Drink Up ! (Pomegranate that is )


Jul 24, 2005
Pomegranate juice has been found in lab tests to reduce the development of plaque on artery walls by at least 30 percent , reports Claudio Napoli ,MD,PhD , of the University of Naples School of Medicine in Italy , in the March 29 ,2005 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . Pomegranate juice also increased the production of nitric oxide by fifty percent !!! Which relaxes blood vessels , allowing blood to flow more freely . How much should you drink ? Napoli's colleague , Louis Ignarro , PhD , of the University of California , Los Angeles , answered quite specifically . He says that drinking one to tow 8-oz. glasses of pomegranate juice daily will help reverse plaque development , and , more importantly , to us Penis Enlargement-ers , get more blood flowing to our hard working units !! Just make sure you are buying a good quality juice , preferably organic , and containing pomegranate juice , not some filler , like apple . Cheers !!
Nice job Maine Man. I also read (can't site the specific study) that green tea extract, specifically epigalocatechingalate (EGCG) can prevent Alzheimers. It requires between 1300-1600mg daily to elicit this effect (which is the amount in about 30 cups of green tea), so if this is the effect you are after, buy an extract in pill form. Green tea by itself in tea form also has a myriad of health benefits for those who drink it. I know this is off topic, and I apologize for that.
goldmember said:
Green tea by itself in tea form also has a myriad of health benefits for those who drink it.

Absolutly. I drink about 4 cups a day for the thermogenic and anti-oxident properties. I'll be looking into the pomegranate info, too.
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