Mar 22, 2010
I've been feeling really low lately. I woke up this morning and my penis was smiling back at me looking thick and long flaccid before I got in the shower. With what I've been through, and what I saw when I was going through it, what I've learned is that now believing in what I always wanted for myself is real; and it begins with something called Manifestation.

I have fallen in love with Manifestation. It makes me feel independent. I feel like I can be content and inspired to do Anything I fucking WANT.

The down side at the moment is everything I am surrounded by in my life reminds me of the past. All I see is negativity and jealousy plus many more sad emotions that begin to draw me away from how good I feel about my new found endowment.

To be clear what I always knew was that for some reason getting, being, or having like an 11" penis was something unique. I wasn't clear why but I knew something around me revolved around a penis that was about a foot long. What's happening to me now is if I believe that is what I really really wanted in life it is possible; like it really really is if I want it enough. So I just think well fuck it in my mind in 2 years my goal is to reach BPFLS 11" or something near it even being over that.

(I just wanted to add here: I was living 'on the streets' in my early 20's when I begin understanding this^^^^)

This is how my life has become confusing. The reason is my real BPFLS is 8.25" although I feel with 2 hand I can stretch further so in truth I feel if I was to modestly manifest a length it would be somewhere around BPFLS 9"-9.5". This satisfies me. I feel good there. It's like all these years I've been sitting waiting and wondering and now I'm here: and all I see is shit.

So I've been sulking and even; yea, dare I say crying. Also LAUGHING, but I just feel fucked up because I'm ecstatic at how much my body is changing and my life feels so complete, but everything else is depressing me and I dont even want to go out. I stopped smoking weed and I'm just hating this place.

To wrap it up I know that it must be a time period I just must experience but it is fucked up man.
The biggest thing people need to realize is situations do not MATTER only state of being MATTERS! Sometimes when you ask for something to change the universe will deliver the same circumstances to see if your way of thinking has changed. It is vital that you realize that everything you ask for is immediately delivered, the universe know no time, it is you seeing it that matters. Also, as strange as this sounds, the second you feel happiness even though what you want has not materialized is the second it will arrive.
everything you ask for is immediately delivered, the universe know no time, it is you seeing it that matters.

Then I have it, and since I believe it is true, in the second I know it in my heart (or mind's-eye) it will be there it is.
Turnover;398609 said:
Then I have it, and since I believe it is true, in the second I know it in my heart (or mind's-eye) it will be there it is.

Exactly. It is kind of like a person who asks to be rich, it is immediately granted but many would expect to see money so they do not see the cash and they think that the desire was not granted. In most cases it is the money that shadows the real method of becoming rich. It is so important to open your eyes and look around for the clues to your manifestation, open your eyes and is ALWAYS there!
doublelongdaddy;398581 said:
The biggest thing people need to realize is situations do not MATTER only state of being MATTERS! Sometimes when you ask for something to change the universe will deliver the same circumstances to see if your way of thinking has changed. It is vital that you realize that everything you ask for is immediately delivered, the universe know no time, it is you seeing it that matters. Also, as strange as this sounds, the second you feel happiness even though what you want has not materialized is the second it will arrive.

This girl that moved into my house. I dont like her anymore, I was so annoyed I even was imagining slicing her tires last night. This morning she was knocking on my bedroom door as annoying as ever, interrupting my testicle massage (wow that sounds weird to me), her tire had been slashed! Ok I had to go and look, for some reason I had to prove I wasn't guilty, I walked over to where she had been parked and there was broken glass on the street. She almost looked in tears and asked me to go with her to fill it with air. She's hot and I was just groping myself in my room. I REALLY didn't want to go, for some reason, I felt like the right thing to do was go so I went and it was uncomfortably awkward.

It just felt like it was fuck you fuck you all the way there and all the way back. I got a little high and it feels like I'm hearing Nope Nope. I'm having these delusional paranoia attacks: Someone's reading my MattersOfSize Journal (which yes they are- you guys), my sister's using her baby to tease me and call me Asian, people are calling me gay, but all these people are also calling me crazy.

I just feel like I dont like what I'm seeing because part of it is true, and the other part is that what I see is what my life would have been had I not taken the step to grow and strive at surviving this challenge of success.

Hopefully I don't regret posting this one I dont want to be viewed as crazy I'm trying to make a point and connect what I see in the quote with what's happening in my head and at home. The connection being that last night I imagined her tires sliced and today it was reality. And the problem's at home are real even though they may not be physical I am seeing this stuff Manifestation.
A girl told me one night, after she had witnessed me manifesting good in my life for a long time, said, imagine if you thought bad things...she was right. I can manifest good but I too can manifest bad. It is a powerful position to in and needs to be used responsibly.

When you live a life of manifestation things can become strange, especially to those who do not know the ways of manifestation. It is purely magical and those who do not understand either think you are crazy or lucky. I have done enough magic in my environment that even the non believers would not fuck with me.
And that's what is my problem right there. The people I am surrounded by are just missing out on their dreams and I'm beginning to live mine. It causes the darkest friction. And it is dark because I was in a very dark place; where they may be at today. Either subconsciously or purposely they are tearing me down. Sometimes I feel their anger directed at someone else but hitting me and there is absolutely zero zero zero reason for teh negativity. I should Manifest some type of Hater Shield???
You will never be able to make them reach the point in the heart that they need to find themselves. You can only be a positive example of how the system works. When they have had enough they will seek you out. I did this with millions of men in my Penis Enlargement career and the same rings true in all of my dealing with people. Men that want to sit down with me in person do pay a fare price to feel me out and find how I do what I do, they usually leave disappointed when I tell them "I pretend everything into existence"....Stick with the cause and always keep your eye on the prize.
Understanding Manifestation is like understanding faith. Whatever it is you do, you are Manifesting the outcome.
doublelongdaddy;398631 said:
You will never be able to make them reach the point in the heart that they need to find themselves. You can only be a positive example of how the system works. When they have had enough they will seek you out. I did this with millions of men in my Penis Enlargement career and the same rings true in all of my dealing with people. Men that want to sit down with me in person do pay a fare price to feel me out and find how I do what I do, they usually leave disappointed when I tell them "I pretend everything into existence"....Stick with the cause and always keep your eye on the prize.

I believe it and the cause IS me therefore the prize is my total satisfaction that I am learning to pretend into existence. Just by saying this to you I am Manifesting.

doublelongdaddy;398619 said:
A girl told me one night, after she had witnessed me manifesting good in my life for a long time, said, imagine if you thought bad things...she was right. I can manifest good but I too can manifest bad. It is a powerful position to be in and needs to be used responsibly.

When you live a life of manifestation things can become strange, especially to those who do not know the ways of manifestation. It is purely magical

My youngest brother and I had some bad vibes today unknown reason. It made me so sad to feel that we were against each other. I didnt act right, he didnt act right- and neither of us did anything wrong. I understand how Manifesting something for the good but what about the bad? Do you consciously concentrate on the positive? What if the power of emotion begins to wear and I give in to the anger?
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And here it is:

Sent for the full length movie on Netflix. Just took 5 pages of notes on Manifestation. It makes sense now. All this time my thoughts have been mixed: Negative; Positive- So my life has been up and down. One of the guys in the video said it took him Years to understand it. He now is also a millionaire. Now my foot is in the door. Waiting is a waste of time.

One video said not to be surrounded by others who are Negative. This is my first most difficult challenge: believing I am already away from here while still living here. And NOT isolating myself, for that will bring Negativity just as well. I dont know how I will believe I am not here anymore when I'm here as I type this.

That is faking it till you make it. I'll pretend I am living back in my apartment by the beach years ago and now I'm here.
Be better to skip the secret and move on to Abraham Hicks and Bashar, these guys take it to the next level. Once you feel you have learned what you can in Manifestation it is time to step up to Kabbalah.
Holy shit, it just hit me, this morning my mom told me I didnt have to pay rent anymore and that I just need to buy my own food from now on!!

This means I will be able to afford the X-40 soon! This was because I just keep believing I'm rich now and its happening! I'm going to apply for food stamps again, because I qualify with my income, and that will mean I get to keep my whole pay check now AND ill have even MORE food than I have had all this time. Jesus Christ thats crazy

happy days!!! i would get myself a lotto ticket now, you never no.
You're right about people coming after you if you give them space and just manifest on your own. They have been banging down my door/ literally no matter what I do I CANT Stay away they literally knocking down my door even writing nasty notes and sliding them under my door!

Sucks dude why would I have a big dick I need a basball bat
Many will be curious of your ways as a man of manifestation. It goes against everything they have been taught. They have been fed on the lies of their forefathers and the fruit of their being is at it's very heart malnourished. They will look at you as some kind of anomaly, they will make fun, they will discriminate, they will attack and this is all from the ignorance of their own miserable existence and the failures of their bias, closed minded belief system, one that is always looking to blame, never taking any responsibility or accountability. The sadness of this is so evident in the children they raise in the same sheltered, lazy, irresponsible and ultimately deadly error of their ways.

Our belief, in the very datum of it's novel structure, will always seem sub-sufficient to the outside as it is born from pure love and the quest to become informed, not inundated and to record, share and live in a way only understood from a point in the heart reached through a quest for self creation. We do not seek the fruit of the tree, we seek the seed that planted it.
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