Exclusive 5x5x3 MityVac/SSJ girth workout ? MONSTER GIRTH!

Isolation compression squeezes are the same with ssj? I am somehow confused now
They are similar.

View media item 1603
View media item 1598 [MEDIA REMOVED]

The exercise changed name after the MOS DVD had been released.

So when we are referring to SSJ in SRT - Suppressed-Restricted-Transposition Theory Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) we are referring to this exercise here below.
View media item 1603
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The Second one is incorrect. I'm not sure exactly what he's doing, but the first and third are the S. S j
The Second one is incorrect. I'm not sure exactly what he's doing, but the first and third are the S. S j
Should I change the titles, and then remove the second video above (it was inside the MOS DVD)?

I believe this are confusing members.
I just used the names that was in the MOS DVD.

But this are Slow Squash Jelq.
📹 45. Jelqing and the Slow Squash Jelq for Penis Enlargement (FAQ video).
Yes delete the one and change the titles to slow squash jelq
Yes delete the one and change the titles to slow squash jelq
View media item 1603

This exercise was incorrectly named in this video.
In the video @DLD are saying that this exercise are Isolated Compression Squeezes, but this exercise name are in fact: Slow Squash Jelq (SSJ).
This exercise are used in this program:
🔗 Girth Program: 5x5x3

Girth Program: 5x5x3
5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq (video below)
5 Minutes in the Bathmate or MityVac at full intensity

Attach SilliRing to retain girth
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Thank you so much my brother I truly appreciate it
No problem. You're welcome.
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I would like to ask a very sili question.
If i clamp base, and clamp under the head, without moving my hands or without forcing the 2 sides to bend together, does this count for SSJ ?
If it does not count, if the penis is erect 100% while clamped for both sides, does it count?
That simply a static internal pressure that don't do anything. You need to move the blood around from one point to another in a bulk fashion to expand the chambers. Think of it as a long balloon when you blow up with air. When erected, your balloon is filled with air. You tied it off with clamps and just let it stays still, it's just trapped at the original volume. Nothing is done to force further expansion.

Now, squeeze that trapped volume from one end to another. You're stressing the wall and chamber along the entire length base on the same bulging volume. This is what the SSJ is doing. Same with the pump after the SSJ to further maximize the expansion.
If I add clamp to both sides, the ballon's air will be pushed to the middle because i wont clamp at the end of the balloon. I will clamp at the base and before head. Also, squeezing is ...jelqing. Bending is SSJ its a complete different thing, at least this is what i believe based on @DLD 's videos. Let him tell us his opinion
SSJ is a combo of jelq and expansion process. Bending, as you put it, is the process to brute force the pressure from one area of the trapped blood volume to migrate to another area. Same volume, but being used to expand each segment along the shaft. Unless you allow more blood to come in at the base during clamping process, adding 2mL of 5mL of blood volume to further force expansion, just clamping at full erection will not promote girth growth.

This is why SSJ is coupled with a pump. SSJ is to loosen up the storage capacity of the corpus cavernosa and corpus spongiosum for the first set. The pump right after is to initiate further expansion for cellular stressing to expand the chambers. The second and third SSJ combo does the additional work further to stress the chamber's walls. This is pushing the volume stressing at 110% to 125% over the standard full erection.

I've done the same thing like you did back in 2006, thinking passive trapping and force more blood into the trapped chambers were enough, daily, 15 minutes bursts each time, 8 hours a day of regiment. 9 months later, plenty of disappointment. I barely gained 0.1in. Just something to take heed of, but no need to take it seriously and try method for yourself to see if you can gain using a semi-active method.
For me, I am doing bending and after 2 days of girth routine my penis was hurting like a hammer was hitting it. I couldn't believe the soreness i had. I can't do daily this thing with this fatigue happening. I don't thing this works with this result.
For me, I am doing bending and after 2 days of girth routine my penis was hurting like a hammer was hitting it. I couldn't believe the soreness i had. I can't do daily this thing with this fatigue happening. I don't thing this works with this result.
Why doing it daily?
You can do the other day, or like 2 days on 1 day rest.
How long have you been doing your routine? You will not get results immediately.

Rest is as important as active penis enlargement.
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Why doing it daily?
You can do the other day, or like 2 days on 1 day rest.
How long have you been doing your routine? You will not get results immediately.

Rest is as important as active penis enlargement.
Doing it daily increase the amount of cellular stressing. Remember that passive clamping vs active jelqing and expansion are two different monsters. Passive clamping only provide very light stressing at 100% to possibly 102%. Active SSJ combo is proving massive amount stresses into the 125% volume expansion, and at higher pressure, you're pushing the limits into 160%. At 100% to 102%, you are not breaking and stressing the cellular structures. This is called "standard quotient pressure". You neither gaining or losing. You're just doing the normal thing. So, no matter what you do using the "normal", or allow yourself to heal within the normal range, normal yields normal. It's 0 force + 0.005%. you get 0.005% as gain. You do see how much extra length of time to actually gain? And if you don't stress the tissues over the course of the hours on end, by deflating, inflation, deflating, extra inflating, you will not stress the cellular structures enough for the gains. Rests occur within the remaining 16 hours of your rest cycles. The critical hours for cellular regrowth is during sleep, where cells conserve the most potential energy to repair. This is why most red light therapy sessions suggested to be done near the rest phases.

Rather than telling you by pulling numbers out of the clouds somewhere, I'll provide equipment and scientific numbers to reinforce my suggestions.

Health and scientific evidence measured healthy young men at their primes have an internal penile pressure between 98 mmHg and 120 mmHg. That's between 3.9 inHg to 4.7 inHg. When the blood is trapped, and we continue to force our penile chambers to obtain more blood, the max we can force the blood to occupy the cellular boundary in a passive state is 102% of the max volume, and this is only temporary as your body will recycle the new blood again in 10 minutes or less. This means you only have 123 mmHg of internal pressure.

Cellular stresses occur at 125% or at least 3 minutes, and optimally at 5 minutes. This is why Bathmate and pump companies suggested at least 6 inHg of pressure, or a minimal of 152 mmHg. The passive clamping already failed at this point. DLD and those who went far ahead of us suggested to head into the higher pressure range of 8 to 10 mmHg or best optimal growth after our PE journey reached a good starting point. 8 inHg is 203 mmHg and 10 inHg is 254 mmHg. This is 2 times higher than any passive "normal" can provide. At the safe suggested pumping pressure of 6 inHg, or 152 mmHg, that's the marker of 126% expansion requirements for girth growth, total time of 15 minutes, with post 90 minutes normalize time at the new expanded state using clamps or penis rings.

At this point, passive clamping already failed to pass the SSJ routine recommendation out of the gate. SSJ does require that hands on warm up ballooning, then the pumping to push past that 125% minimum expansion state.

This is why there is no "easy" methods on the PE journey. It takes blood, sweats, tears, dedication, and financial backing to travel on this journey. You literally rebuilding your body parts from the ground up all over again.
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For me, I am doing bending and after 2 days of girth routine my penis was hurting like a hammer was hitting it. I couldn't believe the soreness i had. I can't do daily this thing with this fatigue happening. I don't thing this works with this result.
If SSJ leaves you sore because of the intensity, my suggestions are to ease up on the amount of trapped blood. Rather than full erection, 80% is a good start. Most brothers going for girth aim for a pump of some kind. This is the only way to break through that tough cellular barrier to promote gains. @squirt_inducer_man probably already reached 200%+ expansion level the way he's pushing himself. He'll probably say, "Pfff..200% pressure and I'm not feeling the burn yet."

You have to couple the SSJ expansion with a forced expansion vacuum. Remember we are all aiming for 125% minimum expansion pressure. If you need more evidence, we can provide you some. Now I have my own Bathmate pressure gauges to play with, I can do tests if the brothers need it. Previous tests done by the geeks in my areas, we measured around 16.2 inHg from 100% vacuum. 6 to 8 pumps from Bathmate generated around 7 inHg. 12 pumps goes towards the 9 inHg. Our brother @squirt_inducer_man pump count using the custom pump, with air volume displacement for 750 mL bottle after 6 pumps, I believe he reached 11 inHg in vacuum pressure. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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The VacuVin (Wine saver) for Bathmate® HydroExtreme is an amazing modification. But there is no gauge so you do it on your own risk. It's important that you can feel where the limit is at with this modification.

@oldandlively are correct. The expansion I have are a lot. Last session I kinda went a little to hard so now I'm resting some days. It's important that you rest if your tissue needs it.

But keep in mind I started with Bathmate® Hydomax 5 with minimal expansion.

Just keep at it! Sometimes you want to quit but then you get back to it. You need to focus on the process. Reset yourself every day. Yesterday do not exist, and you don't live in the future. You are living in this present moment.

Take care.
If you don't quit you are already there.
Same with me. Pushed a bit too hard and now I have to rest. Lost 5 days already and it sucks. I have to switch out from supplements only to a combo with red light therapy. Same damage like this in the past would set me back at least two weeks.
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