discolor/beauty Discoloration form vaccum hangin?


Nov 15, 2003
Do you guys get any discoloration from vaccum hanging? I'm thinking about getting a vaccum hanger.
I've had some slight discoloration, but I can't really say that it's caused by my vac hanger. Most discolorations that I know come from vacuum hanging (markings on the glands) usually disappear in a couple hours or so after use.
I have some pretty dark discoloration on the tip of the glans. At first this bruising/discoloration recedes following the removal of the hanger, yet, give it some time and the discoloration will become more or less permanent.
jqsderrida said:
I have some pretty dark discoloration on the tip of the glans. At first this bruising/discoloration recedes following the removal of the hanger, yet, give it some time and the discoloration will become more or less permanent.

like yourself i had some pretty dark discolouration on my glan and thought it was just something that came with the terittory; however, for the past 2 weeks i have been using an Aqueous Cream i bought from Boots chemist(UK) for dry and chapped lips... to my astonisHydromaxent its completely nullified any coarse, flakey skin, and moreover eradicated ALL the discolouration of the glan(still don't know how) so i recommend you give this stuff a spin... cheap as piss as well.

keep pushing
Discoloration not so much. More like a much more callused head. Your head skin becomes quite hard after peeling. It's nothing negative and isn't that bad.
Jason1 said:
Well its definetly not supposed to.

It's only the tip man. It's not that big of a deal. I'll take a little bit of something "unnatural" in order to gain an inch, especially since it's temporary.
10inchadvantage said:
It's only the tip man. It's not that big of a deal. I'll take a little bit of something "unnatural" in order to gain an inch, especially since it's temporary.

That's the leather-head being temporary, not the inch!
So is the leather thing a little fluid build up? Cause if so then I know exactly what you are talking about.
Although this has not occurred with me in my personal experience with vacuum-hanging (though keep in mind 10inch and I use different products), I think what he is alluding to is that, following frequent swellings of the tip of the glans as a consequence of lymphatic buildup, the tip of the glans begins to callus slightly.
jqsderrida said:
Although this has not occurred with me in my personal experience with vacuum-hanging (though keep in mind 10inch and I use different products), I think what he is alluding to is that, following frequent swellings of the tip of the glans as a consequence of lymphatic buildup, the tip of the glans begins to callus slightly.

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