James40221 - Building a Big Cock

OK so this is a forced Decon. Nothing wrong with that you’re probably still come back making quick newbie gains
It will be about 10 days then I will restart the regime. I am hoping to keep above the 21 cm mark. It will be a challenge but I am up for it. Thanks for the support
It will be a 10 day decon then I will start the program back up again.

A Decon break always brings very quick growth when you come back. I think it’s smart to take the Decon break maybe every six months just to reset things and hopefully come back to make quicker growth.
Hello guys. I am a newbie and need some help. I was making substantial gains but I am being met with set backs left and right. Just as soon as I started to get the hang of the bathmate I ended up getting thrombosis. It's soft and runs up the side but also slight protruding underneath the gland. DLD, seems like you say it is okay to do length work. I am nervous but it seems like all the veterans on this forum have gone through it. I often stay up wards of 4-8 hours in my extender. Checking every hour for circulation. I have already made gains in about a month and a half of consistent stretching but with the thrombosis and the slight bruising that hasn't really gone away from the tip of my gland the exchange of 1/2 inch seems kind of crap. For the last few days I have not done anything really just arnica bruise and hydrocortisone cream every 3 hours or so. Eating garlic, turmeric, and ginger. As well as ibuprofen and Ice for 5 mins intervals. I also ended up getting that evoo concoction. You know the one with the lemon grass, lavender, etc. I will begin that tomorrow. I hear hirudoid cream helps. I just need help seems like James you were not really put off even though you had/have thrombosis. Any advice will be great just for my piece of mind. I appreciate you guys reading this.
I am back from vacation and it has been 13 days of Decon. It went a little longer then expected due to the holiday. I am going to start this trial over due to the length and the shortness of my last trial. I am hoping threat-x will be able to redo my 2 mm per week schedule. I am starting at my same starting point of 20.4 that I started with last time. This is a loss of .8 everything I had gained in my last trial. This will be a 12 week trial with using heating pads, ultrasound and LENGTHMASTER totally focused on length. My goal is to get to 23 cm and keep going until my gains go to zero. This will be a tough go but I want to finish my length training. I will update weekly and length monthly let’s get growing
I was going to do a 12 week trial straight. I am mixing in the ultrasound 4 days per week but was going to go for 12’weeks straight
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Well not a great start. I was working on my first us therapy trial and got 2 huge blisters. I started off way to fast after Decon. I will have to rely on manual stretches and my trusty length master for this weeks 2 mm. The us trial will have to begin next week while I heal. This sucks i got overzealous. I also printed off threats milestone sheet and have it pinned up. 9 inches watch out here I come
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Well not a great start. I was working on my first us therapy trial and got 2 huge blisters. I started off way to fast after Decon. I will have to rely on manual stretches and my trusty length master for this weeks 2 mm. The us trial will have to begin next week while I heal. This sucks i got overzealous. I also printed off threats milestone sheet and have it pinned up. 9 inches watch out here I come

I’m so sorry my brother I pray you get better very very quickly. But I’m glad you’re seeing that you can still get other things done while you heal. Take note of why these blisters happened so you can avoid them in the future
So update still on the injured list and not up to 100% yet. I am working with the sizegenetics right now to fill my time as the 2 blisters are still healing. I am playing around with this platform to see if it can supplement as another way to perform heat therapy. Still working the length master to get my 2 mm for this week and hope I can get a couple us therapy sessions this week to move my gains forward. Sights are set on 9 bpfsl this trial it will happen let’s get gaining
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So update still on the injured list and not up to 100% yet. I am working with the sizegenetics right now to fill my time as the 2 blisters are still healing. I am playing around with this platform to see if it can supplement as another way to perform heat therapy. Still working the length master to get my 2 mm for this week and hope I can get a couple us therapy sessions this week to move my gains forward. Sights are set on 9 bpfsl this trial it will happen let’s get gaining

Glad to see you’re taking extra precaution before you start again, that’s very wise as you do not want to put yourself out for another couple weeks. Take your time ease into it and listen to your body
The blisters are almost healed and i will be able to keep training as planned. I have been working on a suction workaround that is very promising. I was able to achieve a 1.9 % strain rate going from 20.4 to 20.8 in a session. This also puts me in line with my 2mm per week goal thanks to threat! Next week is to put a little heated hanging and us with the vacuum cup. Still moving forward gotta stop injuring myself.
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The blisters are almost healed and i will be able to keep training as planned. I have been working on a suction workaround that is very promising. I was able to achieve a 1.9 % strain rate going from 20.4 to 20.8 in a session. This also puts me in line with my 2mm per week goal thanks to threat! Next week is to put a little heated hanging and us with the vacuum cup. Still moving forward gotta stop injuring myself.
Had a good Monday to start this week off. I was at 20.6 cm before heat trial and 20.9 after which is a 1.4% strain. Good progress still getting my gains. Measurement date in 2 weeks let’s get gaining.
Had a good Monday to start this week off. I was at 20.6 cm before heat trial and 20.9 after which is a 1.4% strain. Good progress still getting my gains. Measurement date in 2 weeks let’s get gaining.

excellent! 14 days till awesome news!
Had a huge day today just wanted to get it recorded. I was able to do a heat session and started at 20.6 and hit 21.1 bpfsl. That is a 2.4 percent strain. Look out 23 cm here I come.
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Had a huge day today just wanted to get it recorded. I was able to do a heat session and started at 20.6 and hit 21.1 bpfsl. That is a 2.4 percent strain. Look out 23 cm here I come.

congratulations my brother! Use this growth to inspire you for the next gains!
Had great results this week with heat therapy

my current highest measurement is 21.3 so the 2mm per week is working well for me. 17 more mms to go to hit my 9 inch mark. I am hitting 2.4% pretty steadily for my percentage of stretch so fairly consistent so far. 1 more month of training before next measurement let’s get gaining.
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What type of ultrasound do you use? Dont know much about them but seena interesting.

I am back from vacation and it has been 13 days of Decon. It went a little longer then expected due to the holiday. I am going to start this trial over due to the length and the shortness of my last trial. I am hoping threat-x will be able to redo my 2 mm per week schedule. I am starting at my same starting point of 20.4 that I started with last time. This is a loss of .8 everything I had gained in my last trial. This will be a 12 week trial with using heating pads, ultrasound and lengthmaster totally focused on length. My goal is to get to 23 cm and keep going until my gains go to zero. This will be a tough go but I want to finish my length training. I will update weekly and length monthly let’s get growing
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