Happy Birthday to Me


Jun 3, 2003
41 years so far another googolplex years to go:)
Happy B-day ya big dikked bastid!!

Here's one o' my favorite lines regarding aging and shit:
"It ain't the years...it's the mileage!"

Many more to ya.
Happy birthday , if you let me know i would of taken you out for a few drinks.
Happy Birthday my brother!
We have been friends for almost 20 years now and still kicking!

Go get some good fucking eats on tonight!
Hey DLD! Just wanted to say have an AWESOME birthday and best to you for many,many,many to come!!!!!You are truly an inspiration to me,and I think alot of others out there.Cheers!
Hey Happy Birthday DLD, mine is on the 21st too, so I guess Happy Birthday to us!
Happy birthday!

You are still in your prime, and have just begun LMAO

Continue to do great things, bringing wisdom and knowledge to hundreds of thousands.
On your birthday, DLD, I would like to thank you for all you bring to men everywhere. I recently started your program and I've been reading the site for some time, and it's quite a charitable thing you do here. Bluntly, I am more proud to be who I am because of your explorations. You deserve a damn good birthday.
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