Like father,Like son?

Girth Hammer

Jun 13, 2009
No it not a thread for lil wayne and baby. Its some real shit. Me and my dad are close. So close that I have no problem telling him about Penis Enlargement at all. I never have but I really dont have a reason to say it.

But to what I came here for. One day I hope to be a dad and have a son to be proud of and know he is a good guy because of me. And I will make shore that me and him have a tight bond like me and my dad do.

But i was curious when he comes of age do you think it a good idea to bring up Penis Enlargement to him?

I can tell him how I gained from it. I know at first it will be awkward and we will share a laugh together but I will lay out all the details to him and if he decides to do it is up to him.

I would be more than happy to make shore my boy has learned about Penis Enlargement and has a chance to make his unit bigger as I did.

What do you guys think?
Great thread!
Ive wondered about this myself..
And then wondered if anyone on here is actually in that situation atm?

I have no idea what I'd do..
I'll probably do as you said, Girth.

Lay it on the table, if he wants to do it, he can take it.
You could be a saviour if he was born small.
yea man, you should teach your son about Penis Enlargement if you want to...why not. just wait untill hes old enough to understand this wouldnt to traumatize him by pullin out your cock in front of him, and start puttin it in an "arm-bar" for no reason hahaha.
Just slip a Penis Enlargement book into his binder one day when hes not looking. :)

I don't think it's a bad idea. He could become self conscious in that area one day and feel that the information will become handy. You've got a ways to go, but things may change by then. This is not odd one bit, because I also now, not a father. Would want my son to be happy in some ways that I couldn't growing up. My penis was the least of my worries because I had other issues, one being health neglect from my parents. So as long as you are looking out for him, he will understand.
i'm a single father right son is still young but it never crossed my mind to tell him about pe when he gets older...i guess it all depends what kind of person he is..if he is outgoing self confident then i don't see the need but if it look like his self esteem needs a little boost..i will definitely sit down and talk to him to see where it stems from..and if he feels inadequant(sp) in that dept..then i will let him know he can do something to change it..but i don't think i would just bring it up during father son bonding time.
twin, I see where your coming from with your response. But I think I would tell him no matter what. I know plenty of people who are super out going and super insucure with themselves. I got so many buddies who put on a act to be confident and some people buy it but I can see right through it.

I would just have to get a read on who he really is not what he wants others to believe he is.
Girth Hammer;348568 said:
No it not a thread for lil wayne and baby. Its some real shit. Me and my dad are close. So close that I have no problem telling him about Penis Enlargement at all. I never have but I really dont have a reason to say it.

But to what I came here for. One day I hope to be a dad and have a son to be proud of and know he is a good guy because of me. And I will make shore that me and him have a tight bond like me and my dad do.

But i was curious when he comes of age do you think it a good idea to bring up Penis Enlargement to him?

I can tell him how I gained from it. I know at first it will be awkward and we will share a laugh together but I will lay out all the details to him and if he decides to do it is up to him.

I would be more than happy to make shore my boy has learned about Penis Enlargement and has a chance to make his unit bigger as I did.

What do you guys think?

i guess when the time comes you'll have enough time to think it over if you want to tell him or not by then. if your bond is that tight and you want to give him valuable info i say why not.
I don't think its a bad idea I for my self have a 14 teen year old son I think he's a lil to young still but I've read some were that many years ago Arabian dads would entroduce jelqing to there son to get them ready for marriage.
I'm all for being open about Penis Enlargement. It's a great thing and personally I feel if you can't trust your family, who can you trust. I'd say start with your dad and see how/if it's akward. That might change your mind about letting a son in on it in the future. What age were you thinking? 18?
Yeah maybe when he's 18 teen! Cause he's a man let's just say I introduce my 14yr old into P.E and he gets so exited he tells his friend and his friend tells his friend who then tells his teacher then she calls the cops and then questions my son. And he says yeah my dad thought me how to jelq and they see me being some sort of twisted fuckin perv and I go to jail and my life is ruined along with my other 3 kids and my wife who would probally consider me a fuckin pedaphile!
Not that I know anything from experience about being a father. Perhaps a self-proclaimed non-blood older brother to some younger friends of mine, but not a father. (There is Muffy-Lee but that's different.) But the way I see it, here's how it'd go.

First I'd put him through a good upbringing so much so that he could talk to me on the same level he could talk to a friend. I wouldn't try to be his "Bro" but acknowledge my position and just make sure I could actually talk to him about anything, and let him feel that he could come to me for anything because that's my job. If a kid feels he needs to go to any outside source not as a matter of exploration but just because he feels I won't listen to him properly, then that's bad.
And I don't plan on becoming a parent but who knows. Maybe one day I'll have to just to prove that these dipshits can't do it very well. My father was shit. He didn't abuse me or nothin but the problem was the exact opposite; he was the least manly guy I knew and that my mother knew and he couldn't beat me if he wanted to. Instead he manipulated people, lied and cheated. Not sexually but cheated people over. And then when I was 8 he decided to tell me in isolation that he was gonna get a sex change, that he wasn't gonna be my dad anymore. My mother under stress of her own, didn't very often listen to what I had to say because of her age, and often just verbally abused me. She called this tough love even though it was really just stressful and annoying. She considered it progressive because there was no physical contact. My stepdad had that 50's way of raising a kid; y'know, the way that didn't work? Hitting, belittling, that kind of thing? My mother had to do the job of a mother and a father, but didn't know a thing about being a father, especially after what my father put me through. She would always tell me how much stronger women were than men because she was insecure about the whole women's rights thing, and that they had it worse in terms of being treated. But frankly, men and women both have stress. And there are no special health centers for men only, because the media doesn't think we need any place to go to feel ourselves even when the world puts this shit on us, things like the penis and various kinds of health.

Anyway so I'd need to make sure my son could handle coming to me. Being insecure about your penis size will be the very last thing on the list of "stuff to come to your parents with". Cuz nobody knows shit about penis enlargement. This is the only site we got, am I right? Worse comes to worst the parent would take them to the doctor, the doctor would snicker and then tell them there's nothing they could do about it, or maybe sell some drugs that don't do a thing. But hey...introducing my son to Penis Enlargement would give them the same relief I felt when I discovered it. I fear what kind of bitter person I'd be if it didn't exist. Mmm...probably the same actually. Heh.
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