Need New Isp Provider


Jun 3, 2003
Can anyone recommend a good internet service provider. I recently changed from a local one because it was just slow as hell. I changed to earthlink because they claimed to be 5 times faster than regular dialup. Only problem is i get booted at least every 15 min sometimes every 5. This shit sucks.

AOL is not an option as its a long distance #
DSL is not available either
Satallite available but others who have it complain of not being able to get online if its bad weather.
i have optimum online and its fast as hell....if you want cheap dial zero is not a bad option...otherwise cable is the way to go....:cool:
Did you complain to Earthlink and see if there is a way to resolve the problem?
Electric . i live in a rural area no cable. I have satelite.

penguinsfan, they haven't responded as of yet. Was actually better last night. Only got booted 2 times as compared to 10 in the same time period Sunday.
You mean you have high speed satelite? I've been considering that myself.
Originally posted by penguinsfan
You mean you have high speed satelite? I've been considering that myself.

Sorry i didn't make it clear . I have satellite for tv only. No cable availabe where i live.

I have some friends that use satellite for high speed internet and they complain than they can't get online if it rains or some kinds of other bad weather. Don't really want to fork out a 1000.00 bucks for something that can only be used in good weather.
I've heard the same thing. Satelite broadband supposedly works pretty good in decent weather, though it still doesn't compare to cable and like connections. However, in bad weather, this guy I know at a CompUSA said it can be about 10 times slower than dial-up.
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