getting circumcised


Jul 20, 2003
anyone from australia familiar with the process of getting cut? do i need to see the local gp and get a referral in order to goto the hospital or can i get it done privately at a clinic of some sort? also how much would it cost or is it covered by medicare?
Please don't get circumcised. I was circumcised as a lad due to "medical problems" and have hated the fact ever since. Nairy a day goes by when I don't rue the descision my doctors and parents made!
How exactly will getting circumcised help with your hygiene?
Why don't you cut your eyelids off also. That way you can clean your eyes easier.
this may sound like a stupid question but why not just wash it once in a while?
i do wash it.. alot, but it gets dirty again and starts smelling really quickly
uh-oh, the FR brigade has gotten wind of this one, hoping...!

I really don't want to try to convince you not to do it because I have realized in the last 18 months that no matter how much you try to talk someone out of doing it, you just can't do it. Men seem to get fixated on this idea, and I'm not exactly sure why.

Hoping, your penis does not stink and it is not dirty. You may notice a smell, and I can smell myself sometimes, but other people do not. When was the last time you smelled someone's uncut cock on the bus or in a restaurant? I never have.

My wife has only asked me to wash once or twice since I started doing the FR before a blowjob. No prob. I washed it.

Just research this before you do it. Ask yourself why you are really thinking about doing it. Think about what you will be giving up and what you will be gaining, and if you really want someone cutting your dick, maybe taking a chance of fucking yourself up.

The grass is always greener and all that.

It's your dick, tho.
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