James40221 - Building a Big Cock

I know just how difficult it is to get a picture of your penis erect with a ruler next to it. The penis is allergic to rulers LOL so you made the right move, measure bone pressed flaccid stretched and you’ll always get the exact measurements. And yes, thank God for the gains! It’s a process that takes time and patience but I know you got this. Again I’m very proud of you for taking the picture and posting it in the brotherhood, it’s very admirable.
Week 5 of my 1 inch challenge. I have logged 4 days of 4 minutes or above in LENGTHMASTER with an average of 10 hours per day for all 7 days in the silistrecher. This 30 days I am implementing a more varied routine in my stretching and just getting best stretch for 49 mins. I have implemented the mosred for increased healing and will see how that variable will effect my gains. I am getting 1 6 min session per day and will up that to 2 next week. Looking for big gains this 30 days. Let’s get growing
Week 5 of my 1 inch challenge. I have logged 4 days of 4 minutes or above in lengthmaster with an average of 10 hours per day for all 7 days in the silistrecher. This 30 days I am implementing a more varied routine in my stretching and just getting best stretch for 49 mins. I have implemented the mosred for increased healing and will see how that variable will effect my gains. I am getting 1 6 min session per day and will up that to 2 next week. Looking for big gains this 30 days. Let’s get growing

You got this! Believe it now and achieve it in 30!

Week 6 of my 12 week challenge to an inch. I logged 40 min x 5 days in LENGTHMASTER with bundled and stretches in all directions. I have gotten about 9 hours 9hours per day in the silistretcher and will do the same this weekend. I have added in the mosred getting 1-2 10 min session in this week for healing. Next week I am going to work on starting to get in a hanging routine. I want to vary my exercises a little bit so I want to work up to an hour with 2.5 lbs then continue with long hanging with 5 lbs in the coming weeks. Still going strong got 6 weeks left of the challenge and 2 weeks left until next measuring day. Let’s get growing
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Week 6 of my 12 week challenge to an inch. I logged 40 min x 5 days in lm with bundled and stretches in all directions. I have gotten about 9 hours 9hours per day in the silistretcher and will do the same this weekend. I have added in the mosred getting 1-2 10 min session in this week for healing. Next week I am going to work on starting to get in a hanging routine. I want to vary my exercises a little bit so I want to work up to an hour with 2.5 lbs then continue with long hanging with 5 lbs in the coming weeks. Still going strong got 6 weeks left of the challenge and 2 weeks left until next measuring day. Let’s get growing

This sounds awesome my brother! Have you measured yet to see if you had made growth?
Just wanted to pass along some good feels as far as the program is going. I am finishing up my 7th week of my 1 inch challenge and coming up on 5 months of pe. I was edging and looked at my dick and was like hey I am starting to see a big dick. Needless to say it was huge motivation. I know I have passed the 7.5 inch bpfl for this measurement but I have 1 more week until I know for sure. It is working let’s keep on growing??‍♂️
Just wanted to pass along some good feels as far as the program is going. I am finishing up my 7th week of my 1 inch challenge and coming up on 5 months of pe. I was edging and looked at my dick and was like hey I am starting to see a big dick. Needless to say it was huge motivation. I know I have passed the 7.5 inch bpfl for this measurement but I have 1 more week until I know for sure. It is working let’s keep on growing??‍♂️

This is exciting! I’m praying right now for you my brother that you make that goal happen!
Update on week 7 of my 1 inch challenge. I got a full 5 day series in with the length master at 40 minutes. 9 hours or more per day in the sikistretcher, and I added 1 hour of hanging straight out for 1 hour with 2.5 lbs. the hanging is definitely a different stretch that brings on the fatigue. I am going to work up to 5 lbs and hang for long periods of time using heat to assist in the stretch. Looking forward to 2 days rest and hitting it hard next week with hanging and LENGTHMASTER. Let’s get some big gains!
Update on week 7 of my 1 inch challenge. I got a full 5 day series in with the length master at 40 minutes. 9 hours or more per day in the sikistretcher, and I added 1 hour of hanging straight out for 1 hour with 2.5 lbs. the hanging is definitely a different stretch that brings on the fatigue. I am going to work up to 5 lbs and hang for long periods of time using heat to assist in the stretch. Looking forward to 2 days rest and hitting it hard next week with hanging and lengthmaster. Let’s get some big gains!

I’m so happy to see you using the LENGTHMASTER properly. This is your way to your goal. Remember to always take advantage of the fatigue by stretching even more. If you’re not having sex I would put even more effort into your training. While you’re in a constant state of fatigue you will constantly make new growth.
Week 8 in the books of my 1 inch challenge. My current stats are 20.5 cm bpfl and 19.4bpel. This equates to a .4 cm increase in bpfl and a wopping.6 increase in bpel. I am gaining monthly and have 4 more weeks to go. Definitely seeing a bigger dick in front of me an amazing feeling. 1 more month and it will be my 6 month in pe anniversary and it will be time for my first decon. My goal of 8.5 bpel is seeming more and more possible. Year if 2021 big gains
Week 8 in the books of my 1 inch challenge. My current stats are 20.5 cm bpfl and 19.4bpel. This equates to a .4 cm increase in bpfl and a wopping.6 increase in bpel. I am gaining monthly and have 4 more weeks to go. Definitely seeing a bigger dick in front of me an amazing feeling. 1 more month and it will be my 6 month in pe anniversary and it will be time for my first decon. My goal of 8.5 bpel is seeming more and more possible. Year if 2021 big gains

I’m praying for your success right now! When you get there you’re going to be so happy with all the work you’ve invested.
Got a solid 4 days of trading in last week. I was on a trip for 3 days this weekend so no training was done due to privacy issues. I am looking forwArd after my 6 month anniversary decon and looking at heating options and girth options to include in my routine. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Staying consistent and on point for my exercises. It is just a part of my day now and I look forward to each session. Thanks for all the support. 3 more weeks to see what 6 months has brought over this journey. To big gains
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Got a solid 4 days of trading in last week. I was on a trip for 3 days this weekend so no training was done due to privacy issues. I am looking forwArd after my 6 month anniversary decon and looking at heating options and girth options to include in my routine. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Staying consistent and on point for my exercises. It is just a part of my day now and I look forward to each session. Thanks for all the support. 3 more weeks to see what 6 months has brought over this journey. To big gains

If you’re looking for some help to put a routine together I can work with you on that and include whatever you desire. If you’re interested just send me an email to Guru.dld@gmail.com. We can work out all the details and then you can post it in your routine thread once we finalize it
Week 10 in the books. I was able to score a 5 out of 5 days training this week with lengthmastwr at 40 minutes per day, 10 hours in silistretcher per day and at least 1 hour hanging with 5.5 lbs. per day. I am working up time on low intensity hanging with the low weight high time. I was definitely riding fatigue 4 out of 5 days this week with the hanging. 2 weeks to go in my 1 inch challenge. Gotta make the best of the time in have left. Let’s get gaining
Week 10 in the books. I was able to score a 5 out of 5 days training this week with lengthmastwr at 40 minutes per day, 10 hours in silistretcher per day and at least 1 hour hanging with 5.5 lbs. per day. I am working up time on low intensity hanging with the low weight high time. I was definitely riding fatigue 4 out of 5 days this week with the hanging. 2 weeks to go in my 1 inch challenge. Gotta make the best of the time in have left. Let’s get gaining

That is an incredible length workout! You better see some serious growth with all of this work.
Week 11 in the books. I was able to get a solid 5 days in with LENGTHMASTER 5 days x 40 minutes. 2 hours of hanging with 5 lbs and 8 hours per day of silistretcher. I am looking forward to next weeks measuring for my 12 week challenge to myself. This will also complete my first six months in pe and will be interesting to see the results. I will be taking a 2 week Decon to set up my next 6 months of work. It has been a great journey so far with lots of lessons and a bigger penis at the end. Stay tuned for the 6 month wrap up.
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Week 11 in the books. I was able to get a solid 5 days in with lengthmaster 5 days x 40 minutes. 2 hours of hanging with 5 lbs and 8 hours per day of silistretcher. I am looking forward to next weeks measuring for my 12 week challenge to myself. This will also complete my first six months in pe and will be interesting to see the results. I will be taking a 2 week Decon to set up my next 6 months of work. It has been a great journey so far with lots of lessons and a bigger penis at the end. Stay tuned for the 6 month wrap up.

Well the final results are in. This is my 6 month anniversary of PE with very consistent growth. I scored a 5 out of 5 last week for hanging, length master and silistretcher. My final measurement are 19.7bpel and 20.8 bpfl. This equates to a monthly increase of .3 bpfl and .3 bpel. Good increase and it is time for a 2 week Devon for healing. My goal is to really work the testical massage during this time heal and bowl to continue to increase the bowl to my flaccid stretch.
So the final numbers are an increase 4.3 cm bpfl and 3.2cm bpel. I think a lot of this is due to newbie gains the first month was a monster for me. The last 5 months I averaged 4.5mm bpfl per month and 4.25mm per month. My gains were definitely trending downward towards the end so I know I am getting towards the end of my froth cycle. I attached a chart with my first six months. Looking forward to the beak and hitting it hard for the next 6 months. I have committed 2 years to this process for 8.5 x 6.5 goal. I will start adding in some girth sessions next round of training but still hit length hard. Thanks for everyone’s support this has been a great journey so far.


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