Is penis size shrinking?


Apr 15, 2019
All my life I have heard that avg length of a penis is 6 inches. now in the last year I am seeing stats in the 5'" range
one said the avg American was 5.1" avg from Great Britain 5.7" korea.3.7" the Congo was the largest by far 7.1"
any thoughts?
Different studys i think, most you can take with a pinch of salt, some let blokes measure themselves, some didn't have enough candidates etc. Think there's a few reputable ones going around on the net.

Is penis length shrinking no I don't think so I just think data was bullshit for many years
I did a survey study of the three biggest penis measurement studies ever done. Lifestyles condoms did a study with 2500 college kids and everyone of them had to be measured by a nurse. There was no way for them to cheat because the nurse took the measurements. It was all done bone pressed. I also use the Kinsley study which took a group of I believe 2500 men and they were filmed when taking the measurements so there would be no cheating. And I’ve also taken into consideration our own survey here in what average size comes out to be. Average size is 5.5 inches bone-pressed in length and 4.75 inches in erect girth. This is the best information you’ll ever get because these three studies were all conducted with stringent rules on measuring.
All my life I have heard that avg length of a penis is 6 inches. now in the last year I am seeing stats in the 5'" range
one said the avg American was 5.1" avg from Great Britain 5.7" korea.3.7" the Congo was the largest by far 7.1"
any thoughts?

I will never bother myself with topics like this one because they are a recipe for depression. When you measure your penis and realize that it is below average, it kills you from within. Flee from topics like this one.
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