envy is deeply rooted in us all, that's why we come to this website in the first place.
Listen to dld, or face the consequences!! Freudian psychology will win, you will lose my friend brawnjohnson penis envy can't be beat!

Sadly you speak the truth.
I think a wife or a girlfriend will never notice PE gains (only the gains not the exercises I'm talking about) even if you're living together. Why?

PE makes the gains unnoticeable.

In other words if you grow half an inch this won't be noticeable.

Then she has to do it for example with that 5 or 6 months unnoticeable half an inch.

Then the next months maybe another 5 or 6 months another half an inch. This can't be noticeable. That's 0.2 inch a month.

So she wouldn't notice. If you miraculous gain 1 inch in one night then yes.

But three inches in four years then she maybe would think something went on. But when does she notice it?

But if you do PE like pumping or other stuff that makes your Dick fluid or that pumped look, and thick look for couple of hours. Then everyone will notice that directly.

And second. I don't think you can do PE effective if you don't say that to a woman you live with. Because PE is asking several ours a day.

So this has to be at work and then the method of a extender comes in.

And 90% of the work out there. Won't let you extend a high pressure for an hour or more, and that's what you suppose to do when extending more then 2 months. Not only wearing the extender the way it feels good and that's it. No, after 2 months there must be force going on.

So no more quick moves or sitting and standing up quickly or move quickly. Most of the time with good force there must be slow movement. Sitting or walking slow etc. While the extender is at high tension in your pants.
I've told female friends in the past, and they were all quite intrigued by it all. Even got one friend with benefits to jelq me (rock)

She jelqed you!?!?!? Now that's got to be a female with some large hands there! :D

Btw, what is your current size, Red? :)
Do not tell ever! There is a certain type of woman that would understand this but they are very far in between. In a normal relationship your wife may become jealous of all of the work you’re doing on your penis. This jealousy is called penis envy and it’s something that, In most cases, is inevitable. If you can keep it to yourself do you so!
So it sounds like you're coming from the same place as Enrik. I guess the idea I'm picking on is what you're referring to as penis envy: the idea that a normal wife will be jealous of "all of the work" we do on our penises. I quote exactly the phrase "all the work" because that's exactly where things get muddy for me.

I'll explain.

Let's take a hypothetical PE-er. We'll call him 'Dick.' Dick tells his wife what he's been up to, and how much time he's been putting into it, and she's very upset. Dick thinks she's jealous of his dick, and pissed because she wants him to devote more time to 'being her slave.' The thing is, Dick might be right! At the same time, as I mentioned to Born, it's also possible that his wife is pissed because he is spending too much time on PE. Maybe Dick has been neglecting his responsibilities! To borrow from scripture, since I know some of you are into that ;), maybe Dick isn't bearing his cross. Maybe he's like Jonah, ignoring his divine calling and ending up in the belly of the whale until he cuts the crap and gets to work.

The problem is there is no one interpretation that is always right in every situation. For example, DLD, it's one thing for you to spend hours a day on this. It's what you do, professionally! If your lady is upset that you spend so much time/energy on this passion... then why is she with you?? What did she expect? Then she probably is being jealous and sili. But if I spend that much time, it comes at the cost of other things that really are much more important for me to focus on. (Obviously PE is not what I do professionally). So if my wife thinks I'm spending too much time on it, it's more likely that she's coming from a place of love and concern and has a point. Maybe not, maybe I'm balancing everything fine, but it's more likely.

If you are with a high quality woman, mother material, you should be able to trust her to act and counsel you in your best interests, just as you would do for her. Sometimes that means telling you when you're being a doofus, because sometimes we all need that. :)

Having said all that, I should mention for clarity and transparency that I myself AM keeping it secret for now, and don't plan on mentioning anything until/unless she asks. (Unless I use it as a tactic in my shameless campaign to make her take action on her breasts (like)).

Dont tell all at once. PE is a taboo in most ppl minds and most of them will react like u are doing satanism or black magic but they dont understand that is like a bodybuilder who want to grow his muscles. Ppl minds are not ready for so much info on this, but if ur wife in general is openminded tell everything but slowly, little info every sometimes, so she will hear all at the end normally.

Me personally i ve told recently to my close friends that i m doing PE for 5 years explaining in short detail what is it and how it works. Most of them tried to demote and degrade what i was doing (asking why u r doing this ? // size doesnt matter // u were already average to big so why u want more // this is a lose /waste of time u should do something most creative ) but i just realized that they were just jealous of what i was doing and they wanted to do this too but they didnt have the mood or just shy to ask me for details as i told them that this is difficult too, it needs time effort and discipline like bodybuilding or marathon running.

But anyway telling them what i was doing i felt better and as time passes, they will get used to it.
And then Emmanuil goes and tells his friends, too. :D

Assuming you tell, I definitely like the idea of bringing it up gradually. It makes big a difference, too, if you already have results to show by the time you've mentioned the work you're doing. Especially with other male friends, you can lead with 'my dick grew ______' and then the PE itself doesn't matter so much because they know it isn't BS.

TLDR: keep it to yourself and let your girl know it's all her doing
I like it, Big. :)

I do wonder how well that will work when, as FullBlood mentioned, the size difference is really striking. If it takes a few years, sure, that could be gradual enough if your lady isn't very familiar with the male body. My wife was a virgin when we met, so I can count on her being pretty clueless in that department. :D But some people pack on multiple inches in less than a year. That's a big difference! And that's what I'm aiming for. ;)

I think a wife or a girlfriend will never notice PE gains (only the gains not the exercises I'm talking about) even if you're living together. Why?

PE makes the gains unnoticeable.

In other words if you grow half an inch this won't be noticeable.

Then she has to do it for example with that 5 or 6 months unnoticeable half an inch.

Then the next months maybe another 5 or 6 months another half an inch. This can't be noticeable. That's 0.2 inch a month.


But if you do PE like pumping or other stuff that makes your Dick fluid or that pumped look, and thick look for couple of hours. Then everyone will notice that directly.

And second. I don't think you can do PE effective if you don't say that to a woman you live with. Because PE is asking several ours a day.
My situation is pretty nice in this regard. I work mostly from home, and she does not. So I have a lot of opportunity to do work away from her on the weekdays.

I think you, MCBLZ, and Big are on to something when you talk about how gradual the process is, and how that could prevent her from even noticing something is up... although one can't take that for granted. Some PE-ers get pretty dramatic results!


Good thread so far, guys. Y'all are making me think about this stuff. Thanks!
here's where my opinion veers a bit from yours:

If you are with a high quality woman, mother material, you should be able to trust her to act and counsel you in your best interests, just as you would do for her. Sometimes that means telling you when you're being a doofus, because sometimes we all need that.

High quality women still function under the 'what's best for me and my (potential) children'. This is hard-wired into their DNA and stems from millions of years of evolution...the last 50 years of us being brain-washed won't erase what Mother Nature put into the initial design. Think of it this way, we take-on the role of protector/provider and it comes very natural to us...conversely, when a woman is placed in this role she's completely out of her element (yes, there are always exceptions), and as a man we must be that 'oak tree' that never sways when she blusters. So when you ask for counsel, she will give her response with a 'what's best for her/family' vs. what's best for you. Don't delude yourself in thinking she can be empathetic to you cuz she can''s just not in her skill-set.
Boil this down to you divulging all your PE activities, and you can easily see where the support/advice/accolade that you may seek can't be honestly discussed due to her not having the perspective...and she will never be able to.
You have to be your own best counsel...develop this. Your dick/Your vote, end of story.
here's where my opinion veers a bit from yours:

If you are with a high quality woman, mother material, you should be able to trust her to act and counsel you in your best interests, just as you would do for her. Sometimes that means telling you when you're being a doofus, because sometimes we all need that.

High quality women still function under the 'what's best for me and my (potential) children'. This is hard-wired into their DNA and stems from millions of years of evolution...the last 50 years of us being brain-washed won't erase what Mother Nature put into the initial design. Think of it this way, we take-on the role of protector/provider and it comes very natural to us...conversely, when a woman is placed in this role she's completely out of her element (yes, there are always exceptions), and as a man we must be that 'oak tree' that never sways when she blusters. So when you ask for counsel, she will give her response with a 'what's best for her/family' vs. what's best for you. Don't delude yourself in thinking she can be empathetic to you cuz she can''s just not in her skill-set.
Boil this down to you divulging all your PE activities, and you can easily see where the support/advice/accolade that you may seek can't be honestly discussed due to her not having the perspective...and she will never be able to.
You have to be your own best counsel...develop this. Your dick/Your vote, end of story.
I think I see what you're saying, Big. I've chewed on it a bit, and I'll give you my thoughts.

I agree with you entirely that the sexes are, generally, shaped for respective roles. It doesn't mean people shouldn't be free to pursue what is best for them as individuals who may not conform to norms. It means that there are norms in the first place, practical generalizations, and no amount of social engineering will undo that. (YOU HEAR ME, SECOND AND THIRD WAVE FEMINISTS?? :D) So a female in a relationship may be more prone to think of the good of the family unit rather than your own personal good anyway.

At the same time, your personal interests and the interests of your family/wife may not be as adverse as they seem at first. To paraphrase Rand, "no two rational people can have a conflict of interests." I don't agree with her 100%, because the world is muddier and more complicated than she appreciated, but I think it holds true here.

Let's assume your PE really is coming at some cost to your family, and your wife takes issue with that. Say, you are spending too much of your free time making your dick bigger instead of building a relationship with your children, is that really in your best interest? Or maybe you're having trouble at your job (or even lose it) because you aren't performing well, and part of that is because you keep taking breaks for PE. That's certainly bad for your family, but is it even a good tradeoff for you? Is that really making your life better or happier? If your family is at all functional, your interests are at least somewhat tied up with it!

And, of course, that works both ways.

Let's say your life is well balanced. You're taking care of your family and yourself, you're doing well professionally, and you're also making time for PE because it's important to you. But despite all of this, Wifey is just being tyrannical and inconsiderate of what you want. She makes you stop, or makes you miserable if you keep going. Is that good for the family? Doe the family benefit if the father is miserable or resentful because he knows that the family cost him something it shouldn't have, and didn't care for him like he cared for it? Of course not! That's an unhappy family, with crappy relationships.

You might point out that people don't always think or behave rationally. Well, that's totally fair. Christianity has a fantastic point about original sin. Humans have an astounding capacity for evil and malice, and we are often driven more by emotional whim than honest logic. Fair enough! And that brings us back to Smoky Robinson's point. You better shop around. ;)
All serious relationships I've been in, I've told em. It's "my body, my choice" as feminists like to say. We men have a choice as well. Not my problem if they have an insecurity or other issue over it. I'd support their decision to change their body. It goes both ways in an honest, mutual relationship. If you can't tell them about this, what's next? A credit card they don't know about, drugs, cheating? That's how they'll think when they do find out.
This stuff is a pretty insignificant thing to accept that someone is doing, or should be.

If telling them you're doing penis enlargement has the potential to ruin your relationship, you have some pretty serious other issues most likely, and are probably just in a relationship of convenience that is doomed anyway.
It goes both ways in an honest, mutual relationship. If you can't tell them about this, what's next? A credit card they don't know about, drugs, cheating? That's how they'll think when they do find out.
I've been thinking about this, in particular, too. If you do PE for a long time before you tell Wifey, she might be pissed just because you were keeping it a secret. And maybe, depending on your specific situation and relationship, she could have a point!

My wife knows I'm pretty secretive and private, and she signed up for that when we married, so I've got a little leeway there. Further, if/when I tell her I'll be sure to sell it well. (It was a surprise for YOU, honey! Didn't want to tell you about the gift until it was ready to be unwrapped! (monkey))
I was going through these responses with my wife last night and basically what she told me was that if the two people in the relationship are married then the wife would most likely just be happy and like that the husband is doing PE if he comes out and tells her about it . She said if the two people are in a relationship and not married then the woman may not be very happy about this and probably not want him to continue because she will think he is doing this to please another woman, or may be cheating especially if the man and woman did not talk about it before he began. She said that if the woman happened to notice the man in the bathroom for long periods of time while she was not aware of PE that the woman would most likely think he is texting a woman. Basically she said that if the two are married there should not be a problem at all and the wife should enjoy it/be happy for him,unless the man is trying to hide PE because that could cause trust issues and could cause the woman to think the man may be cheating/ trying to impress another woman/ texting another woman etc. Long story short in either married or unmarried relationship tell the woman before beginning or ASAP after beginning. Also you can always say that it is just for better penis health altogether, that you are not happy with your erections/blood flow or need to strengthen penis tissues and that a larger penis just might be a side effect lol.
I was going through these responses with my wife last night and basically what she told me was that if the two people in the relationship are married then the wife would most likely just be happy and like that the husband is doing PE if he comes out and tells her about it . She said if the two people are in a relationship and not married then the woman may not be very happy about this and probably not want him to continue because she will think he is doing this to please another woman, or may be cheating especially if the man and woman did not talk about it before he began. She said that if the woman happened to notice the man in the bathroom for long periods of time while she was not aware of PE that the woman would most likely think he is texting a woman. Basically she said that if the two are married there should not be a problem at all and the wife should enjoy it/be happy for him,unless the man is trying to hide PE because that could cause trust issues and could cause the woman to think the man may be cheating/ trying to impress another woman/ texting another woman etc. Long story short in either married or unmarried relationship tell the woman before beginning or ASAP after beginning. Also you can always say that it is just for better penis health altogether, that you are not happy with your erections/blood flow or need to strengthen penis tissues and that a larger penis just might be a side effect lol.
A FEMALE perspective, eh? That's probably a good idea. :D Thanks, Disciple.

Secrets are dangerous indeed!
All serious relationships I've been in, I've told em. It's "my body, my choice" as feminists like to say. We men have a choice as well. Not my problem if they have an insecurity or other issue over it. I'd support their decision to change their body. It goes both ways in an honest, mutual relationship. If you can't tell them about this, what's next? A credit card they don't know about, drugs, cheating? That's how they'll think when they do find out.
This stuff is a pretty insignificant thing to accept that someone is doing, or should be.

If telling them you're doing penis enlargement has the potential to ruin your relationship, you have some pretty serious other issues most likely, and are probably just in a relationship of convenience that is doomed anyway.

Perfectly put (100)(like)
It's a tricky question, I would say.

Well put about marriage. In marriage most things, ideally, should be openly spoken about.
I'd say in most relationships communication is a key to better life.
Hiding things is often taxing on the mind and even on the body.

SWM also said it well! There are other issues very likely if PE would come in a way of a relationship.
And yes, "my body, my choice."

The points about better erections etc., are good points as well. It's one part of your body and you train other parts of your body, at least many do. So general healthy life is one thing in the equation, if that is hard to grasp, then there are issues. (As in my equation PE is part of healthy life, bettering yourself.)

I'm not in a relationship really, but a woman I knew intimately did know about my PE life. Didn't really put it down, perhaps more on the curious side.

Tricky, as I put it, to tell or not to. I might choose the more secretive route, as in not telling, but this would depend on the seriousness of the relationship. If I'd to be married or something, then of course this PE side of me should be known information to my partner.
In more casual relationships, perhaps something like Friends With Benefits etc., I wouldn't find it that necessary to tell.
But still I'm on the "honesty prevails" side most of the time.
You inspired me, @arkailija - I just left my Fleshlight on her desk in her office and my x30 on her bedside stand...we’ll see if that’s a conversation starter ???
@MCBLZ , Oh no you didn't! (cwl) If you did I'm sure it'll raise some questions and conversation.
Maybe you can tell her to "slip into a big jim" because of those tools!
Holy busy threads Batman! I have not seen the brotherhood this busy since last year. We have so many veterans who have come back we have vast knowledge or sharing with all. I couldn’t be more proud of my brothers here! Remember that you guys were keeping the brotherhood together and I am forever in your debt.
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